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07-14-2004, 02:16 PM
It was just reported on CNN that our US Border Patrol cannot pick up Illegals because that would be racial profiling!!! Thats opens up a whole can of worms, and I'm sure there will be a lot more said on this subject.
The liberals have just cut the balls off our Border Patrol...

07-14-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by burtandnancy
It was just reported on CNN that our US Border Patrol cannot pick up Illegals because that would be racial profiling!!! Thats opens up a whole can of worms, and I'm sure there will be a lot more said on this subject.
The liberals have just cut the balls off our Border Patrol...
Q: Why do they call them Border Patrol?
A: Obviously because all they can do is patrol the border :mad:

07-14-2004, 02:21 PM
Thats just total bullshit. Now it will give more of them an incentive to come over here knowing once they get here there chances of getting sent back are slimmer. That sucks!!!!!!:mad: :mad:

little rowe boat
07-14-2004, 02:23 PM
Don't pick them up,just shoot um.

07-14-2004, 02:25 PM
Anybody have a link for this??? I couldn't find it on CNN's website.

07-14-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by little rowe boat
Don't pick them up,just shoot um.

07-14-2004, 02:25 PM
They should just set up tables with punch and cookies and party hats down there and a big welcome sign.
friggin idiots.
i'm sure after the first suitcase nuke goes off our border policies will be modified a bit and profiling will be erased from the dictionary. Unfortunately no one in charge gets it. All they care about is popularity and votes.
Keep in mind GW, no matter how popular you are if your voters are vaporized they won't be voting for you and your subsequent popularity will sag a bit.

little rowe boat
07-14-2004, 02:27 PM
Sometimes our government can be it's own worst enemy.

07-14-2004, 02:27 PM
What I do have is Asa Huchenson's email address!! Send him an email explaining that you support the apprehention and deportation of foriegn criminals who have broken into our country.

07-14-2004, 02:34 PM
they are here at LAX too.. :confused:

07-14-2004, 02:34 PM
sleekjet, it was Lou Dobbs lead story at 3:00 PM today. Its going to be up everywhere for sure. They pointed out the extreme lowering of morale in the service. Stay tuned...

07-14-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by mirvin
What I do have is Asa Huchenson's email address!! Send him an email explaining that you support the apprehention and deportation of foriegn criminals who have broken into our country.
John & Ken, of KFI radio, have had his email & phone #'s on their website suggesting the same thing, and he has been bombarded. What a useless pice-o-crap he is.

07-14-2004, 02:40 PM
This is pretty simple people. Look at what's happening in California. Our schools, hospitals, public services, all overrun by illegal immigrants.
This isn't about people. No one is saying "stop letting immigrants in". THey need to do it right. Why should people be able to sneak across the border and the "violla", home free.
I don't care if we have to build a friggin MOAT!! It's got to stop.
Plus, if millions of people can sneak across the border, what about the terrorists?????

07-14-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Ducatista
John & Ken, of KFI radio, have had his email & phone #'s on their website suggesting the same thing, and he has been bombarded. What a useless pice-o-crap he is.
yeah, that's where I got it from. Too bad nobody seems to care......

07-14-2004, 02:43 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Rexone
[B]They should just set up tables with punch and cookies and party hats down there and a big welcome sign.
Yea, and then point them to the DMV, our schools, and our emergency rooms....oh I forgot we already do that!
What a freekin mess! :mad:

07-14-2004, 02:45 PM
Send emails to Mr Hutchinson. They are having an effect. But he needs to get a couple million more emails before he gets the damn point. Send the address to everyone you know!
Also, if you aren't already aware of the John & Ken show on KFI 640 AM- check it out, they have an interesting idea brewing right now. Weekdays 3pm -7pm. Dont be complacent. Check it out: John and Ken Show (http://www.johnandkenshow.com/)

07-14-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by BrendellaJet
Send emails to Mr Hutchinson. They are having an effect. But he needs to get a couple million more emails before he gets the damn point. Send the address to everyone you know!
Also, if you aren't already aware of the John & Ken show on KFI 640 AM- check it out, they have an interesting idea brewing right now. Weekdays 3pm -7pm. Dont be complacent.
Let me guess....the human sacrifice? The only problem I see is that they want to target a Republican, and we can't spare loosing the seat.

07-14-2004, 03:20 PM
They aren't doing their jobs anyways. You wont even notice it if they are gone. My vote goes to Christopher Cox-hes a useless bum-He's in my district and Im willing to spare him to make a point!

Tom Brown
07-14-2004, 03:22 PM
Profiling Mexicans at the border! LMFAO! :D :D :D
You guys are so screwed! :D :D :D

07-14-2004, 03:32 PM
It used to be, a criminal would run TOWARDS the border to escape the law .... now they run FROM the border :rolleyes:
It's a wacky world we live in :confused:

07-14-2004, 03:34 PM
Next we'll have all kinds of "Frost Backs'"sneakin' in from Canada!;)

07-14-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by twistedpair
Next we'll have all kinds of "Frost Backs'"sneakin' in from Canada!;)
:D :D That's funny! I think it's backwards though, like we'll be sneaking into Canada soon enough!!
Try getting into Mexico from Guatamala. NO WAY. You will be shot onsight. Mexico is just trying to unload their economic refugees on us, and at the same time won't let anyone from south of them into their country. HMMMM.

spectras only
07-14-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by twistedpair
Next we'll have all kinds of "Frost Backs'"sneakin' in from Canada!;) I'm just trying to do that next weekend :D . Last time [ a few months ago] I've noticed at the Blaine crossing ,a hole bunch of mexican borderguys giving a hard time to canadians to VISIT [ not staying for good:p ] your country.:rolleyes: .

07-14-2004, 03:50 PM
Yeah, we just got back from Cancun on sunday. Officer Perez (of US Customs)at D/FW was giving me all kinds of crap because I am an American born in canada, and therefore the 'where were you born' portion of the customs form and my birth cert. did not match. Confused the shit out of him, and confused the shit out of me trying to decifer his thick accent.

07-14-2004, 03:52 PM
Can't they just patrol a "border" and stop people they see there, regardless of race? If you are crawling under a fence, does it matter what color you are?
This is a weird issue, we are (most of us) sons and daughters of immigrants, I know, I know, our grandparents came into this country legally, throught Ellis Island. Had their name changed to something "american" got shipped off to the War between the states (my cousins in Texas says there was nothing 'civil' about it)lol;)
Why doesn't Mexico do something about the plight of their people?
Debbolas<----------------just doesn't get it:confused:

07-14-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Debbolas
This is a weird issue, we are (most of us) sons and daughters of immigrants, I know, I know, our grandparents came into this country legally, throught Ellis Island. Had their name changed to something "american" got shipped off to the War between the states (my cousins in Texas says there was nothing 'civil' about it)lol;)
Why doesn't Mexico do something about the plight of their people?
The billions of Dollars we lose every year dont even include those that get sent back to the families of the illegal aliens. Illegal Aliens are not here to assimilate, they are hear to collect their tax free dollars, take advantage of our excessive social programs, and then send every oenny they can afford back to Maxico.
Mexico is doing something about the plight of their people, they're telling them to go to America where they give money away for free.

07-14-2004, 04:14 PM
Why doesn't Mexico do something about the plight of their people?
Debbolas<----------------just doesn't get it:confused: [/B][/QUOTE]
I believe it's because their Govt is corrupt Deb. Both Bush & Kerry will allow Fox to dump his problems(out of work poor people) on us, which is bankrupting many of our social services in Cali and Texas & elsewhere.

07-14-2004, 04:15 PM
Proud to live in Anaheim. Yes, we are the ONLY city in So Cal that calls immigration on the illlegals when they get put in jail.
I live pretty close to the cop shop and I see people protesting that all the time.

07-14-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Debbolas
Can't they just patrol a "border" and stop people they see there, regardless of race? If you are crawling under a fence, does it matter what color you are?
This is a weird issue, we are (most of us) sons and daughters of immigrants, I know, I know, our grandparents came into this country legally, throught Ellis Island. Had their name changed to something "american" got shipped off to the War between the states (my cousins in Texas says there was nothing 'civil' about it)lol;)
Why doesn't Mexico do something about the plight of their people?
Debbolas<----------------just doesn't get it:confused:
The issue now is sweeps and stopping them in the interior of the state, not just at the border. INS/Border Patrol has recently picked up several groups that were in Escondido and other inland areas, well away from the border. There was a bit of a backlash among the Imigrant support groups and that is what brought this to a head.
What should Mexico do? They are poor...the government and business is corrupt, I think one of the top sources of income is money sent back to Mexico from the US. They benefit from it......so they sure aren't going to stop it.
Slowly but surely they will take over the southwest through slow and steady population increase and eventually will have the voting power to be completely in charge.

07-14-2004, 04:30 PM
The INS, up here in Vegas, just went through this construction area where I have been working for a while. It sure has been quite latley.:)

07-14-2004, 04:37 PM
was the ACLU involved? kinda smells that way....

07-14-2004, 04:43 PM
What should Mexico do? They are poor...the government and business is corrupt, I think one of the top sources of income is money sent back to Mexico from the US. They benefit from it......so they sure aren't going to stop it.
That is an excellent point! If the country is benefiting from people sending money back to Mexico, why should they interfere?

07-14-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by hugh jascock
het dave,
i'm at euclid and ball and we are over run with illegals here! the damm beaners have taken over! I cant send my kids to public school it's so bad here.
:mad: :mad:
I think you should change your name to Hugh Jas, cuz that's what you just made out of yourself. My wife is part Indian and part Mexican. Maybe you should move to northern Idaho, I hear your kkkind is rekindling the "Master Race" up there.:rolleyes:

07-14-2004, 05:09 PM
hugh, your comment is way out of line. There are lots and lots of super mexican people here, mostly legal. There is great frustration at the INS with their hands being tied by the politicos at the fed and state level. Calling a certain class of people names such as you did does not solve the problem that our elected officials are piling on us...

07-14-2004, 05:13 PM
i thought thats all border patrol did... stop illegals... whats the point of having them there if they cant stop them????

07-14-2004, 05:24 PM
This is such an important issue. It drives me crazy that all these people are allowed to, illegaly enter our contry, take up room in our school, raise my taxes, and overburden our state!!
If it were any other county, they would be allowed to protect their borders. I am not against legal immigration, but we can only absorb so many people.
Unfortunatly, this has turned into a race issue. I dont care what color, race or religion you should not be here illegally. And forget about drivers licences!!
We, as citizens and tax payers need to stand up and be heard!!
go to John and Kens website and email these worthless **cks who should be working for us!!!!!!

07-14-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by twistedpair
I think you should change your name to Hugh Jas, cuz that's what you just made out of yourself. My wife is part Indian and part Mexican. Maybe you should move to northern Idaho, I hear your kkkind is rekindling the "Master Race" up there.:rolleyes:
"hugh, your comment is way out of line. There are lots and lots of super mexican people here, mostly legal. There is great frustration at the INS with their hands being tied by the politicos at the fed and state level. Calling a certain class of people names such as you did does not solve the problem that our elected officials are piling on us..."
Its nice to see people get bent out of shape about something so unimportant as this guys comment. I got $10 bucks that says he was stereotyping, and trying to be funny. It was a joke, so relax. He wasn't bashing your wife. Lets stay focused and put our anger/energy towards putting an end to groups like mecha and take this state back. Send your emails to Huchinson and tell your family and friends to do the same.

07-14-2004, 05:26 PM
you folks that live in orange county must be lucky.up here in the central valley the white folks are outnumbered.the boat cops have been hassling all the boats out in the delta cause they know we have money and will show up and pay on court days,california is already gone.somehow all the mexican people are buying up the $300,000 tract homes they are building around here .now you get piece of shit cars parked everywhere.i work as a tech at a ford dealer.all of the parts are hecho en mexico.a honda accord has more american content.i am looking into moving but its a little too hot in arizona and too many californians will live there soon.

07-14-2004, 05:27 PM
exactly... this is complete BS!!! there illegal in the first place and now they want drivers licenses???? become legal and you can have what other americans have... including taxes

Krazy K
07-14-2004, 05:33 PM
I have absolutely no problem with immigrants coming from Mexico LEGALLY! But if I saw one or two running across the freeway, then it is OPEN SEASON!!!
I got the following in an email. So friggin' true....sad, isn't it?
Go Ahead - We Dare You !
Enter Mexico illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas,
international law, or any of that nonsense.
Once there, demand that the local government
provide free medical care for you and your entire family. Demand bilingual nurses and doctors.
Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc.
Procreate abundantly. Deflect any criticism of this allegedly
irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural United States thing. You would not understand, pal."
Keep your American identity strong. Fly Old
Glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.
Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.
Demand classes on American culture the Mexican school system.
Demand a local Mexican driver license. This will afford other legal
rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Mexico.
Insist that local Mexican law enforcement teach English to all its
Good luck! You'll be demanding for the rest of time. Because it will
never happen. In Mexico or any other country in the world...
Except right here.
Land of the Naive.
God Bless America---She needs it.

little rowe boat
07-14-2004, 05:40 PM
Money sent into Mexico from undocumented workers,working in the US,is Mexico's second largest source of revenue.Petroleum being the first. Mexico's government has no intention of stopping there citizens crossing into the US legally or illegally.

07-14-2004, 05:49 PM
Guys, the second part of hugh jascock comments was out of line. But the first part is spot on. He should have called them illegals and not beaners though. (I too have lots of friends that are mexican)
Think about it. If this area was not over run people like Burt would still live in this area. Not that he ever lived in Anaheim but you get the idea. I meet tons of people that live in Irvine but grew up in Anaheim. I'm not talking Anaheim Hills either. Why did they move?
But rest assured that if they get put in the can their bus ride goes farther south then Santa Anna. :)
I live a few blocks from Anaheim High. Not many white kids there so I can understand his frustration.

07-14-2004, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by ShockwaveBob
Who would pick your lettuce, clean your hotel rooms and kick your field goals?
Hell, forget the beaners then, we could get gooks for that.....:rolleyes:

Blown 472
07-14-2004, 07:22 PM
Ah yes, the beauty of 40 below.

07-14-2004, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by ShockwaveBob
Who would pick your lettuce, clean your hotel rooms and kick your field goals?
Hey Bob, do the math. It's cheaper to pay someone a real wage to do these jobs, and then pay 4 times as much for the product, then it is to support all the illegals.

07-14-2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by ShockwaveBob
Who would pick your lettuce, clean your hotel rooms and kick your field goals?
The local welfare office seems a good place to start looking for replacements!!!!

07-14-2004, 07:32 PM
I'm Mexican and I agree with everything said so far (except for hugh's comment, who needs to take his ass back to public school and learn how to spell...LOL). The system is f*%@ed and our government needs to stop worrying about offending minority groups and friggen stop the bleeding. ILLEGAL immigration is sucking the life out of California and for them to stop border patrol from doing their job is retarded! :mad: Of course the people they stop are Mexican! It's the friggen Mexican border. That's not profiling, that's common sense. I swear, politicians make zero sense! :rolleyes:

07-14-2004, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by ShockwaveBob
Who would pick your lettuce, clean your hotel rooms and kick your field goals?
It started out like that...
Now it's progressed to...who will build your house? (slabs, framing, roofing, rough plumbing, rough electrical, drywall, painting, stucco, landscaping). Where does it end? Where does it spread to next?

07-14-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by ShockwaveBob
I'm not arguing with you, I'm just stating a stereotyped (fact). You can talk about paying a "real wage", but the fact is, most people will not do these jobs because they consider it beneath them.
I think you're wrong about that. People would do these jobs if they paid a living wage and offered benefits. If the illegal worker pool dried up, the company's would be forced to adapt. They would also be forced to adapt if the government started enforcing the laws regarding hiring illegal workers too.
It would be a domino effect. Americans would be doing these jobs, we'de be paying a little more at the grocery store, our schools would rebound, our healthcare system would be unburdened, and at the end of the year we'de have a solid 5 to 10 billion dollars to figure out how to spend.
I know it's a pipe dream, but it's not impossible.

07-14-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by ahhell
The local welfare office seems a good place to start looking for replacements!!!!
Nah, the fockers on welfare are even worse. They DON'T WANT TO work. Why work when you get it for free? :mad:

07-14-2004, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by ShockwaveBob
I'm also going to say this, just for clarity. NOT EVERY DARK SKINNED PERSON YOU SEE SWINGING A HAMMER IS ILLEGAL. I know we're all lumped together as "beaners", the same way all black guys can play basketball. ;)
I agree.

Blown 472
07-14-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by IN2-IN2MX
I'm Mexican and I agree with everything said so far (except for hugh's comment, who needs to take his ass back to public school and learn how to spell...LOL). The system is f*%@ed and our government needs to stop worrying about offending minority groups and friggen stop the bleeding. ILLEGAL immigration is sucking the life out of California and for them to stop border patrol from doing their job is retarded! :mad: Of course the people they stop are Mexican! It's the friggen Mexican border. That's not profiling, that's common sense. I swear, politicians make zero sense! :rolleyes:
Zero sense? newflash they are not out for you, they are out to stay in office and do what ever it takes, via la revolution.

07-14-2004, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by ShockwaveBob
Who would pick your lettuce, clean your hotel rooms and kick your field goals? Ideally the lazy fockers of all colors who we'd kick out of the welfare cycles if the Dems didn't need their votes.:yuk:

07-14-2004, 08:08 PM
Seriously? HowTF do they do their job now?

07-14-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Blown 472
Zero sense? newflash they are not out for you, they are out to stay in office and do what ever it takes, via la revolution.
And stopping border patrol is going to help them?

Blown 472
07-14-2004, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by IN2-IN2MX
And stopping border patrol is going to help them?
Weren't they courting the votes of latino crowd? this just helps them.

07-14-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Blown 472
Weren't they courting the votes of latino crowd? this just helps them.
none of the Mexicans I know would agree with that decision. The ones that would probably don't even speak English (and aren't registered to vote).

07-14-2004, 08:43 PM
Im a beaner , I just ate a whole bunch of beans and tortilla's and chicken

07-14-2004, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by ShockwaveBob
You're fighting a war you can't win. As of the 2000 US Census, LA County was 45% hispanic, Riverside County is 33% Hispanic, San Diego County is 29% and Orange County is 34%. You will be the minority in most of Southern California within the next 10-15 years. These numbers are increasing exponentionally compared to the other races counted. It's also estimated that in LA and SD Counties, these numbers could be underreported by as much as 5%.
If you're not gonna be part of the solution, you're part of the problem. ****ing Communist.

07-14-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by IN2-IN2MX
Nah, the fockers on welfare are even worse. They DON'T WANT TO work. Why work when you get it for free? :mad:
Is that like buying the cow when the milk is free?:p

07-14-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by IN2-IN2MX
Of course the people they stop are Mexican! It's the friggen Mexican border. That's not profiling, that's common sense. I swear, politicians make zero sense! :rolleyes:
I laugh everytime they bring up the profiling thing. Our politicians are so afraid of every activist group out there they are totally paralysed regarding enforcing the law. They are only concerned about re-election and could not give a crap about protecting our borders from terriorist or economic illegals. Otherwise they would enforce the law and lock the border down and make people go through the legitimate and proper procedure to become a "legal" immigrant.
While the economic illegal is obviously taking a huge toll I think the more immediate threat is one of security. Like I said above, after the first suitcase nuke goes off and levels a major city things will change. Unfortunately millions may die to make that change occur. Yeah maybe I'm wacko... but who'd a thought 911 would happen either before 911?
And the Mexican border with CA is only a small slice of a big rotten watermelon.

07-15-2004, 06:51 AM
I'm so Fing tired of people saying our economy would collapse if we didn't have illegals. NOT TRUE! these people did not come and fill jobs nobody wanted, they came and offered to do a $5-8/hr job for $2 an hour. Do you think just because there are no wetbacks to pick lettuce that we won't have lettuce in stores? Well, obviously you know nothing about the unstoppable force called capitalism.
The wine industry went through the same thing when nobody wanted the backbreaking job of picking grapes by hand. Did wine stop being made? No, they invented revoltionary techniques and machines to do it and now wine prices are actually lower than they have ever been.
Now, as to the people who admire these scumbags for being willing to work so hard for so little money, WAKE UP! There is absolutely nothing admirable or noble about working a sht ass job for slave wages all your life. The American Dream is based on the desire to better yourself continually in order to acheive your goals. As a result, the country benefits from increases in skilled workers and cash flow. Not only do these thieves not attempt to better themselves,(look at the way they live!) they take the money they earn ILLEGALLY in our country and send it back to Mexico.($10 billion just from California last year) That is the very definition of theft!
They do not pay taxes, regardless of what the wetback lobby would try to make you believe, and they only have pride for the country they came from. Now, the wetback lobbyists are attempting to get these criminals the RIGHT TO VOTE!!!:mad: I am sometimes ashamed at the people in this country who refuse to stand up against behavior like this. We need to send a message to these people that as long as they come here ILLEGALLY they are not welcome. Seal up the porous borders with military force, if necessary. The military's job is to defend us from foreign nations who seek to do harm to our country. Isn't that's what's happening here?

Blown 472
07-15-2004, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by burtandnancy
It was just reported on CNN that our US Border Patrol cannot pick up Illegals because that would be racial profiling!!! Thats opens up a whole can of worms, and I'm sure there will be a lot more said on this subject.
The liberals have just cut the balls off our Border Patrol...
So much for keep the homeland safe and worrying about terrorists coming into the country.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

07-15-2004, 07:56 AM
Here's the thing...it may be slave wages to us but compared to what they pay in Mexico it's A LOT OF MONEY!
Although it is illegal immigrants that are to blame for coming here (whether to work hard and make a decent living OR take advantage of our system, be lazy and still get paid), it is up to the United States to stop it. Think about it! Illegal immigrants from Mexico aren't going to stop coming over on their own accord...especially since it's the choice between staying in Mexico and not making shiat or coming here and having a better life. Our government has to be proactive and getting all wussy over border patrol is only going to be more of an invitation for anyone to come on over. Lock down the borders, stop everyone (even if it is "profiling"), require US credentials for all benefits, etc. I don't make enough money as it is and I'm friggen tired of paying for other people who shouldn't be here in the first place.
High Roller - Since I am Mexican I don't think "wetback" is a very nice term (but maybe you just aren't a very nice person) :confused: :yuk:

07-15-2004, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by IN2-IN2MX
Here's the thing...it may be slave wages to us but compared to what they pay in Mexico it's A LOT OF MONEY!
Although it is illegal immigrants that are to blame for coming here (whether to work hard and make a decent living OR take advantage of our system, be lazy and still get paid), it is up to the United States to stop it. Think about it! Illegal immigrants from Mexico aren't going to stop coming over on their own accord...especially since it's the choice between staying in Mexico and not making shiat or coming here and having a better life. Our government has to be proactive and getting all wussy over border patrol is only going to be more of an invitation for anyone to come on over. Lock down the borders, stop everyone (even if it is "profiling"), require US credentials for all benefits, etc. I don't make enough money as it is and I'm friggen tired of paying for other people who shouldn't be here in the first place.
High Roller - Since I am Mexican I don't think "wetback" is a very nice term (but maybe you just aren't a very nice person) :confused: :yuk:
I'm a Mexican too, and I have seen my fair share of racist remarks from High Roller. He's just ignorant when it comes to just classifying Wet Bags as illegal immigrants. :yuk:

07-15-2004, 08:22 AM
I said it before and I will say it again. THIS IS NOT A RACE ISSUE. We need to get away from that. If Norway was the county south of the border, and its citizens flooding our country ILLEGALLY the problems would still be the same. The fact than its "Mexico" and "mexicans" for the most part is not the issue.If you are here illegally, you are not wanted.
Those who feel that "cheaper" lettuce is helping us, Wake Up!!!! We(legal tax paying citizens) are paying big on the back end!!
The politicians that we have elected into office are not doing thier job for the Citizens and Tax payers!!!! We have the right to protect our quality of life here and now!!We need them to get the message that it is not acceptable anymore!!
Drivers licenses, amnisty, social security benefits???NO WAYY!!

07-15-2004, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by hugh jascock
het dave,
i'm at euclid and ball and we are over run with illegals here! the damm beaners have taken over! I cant send my kids to public school it's so bad here.
:mad: :mad:
:eek!: :mad:

07-15-2004, 09:06 AM
I find it interesting that people think Illegals are the only ones that would do the farm jobs. There are also a lot of Legal Immigrants that need to make a start that are willing to do those jobs. We also have a lot of Citizens that are down on there luck that would gladly work in the fields.
Hell get rid of the welfare system and a lot of people would be looking for work any work.
I myself am a classic example of a Middle class White farm worker. I spent a good portion of my high school years working in farming and ranching to earn money.
The fact of the matter is that people will move into those jobs.

Holy Tera
07-15-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by mirvin
I think you're wrong about that. People would do these jobs if they paid a living wage and offered benefits. If the illegal worker pool dried up, the company's would be forced to adapt. They would also be forced to adapt if the government started enforcing the laws regarding hiring illegal workers too.
It would be a domino effect. Americans would be doing these jobs, we'de be paying a little more at the grocery store, our schools would rebound, our healthcare system would be unburdened, and at the end of the year we'de have a solid 5 to 10 billion dollars to figure out how to spend.
I know it's a pipe dream, but it's not impossible.
Amen Mirvin!
It's easy to talk about if you have never experienced an influx like this, but to Texans it just seems like Mexico is taking Texas back one immigrant at a time. There are many sides to this issue, but I agree with whoever said they simply need to police the borders better no matter WHO is doing the crossing. I was born and raised in Houston, in a middle class neighborhood, black and white and Spanish, where everyone knew each other, and watched over each others kids. But by 1980 there were so many Mexicans filling up the apartments and houses that were for rent in my area that broken down cars, garbage, and stabbings began to be the norm, and the families that had been there for 50+ years had to leave to keep from getting killed by strangers who claimed to be "poor innocent folks trying to make a living", taking bad losses on their houses. Our schools became flooded and riots broke out due to misunderstandings (language barriers), and illegals rudely and arrogantly pushing their way into our lives. None of us ever thought of carrying a knife or a gun to school, it wasn't needed. Until they were used on us. It got so ambulances at my Junior High was a common thing. Same at the High School. It isn't about their character as people in general so much as it is about too many people in too small a space. When that happens there is bound to be more garbage, more broken down cars (or unlicensed/uninsured and can't be driven because no one has an ID to get any), etc. I felt sorry for them, living that way, so crowded together. They made crap wages, and had too many people to feed, so they HAD to share with 10 others just to make it. However; this is nothing our own families haven't gone through in the past. Our ancestors lived with nothing; no benefits, and no parents to fall back on (because they were across an ocean someplace). Even the depression was different because they were already here and starving. Imagine the devastation there would be if our economy took a major hit like that now with 10 times more people. I won't recant history, we know this already. Our families throughout history fought and died protecting this country and it's borders (as well as defending OTHER countries borders). Why do we not do this now (albeit it politically)? Do the politicians care nothing for the fact that one day there may be no Gov. for them to run because the damn thing is bankrupt? I used to work for the State as an Investigators Aid in the Food Stamp Office, and we had a discussion one day with a caseworker who kept giving people whatever they wanted, and was told that if they kept that up in one year our welfare system was gonna go broke like it did in NY, and then you can't help anyone, not even yourself, because you'll be out of a job. They had already started laying off because of it. I think anyone who doesn't get it should take a trip to their local labor pool and ask the men there what they think about illegal immigration and whether or not they'd take a cut in pay to get a construction job just to be able to feed their kids and have a little dignity left. They can't get one because crew bosses show up with pickups and take on any illegal that wants a days pay because they can get away with ripping them off. It isn't fair to the immigrants, and it damn sure ain't fair to the citizens of Houston who need and WANT to work. In the late 70's there were 2 million people there. By the 80's there were 3 million, and by the 90's 4 million. Harris County is going to hit 5 million people before ya know it, with no end in sight. People are steadily moving away from town. I remember how I felt when I wanted to rent an apartment in 1997 where my Mom lived, and the office told me that since I had no rental history in town I had to pay 6 months rent in advance plus deposit ($2800, this because I owned a home before my divorce and then lived in the Hill Country and never had paid rent in Houston), yet there were at least 200 illegals in our apartments who had NO ID, NO job record, NO credit, and NO problem moving in a new family member every weekend. Twice my car was hit in the parking lot. First by a Mexican guy who got drunk and beat up his gf and threw the baby in the bushes, then drove off in HER car, and hit mine and 4 others. Harris County came in, but all they could get him on was battery, NOT for hitting the cars on private property. Then a woman who didn't know how to drive her husband's new truck backed into mine and tore the other tail light housing off (how do they get those btw if they really come here broke?). They tore the rear end of my car to shit, I didn't have $3000 to fix it, but there was no recourse because they had no ID or insurance and it was on private property. I feel sorry for the families who are really broke, but there are many who come here that HAVE money and exploit their own people for slave labor. The woman that hit me was going to leave the scene after telling me (in 90 MPH Spanish like I understood her) that her husband's friends own a body shop. She was panicked because she A: had a wreck in it, and B: because her HUSBAND is the only one that could talk to me about the damages, SHE wasn't allowed! She was told "it don't work that way here, in THIS country women have minds and we use them, and we are responsisble for our actions, we cannot by law leave it to the man to figure out. You don't just leave the scene and "promise" he'll come over and do the right thing. And we all have to show ID and proof of insurance. PERIOD!" Fortunately a wrecker driver heard the SD call and came in, and blocked her from driving away until Harris County got there. It didn't help me a bit though. We moved further and further out, but they took that over too. I got sick of having to worry about if my car would be there when I wanted it, if I or my son or Mom would be killed just walking to it. Or if my son would be killed in school because the "chuko's" wanna make points with their gang. I had to let him move away to his Dad's to finish school. That was it for me, I bought a house in Livingston 90 miles North in the country and not ONCE have we been broken into or had our cars hit, or been threatened for no reason. I am afraid to go to my own home town due to the gangs, and the violence, and the heartbreak I feel. Everything I grew up with and loved is all destroyed now. My beautiful home city is a facade. A lovely red apple surrounded by worms who will eventually destroy it. The best of everything in the world, yet you cannot walk the streets after 5 PM. No amount of polishing is going to solve the problem. I was there a few weeks ago and I didn't even recognize my old neighborhood. Everything is falling in. Everyone is gone. Even the poor Mexicans can't stand living there now. I cried all the way home. So like most of us I left my home behind. When does it stop? For Texan's not very damn soon 'cause we have alot more mileage for them to take over than Calif does. I feel sorry for the people of Texas who've lived here all their lives and can't get steady work because some "immigrant" wants to exploit his own people. I feel sorry for the poor immigrants that so badly need a better life, and can't count on their own country to provide it. But most of all I feel sorry for the children, because illegals don't want the desert, they are taking over the cities and suburbs....and it's the kids who in future will either never grow up in one place or will have to leave the only home/schools they've ever known just to be safe. No one is going to reclaim our dreams but us, and we better get to it fast. Here's a $1.00...I think I went way over my 2 cents worth.

07-15-2004, 10:48 AM
Uhh, that sounds like "El Aye" (L.A.);)
There are so many fronts to this battle. Someone needs to go after businesses who have created this climate. THey would not come if the jobs weren't available to them.
Our elected officials need to have some balls and step up and say what's right and what's wrong and not cower to the special interest whinners!!
This whole situation is rediculous.

07-15-2004, 11:04 AM
They also wouldn't come if no business would help them if they didn't speaka ingles. It burns me up that a person can come to this country and live for years without having to know a word of english. And then we have to print everything in THEIR laanguage to accomodate them. Screw that. Throw every last one of those bums back over the border and seal it up. And whoever is trying to defend them can go too. If you like Mexico so much, get the F$%k out of my country.

dirty old man
07-15-2004, 11:09 AM
I saw one comment that is very true: The polititions are not doing their job. All they seem to want is their perks and a golden parachute retirement.

07-15-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by dirty old man
I saw one comment that is very true: The polititions are not doing their job. All they seem to want is their perks and a golden parachute retirement.
The Republicans are not doing their job. The Dems are almost guilty of TREASON on this matter. It's almost like they're working for Mexico. They are out of their minds, giving away OUR tax money to people who broke into the country ILLEGALLY!!
If I was a legal immigrant I would be seething. It really spit's in the face of people who follow the rules.

07-15-2004, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by jas0502
I said it before and I will say it again. THIS IS NOT A RACE ISSUE. We need to get away from that. If Norway was the county south of the border, and its citizens flooding our country ILLEGALLY the problems would still be the same. The fact than its "Mexico" and "mexicans" for the most part is not the issue.If you are here illegally, you are not wanted.
For some unknown reason .. I have a hard time beliving that ;)

07-15-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by cigarette1
For some unknown reason .. I have a hard time beliving that ;)
Maybe the reason you have a hard time believing that is becuase 95% of the illegals here in Cali are Mexican?
I do agree that this is not a race issue. I love Mexicans. My wife is Mexican. In fact, I love everybody. I just don't think we should be rewarding people who break and enter.

Holy Tera
07-15-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by HighRoller
They also wouldn't come if no business would help them if they didn't speaka ingles. It burns me up that a person can come to this country and live for years without having to know a word of english. And then we have to print everything in THEIR laanguage to accomodate them. Screw that. Throw every last one of those bums back over the border and seal it up. And whoever is trying to defend them can go too. If you like Mexico so much, get the F$%k out of my country.
I understand your points HR, but anger at the people of Mexico won't solve this. It is our Govt. that allows it, and the Govt. of Mexico that condones it, for their own gain, either monetary or politically. That being said it's funny to me that if someone from any other country except Mexico wants to immigrate here THEY have to show just cause and take their oath IN ENGLISH. Yet Mexican immigrants are neither forced to file for residency or to learn the language; we in Texas have been forced to learn theirs just as you said. That doesn't happen in other places outide the US that I know of.
And to the goof with the lettuce picker comment; kiss my grits! :yuk:
Tera......proud to be the daughter, Grand-daughter, and Great Grand-daughter of common cotton, fruit, and vegetable pickers, cattle rangers, oil field workers, carpenters, waitresses, and truckers. And that's just the FEMALE line! :D

07-15-2004, 11:32 AM
Yessir, hot heads who think it's appropriate to go after the "beaners" and the"wetbacks" etc. only give feul to the special interest groups that are facilitating the whole cycle.
Highroller, you only make it harder for the rightous to prevail in such a sensitive issue. As we strive to bring this issue into the light and expose it for what it really is, the plundering of our laws and our coffuers, you only exhasterbate the ammunition for the socialists who seek to eliminate our nations borders.

Tyson Ross
07-15-2004, 11:38 AM
I posted a reply under Rice Road Deaths, but I'll mention it here. The 4 occupants of the white Lincoln Town car that CAUSED the head on on Rice Road killing all 5 involved were from Mexico City, Mexico. They come up here and think they can drive like they do down there:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Holy Tera
07-15-2004, 11:47 AM
How awful! God bless and keep their families in the hollow of his hand during such a tragedy as this.

07-15-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Tyson Ross
I posted a reply under Rice Road Deaths, but I'll mention it here. The 4 occupants of the white Lincoln Town car that CAUSED the head on on Rice Road killing all 5 involved were from Mexico City, Mexico. They come up here and think they can drive like they do down there:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Where were those who have caused all the other deadly Rice Road head on crashes from ??

Holy Tera
07-15-2004, 01:38 PM
From FreeRepublic.com "A Conservative News Forum"
It's happening everywhere....even here in po-dunk Kansas. My aunt's taxes have gone up outrageously over the past decade. It seems to have happened around early to mid 90's.
Kansas meat packing plants expand, hire "Texans" whose primary language is spanish...yeah right.
Anyhow, now her town has built 5 new grade schools, a new jr. high and high school. ...in ten years
also, the Jail expanded...not once but TWICE in the last ten years.
Plus all of the "interesting bars", hole in the wall shops, gangs...etc. half of the down town business area has closed up, just broken windows and a few desperte hangers on.....
....what remains downtown business wise is painted in day-glo colors, plays tejano music and you'll see 5 mexican flags for every American flag. The city says population now 60% hispanic, and thats a conservative estimate....aunt says it more like 80%
They are desperate, desperate to move.
The final straw was when my uncle went to the Burger King drive through for dinner and when he pulled up to speaker he heard Spanish. "Bienvenido Burger King, como...."
Apparently even the fast food restaurants have given up on english , and just assume everyone speaks spanish.
My Uncle said "Thats it, we're moving the hell outta here and drove off....hehe
final funny story about "Nuevo America"
Their grand daughter, my cousins little girl Meghan is in kindergarten.....35 kids, 2 anglos.....hehe.
On the plus side Lil Meghan is ahead of the game, she is learning everything in spanish, because that's what the teacher and fellow students speak 80% of the time in kindergarten...hehe.
Don't laugh...you're paying for it.
My point exactly earlier about Houston! This is damned scary stuff I'm seeing, thanks for the heads up you guys!

07-15-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by mirvin
Uhh, that sounds like "El Aye" (L.A.);)
There are so many fronts to this battle. Someone needs to go after businesses who have created this climate. THey would not come if the jobs weren't available to them.
Our elected officials need to have some balls and step up and say what's right and what's wrong and not cower to the special interest whinners!!
This whole situation is rediculous.
This is true, but the labor burden on top of the hourly wage in these industries needs to come down to earth. Thank the trial lawyers for where it is now. Oh , and the Dems they dance for.

Holy Tera
07-16-2004, 05:42 PM
There is a site called NumbersUSA that allows you to send a fax directly to your Reps and Senators regarding illegal immigration. You can find it at http://www.numbersusa.com/index (NumbersUSA )
They cover every aspect of the current laws and issues on this topic. Give it a look see.

07-16-2004, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Tyson Ross
I posted a reply under Rice Road Deaths, but I'll mention it here. The 4 occupants of the white Lincoln Town car that CAUSED the head on on Rice Road killing all 5 involved were from Mexico City, Mexico. They come up here and think they can drive like they do down there:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
that hapend to a good freind his dad was killed at the seen
and he and his girl friend were in the hospitall for a month
my friend died a year later from coplacations his girl friend
is ok but has bad scares

Holy Tera
07-16-2004, 06:42 PM
Besides the ones that tore up my car in the parking lot in 1998, I was injured in 1987 in a accident caused by some illegals. They pulled onto the freeway LOOP 610 East headed for the ship channel in Houston, doing maybe 30 MPH right in front of a semi pulling a tanker full of gas. The driver tried to keep from hitting them but failed, his tanker flipped, and the first section exploded right thru the cab of the truck burning him alive. The middle section blew when I was on the opposite side of the freeway up against the concrete wall. No one would let me over to the right, the heat was getting unbearable even in a new Silverado with the AC full blast. All the oxygen was gone instantly in the truck so of course I rolled the window down. I had to yank my glasses off (the metal frames burned my face so I threw them in the floor). Anyway the third section blew and the flames came right at me. I threw my arm up to protect my face, and stomped the pedal and turned hard right, not caring who I hit. I ended up in the grass to the far right of the freeway, immediately wanted away from the truck, but I got out and then realized I was blind. I tried to get back in but when I grabbed the bed it was so hot it burned my hands and arms and the melted paint came off on my skin. I could hear cars sliding around all over the place, and finally found a sign post and wrapped my arms around it. No one hit me. I pulled my seared eyelids apart and went back the truck, and to work, where they took me to a hospital. My eyes, face, arms, and lungs were burned. The illegals had no insurance or licenses, and none of the 4 of them were arrested. This accident ruined homes nearby (melting paint, siding, roofs, and windows) besides the other stuff. It was 4 weeks before the bandages came off and I could tell if I was blind or not.
I don't blame the Mexican people et. al. I blame our Govt. for allowing these things to go unchecked and un-prosecuted. Accidents will happen, it does not matter who was driving, or where they are from. It was our own Police or Sheriff's Dept. that let them go free, because they know the Govt. will not prosecute as they should anyway. And unless you are willing to call and write your Reps. etc and complain, and vote against these things they will continue. Have a good safe weekend everyone! :D