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View Full Version : So I'm at Castaic last Saturday...............

07-21-2004, 05:07 PM
......... and I pull up into a cove to kick it. I'm floating about 75 feet from a nice little beach, and two Lifeguard boats come flyin in right towards me and a couple other boats near me. They said something over their P.A., but I couldn't hear it, my stereo was too loud. A few seconds later, they turn around and split. I asked people in the other boat what they said. They were saying "put your hands up". My wife said ALL the other people had their hands up. I didn't hear shit, so whatever. Anyways, a dude on that nice little beach behind me proceeds to tell me that earlier that day, someone pulled a gun on him at THAT beach. They were there first thing in the morning and left for a run on the lake. All there stuff was there, and when they got back, some guy and his wife were there in their spot. Mind you, the spot wasn't that huge. So he said he was trying to be cool and confronted him, saying it was disrespectful that he just came up and barged into the spot. The guy yanks a gun out and is getting pissed and tells him he doesn't own the lake. WTF????? These people had kids there too. I know what you might be thinking. Gangster, thug or whatever. The guy told me that the prick was like a 45 to 50 year old "normal" looking guy. What the hell is this place coming to?? I don't know about the rest of you, but some mofo pulls out a gun and my kids are around, that's enough to make me snap. Some stupid shit. What your backs out there.

Mrs Luvnlife
07-21-2004, 05:22 PM
Doesn't surprise me anymore, unfortunately :(.

07-21-2004, 05:26 PM
Yea, I guess your right. That's sounds like something you'd expect from a Raiders fan. :D :D It just sucks cause sometimes I take my kids there too. Lack of ettiquette nowadays.

07-21-2004, 05:33 PM
That goes WAAAAAYYYYY beyond "lack of etiquette". It's people like this that are in the same realm as the one's involved in the "guys hitting girls at the sandbar" thread.
Freakin a-holes need to be rounded up and put in jail. They're ruining OUR sport/recreation of choice.

07-21-2004, 07:11 PM
what next......:D

07-21-2004, 08:27 PM
Theres always going to be those type of people that ruin it for everyone else. I dont understand why they would do such a stupid thing. It freakin pisses me off when i hear crap like this.

07-21-2004, 11:41 PM
un-frigging believable...., I'm pissed too.

07-22-2004, 12:19 AM
That is some fuc ked up shit. Confirms my wife's theory that it is better to just walk away then get shot. She gets pissed when ever I stand up or speak up in a sitch like this. Says its not worth getting shot over a parking space etc. You just never know what kind of psycho is out there and what kind of mental state he is in. Unbelievable with kids there and all.
This year seems to be one of the worst when it comes to this kind of shit happening on the water. Makes me sick that you have to seriously considering bringing a gun with you when you boat to protect you and your family. What the fuc k is happending with this country. Bad enough the terrorists want to kill us all, no need to be killing each other over stupid ass shit like this:confused:
Sorry for the rant.

Mrs Luvnlife
07-22-2004, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by Old Lavey
That is some fuc ked up shit. Confirms my wife's theory that it is better to just walk away then get shot. She gets pissed when ever I stand up or speak up in a sitch like this. Says its not worth getting shot over a parking space etc. You just never know what kind of psycho is out there and what kind of mental state he is in. Unbelievable with kids there and all.
This year seems to be one of the worst when it comes to this kind of shit happening on the water. Makes me sick that you have to seriously considering bringing a gun with you when you boat to protect you and your family. What the fuc k is happending with this country. Bad enough the terrorists want to kill us all, no need to be killing each other over stupid ass shit like this:confused:
Sorry for the rant.
Very well said.....and sooo true!

07-22-2004, 06:11 AM
You never know what you may be walking into with some of these people. Sometimes it may just be better to bite your tounge and walk away.

07-22-2004, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by JetBoatRich
You never know what you may be walking into with some of these people. Sometimes it may just be better to bite your tounge and walk away.
Or carry a gun yourself and be a bit faster on the draw:wink:

07-22-2004, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by MOBrien
That goes WAAAAAYYYYY beyond "lack of etiquette". It's people like this that are in the same realm as the one's involved in the "guys hitting girls at the sandbar" thread.
The people in that thread that scare me are some of the ones that offered to HELP! The "I'll go kick his ass for you" mentality isn't that far removed from the one's they're PISSED AT!

07-22-2004, 08:34 AM
I thought you weren't supposed to pull your junk unless you had to use it:D

07-22-2004, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by mirvin
I thought you weren't supposed to pull your junk unless you had to use it:D
I'm not a two pump chump. If I pulled my junk out, I'd be blasted and buried before I got a shot off. :D :D

07-22-2004, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Mrs Luvnlife
Very well said.....and sooo true!

plaster dave
07-26-2004, 07:48 PM
ok i was their when the guy was getting arrested @ the dock like 3 ft from it . the police officer i talked to said it was over a beach spot but also a dog fight that almost happened. but just remember that we are only hearing 1 side. by the way the guy was in a 240 hallette s/p white with blue and he was at least 55 or 60. and only with his wife, and the that had the guy pulled on them was 30 something with 2 guys and a girl with a little guy that didnt look like a fighting dog. lol