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View Full Version : Thanks to Locogringo!

Keith E. Sayre
07-25-2004, 10:02 AM
Saturday afternoon at the launch ramp and the batteries are
dead in the 1992 21' open bow that I am backing into the water!
What kind of a demo ride starts off with dead batteries when it is
110 degrees outside and Windsor ramp is crowded. The couple in
the boat were very well mannered but you could see that they were a bit nervous. Then Jim Tacker my buddy with the 38 Formula "Carte Blanche" shows up next to us, no problem,he'll
jump start us! OOOPPSS--his batteries were drained also.
That's when I see my friend Daniel Bruckner at the dock in his
boat. He took the time to carry us a charger box all the way around to the ramp and did it with a smile on his face!
Thank YOU Daniel for saving the day. Your demeanor and smile
and friendly nonchalant way that you have saved the day. The
folks relaxed and life was good again.
For that matter, thanks to all those that regularly go out of your
way to help others on the lake and the river. That's the way that it should be.
Keith Sayre
Conquest Boats

07-25-2004, 10:36 AM
That's what it is supposed to be all about....boaters helping out boaters. WTG, Loco! :)

07-25-2004, 10:50 AM
You score some really big karma points when you help out a guy like Keith Sayre! Nice work!

07-25-2004, 11:51 AM
Loco to the rescue:cool: That a boy Loco more peps should jump in and go the extra mile.

07-25-2004, 09:00 PM
yeah, your welcome Keith. Too bad he forgot to mention that when I was walking down the ramp to give him the portable charger, I slipped in the water, hit my head, got knocked unconscious, had a trailer tire roll over my head and peed in my shorts.
Besides that, I'm glad I could help you out. By the way, Keith has helped me out more than one time when he was over at Magic. That is the least I could do.
Too bad it didn't solve your problem though. Did it not have enough juice in it or was it something else? I'm gonna buy another one tomorrow because I've had that for 4 years and am thinking that it isn't holding a full charge.

07-25-2004, 11:49 PM
Good job Loco, it's too bad more people aren't as willing to help out boaters in need. It's all about the boater's unwritten rules. That's how my bro and I became friends with Phatt Matt and Jen a few years ago. We had no idea who there were but we saw them pulled over at Desert Center around midnight and Matt couldn't trace down the wire or fuse that caused his trailer lights to go out. I crawled under his car and found the problem and the rest is Slurricane history.
When the drive went out on us a few months ago I gave Matt a call and he was there to offer assistance and slurricanes when we got back into the channel. We even gave a jump to a new eliminator deck boat while we were waiting for the tow. I figured I would lend a helping hand to another boater because I know it's not the last time I'm going to need good karma on my side.
Loco to the rescue That a boy Loco more peps should jump in and go the extra mile.
Instead of the Marina passing out informational brochures on noise levels or air quality, they should pass out the unwritten rules of the water or common courtesy for boaters. In today's times it looks like common sense or courtesy is not so common anymore.