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View Full Version : Stalker radar...need help and advice

07-25-2004, 10:57 PM
Tonight coming back from dropping off my boat in BHC and heading back home to S CA I got a ticket via radar in Mohave Valley. The speeds change from 40-45-55-45-55 and sometimes you just aren't quite sure of the speed limit. Anyhow, when he pulled me over I saw I was going 55 and the limit was 45 which I honestly just missed the posted speed. No biggie except for this guy was not very nice. He said I was going 67 and wrote it up. BS....all the way. There was a sooped up Mustang that was flying past me and he hit his brakes pretty hard and dropped behing me. That was when the cop came towards us. I suspect that the Mustang had a radar detector and the radar was actually picking him up and not me.
I think I am going to try to go to court on it strictly as I know I was nowhere near 67.....What about accuracy, coming at you with the radar...stuff like that. Isn't it quite possible this radar actually picked the other guy up? Help me out here please.

07-25-2004, 11:25 PM
from what ive heard they've clocked bushes at 20 mph so it could be wrong...they do have to calibrate their guns. There was a topic this past week with info that might help you regarding speeding tickets do a search for it

07-26-2004, 05:18 AM
Unless the officer was using LIDAR (Laser radar), the standard radar gun will generally pick up the closest moving object to the radar gun. An exception to this would be if you have a small compact car like a Miata moving slowly with a large vehicle like a semi or box truck moving much faster directly behind or next to the smaller car, then the radar would probably pick up the speed of the truck as opposed to the Miata.
So, if the Mustang was ahead of you when the officer locked in what he thought was your speed, in reality he could have had the Mustangs speed locked in, not yours. Do you homework, draw some nice diagrams and present your case to the judge.

07-26-2004, 05:22 AM
Good morning,
I hope this helps. Fight your ticket (http://www.motorists.com/issues/tickets/ticket_fighting_info_strategies.html)