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Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 03:33 PM
Okey Doke. Here's your chance boy's.
One vote per person. I'm sure as much as I am loved, many of my devotees would want to vote briskly and often but....that just ain't fair.
I have this "troll" reputation because I disagree with the tightie rightie's emphatically and often. They want me to leave this little slice of heaven 'cuz I upset their vision of linear thought and and patent acceptance of all tripe shoveled by the current administration.
There are approximately a hundred prolific posters who essentially maintain the consistency of the bb's here. A majority (even a slim one) will be adhered to by me. I don't wish to upset the entire board but I'm extremely guilty of loving to upset the brain trust of Hot Boat Forums you know as... the "tightie rightie's".
Vote me off. A simple goodbye or hook ass will suffice. Elaborating the reason for your vote might be fun to read. (Someone help mediocre Dad with the big words.) Love to all and vote your heart. Remember... a "majority" represents all posters in this forum and not just the think tank who sends their charity checks to the Drudge Report instead of UNICEF.
Try not to let my rugged good looks sway your vote.

08-09-2004, 03:35 PM

08-09-2004, 03:37 PM
:idea: :argue: :sleeping: :idea:

08-09-2004, 03:38 PM
where does the vote go.. :confused: or do you want it out in the open.. :D

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 03:38 PM

08-09-2004, 03:40 PM
LP, you need to do this with a poll. Oh and by the way, See Ya..... ;)

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 03:40 PM
This is clearly support. I love you too!

08-09-2004, 03:40 PM

08-09-2004, 03:43 PM
You can stay if you start talking about boats and leave all you political BULLSHIT out of here.

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 03:43 PM
Oh and by the way, See Ya..... ;)
I just love some Saturday Night Live Skits...
which part didn't you understand... the BUHor the BYE....? :D

08-09-2004, 03:44 PM
I'm not going to gong you off. I would have no one to mock...

08-09-2004, 03:44 PM
Adios :sleeping:

Dave C
08-09-2004, 03:45 PM
I don’t like to advocate banning someone but you need to tone down your “act” a little.
You just don’t get it do you?
Its not your opinion that us tighty righties don’t like but the constant fork in the eye directed at individuals that’s offensive.

08-09-2004, 03:45 PM
well since I stay out of the political threads.. I don't have a problem with him.. :)

08-09-2004, 03:46 PM
Am I allowed to vote also? :confused:

08-09-2004, 03:47 PM
Oh he won't leave, he just wants to see himself post is all. :rolleyes:

08-09-2004, 03:48 PM
Oh he won't leave, he just wants to see himself post is all. :rolleyes:
hey .. so do I .. I like talking to myself :p I like my answers.. LOL!!

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 03:48 PM
Post in the open Mrs Vee. We all have to stand behind our decisions. My feelings won't be hurt. I fully expect some of you to support a few in the brain trust because you are IRL friends. Such is life. I realistically understand I will be voted off btw, so it's not like you will have to deal with me at a later date or under a different nick.

08-09-2004, 03:52 PM
hey .. so do I .. I like talking to myself :p I like my answers.. LOL!!
LMAO...............I like to see you post too ;)

08-09-2004, 03:52 PM
stay, variety makes things interesting around here.

08-09-2004, 03:54 PM
so it's not like you will have to deal with me at a later date or under a different nick.
Is that nick or N!ck???
Oh and Don, of course you can vote. Although it is a package deal. He leaves, you leave. ;) :D

08-09-2004, 03:54 PM
Post in the open Mrs Vee. We all have to stand behind our decisions. My feelings won't be hurt. I fully expect some of you to support a few in the brain trust because you are IRL friends. Such is life. I realistically understand I will be voted off btw, so it's not like you will have to deal with me at a later date or under a different nick.
well like i've said.. I have never had a problem with you so I say stay if you want.. it is your decission.. either way you decide.. I would respect that.. ;)

08-09-2004, 03:55 PM
I agree with Kilr get to talkin' about your boat or boating, and knock off the sharp stick to the eye thing that got old quick, .
So L P what kind of boat do ya have and what kinda power and how often do you get out on the boat.
Mike VG

08-09-2004, 04:01 PM
I've got him on ignore..............what did he say? :eek:

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 04:01 PM
They whine incessantly about me leaving (which I love) but I'm not out to ruin it for everybody or anything sinister. I usually stay on my own threads or sometimes wander off to another political one I either disagree with or that is implicit bait to incite a response from me. Every rare once in awhile there is a topic I might find interesting and respond to but for the most part...I just like yanking their collective chains. It's not my decision. I would go only if the majority of posters here think I somehow ruin the experience for them. I am who I am and will not compromise that to "fit in." Toning it down or only talking about boating (which I do all weekend every weekend) is not part of the equation. That would just bore me to tears and I'd leave due to ennui. (Which could happen I guess? But we're a long way from that.)

08-09-2004, 04:06 PM
The only thing people get "voted off" for is disrespect. Usually to our women.
I think you will find that the populous here is more concerned with an appropriate response to legitimate questions, or at the least a non-derisive attitude towards our community.
Whether or not your ideas and stance holds merit is not the question. It is that every time you post, it seems to be a derogatory statement towards the incumbent administration, and those who support it.
Being contrary is just in bad taste. Being contrary on occasion is good for everyone, all the time just renders any argument you have ineffective because of a troll moniker assigned by everyone.
Not that you care, but I would try to contribute more to the HBF than the current non stop political diatribe you currently feature on the menu. I don't care that you are left wing, and I don't care that we have some pretty serious right wingers on here too. I am equally frustrated by both.
I still haven't figured you out. You seem too smart to actually believe the stuff you are saying, and while I want you to stay and provide a moderating factor to the pretty far right leaning forums, I also don't want politics to be the main source of discussion around here. We have more important things to do.
I don't think segregating the political threads would hurt much either. If it killed your board, you were probably offering little else, which is what I pretty much expect is going on.
So far, you are a one-trick pony. Learn another couple will ya?

08-09-2004, 04:07 PM
Don't take this the wrong way, (like think I agree with you) but I say stay.

08-09-2004, 04:08 PM
Well put Wes!! And LP if you want to stay, stay, those that don't like you or your opinions can opt out of the discussion, plain and simple, i throw my 2 cents in once in awhile too, so it's up to you and what you really want to do.
Mike VG

08-09-2004, 04:16 PM
If we are not all given the right to our opinions than alot of us should go. This is an open forum and therefore like a tv, if you dont like the show, change the channel!!! LP has never been disrespectful that ive seen, and i actually enjoy (seriously or comically) his reads. I hope he stays, and maybe we can open a politcal arena???
good debate is entertaining, the mudslinging sucks
go w :p

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 04:16 PM
You might have a good argument if I spammed other threads with political rhetoric. My topics and political angst might bother you but like someone else said...there's a zillion other posters...why read mine? There are many posters I do not read. Even political ones. I just find their style (or lack thereof) stifling and boring so I just...skip them. I assure you that there are posters who look for my threads just so they can kick my ass (metaphorically speaking) on a particular subject. It might get a little nasty sometimes but, why do you read it? Boating is merely our common ground. Limiting topics to what only YOU find interesting is just silly. There's tons of inane posts to choose from. Find something mindless and limited to posting kissy-faced emoticons and set up your tent there?

08-09-2004, 04:20 PM
I say hang around if you want. Who cares? If I get tired of your worthless diatribes I can just put you on ignore. Besides this is a boating community, a community is kinda of the same thing as a village. So if you left we would be losing our village idiot. And we all know that space doesn't like a vacuum. If you leave then another idiot would just step up to replace you.

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 04:24 PM
Another point that should be made regarding dividing the forums is that:
Forums are like a nightclub. You go where the crowd is. At first a political forum would kick ass, but as people realized they were only speaking to the same one or two hypocrites they'd just abandon it. By having it in an open forum posters who are normally not political see a subject that they feel they need to opine about and the debate has balance and is not just all shitslinging. A pure political board would just be war threads and the losers would drift away and the winners would end up talking to themselves. A nightclub is better with people in it. Divide the fat from the skinny and the smokers from the non smokers and the sexy from the drab and I assure you...there won't be a nightclub for long after that.

08-09-2004, 04:26 PM
I don't let him rent space in my head so he can do as he likes....v-drive

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 04:28 PM
I won't talley the votes until the late shift has their say.

08-09-2004, 04:30 PM
if you want to make it easier to do that make it a poll.. But I wouldn't go by what people say.. do what you want..
you might be able to edit the first post and make it a poll. :)

08-09-2004, 04:31 PM
I say hang around if you want. Who cares? If I get tired of your worthless diatribes I can just put you on ignore. Besides this is a boating community, a community is kinda of the same thing as a village. So if you left we would be losing our village idiot. And we all know that space doesn't like a vacuum. If you leave then another idiot would just step up to replace you.
Wow! excellent post, I wish I had some reputation left to give you for that! ;) I will get ya tomorrow! :D

08-09-2004, 04:31 PM
I am just scared that you will behave like a lot of other liberals I have seen and take my not wanting you to feel you have to leave as a sign I somehow agree with you.

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 04:33 PM
I'm not into polls. Too impersonal. Besides...I can count. If I run out of fingers and toes I have three dogs, a cat, a ferret and a flying squirrel. After that there's roaches under my furniture and I can count how many tiles over, they move the couch.

08-09-2004, 04:34 PM
I'm not into polls. Too impersonal. Besides...I can count. If I run out of fingers and toes I have three dogs, a cat, a ferret and a flying squirrel. After that there's roaches under my furniture and I can count how many tiles over, they move the couch.
okey dokey.. :)

08-09-2004, 04:36 PM
LP, I would vote to keep you. I'm serious. I wish there were more people like you who were able to come here and have a discussion, sometimes even heated, without turning into a total a-wipe. :) Summerlove does it just fine too.
This goes for both sides of the isle. Everyone gets so caught up in the "my team" mentallity that we've forgotten that we're all on the same team but we just have different opinions. That's what makes us free. If we could manage to mantain a degree of respect while engaged in political discussion I think you would see more folks getting involved.

08-09-2004, 04:37 PM
Is that nick or N!ck???
Oh and Don, of course you can vote. Although it is a package deal. He leaves, you leave. ;) :D
I say stay ;) at least until after November, who knows what lies in the future :confused: I am one of the few that are on the same team. Not as vocal but still here.
JP :p :D

08-09-2004, 05:00 PM
LP, at some point in time in your Dem life, you'll just have to make a decision on your own...
This is a cop-out. Be a big boy and make up your own mind on the subject. Like many have said, if you have something to offer, then "bust it out", but if you're just trying to encite a riot, well ...

08-09-2004, 05:02 PM
I'm pretty far right in some views, somewhat more centered in others, even have a slightly left of center thought once in a while. Some would call me confused. I call it balanced. ;)
I say stay. It's supposed to be a free country. Just be respectful (at least most of the time) and you'll be fine.
BTW I think most of your posts are pretty screwed up! :p

08-09-2004, 05:07 PM
I could care less. I have one person on my ignore list.
Guess who? :rolleyes: LOL!!
ROFLMAO... Me too!
Butt Pirate, how about a nice game of hide and go fock yourself! See ya!

angry dad
08-09-2004, 05:22 PM
hey trailerpark pirate :D i think you should stay! you make it interesting!

08-09-2004, 05:24 PM
I'm pretty far right in some views, somewhat more centered in others, even have a slightly left of center thought once in a while. Some would call me confused. I call it balanced. ;)
I say stay. It's supposed to be a free country. Just be respectful (at least most of the time) and you'll be fine.
BTW I think most of your posts are pretty screwed up! :p
Hit the proverbial nail on the head there!!!
I've only seen one political opinion of his that I agreed with and that was in regards to "profiling". His opinion on that topic was so far to the right, his friend Hitler would have been standing to his left. :eek:

08-09-2004, 05:25 PM
I say stay it is the difference in opinions that keeps this place fun and exciting.

08-09-2004, 05:38 PM
You can stay you gay communist bastard
But keep your shit in the right threads
OH and F uck you you liberal shit head trouble maker

Havasu Hangin'
08-09-2004, 05:42 PM
I have this "troll" reputation because I disagree with the tightie rightie's emphatically and often.
No...you have this "troll reputation" because you came on here and stereotyped many members, with the sole purpose of soliciting a response.
To me...a troll is a troll, regardless of political views.

08-09-2004, 06:16 PM
Personally I think you're a piece of whale poo but that goes for a few others also, and they may very well feel the same about me so be it. But this is my lil piece of escapism I have here from the real world, you know the place that sucks out there, and you are the a hole who drags it in. If you would post one cocktail recipe or one gel coat tip or even scribble down a few lines about the last piece of ass you got it would dramatically change my opinion (however incidental it may be ) of you. No I don't want you leave, I want you to leave certain shit outside, it's a forum and the topic is boating and all that comes with it, don't know about you but when I am at Havasu the last thing on my mind is politics. I pay those peolple to do a job, just like my gardener or the people that dry clean my clothes, I pay them to do a job, when they screw up I fire them or vote them out other then that were cool just do what you are paid to do. I want them to be as insignificant a thought as possible, there are plenty of other things to worry about. I need a beer. And you never answered my question about the gas stain in my gelcoat.

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 06:39 PM
Welp... mebbe I am a troll? That's not so bad...'speshully considerin' they type of people I piss off. Here in the "Starry Nights" mobile home village I'm kind of an icon. Most folks around here kaint afford no high dollar computers so...me bitch slappin' you high falootin' big boaters from time is really just an homage to the little guy in the aluminum skiff with the electric trolling motor. Overall...you slummin' on my threads is a way of givin' sumpin' back to all the little people barely survivin' as you streak by in your handsome trucks on the way across town to buy super fuels for all yer toys. I shoulda been a nurse? Damn it fer workin' at the carnival instead of goin' too skool.

08-09-2004, 07:11 PM
I say stay. I never trust a place where everyone thinks the same. I also get a kick out of peoples' replies to you, as they are rarely respectful in any way. The thing I really dislike on these boards is when people hijack or disrespect. But it doesn't happen too often, and I can always go to another thread. I notice that you can usually send people into a tizzy as you casually push their buttons, that's fun to watch.
I rarely agree with your opinions, occasionally I can figure out where you are coming from.

angry dad
08-09-2004, 07:12 PM
haa!! another sad sad post from a sad sad troll :D

angry dad
08-09-2004, 07:23 PM
Welp... mebbe I am a troll? That's not so bad...'speshully considerin' they type of people I piss off. Here in the "Starry Nights" mobile home village I'm kind of an icon. Most folks around here kaint afford no high dollar computers so...me bitch slappin' you high falootin' big boaters from time is really just an homage to the little guy in the aluminum skiff with the electric trolling motor. Overall...you slummin' on my threads is a way of givin' sumpin' back to all the little people barely survivin' as you streak by in your handsome trucks on the way across town to buy super fuels for all yer toys. I shoulda been a nurse? Damn it fer workin' at the carnival instead of goin' too skool.
wow!!! you've achived!!! oklahoma... tex?? WOW!!! hmmm nice place to settle!! what a winner i am :D :D :D

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 08:17 PM
Y'all can shut up whining now. I didn't get voted off, you had your chance. I have to stick around and watch major dad's nightly meltdowns and ill fated attempts at repartee. I have to be handy for Mountain Man Dan's psychotic need for my attention. (It's really kinda cute.). I have to overcome wholy moly's sadly obvious brainwashing from his hirsute relatives. (I'm there for ya buddy.) I have to educate Havasu Dan on the fine art of eating with a fork. (Don't use your fist.) And let us not forget the spokemodel for the Young Republicans and Hitler Youth Corps, High Roller. He need a constant influx of rationale and kaopectate. Poor Dr Eagle needs a break from his current corriculum of liberal loathing and self gratification. He puts the poor in porno. Yer gonna get carpal tunnel old pal. I'm here for you all...my bestest buddies. :D

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 08:19 PM
If you can't make a point, or give an opinion without slinging mud and insults or stereotypical name calling...... then I would think you would be happier where you could at least respect the people, whatever their slant was, I don't usually read your posts anymore due to the ONE way only pattern so I don't really care what you end up doing, I enjoy a good argument when both sides listen to what the other is saying, you don't listen.
You know Manuel, I don't think I have ever used the term "troll" on LP... could be mistaken but I don't think so. I think the problem is he is exactly what says we all are, just from the opposite viewpoint. He thinks we all march in step to der fuhrer... We think he marches to the whacktivist left... So we are either both right, or both wrong... but it is in absolute terms.
What endears him to most of us is his attitude of superiority... just like the friggin french. I HAVE said he is arrogant several times, and I have also ceded a point or two... very few however. Regardless, the "I am soooooo much smarter than you tighty righties" crap is what makes us all loathe seeing another post from him. And then those that send back short barbs tend to support his viewpoint...
I think we should have a political forum here, (don't give me that friggin don't click if you're scared crap) because it will keep the thoughts separate, just like hot boats, v drives, jets, tow vehicles, etc.
So... while I made a smartass remark earlier in this post, if the loonie leftie could harness his superiority complex... I have no problem with him. Other than the fact that he is always WRONG! LOL<--------------Dr. E.............at it again!

08-09-2004, 08:26 PM
You know Manuel, I don't think I have ever used the term "troll" on LP... could be mistaken but I don't think so. I think the problem is he is exactly what says we all are, just from the opposite viewpoint. He thinks we all march in step to der fuhrer... We think he marches to the whacktivist left... So we are either both right, or both wrong... but it is in absolute terms.
What endears him to most of us is his attitude of superiority... just like the friggin french. I HAVE said he is arrogant several times, and I have also ceded a point or two... very few however. Regardless, the "I am soooooo much smarter than you tighty righties" crap is what makes us all loathe seeing another post from him. And then those that send back short barbs tend to support his viewpoint...
I think we should have a political forum here, (don't give me that friggin don't click if you're scared crap) because it will keep the thoughts separate, just like hot boats, v drives, jets, tow vehicles, etc.
So... while I made a smartass remark earlier in this post, if the loonie leftie could harness his superiority complex... I have no problem with him. Other than the fact that he is always WRONG! LOL<--------------Dr. E.............at it again!
This one reminds me of that line in "As good as it gets" with Jack Nicholson..."Don't come around here sellin crazy, we're full up"
I thinks this is worth a point or two...yep yep yep...
Scream <--workin on that post count

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 08:27 PM
This one reminds me of that line in "As good as it gets" with Jack Nicholson..."Don't come around here sellin crazy, we're full up"
I thinks this is worth a point or two...yep yep yep...
Scream <--workin on that post count
UDAMAN... :cool:

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 08:27 PM
Let's get one thing straight. I do not think I'm smart. I do not think I'm superior. I do not think I'm right all the time. Other than that...I'm almost perfect. Even my mother and wife think I'm a smart ass so...I will cede that point. (Bein' a smart ass doesn't mean smart in the literal sense.) <---for Cap't Dad

08-09-2004, 08:27 PM
Maybe this would suite you better
To me politics is fairly boring, if i found an honest politician, on either side, id probably stroke out from shock.
Vote for larry the cable guy this November :boxed:

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 08:29 PM
Vote for larry the cable guy this November :boxed:
Where's Pat Paulsen when you need him? :jawdrop:

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 08:30 PM
Let's get one thing straight. I do not think I'm smart. I do not think I'm superior. I do not think I'm right all the time. Other than that...I'm almost perfect. Even my mother and wife think I'm a smart ass so...I will cede that point. (Bein' a smart ass doesn't mean smart in the literal sense.) <---for Cap't Dad
Ok... soooo you're saying you're dumb and not always right... :confused: and a smartass... :confused: does that sum it up>? :confused:
Dr. E<-------waiting for the liberal sucker punch.... LOL... :D
Oh yeah, forgot the J/K..... :D

08-09-2004, 08:31 PM
LP, you can stay as long as you compose your posts from your mind, not the dictionary amd thesaurus. "Disserting"? I think not. Tone down the 50 cent words, please. If you feel the need to impress us, go buy verbal advantage.

08-09-2004, 08:31 PM
Larry The Cable Guy has my vote but he has to promise to GIT ER DONE!!!

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 08:33 PM
OH yeah, don't forget to vote in the Poll I posted! :argue: :cry: :burningm: :cool: :rolleyes: :D

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 08:34 PM
If anybody can figure out what Highroller just said, tell him I said no. Whatever it was... I'm sure I disagree.

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 08:36 PM
If anybody can figure out what Highroller just said, tell him I said no. Whatever it was... I'm sure I disagree.
Well sir, I believe my reading comprehension was 100% on that post... and with propinquitous timing I may add.. :D ;)

08-09-2004, 08:38 PM
Lake Pirate....... The Tribe has spoken...... Bring me your torch :D

08-09-2004, 08:38 PM
Dang yall use some large words

Dr. Eagle
08-09-2004, 08:39 PM
Lake Pirate....... The Tribe has spoken...... Bring me your torch :D
You guys smoking something we all should know about?

08-09-2004, 08:40 PM
Lake Pirate....... The Tribe has spoken...... Bring me your torch :D
:cool: What he said!!! :cool:

08-09-2004, 08:57 PM
Lake Pirate....... The Tribe has spoken...... Bring me your torch :D
LMAO...That's a good one...

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 09:03 PM
You were s'pose to get it from the thread title Beevis.

08-09-2004, 09:10 PM
The last thing I'm going to do is get into a name slinging contest over the Internet. You might as well sit in front of the T.V. and talk back to the News Guy.
If you feel the need to go, then go.
You strike me as the type of guy at the bar who sits and makes comments to everyone there, pisses of the bartender, and then does not understand why he is being BOUNCED...
Either stay or go. It does not matter to me.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Good night :sleeping: :sleeping:

08-09-2004, 09:12 PM
You obviously have mismasticated my dissertational argumentional verbacious reasonale. You just can't appreciate copolous english vocabulariousness even when it is demonstralently proven to you.

08-09-2004, 09:14 PM
ok, show of hands............who thinks Lake Pirate is like..........12 years old? :rolleyes:

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 09:15 PM
That was funny. Nice work.
Since we are writing I thought it might be a good time to use words? No?
Should I learn from Darwinian dads monosyllabic grunts? Fire bad. Fire hurt. Me angry. How's that?

08-09-2004, 09:17 PM
When you act like a troll are you hanging out under a bridge? :devil:
Troll--An individual who regularly posts specious arguments, flames,or personal attacks to a newsgroup, discussion list, or in email for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that they have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand--they simply want to utter flame bait. Like the ugly creatures after which they are named, they exhibit no redeeming characteristics, and as such, they are recognized as a lower form of life on the Net, as in, "Oh, ignore him, he's just a troll."
Trolls, of course, exploit something all newbies have in common:the desperate desire to fit in with their new community.
Regular net users know how delightful it is when somebody responds to something they have written. It is a meeting of the minds, which is an intellectual thrill, but it is also an acknowledgement of one's value — and that can be a very satisfying emotional reward.
Trolls crave attention, and they care not whether it is positive or negative. They see the Internet as a mirror into which they can gaze in narcissistic rapture.
If you want a deeper analysis than that, perhaps a psychologist can shed some additional light on the matter.

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 09:19 PM
Does this mean we're not going camping?

08-09-2004, 09:28 PM
That was funny. Nice work.
Since we are writing I thought it might be a good time to use words? No?
Should I learn from Darwinian dads monosyllabic grunts? Fire bad. Fire hurt. Me angry. How's that?
Wow, you are really reaching....... :rolleyes: maybe you should call it a night....

08-09-2004, 09:30 PM
He's not 12...but he doesn't have the chops to be trying to use the words he does. It's like a toy poodle trying to eat a side of beef. He has a hold of it, but it's more than he can handle.

08-09-2004, 09:33 PM
You know those phones that have those pre-entered phrases to use when tex-messaging people? That is what his posts remind me of............prefabricated responses and sometimes he doesn't choose the right one! :rolleyes:

08-09-2004, 09:48 PM
That was funny. Nice work.
Since we are writing I thought it might be a good time to use words? No?
Should I learn from Darwinian dads monosyllabic grunts? Fire bad. Fire hurt. Me angry. How's that?
You can talk a good game, but alas you must not be able to follow through with actionable ideas or deeds. This must piss you off as we pass you by in our "hot boats' and you on your aluminim skiff.

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 09:56 PM
So true. I always wanted me one of those ski boats with a seat and steering wheel.

08-09-2004, 09:57 PM
But remember every island has to have a Gilligan, LP fills that role neatly :p

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 09:59 PM
So are you Mrs Howell?

08-09-2004, 10:16 PM
Not hardly, but i will admit that was a very witty and thought out reply. Thanks for your time!!

08-09-2004, 10:19 PM
So are you Mrs Howell?
Does he think you are a chick?!? :eek:

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 10:28 PM
Given my choices of castaways left...I thought it was the funniest.
I did think a little. :D

08-09-2004, 10:37 PM
Like I said, it must be late in "your neck of the woods" perhaps you should call it a night and attack HB tomorrow? :D

Lake Pirate
08-09-2004, 10:56 PM
And the Gilligan retort was a comical gem? Yep...you boys are in dire need of satirical aid. Damn good thing I'll be sticking around to walk you through the finer points of battle. You're right about one thing though...I gotta go nighty night. If my mom let's me on her computer tomorrow I'll see you after my chores.

08-09-2004, 11:12 PM
I Love this guy, we need to ask him more questions as to the meaning of life and the whys and whats of why are we here, he has all the wit, education, is politically correct at all times, and has an answer for everything. We have a human search engine right here and we don't use him.
I am so sorry that i got on your case Mr. Pirate, i should feel small in your presence and yet my inner sense tells me no way is there any reason for that.
But like an accident as you drive by it's the curiosity that keeps you looking i have to ask myself why do i keep looking at threads with your name in them, why why why . Tell me LP am i just an idiot for even trying to show you another side to any argument? Mike VG

08-09-2004, 11:23 PM
I really hope your mom "Let's" you on the computer...then you can use the grammar and spelling function to correct yourself. :idea:

08-10-2004, 12:11 AM
Don't leave, that would just prove you are a panzy. You are obviously an attention wh ore (demonstrated by this thread), and this thread almost qualifys for the Forum Suicide Forum.
So what if you're a pinko commie bastard who won't take responsibility for your failures, atleast you don't have authority figure problems like AzCommie - that dude needs to go see a psychologist and tell him about his father!!!
You are a troll, especially with that dumb ass racist thread about affirmative action boating - that was the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen, and you need to accept that you need help getting over your guilt of being whitey.
I mean that in the best possible way. :D

08-10-2004, 12:24 AM
Bravo :cool: :p i Can't say thank you enough for that, this whole thing with this guy is getting old but i still get sucked in, gotta use the ignore system, i'm tired of the rant then the childish retorts start and we go nowhere . It's gotten old i give the guy his props for apparently knowing his stuff as he sees it, but to just attack and be attacked is getting old too. Moly you put in perspective for me thanks. Mike VG

08-11-2004, 09:11 PM
Guess he is gone...user name don't even show up anymore...don't ask a question you know the answer to :idea:

08-11-2004, 09:29 PM
I vote the lefty off. He'll probably come back with a different name using one of his other personalities.

My Man's Sportin' Wood
08-11-2004, 09:50 PM
Let's get one thing straight. I do not think I'm smart. I do not think I'm superior. I do not think I'm right all the time.
Yes you do. I think you should stay though. It's no fun when everyone agrees.

08-12-2004, 08:28 AM
Okey Doke. Here's your chance boy's.
One vote per person. I'm sure as much as I am loved, many of my devotees would want to vote briskly and often but....that just ain't fair.
I have this "troll" reputation because I disagree with the tightie rightie's emphatically and often. They want me to leave this little slice of heaven 'cuz I upset their vision of linear thought and and patent acceptance of all tripe shoveled by the current administration.
There are approximately a hundred prolific posters who essentially maintain the consistency of the bb's here. A majority (even a slim one) will be adhered to by me. I don't wish to upset the entire board but I'm extremely guilty of loving to upset the brain trust of Hot Boat Forums you know as... the "tightie rightie's".
Vote me off. A simple goodbye or hook ass will suffice. Elaborating the reason for your vote might be fun to read. (Someone help mediocre Dad with the big words.) Love to all and vote your heart. Remember... a "majority" represents all posters in this forum and not just the think tank who sends their charity checks to the Drudge Report instead of UNICEF.
Try not to let my rugged good looks sway your vote.
I like political debate and there is no point to it, if there is not at least 2 sides. :cool:
However, little less whining and posturing as the poor intellectual, who is misunderstood by the ignorant villagers might be in order. :rolleyes:

08-12-2004, 08:39 AM
I like political debate and there is no point to it, if there is not at least 2 sides. :cool:
However, little less whining and posturing as the poor intellectual, who is misunderstood by the ignorant villagers might be in order. :rolleyes:
In the teams we had a saying... "If you are the only one right, you are wrong."
Now, I am not saying I apply this all the time, but it seemed funny in context... ;)

08-12-2004, 08:40 AM
(In my best Munchkin voice) " Ding Dong the Pirate's Dead.... Which o'l Pirate.... The Lake Pirate... Ding Dong the wicked Pirate's Dead..... " :D
Kinda childish, But I'm in a good mood today... :D

Dr. Eagle
08-12-2004, 09:26 AM
I like political debate and there is no point to it, if there is not at least 2 sides. :cool:
However, little less whining and posturing as the poor intellectual, who is misunderstood by the ignorant villagers might be in order. :rolleyes:
Exactly what I was saying... well put. In a way it is too bad he is gone, in another, notice that the tone on HB seems a little "kinder and gentler"?

08-12-2004, 09:28 AM
were all worried about that plank of your's.. LOL!! :D

Dr. Eagle
08-12-2004, 09:30 AM
were all worried about that plank of your's.. LOL!! :D
Oh that lil ol thing?... Harr Harr... tharr be sharks in the water...

08-12-2004, 09:31 AM
my what big teeth they have.. :jawdrop: :D :D