View Full Version : what kind of mufflers do you run?

07-07-2002, 03:39 PM
i need mufflers on my 500 hp efi i was thinking about drew marine shot gun silencers what do you think i need about 10 dbs thanks did mufflers it make a bnig difference with your boat?

07-07-2002, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by dallas:
i need mufflers on my 500 hp efi i was thinking about drew marine shot gun silencers what do you think i need about 10 dbs thanks did mufflers it make a bnig difference with your boat?
I have a HP 500 carb with CMI exhauast,it helped me get them off my ass..sound wise..i am happy with them.No toruble..just have to get used to the slight flap..I always think something is wrong when I crank it to warm and hear that clicking..just mu two cents..ps..NO effect on Horsepower!!

Robbie Racer
07-08-2002, 06:42 AM
Dallas, I too have the Shotgun's and when I run them, the noise police leave me alone. The only problem that I had on my Carrera 257 was that I was getting some water back up over the rise in my Lightening headers. I may have had too much water going through them, I don't know for sure. I took them off and no water problem now. I will probably have to put them back on the next time I get hassled for noise. I will try to adjust the flap so that it won't close completely to help let some more of the water out.

07-08-2002, 09:45 AM
The Cig we just bought came with Corsas. We have 500 efi's in the boat, and they cut the sound down quite a bit.

07-12-2002, 02:24 AM
Is your boat under warranty? If so, be cautious. I contacted Corsa and Merc and they were both cool and went with Corsa S/S angled tips w/thru hull weighted (that is the key word) flaps. Cost 200.00 and this boat rocks at over 100 db!!! No noise ordinances down here on the Gulf Coast!!