View Full Version : Some new pics of my 18 gullwing

Jake W
08-11-2004, 05:35 PM
Well have not had much time this summer to work on the boat but have done a few things it should start going faster now (I hope)Hears a pic of the dash after filling 3 of the six guage holes and filling in the radio hole and recutting 2 guage holes back out.http://www.hotboatpics.com/pics/data/2/4324dgw.jpg
One of the pump in after setting back the intake ,and resetting it,glassing in the big ass transom hole to one more suitable to what the transom plates will fallow.http://www.hotboatpics.com/pics/data/2/4324bpg.jpg
And another from the sidehttp://www.hotboatpics.com/pics/data/2/4324spg.jpg
The whole boat is sanded and ready for gell after another hand blocking .Ordered enough carbon fiber to laminate to the stringers and gunnel suports. That will be next along with flowing the rest of the floor where the carpet will not be layed.Then the gell.Then back to rigging and the trailer.Thanks for your intrest.

HotRod Sprint
08-11-2004, 05:46 PM
Hey Jake, this is actually the first time I've seen pics of your boat. But sure looks like you are making some progress. When do you think she'll be done?

Jake W
08-11-2004, 06:15 PM
HotRodSprint I hope to have it done by fall :) but you knoe how that goes.I have ordered a new BERKELEY droop and when it gets hear I am sending it and the Suction housing to get powter coated Crome black then I can put the pump togeather.The tweed int should have been done like 2 months ago but that is another stroie.I could go on and on about what I have left to do when you do all of it by your self it takes alot longer than you think.I spent like 3 hours the other day just scraping glue off the floor where I am going to flow coat it.
How is the Sprint comming?

HotRod Sprint
08-11-2004, 08:10 PM
Jake, I do know about scraping the glue :yuk: I've had the Sprint running for a couple of months. Borrowed a GPS a few weeks ago. It ran 70 @ 4400rpm with three people in the boat and aprx. 30 gals of fuel on a Legend AA. Still a work in progress. Still have the new rear seat to finish and do away with the two side by side seats. Am also going to replace the carpet, but that will probably be this winter. Might also be adding a 250 Cheater system before the end of the season :D Will have some pics of it floating on the water soon. Don't have any of it running yet. Keep posting your progress pics, I would like to stay informed about yours.

08-11-2004, 09:33 PM
Jake thats looking good so far. Curious to hear how you filled the hole in the back? Did you replace the plywood too, or just glass in some of the hole? The hole for my pump is a little biger than id like-not to mention the oddest shape, Id like to fill it in, but I think I might want to tear all the wood out and start over...Do you know if the wood is necessary? Ive read that its not, but it will be nice to have for mounting purposes. Nice work so far, keep it up.

Jake W
08-12-2004, 04:34 AM
Brendella this gullwing is a lighter lay up their is no wood in the transom.I ran 2 layers of matt and one layer of roving and one layer of cloth across the whole transom to thicken it up.Then where the original hole was I put another 2 layers of matt and a layer of roving to thicken it up a bit more.The green in the pics is rage gold to smooth it all out.
On the dash it had wood and I replaced it with wood and glassed it over then recut the guage holes.

08-12-2004, 07:29 AM
Nice job there Jake, dont stop now, keep up the hard work.

hack job
08-12-2004, 08:48 AM
looks good jake ! keep it up and it will be done before you know it.;)

Jake W
08-12-2004, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the nice words guys it is frustrating to work on this thing for hours on end and then looks like you have done nothing to it that is why I mocked up the pump after hours of sanding ,glassing and scraping I had to make my self fell like I did something.I all so made the pump brace and the ride plate stiffners hears some pics of thoes.http://www.hotboatpics.com/pics/data/500/4324pbr.jpg andhttp://www.hotboatpics.com/pics/data/500/4324rps.jpg