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View Full Version : Bass Lake 8/16 to 8/20

08-13-2004, 06:51 PM
It looks like my tour director actually made plans and we have reservations up there. Any recommendations on what to do, where to eat and what to watch out for.....??
Man---->hoping this is a fun trip<----delon...

08-13-2004, 07:39 PM
watch out for that roman 1 guy and a wood deck flattie :wink: :crossx:

little rowe boat
08-13-2004, 07:42 PM
I would say go to Duceys,but I heard it burnt down some tears back.Enjoy the time on the water,it's a small lake but very nice.

08-13-2004, 07:57 PM
Small lake.....and stupid boaters.
If the weather is nice......find a nice cove and watch the eagles in the Sky.
Go over to the Pines resort and listen to music on the water.
Make your way over to Millers landing and have some of the best food and coldest beer on the lake.....the food is really good there.
If your taking your boat......I hope it's not freeboard challenged.....I have a 21 Ultra and it took a beating :hammer2:
But...the air is clear and the place is very appealing to the eye.
Have good time :D

08-14-2004, 06:57 AM
I will print this thread and give it to my tour director.... :D

08-15-2004, 09:03 AM
Mandelon, Enjoy it... lake is pretty much empty Mon to fri...perfect glass at 8:00 am NO SPEED LIMIT...There is a proposal to imply a speed limit, when you register your boat ask about from to vote against speed limit...anyone who register thier boat can vote...sherriff ask you boat SAFELY...IOW limit spped runs to early AM or LATE evening Quiet hour on water are 8:00 pm to 8:00 am no wake between these hours entire lake...
original ducey's did burn down several years ago,, New Ducey's is on the lake 2 restaurants 1) Ducey's Bar & Grill chicken fingers and the sort...good drinks on patio overlooking the lake. 2) The restaurant at Ducey's ...excellent food prime rib ****
Castillo's is a new Mexican place almost across from the pines bar @ Ducey's Great food...on the lake Millers and the forks..,both have great burgers recommend the MEAL @ forks ...it's a Double Cheeseburger on grilled sourdough...want to know more....I basically grew up at this lake and have several cousins living there year round. :D :D :D

08-15-2004, 10:31 AM
alot of idiot kids riding jetskiis with no parental supervision............
they actually want you to go pay a $25 fee for a lake sticker for that place..
Ducey's looks really nice....... never went inside..... the lake is a counter-
clockwise place...............
--It's a small lake for "speed" runs.......... parts of "THE GREAT OUTDOORS"
with John Candy was filmed there..............
have fun,

You Te
08-15-2004, 10:39 AM
Watch out for the movie star roman 1 and his turd flat bottom.
You Te

08-15-2004, 11:54 AM
suck my wake-!
--it went from blower motor, to tunnel ram......and in one scene, at the ramp,
it had the blower, but the belt wasn't spinning.......... ala madmax........

08-16-2004, 07:25 PM
New to the board, Live at Bass Lake. Duceys is great, Forks good burger, Millers good chili fries. Willow cove has several nice spots to hang out, there is an island there that seems to draw alot of people (near the sheriffs tower). Where are you staying? I suppose on the Duceys side of the lake? The new Duceys has live bands on friday night and you can take your boat.

08-16-2004, 09:13 PM
cracker, I talked to Mandelon yesterday morning, he left this morning...I keyed him in on everything...he's camping on the south shore with his family...he should have a good time... midweek is not busy... :D :D :D

08-16-2004, 09:17 PM
Cracker, Where about's you at in town...will be up for labor day...it's my aunt's 80th birthday whole family is invading the area...she's lived in oakhurst for about 40 years... she basically owned the area on the fresno river right below mattew's furniture store...

08-17-2004, 07:45 AM
All great advice for Bass. Been going there for years.
I'm up there over Labor.
I'll be in the 28' Nordic.

08-17-2004, 11:38 AM
I live in Ahwahnee, my parents own a couple of houses one street over from the old Duceys. I grew up at Bass Lake, went to elementary school there. Our dock is in the Old Duceys Cove.

08-17-2004, 11:45 AM
one more thing, was wondering about why the sheriff will not look through your boat anymore. they just take your money and give you the sticker. Someone said that last year the sheriffs were looking for safety stuff on a boat and someone said no, what happens if I have illegal drugs or such and that it is illegal search and seizure? I was just wondering if it happened on any other lakes? On Bass Lake they will not look in your boat, even if you ask them to. This has happened before with them. years back they pulled a lawyer over and ticketed him for pulling two skiiers at once. He went after them and since then you can pull two of anything....

08-17-2004, 02:37 PM
Cracker, I don't know why...I boycotted the family last year...still fueding with couple of my uncles...the year before it was called a " SAFETY INSPECTION" basically they verified that you had a Coast Gaurd kit on board, they also checked for spark arrestor on carb and if you had closed motor hatch that your blower worked...you know how fumes can ignite :D anyway this year New procedure, however you sign an affidavit that you have the required equipment on board. whole process takes < 5 minutes. No more log jam at the sherrif station.