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08-16-2004, 03:03 PM
ok first, I had not one drop of booze in me. Its last Saturday 5:00 PM, we’re parking the boat at Foxes (Parker Strip). The place was jammed, maybe 50 ~ 60 people sitting there enjoying the day. I luck out and get a front & center spot to park. We tie up and proceed to disembark towards the bar. For some stupid reason I decide to step over the side windshield to get onto the dock. (Instead of off the engine compartment as usual). SLIP, BANG, BOOM, I’m on my ass with everybody looking. Talk about life’s most embarrassing moments. I stand up and yell to my audience, that “I hadn’t even had one drink YET”. EVERYBODY CLAPS in appreciation. So how many of you can top that one? My leg is black and blue, and my pride is scarred for life.

08-16-2004, 03:05 PM
Hey, at least your scar is going to go away, mine just gets more and more purple as the day's go by.
Scream <---my ankles twitchin at this one...

08-16-2004, 03:06 PM
ahhh.. I have a few of the Mr.. :p

08-16-2004, 03:14 PM
ahhh.. I have a few of the Mr.. :p
Go ahead.. start telling stories about Jamie..lol..
He falls all the time..lol

08-16-2004, 03:15 PM
Go ahead.. start telling stories about Jamie..lol..
He falls all the time..lol
LMAO!! not if he has his wingman.. AKA Mark :D :D :D

08-16-2004, 03:43 PM
I had just got done waxing the deck of my boat in the driveway when a sudden and unexpected burst in earths gravitational forces, located just beneath my boat, caused me to slip off the deck and fall 7 feet into a hedge. No alcohol. :eek: :messedup:

08-16-2004, 03:51 PM
I had just got done waxing the deck of my boat in the driveway when a sudden and unexpected burst in earths gravitational forces, located just beneath my boat, caused me to slip off the deck and fall 7 feet into a hedge. No alcohol. :eek: :messedup:
I'll tell you what, you will forver be remembered.

08-16-2004, 03:53 PM
I had just got done waxing the deck of my boat in the driveway when a sudden and unexpected burst in earths gravitational forces, located just beneath my boat, caused me to slip off the deck and fall 7 feet into a hedge. No alcohol. :eek: :messedup:
LMAO!! I think there was alittle more to that story if I remember.. :hammerhea :) :wink: :wink:

Dr. Eagle
08-16-2004, 04:30 PM
I had just got done waxing the deck of my boat in the driveway when a sudden and unexpected burst in earths gravitational forces, located just beneath my boat, caused me to slip off the deck and fall 7 feet into a hedge. No alcohol. :eek: :messedup:
I had the same thing happen when I had the Eliminator, standing on the deck pressure washing the deck. Like a dumbass I thought if I stood really still, I'd be OK (you know defying gravity). Wrong, feet came out from underneath and I did a square hit on my tail bone. I ended up at the doctor and the damn thing still hurts sometimes two years later.

08-16-2004, 05:00 PM
At the channel this weekend, this guy in a boat (like Titties & Beer's boat, but named big bulge - newport beach) Caught a football, walked to his swimstep to throw it back, and fell off his boat IN THE CHANNEL!!!! His friend was pretty nervous, didn't look like he could drive the boat.....lol ;)

08-16-2004, 06:14 PM
Surfer2001 - don't fabricate such a lie...tell it like it is.
You slipped the surly bonds of your boat while the droplets of water from the river reached up and grabbed you. You fought violently (hence, the bruises), yet once you realized the droplets of water were only protecting their young, you dropped your weapon (boat fenders) and let the water have it's way with you.
The crowd was clapping in appreciation.
Or something like that. :D
I've done it too. :redface:

Big Proppa
08-16-2004, 06:49 PM
2 slips and falls-
1 - slipped in the shower (not bullshittin) slammed my head on the top of the tub and knocked myself out. Woke up a few seconds later all naked soapy bleeding from my forehead. (not pretty)
2 - Walking across the parking to go to the show with my old lady - I turn around to tell her something (cause she always walks 10 paces be hind) J/K - she steps on my flip flop and down I go right in the middle of the street in front of about 200 people in line for spiderman. So I proceed t roll around and act like she was kicking my ass, all I could do at that point to hide from the embarrassment

08-16-2004, 08:05 PM
I managed to go ass over teakettle in Steamboat one day. Pulled up anchor and slipped as I was leaning down to lay the anchor down on the floor. I managed to provide just enough guidance so that the anchor thumped down onto the carpet, narrowly missing the upholstery and some powder coated rails, but too late to prevent me from falling off the side of the boat into the water. At least I had a soft landing! :notam: :redface: :D

08-16-2004, 08:13 PM
Waxing the old Carrera elite, I was standing on a mild crate to better reach the middle of the closed bow when suddenly the crate came out from under me. Wait it gets better, on the way down something caught my fall. It was my nuts that had caught on the bowrail. I hung there for a second all 200+ pounds of me supported by the boys :eek: :crossx: :skull: Finally I fell the rest of the way to the ground. I don't think I have been that happy to hit the ground before or since then. My neighbor held his laughter until I could breath again. The wife on the other hand................. Yes there might have been a few Budweisers there making the milk crate feel more slippery than it really is. :clover:

08-16-2004, 08:16 PM
Waxing the old Carrera elite, I was standing on a mild crate to better reach the middle of the closed bow when suddenly the crate came out from under me. Wait it gets better, on the way down something caught my fall. It was my nuts that had caught on the bowrail. I hung there for a second all 200+ pounds of me supported by the boys :eek: :crossx: :skull: Finally I fell the rest of the way to the ground. I don't think I have been that happy to hit the ground before or since then. My neighbor held his laughter until I could breath again. The wife on the other hand................. Yes there might have been a few Budweisers there making the milk crate feel more slippery than it really is. :clover:
Gravity is a Bitch!!!

08-16-2004, 08:18 PM
Last year on the way home CBBB I biffed it stepping out of HBjets truck at the McDonalds parking lot breaking my leg, this year at CBBB in the parking lot of the AVI I biffed it again getting out of his truck in front of everybody...totally sober both times.

08-16-2004, 08:24 PM
Mr Vee while in parker with jackpunx,dave and Danny and so on..
mr vee was standing on the bow of the Nordic.. and he heard someone yell .."someones goin in" Jamie(Mr VEE) turned and said.. "Who. "
the next thing he knew mr vee was poppin out of the water and said.." Well that answered my question" he still had his Big Stick drink and cigs,.and glasses still on his head.. :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

Phat Matt
08-16-2004, 08:42 PM
A few years ago when we first got our boat and took the dog out for the first time we were anchored up in Copper Canyon on the 4th. Our dog (Bud) was getting hot so I let hime jump in the water from the boat. He had a harness on with a rope tied to it. This was the first time getting him back into the boat so I had him swim to the side so I could lift him in with his harness. I pulled him up and just as I was about to pull him over he stretched out his front legs and slide out. He went ass end first into the water and completely submerged. :2purples: At this point everyone is looking and I jump in after him. Swim him to the back and lift him up. Everyone starts clapping as I get him in and pull myself up. The dog was same and I go to step in, slip, and fall back into the water. Luckily, I had everyone attention when it happened. :eek: I felt a little stupid but I guess I didn't cut up my foot on the prop or get my balls stuck to a cleat or something. :D

08-16-2004, 09:08 PM
I jumped off the front of my boat. Being a dumbass and breaking a rule I threaten to kill people over I had my shoes on. My shoe lace caught one of the front cleats and i went head first towards the ground. I managed to catch myself with my arms and land hands first. The boat was not in the water at the time so if I had not caught myself that would have been a painful face plat. Instead I just bloodied up my palms and was very grateful for such a good outcome.

08-16-2004, 09:24 PM
I went to slide off our old sea ray onto the beach, hooked my finger under the cleat and broke it!
Saturday I JUMPED off Rhonda's boat to get Scream's hat, that flew off his head!
LOL :clover: