View Full Version : Retraction

08-17-2004, 05:15 PM
I got all fired up one morning while reading a few posts here on the Hot Boat boards by a guy who goes by "Nucking Futs". What seemed to me like someone trying to stur up the pot was really an attempt on his part to clear up some things that I wasn't aware of.
After meeting Nucking Futs and his brother, FourQ, I realized I made a premature judgement of character. These guys really are rightous, upstanding, ***boaters who seem like they would do anything to help another boater out. It was a pleasure meeting the 2 of you. I regret that I didn't get to know the two of you better and feel that may be due to my errogant post prior to the recent festivities. Please accept my apology.

08-17-2004, 05:22 PM
I got all fired up one morning while reading a few posts here on the Hot Boat boards by a guy who goes by "Nucking Futs". What seemed to me like someone trying to stur up the pot was really an attempt on his part to clear up some things that I wasn't aware of.
After meeting Nucking Futs and his brother, FourQ, I realized I made a premature judgement of character. These guys really are rightous, upstanding, ***boaters who seem like they would do anything to help another boater out. It was a pleasure meeting the 2 of you. I regret that I didn't get to know the two of you better and feel that may be due to my errogant post prior to the recent festivities. Please accept my apology.
hey its cool!!! it was nice meeting you too maybe we can get together and and bs some other time. you going fo fb2? we might be doing a Southwind get to gether next summer. you in?

08-17-2004, 05:25 PM
No worries Jeff, I am sure they will accept. One thing I have noticed in my MANY posts and years of internet forums is...reading what someone has typed and imaging the tone it is being talked in (if that makes sense) they are completely off. You can think it is being typed out of anger, when really it is misunderstanding and being typed differently by the person typing it. I never take anything online serious. I thought HBJet was a V Drive hater, come to find out he is a cool guy! I will give you a ride in the flatty if you are up for it Randy, I know you said you had not been in one in a long time, the invitation is open. :)

Nucking futs
08-17-2004, 05:34 PM
I really am sorry about the way i came across in that post and no need for the apoligy.It was nice meeting you in person and i wish i would have talked more with you.You as well are a stand up guy and wish to hang out another time.I had a blast at the c3b event and wanted to talk with so many people,But it seemed every time i went to talk to someone they went for a ride or someone started to talk to me.Again,no need to feel bad and lets get on the water more!!!

08-17-2004, 05:36 PM
If you really want to stir up the pot go to the sandbar and start talking politics. I learned my lesion,,,,some people are still giving me bad rep points and all I started out the thread with is Bush vs Kerry. :rolleyes:

08-17-2004, 05:37 PM
Thanks guys! Let's definitely get on the water more.............I'm absolutely up for a Southwind get together. Let's ink it!

08-17-2004, 06:21 PM
Hey, I am totally for a Southwind get together also. Let me know what I could do to help. Who knows, mine may be running by then. Tim, thanks again, it was a blast. The dealers will never forget you, or us. Just look out for the married women in the lounge. :boxingguy

08-17-2004, 06:53 PM
Nuckin Futs, how cool was it when that biker dude wanted to fight you in the lounge Saturday night and then we got his biker trash girl to show us her tits. Priceless I tell you. :sqeyes: :D

Nucking futs
08-17-2004, 07:30 PM
I never saw the flash, i was watching my back.That guy was huge!!!I asked him if he felt like going to jail cuz i told him thats were we are both going "when" he hits me.If i recall they both moved over a booth.I dont even think im the one that said anything,but hey i was feeling no pain so i thought let the assbeating begin.It was a blast!!!!!!!!!The band sucked :sleeping:

08-17-2004, 08:12 PM
Nucking Futs,
It was nice to finally meet you, your brother & your dad.

08-17-2004, 08:26 PM
Nucking Futs,
It was nice to finally meet you, your brother & your dad.
it was nice meeting you and your bro too!

08-17-2004, 08:43 PM
Hey Tim, we missed a good opprotunity. We should have told the biker dude that the little P.O.S. that wanted to start something in the hall was saying stuff about his wife. Then we could have sat back and watched. Hindsight, too bad. Hey Mike or Tim, you ever make any runs to Naci? We are going up weekend after Labor Day. Pulled the motor out tonight after work. Gonna get that thing going. Man, lost a tread off the boat trailer coming home, did some reshaping of my boat fender. Sucks, but the tire store that sponsored me in the Demo Derby gave me a new tire for free.

Nucking futs
08-18-2004, 07:15 AM
Brent,Likewise.I wish i would have talked more with you and your brother.Always nextime.
Rodger,i think that would of been a great idea,Those little kids were just looking for a fight,so i told them there was some action in the bar,go look over and if they wanted a fight im sure they could find one over there.Sorry to hear about the tire and get that southwind running.I have never been to lake nacimento,but i hear it is nice.Maybe nextyear i will head up your way and hang out.You and you crew are great people and I had a blast with ya all.

08-18-2004, 08:36 AM
Yeah, definitely will have to hook up and party again. It was a blast. Brent, didnt get to meet you, maybe next time.

08-18-2004, 09:05 AM
I am not very hard to find:
Fat guy with Spectra Marine T-shirt & Coors lite in each hand:D.