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View Full Version : Why is ***boat hotlinking?

Havasu Doug
08-18-2004, 12:38 AM
I have a question for ***boat? When I looked at the avatar settings, I noticed something like 1400+ "standard" avatars to choose from. When I browsed through them, I noticed around a dozen that are hotlinked from my site. ***boat does not allow hotlinking images, but why is this site promoting hotlinking from other sites? Those avatars are hosted for specific people and are in no way "standard". Many of those actually have people in them. It would seem appropriate to me for this site to offer images for use that this site actually owns, like images from the image center.
I'm sure the vast majority of people that select those avatars for use have no clue that they are not ***boat property.

08-18-2004, 03:09 AM
Doug, I'm not ***boat but I'm gonna take a guess here. My guess is that when the site was upgraded it took all the avatars currently in use and somehow made them available for general stock use, likely unintentional.
But I agree it sucks and should be fixed. Peoples personal avatars shouldn't just be available for just any Tom Brown to use.

08-18-2004, 01:44 PM
Peoples personal avatars shouldn't just be available for just any Tom Brown to use.
ROTFLMAO................. :rollside: :rollside:

08-19-2004, 07:38 PM
***boat does not allow hotlinking images, but why is this site promoting hotlinking from other sites? Those avatars are hosted for specific people and are in no way "standard".
Thanks for brining this specific point to our attention. The default avatar section is a function of the software by default and I will have to look to see if there is a way to shut it off. I would prefer that people post the images they want to the image gallery and set them up as an avatar from there.
I cannot turn off Hot Linking from other sites as many people use their own personal webspace given to them by their ISP to host their avatars.
I will however see what I can do about turning off the default avatars.

Havasu Doug
08-22-2004, 11:30 PM
Thanks for brining this specific point to our attention. The default avatar section is a function of the software by default and I will have to look to see if there is a way to shut it off. I would prefer that people post the images they want to the image gallery and set them up as an avatar from there.
I cannot turn off Hot Linking from other sites as many people use their own personal webspace given to them by their ISP to host their avatars.
I will however see what I can do about turning off the default avatars.
Cool and no worries. :D It sort of seemed to be an oversight since so many of them are red x's anyway. LOL!
I already had hotlinking disabled on all of the image files on my site but one, and I left that available for avatar use over here and on the other boating boards. :D