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08-23-2004, 03:45 AM
can you say power wheelies at 200 mph :eek: talk about living on borrowed time, these guys are nuts.

Shark In The Pond
08-23-2004, 03:53 AM
Damn got balls made of steel !

08-23-2004, 04:19 AM
In my previous life in San Deigo we raced up the Gopher Canyon area on the 15 at the 200mph mark with our cars. (RT10) We were passing other cars like they were standing still. I think that speedo was set on KPH not MPH. either way...nuts.........
My brother in law..crazy... races his bike in that area and he said one time he sat up before he should have going close to 180 and almost got sucked off the bike. He said if he didn't already have his death grip he would have been street pizza for sure.

08-23-2004, 05:23 AM
In my previous life in San Deigo we raced up the Gopher Canyon area on the 15 at the 200mph mark with our cars. (RT10) We were passing other cars like they were standing still. I think that speedo was set on KPH not MPH. either way...nuts.........
My brother in law..crazy... races his bike in that area and he said one time he sat up before he should have going close to 180 and almost got sucked off the bike. He said if he didn't already have his death grip he would have been street pizza for sure.
it was definitely km/h but 278 km/h is close to 175 mph and the guy on the other bike passed him like he was standing still with the front wheel up none the less. I'm thinking the guy that flew past him was doing 200+ with the front wheel up :eek:

08-23-2004, 05:36 AM
I agree with you that the speedo was set to KPH...
There was an agreement among the Japanese bike manufacturers about 10 or more years ago that they would limit the gearing on these bikes to around 165 mph. That is not saying that a bike could not be modified with front and rear sprokets and such. But the camera bike (GsXr) was doing upwards of 260 on the gauge. That would mean there were two bikes (at least) modified in such a way. Not to mention that if the gear sets were midified in such a way. I doubt this guy would be lifting his front wheel in such a manner.

08-23-2004, 06:07 AM
I agree with you that the speedo was set to KPH...
There was an agreement among the Japanese bike manufacturers about 10 or more years ago that they would limit the gearing on these bikes to around 165 mph. That is not saying that a bike could not be modified with front and rear sprokets and such. But the camera bike (GsXr) was doing upwards of 260 on the gauge. That would mean there were two bikes (at least) modified in such a way. Not to mention that if the gear sets were midified in such a way. I doubt this guy would be lifting his front wheel in such a manner.
A bone stock Hybusa (sp?) will do almost 200 mph with stock gearing and power. 165mph may have been the barrier in previous years but I don't think that is the case any more. I think the 600cc bikes will do 165mph now adays no problem. I saw 280 km/h in the night time clip and 290 km/h is the day time clip. both of those speeds equate to around 175 mph for the video bike with the other bike blowing past them. I think it is safe to say those guys are doing 200+ mph. crazy to think someone could video at 175 mph on a BIKE