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View Full Version : Thinking about selling my boat

08-23-2004, 09:31 AM
I have been thinking about selling my boat. I took it down to the end of the street over the weekend. I got a few calls on it. One guy offered me 8k for it. I just can't let it go fot that amount. I was looking for 10.5 k
What do you think?
It's a 1978 21' Dana Arena Craft
She sports a 460 Ford married to a 1.15 ratio V-Drive. With the 4blade she runs around 4800rpm. I have had this boat in the family for 20 years.
It comes with two other 3blade props and boat cover.
A 30 gal fuel tank
It sits on a Moody Trailer
This is a great all around do all boat
I have pulled 8 single skiers behind it at once before
I have been looking at a larger boat and it's time to let some else enjoy her
Contact me @ metcalf@quixnet.net

08-23-2004, 09:50 AM
Keep that boat and buy your new one whatever it is. that boat is too sweet to let go + the heirloom value exceeds it's monetary value 2-1. No one will give you what you want for it, not because it isn't worth it but just because of the market saturation, have you seen how thick the 'Boat trader' mag is lately???
Good luck whatever you do.

08-23-2004, 09:56 AM
The minute you sell it you will probably regret it. I would hold onto if you can, it sounds like you have some emotional attachment to the boat.

08-23-2004, 09:59 AM
I'm just curious...........20 years, how many hours do you have on her? :cool:

08-23-2004, 10:30 AM
maybe 300-350hrs sounds like alot but she has never been put away WET