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04-10-2006, 12:10 PM
There's a pic of the rally on Foxnews.com...HOLY SHHIIAT!

04-10-2006, 12:18 PM
Here we go again, this pisses me off. I think they burn any more American Flags we should send them back NOW.

04-10-2006, 12:21 PM
Yeah and thats a few blocks from our house. :mad:

04-10-2006, 12:24 PM
if they roll that shit over here in mesa it will be on!!!!
We dont play that shit where im from!

460 jus getn it
04-10-2006, 12:26 PM
bunch of bullshit....................

04-10-2006, 12:26 PM
Thought this might get some local response.
Wonder if they all took a personal day off to attend these protests? :idea:

04-10-2006, 12:26 PM
Here we go again, this pisses me off. I think they burn any more American Flags we should send them back NOW.
My cousin's huaband is a SGT for LASD, when those students were marching/proteting in LA last week they went to one of the high schools and took down the US flag and raised the Mexican flag! But that did not get reported anywhere but he was there. And no, this is not a racist deal since he is CUBAN! But his family came over here legally and he took the test to be a US citizen. Now he has to protect these fools. Funny thing is he said they just marched them over to LAPD's area! :p

04-10-2006, 12:29 PM
My cousin's huaband is a SGT for LASD, when those students were marching/proteting in LA last week they went to one of the high schools and took down the US flag and raised the Mexican flag! But that did not get reported anywhere but he was there. And no, this is not a racist deal since he is CUBAN! But his family came over here legally and he took the test to be a US citizen. Now he has to protect these fools. Funny thing is he said they just marched them over to LAPD's area! :p
:mad: :mad: :220v: :mad: :yuk: :mad:

04-10-2006, 12:53 PM
by the way that is what the fairgrounds looks like when the fair is in town. also our nieghborhood doesnt even have english signs on most businesses. Really kinda sad.

04-10-2006, 12:56 PM
I was just on the 10FRWY near 19th Ave and could not believe the amount of people walking the streets.
I'm thinking about buying an ice cream truck and heading down there. Can use the extra gas money! :)

Big Warlock
04-10-2006, 01:54 PM
Figgure out how we can change your handle to Little Warlock and mine to Big Donzi!
Nice Avatar bud!!! :rollside:

04-10-2006, 01:55 PM
Figgure out how we can change your handle to Little Warlock and mine to Big Donzi!
Nice Avatar bud!!! :rollside:
I will P.M. HH and get the 411....................10-4

04-10-2006, 02:11 PM
We need to export these f***ers ASAP.
http://www.boston.com/news/local/maine/articles/2006/04/10/assault_underscores_tension_as_congress_weighs_imm igration_reform/

04-10-2006, 04:37 PM
Nothing quite like a Million Mexican march, unless you count the Billion Beaner March. :D :D :D
That was a joke for any beaners I may have offended. :D
At any rate, it was a big swing from the last organized march where everyone was waving Mexican flags. At least this time they're showing support for the USA with the flags and VIVA USA signs. Still a logistical nightmare for traffic and carwashes. :D :D :D
OK, another joke. Do I think they should be felons for being here illegally?? No. Do I think it's a problem that needs to be addressed??? Absolutely. I know they fill a void that we, as Americans, are too good to fill. I know I'm not digging ditches, finishing concrete, or mowing yards, among other shitty jobs, for $5 an hour.

04-10-2006, 05:02 PM
Do I think they should be felons for being here illegally?? No. Do I think it's a problem that needs to be addressed??? Absolutely. I know they fill a void that we, as Americans, are too good to fill. I know I'm not digging ditches, finishing concrete, or mowing yards, among other shitty jobs, for $5 an hour.
Jordy ....Stop Hating...Senor RD SUX......Ole! :p

04-10-2006, 06:08 PM
Aint seen that kinda crowd ......since the rodeo came to town....

04-10-2006, 06:09 PM
the freeway was sure nice on theway home. only took me half the time

04-10-2006, 06:14 PM
Jordy ....Stop Hating...Senor RD SUX......Ole! :p
Good thing you got rid of your Team Turnkey logo as I don't think you can MAN UP enough to be part of the team. Slacker. :notam:

04-10-2006, 06:22 PM
Good thing you got rid of your Team Turnkey logo as I don't think you can MAN UP enough to be part of the team. Slacker. :notam:
Por Que?

04-10-2006, 06:29 PM
Yeah, it only took me 20 minutes to get home from sky harbor today.

04-10-2006, 06:49 PM
I think that they changed thier minds as far as the whole "Mexican Flag" bit to the "American Flag" bit to try and gain some support from some Americans.
Or try and not get thier asses kicked!!!! :D :D :D
Go the F$$K home and fill out some paperwork and come back the right way!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-10-2006, 07:02 PM
They should go protest in mexico to make there country better not make ours worse :idea: