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View Full Version : Need a good job

10-29-2001, 07:42 AM
Well boys and girls this year has sucked in a bad way. Did not get to buy a new house. The only thing that was good was getting my boat that I now have to sell. Got injured on the job now the doctor tells me I can't do that job anymore and I need to learn a new trade. So now I get to find a job and go to school so I can get a desk job. This really sucks because I loved the job I had and I was making great money to boot. And now I can't lift or strain so doc says I need a desk job.. What the hell anyone have any future carrer ideas. Anyway the reason I started all this crap is I once again have to think about selling my boat for fear of not being able to make the payments... so here are some pics I'm asking what I owe 9,500

10-29-2001, 07:45 AM
This interior is brand new only been sat in about 5 times
This is orig gel looks great...
[This message has been edited by rstover1 (edited October 29, 2001).]

flat broke
10-29-2001, 08:10 AM
Sorry to hear about your situation. Seems like bad luck is never far from those who own boats. I'll be the first to offer up a career for you. I'm sure you're gonna get about 1000 votes for being a pimp, and that would be good, but it wouldn't be any fun to be a pimp without being able to handle the merchandise. Seriously though, depending on how much $$ you are going to be entitled to for training, perhaps pursuing a career as an IP security specialist would be possible. These guys make good money (90k+) and for the most part its all desk work. If I had the $$ to put into more schooling and certs, I'd be heading that way. Anyhow, if you were thinking of getting into an IT type field, security is hot right now, and as long as the web is running we will need folks to keep all that private info private.
Oh yeah, things to stay away from... IT helpdesk, Network Administrator, Webmaster, Network Operations Center staff. These jobs don't pay for S--t anymore and the market is inundated with candidates.
Good luck,

fat rat
10-29-2001, 08:30 AM
RSTOVER, I never like seeing someone get rid of there boat because of a bad situation they have fallen into.....no punt intended. Why not contact your bank and explain your situation....they might work with you on it til you get up and running again. Thats a really clean looking ride you got there....probaly going to be hard to replace for the money later on down the road. Good Luck and thing's will work out for you......like I say thing's happen for a reason.....usally for the better.

10-29-2001, 08:36 AM
Well thanks fellas. You're right I probably won't be able to replace it. The thing is I'm lookin at going to school and working I'll have to pay for school I think. I just don't see being able to make payment after losing my job. Flat broke thanks alot by the way your name sums up my situation..

10-29-2001, 08:53 AM
Sorry to hear about your troubles.
You could go to school and learn drafting. Work at a place doing autocad and all that bitchin 3 d stuff. Our CAD guy only went to school for 9 months. He has a killer job and is prety dang good at CAD too.

10-29-2001, 09:02 AM
restover1,...I feel your pain for sure.I'am about to be in the same situation.I'am a Teamster Car Hauler. This was a GREAT job that payed just over 75,000 a year for about 8-10 hours of work a day home every day at 3pm no weekends...Not any more,due to the new war and people are not buying new vehicles + I have to go to N.Y. Long Island(yuk)Traffic all day. Not to mention the lower back L4-L5 (bad news)something has to change for me soon! I've always used my hands and back to earn a living and liked it, no one looking over my shoulder,my own boss etc.My girlfriend who is in her very early 30's is in the computer field self employed (contracts herself out to different big companys,fix's there problems)her income makes mine look like chump-change.She's always telling me to get in her field.But at my age I can't see why someone would pay me the big money when all these kids are pouring out of those comp. schools and they could pay them a few dollars an hour. So ya see my friend,the future for me is also a big (?)

10-29-2001, 09:03 AM
rstover1, I hope you have explored all your options and benefits of Worker's Comp. If you got hurt on the job and can't go back to that job then maybe there are re-training programs paid for by the state for people in your situation. Do not give up on Worker's comp, they will usually refuse your claim the first time around so you will have to reapply 2 or 3 times. You may have to hire a W/C lawyer. A good friend of mine got hurt and the state paid for re-training and then hired him after training and he now works for the Water Resources Dept. making about 70K/yr and all benefits. Good luck to you.

10-29-2001, 09:29 AM
Sorry to hear about your injuries. I had a similar problem in 1981 when I was 26 yr old (so now you know what an old guy I am) I was working as a machinery rigger and blew a disc out of my back. The doc. told me not to pickup over 20# the rest of my life. I healed up better than new and have been
back-problem free for decades. I just know what not to do to cause problems. I pick up as much weight as I did before and pretty much ignore what the doc said. I also snow ski, water ski, etc.
I would heal up from your injury and don't give up on that job that you liked. Maybe you can supervise and not be suseptable to the same injuries. If you are a person who likes working with your hands, like me, than you won't be happy with a desk job.

10-29-2001, 03:59 PM
Sorry to here the bad news.
I was out for 2 years due to a disk problem in the back from an auto accident. My doctor too told me to get a desk job. I was a truck driver and now after 2 1/2 years I am driving trucks again with the aid of a lot of pain medicine. Remember don't give up, doctors are not 100% right. Like it was said before contact your loan company and see if something can be worked out, my morgage company suspended my house payments for 2 1/2 years.
Good Luck

10-29-2001, 08:41 PM
Hate to hear that rstover, but I may soon be in the same boat(pardon the pun). Fortunately, I did not get forced out of my job, but a voluntary career change. I will find out in November whether or not I get accepted to the new school. If yes, sad to say the boat may have to go to pay for the schooling. The good news is my salary will drastically increase in two years when I'm done, so I will come back with a new ride. If I don't get accepted, I keep the boat and a job that drives me absolutely nuts. We'll see, I am doing my best to keep her.

10-30-2001, 01:33 AM
Sorry to hear about your situation. All the advice already given sounds good though. I can tell you first hand that the Webmaster avenue is dead right now. I know how ya feel about the boat but, make sure your health and job are priority. More boats are out there. Sh!t, they're a dime a dozen here in California. I hope all works out for you and your family. I have been down a pit not unlike yours (which I am still working my way out of) and everyday, although slow at times, gets better.
So lets here it guys, if you can help out Rstover1 let him know.

10-30-2001, 06:38 AM
Thanks to everyone for the replies if any of you know someone looking for a boat let me know this is a sweet boat and it is worth every penny. I am seeking aid from the state for school I have an attorney but, she says it could take awhile in the meantime I'm going broke. Seen the doc for a final visit the other day I have a 25 percent disability. Not the news I wanted but, I'm sure God will see me through it.
edit I kant spall erly n the mornang
[This message has been edited by rstover1 (edited October 30, 2001).]

10-30-2001, 06:00 PM
HammerDown, what car haul company do you work for? I work for Leaseway from Lordstown. I've been in this buisness for 25 years. It's got its good times and bad. When the economy slows we're the first to feel it and the last to recover. Leaseway is a big A hole to work for but I'm looking at that big retirement in 5 years.