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09-09-2004, 04:23 PM
When I was around 10 years old, I was awakened in the middle of the night. I didn't know why. I sat up straight, and remember looking at the clock.
It read 3:14 am. What the heck??? :messedup: I didn't see any reason to get up so I went back to sleep.
The next morning my grandmother called......she told my mom that grandpa had died that night. He was in the hospital recovering from a stroke. Obviously that didn't happen.
A couple of weeks later a copy of the death certificate arrived......Time of Death: 3:14 am.

09-09-2004, 04:32 PM
Mandy, when my grandma died, I got the flu. I had the flu, got violently ill and found out the next day she died. :(
Matts father passed away two years ago Monday and sometimes we smell his pipe tobacco in our house. ( and we don't smoke) :wink:

09-09-2004, 04:36 PM
A few years ago I was going to see my grandma in the hospital after she had a stroke. It was Kiaser in LA, huge building. I'm walking down this really long hallway and I got the worst cramp in my foot. I couldn't even walk. I had to sit down for awhile until it passed. Got to the room and she was gone...... :confused:

09-09-2004, 04:40 PM
Ok I think I've told this before on here but here goes. My mom was very ill with cancer and when she passed I took my dad in to live with my husband and I as he wasn't doing well and took it extremely hard (They were married 46 years and she died in his arms).
Things got rough, my dads health was failing, I was raising a toddler and had just lost my mom...was having marital problems etc.......
I was sitting at the kitchen table one afternoon and just lost it....cried like a baby and feeling sorry for myself and wondering what the hell happened to my life when I felt the softest, warmest touch on my shoulder and smelled my mothers perfume very strong. It was the strangest thing ever and I KNOW it was my moms way of telling me to be strong and hang in there.
I grew up with her telling me she would always be there for me, and I think she was there that day. I DO NOT believe in the supernatural but I know something happened that day.

09-09-2004, 04:56 PM
I was in Phoenix watching the aftermath of the plane that was spread out all over the freeway in Chicago. I knew something was wrong.
A day later, I find out, a close friend who was good to me and everyone I know, was on that plane.
Definatley a connection!

09-09-2004, 05:12 PM
My wife and I were in Glamis one time a year and a half or so ago. As we were riding back from Boardmanville we went through one of the washes and headed back west into the dunes. When we did get back to camp from that ride we both started to tell about a weird feeling we had going through that wash.
Also, on the drive home, we both noticed a vehicle off in the brush where no trails were and again we both had a strange feeling...hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm :idea: :idea: None of it made sense to me because I don't normally believe in supernatural feelings or whatever you want to call it.
Upon our arrival home, we turned on the news to catch up----It was the same weekend that David Westerfield(guy who kidnapped/killed Danielle) had gotten stuck in the wash in Glamis and his suspected driving route passed where we had seen this vehicle. Coincidence or supernatural???
I did call my local PD to give our account..they in turn had the SDPD investigators call me.

09-09-2004, 05:23 PM
A close friend of mine stopped by my shop a few days before he left for a vacation in Europe.... When we said our goodbyes..... the thought of talking to his sons and dealing with my friend being gone forever went through my mind.. .... Then I had to remind myself that he wasn't going away forever.. but just for two weeks... Five days into the vacation he had a heart attack and died over in England... I had a premonition that I would never see him again and I was right....creeped me out..... :skull:

09-09-2004, 05:28 PM
OK here’s mine, not sure if I believe in UFO’s or other shiznit like that but here’s my story of a whole series of interesting coincidences…make whatever conclusions you’d like.
Cruising my 74 dart back from the GF’s house at about 2AM on a back road in the hills of east Ventura and I had NOT been drinking. It was November and it was chilly but I always rode with the windows down since the windshield would fog up otherwise. I was wearing a jacket but still freezing my ass off (I’m a pussy when it comes to temp changes). Had the radio on but not really tuned to a specific station, just background. All of a sudden it started bouncing between stations and the volume went up and down regardless of my focking with the controls….keep in mind that this car was wired in 19and74 so issues like this weren’t necessarily out of the ordinary.
OK so the radio is trippin but everything else seems OK until the motor starts missing. Hmmmm, this sucks but whatever I’ll figure it out later. Again, I’m not overly worried since my house is only 5 min away. But now is where it starts to get a little weird…
I go another ½ mile or so and it gets real warm. I mean it must have jumped 20-30 degrees from 50-something to at least 75! OK, stuff like that happens in the hills…probably just had a little Santa Ana wind blow through. By this time I’m getting a little wierded out and this big ass shadow comes out from behind a hill. I could only see the outline but it looked like a huge bird with outstretched wings. Only one problem, it just hung there and didn’t flap its ”wings”….so that’s a NO on the bird theory. As I got within 100ft or so I could see that it was about the size of a small car 10-15ft. No sooner had I gotten a little look at it, the focker took off into the hills. As soon as it vanished from view the radio returned to normal, the motor stopped missing, and the temperature dropped back down.
Pretty trippy huh? Maybe it was the chupacabra :D

09-09-2004, 06:20 PM
My wife and I were in Glamis one time a year and a half or so ago. As we were riding back from Boardmanville we went through one of the washes and headed back west into the dunes. When we did get back to camp from that ride we both started to tell about a weird feeling we had going through that wash.
Also, on the drive home, we both noticed a vehicle off in the brush where no trails were and again we both had a strange feeling...hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm :idea: :idea: None of it made sense to me because I don't normally believe in supernatural feelings or whatever you want to call it.
Upon our arrival home, we turned on the news to catch up----It was the same weekend that David Westerfield(guy who kidnapped/killed Danielle) had gotten stuck in the wash in Glamis and his suspected driving route passed where we had seen this vehicle. Coincidence or supernatural???
I did call my local PD to give our account..they in turn had the SDPD investigators call me.
Wow Zig that girl has powers.
I passed the place in the bushes where they found her body the day before it was discovered. It is on the way back from Harbison Canyon to El Cajon I think.
I had this weird feeling, an urge really, to go off the road and go up this dirt embankment. It looked like an area where dirtbags would dump illegally. Not too far off the road, but behind some bushes and trees. It was a strong and sudden curiousity, but I ignored it, telling myself I was too busy and did not have time.
The searchers were looking all over for Danielle's body that week. We were leaving on a trip to Nacimiento the next day and I had a lot to get done. When they showed the place on the news the next day I just about had a shit! It was exactly where I had that urge to pull over and check behind the trees.
I am actually glad I didn't. It would have messed up our trip and I would have been questioned and interviewed, plus have those memories of a dead little girl for a life time....... No thanks. She was already long dead. And nothing I could have done would have made a difference.

09-09-2004, 06:25 PM
This one time, at band camp....

09-09-2004, 08:01 PM
This on time I was really thirsty and thougt wow a beer sounds really good and out of the clear blue I walked in to the kitchen and there was a cold beer in my frige, so I did what I thought was right, I drank it, weird huh. Oh my God its happening again, this is really freaky :confused:

09-09-2004, 08:31 PM
I spent a week at my sister's house in Phoenix a couple of summers ago. We spent a good part of the day in the swimming pool. After the swimming was done for the day, I left my wet trunks hanging over a chair to dry. In the morning I went out to pick them up, I noticed they had blown onto the ground.....
I took them inside and went to step inside. One leg in, other leg in, start to pull them up and I had a funny feeling.........something seemed wrong. I looked down. :sqeyes: :sqeyes:
In the nut basket there was a little scorpion. :sqeyes: :sqeyes: Maybe 1.5" inches long, but I am sure it was big enough to damage my sack!!
I gingerly removed the shorts and took them outside to shake out that little bugger. Can you imagine getting stung on the nuts?!?! :sqeyes: :squiggle:

09-09-2004, 08:52 PM
People who know me know I have to drag my ass out of bed every morning. One morning I just woke up. Wide awake at about 5 am. Turned and sat on the edge of the bed for a minute then the wife wakes up and asks whats wrong? I say I dont know. So I turn on the TV and couldn't beleive it. Then I saw the second one. That was 3 years ago this Saturday.

09-09-2004, 08:54 PM
I was driving up College ave near SDSU one morning a couple of years ago. It had just rained, so the road was slick. I was stopped at a red light in the far right lane and knew that I had to get over quickly because that lane ended soon after the intersection. There was another car next to me and I wanted to be able to pull ahead of it so that I would have no problem getting over into the next lane. When the light turned green, I stepped on the gas. I drove a mustang at the time and when I accelerated my back tires spun out because of the slick pavement. Thinking nothing of it, I began going through the intersection, now behind the car that I had intended on getting in front of. Not more than 50 yards up the road, a car coming the opposite direction spun out and was spinning across all the lanes of the road and ended up slamming into the embankment in front of me. At that moment, and image of my grandfather that had passed away a little more than a year before appeared in my mind. I still believe, to this day, that he was looking out for me and he was the reason that my tires faltered and I didn't end up getting into a horrible accident.

09-09-2004, 08:58 PM
In the nut basket there was a little scorpion. :sqeyes: :sqeyes: Maybe 1.5" inches long, but I am sure big enough to damage my sack!!
Um... :confused: That is totally trippy! I mean, what are the chances of finding a scorpion the same size as your tool? Pretty weird! :hammerhea :)

09-09-2004, 08:59 PM
Um... :confused: That is totally trippy! I mean, what are the chances of finding a scorpion the same size as your tool? Pretty weird! :hammerhea :)

09-09-2004, 09:11 PM
You weren't supposed to tell. Now Mike will find out about us....... :p

09-09-2004, 09:13 PM
Iv'e seen ghost.
I'll keep it short, Just because.
My father died of a freek heart problem at 42 years old. I was 12. :frown:
It was years later when I was in bed at night and couldn't sleep. I was
tossing and turning all night. The house was pitch black night time.
I herd some noise and rolled over and here was this figure lurking over me.
I freeked and said something then it vanished.
That happen on the same date that he died and I wasn't aware of it until
later on that week.
I think he was just in the back of my mind. But who knows? :squiggle:

09-09-2004, 09:16 PM
You weren't supposed to tell. Now Mike will find out about us....... :p
Dammit. I blew our cover!!! :frown: It's ok...he's hardly ever on here. :cool:

09-09-2004, 09:28 PM
Um... :confused: That is totally trippy! I mean, what are the chances of finding a scorpion the same size as your tool? Pretty weird! :hammerhea :)
OMG..... I'm dying laughing here......... :D

09-09-2004, 09:32 PM
Ok, here's my story but it's kinda corny...
I went to a trade show in New Orleans a few years back. A few of my friends came along for the ride so that we could go drinking and party there, since we'd never been. We were hard set on staying at a haunted hotel so we researched it and booked our rooms. We were all so excited because we just couldn't wait to see a ghost. I was sharing a room with my best friend and she is the biggest chicken. I was getting a kick out of telling her that ghosts were definitely going to come in our room that night, blah, blah.
The first night we were in a rush to go out drinking so I didn't unpack, I just kinda left my suitcase open on the floor and picked out what I wanted to wear. When we got back everyone was pretty trashed except for me. My friend was pretty tipsy so she knocked out immediately. In the morning I went over to pick out what i was gonna wear and everything in my suitcase was wet! It was so weird. They weren't dripping water but definitely wet through and through. I even accused my friend of getting up drunk and peeing in my suitcase (but that didn't make sense because it didn't smell like pee). There weren't any vents near my suitcase so it's not like something could have leaked from it. We never did figure it out. That's what I get for trying to be the big talker, huh! :confused:

09-09-2004, 10:15 PM
You fockers are FREAKING me out. I swear I don't like this shit and it's giving me goosbumps, but, I keep reading. Kinda like Jagermeister I guess.
Note to self - quit reading this thread.

09-09-2004, 10:26 PM
OK, I've got one. When I was at ASU I had a full/part time job with the construction company I worked for off and on wrenching, and in some cases chasing parts. It was good money and they let me work when I could so I couldn't complain. At anyrate, I was in and out of the truck so much the seat belt was blown off most of the time. I would have worn the buckle out if I put it on and took it off everywhere I went.
One day, I had to run to a paving job about an hour or so East of town. Had to hit a couple stops on the way out there and pick some stuff up, hit some other jobs, see some of my mechanic buddies and see if they need anything, etc.
So I get within a few miles of the job, and out of the blue I have this feeling that I need to put on my seat belt. So I do it. It was an unusual uneasy kind of feeling. I went around the next bend and hit the pilot line (cars waiting for the pilot car to proceed down a one lane road as the other was being paved, for those who don't know) and I look up in my rear view mirror as I'm just coming to a stop and see a semi with all his wheels locked up before he slammed into me. Fortunately, in that split second that I saw him coming, I was able to let off the brake and steer left around the 2 door speck that was sitting in front of me or I would have been parked on top of him and it would have been even worse.
I don't know that the seatbelt did anything to help as the cops figure the truck was doing 50 or so when he hit me at a dead stop. The bed was pushed into the cab on the side he hit and luckily glanced off, otherwise it would have been worse.
That's my story, and to this day I've never been hit so hard in my life.

09-09-2004, 10:27 PM
They weren't dripping water but definitely wet through and through.
That's not wierd. That's called Southern humidity. Everything is damp/sticky/stinky moist. :idea: :D :D :D

Mrs. casean
09-09-2004, 10:31 PM
Here's my story... didn't happen to me but to my cousin and Aunt...
My mom passes away when I was 12 from a hospital mistake...so none of my family ever got to say good bye. Anyhow, about 4 years ago I was at my cousins house for a family gathering and my aunt and cousin and I were chit chattin and we got on the subject of my mom... they told me the story that one day they were both down stairs in the family room w/ the t.v. on hanging out and heard the doorbell ring and my moms voice saying "hello"... "hello"... my aunt is the one that heard it and strangely walked to the door... no one was there... we all knew there was stuff of this happening to people...like unfinished business... who knows. Shook me up to pieces considering it never happend to me... good reasons I am sure.
Another time about a year after she passed my cousin steped out of her room and swore she saw my mom on the staircase looking at the pics. on the wall... gave her a startling feeling. I'm a believer

09-10-2004, 12:09 AM
last spring break i went to Tahoe for a little snowboarding w/ my girlfriend. We were driving along and pretty much the whole way we were next to the same cars. I thought it was kind of strange that we kept seeing the same people. So i look over at her and say " this is like a scene out of final desination 2." i decide to speed up just a little to get away from that weird feeling. i was in the fast lane at this point. normally i would have drove up my suburban, but my brother needed to borrow it, so i took his pick-up. about 10 seconds after i said that, a car from the other side of the freeway hits the center divide and flys over. He hit it at an angle where it inverted him. So here i am looking at this upside down car in my rear view flying over my truck bed. He landed right behind me in the fast lane. needless to say all hell broke loose. i counted 3 cars fliping, but there could have been more. but if i would of took my burb he wouldn't have been able to clear my bed, or if i didnt speed up he would have landed on my windsheild. till this day i wont go anywhere near the fast lane unless there is a cement center divide. :clover:

09-10-2004, 05:01 AM
When I was about 13 or 14 I was at my buddy's house and his Aunt was over, she brought out the Ouiji board and was moving that little triangular piece all over the board and telling my buddys mom that her grandmother was there and all this B.S.. I was laughing and talking crap to my Friend about how fake it was when Auntie looked at me and said We have an unbeliever in the room that questions your presence, can you show him a sign? She asks me to sit down and put my fingers lightly over the triangular thing and that thing starts to move all over the board spelling out my name, age, moms name, etc. etc. I was kind of still joking around and told her she was moving the thing herself when she said to show me something that would convince me. I am not focking kidding you when that mother focker lifted up about 10 inches off the board and dropped and then did it again! Needless to say I was tripping and was receptive to what was going on. This thing continued to tell us that he was going shopping later and all kinds of weird stuff. I have to tell you that this freaked me out for a long time. When the Exorsist came out a little later I just about lost it...

09-10-2004, 05:37 AM

09-10-2004, 05:39 AM
One of my friends, who was my older brothers best friend, past away recently. :frown:
I was trying to show my mother in law a picture of him, so she could put a face to the name. :idea: I recall seeing him in our wedding photo walking down the isle, so I grab the photo and I was wrong, he wasn't in it.
So I grab the wedding album to see if I could find a picture, and when I opened the album guess what falls out, a single photo of me, my older brother, and Anthony. :rollside: There wasn't a loose photo or another photo in the entire album. :crossx:
At the funeral I gave it to Anthony's mom. Anthony was born the day after me as well.
That's my freaky story. :220v:
HDD :cool:

09-10-2004, 06:06 AM
this didnt happen to me, but a good freind who shall remain nameless (Scream) was driving home from a party, i believe, many years ago and while crossing railroad tracks the large concrete pylon that holds the crossing gate actually got up and jumped in front of his car and kicked in the right fender....yes i know it sounds unbelievable, but thats what happend (according to Scream)
Now when he got home and told his parents what had happend they couldnt believe it...no really...to this day he stands by the story of the attacking concrete pylon....starnge, but true :2purples: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

09-10-2004, 06:27 AM
Got two:
I had gone to a movie with a friend on a Friday night. It was about midnight when I left the theater. The next thing I remember is waking up as soon as my tires hit the driveway in front of my parent's house. I completely freaked out since I had just driven 10-15 miles completely asleep. The first thing I did was look under my car as I was expecting to a see a dead body. I remember watching the news the next morning to see if anyone had been killed the previous night....nobody had.
I had a family friend that had alzheimer's and lived on the east coast (I live in California). My dad would go see him once a month for several years since he had no family and was being taken care of at a facility. He would recognize my dad about 20% of the time. As a young kid my family and I would go to this friend's house every weekend for dinner. I had not seen him since he was sick and since we moved to California (16 years, I was 3 when we moved). My dad convinced me to go see him one time with him. I felt really uncomfortable just walking in the place as I had never been to a facility of that kind before. Our friend was sitting at a table by himself waiting. As I walked into the room he stood up and said my name. He recognized me immediately....he still had no idea who my dad was or even his own nurse. The nurse later told us that he had been talking about me visiting him for weeks. My dad had never mentioned this to him or shown him a recent picture of me. Every time after that visit, whenever my dad would go visit him he would talk about the time I went to see him.

09-10-2004, 06:31 AM
People who know me know I have to drag my ass out of bed every morning. One morning I just woke up. Wide awake at about 5 am. Turned and sat on the edge of the bed for a minute then the wife wakes up and asks whats wrong? I say I dont know. So I turn on the TV and couldn't beleive it. Then I saw the second one. That was 3 years ago this Saturday.
Similar thing happened to me that day, I never watch TV in the morning, it is always get up, shower and run to work. That morning I went in the living room and turned on the tv just in time to also see the second plane hit. My wife called out to me as soon as I turned on the tv and said "what are you doing, you never watch tv in the morning." I said "you have to come see this," because at that point I really didn't believe what I was seeing. After it was over my wife just looked at me and said "how did you know?"

09-10-2004, 07:30 AM
In H.S. I managed a Movie Theater. I was asked to go to the Downtown Theater to run a late night flick as the manager of that theater was taking the day off... anyway... It was an old Opera theater that had been converted to a movie theater.
Every time I was at that theater I had a strange feeling that someone was watching me. I had heard a story form the manager that one of the Opera stars had committed Suicide in the building when it was an Opera house. The Projection room was upstairs in the Balcony and I know for a fact that I was the only one up there. I came out of the projection booth and sat sown in the Balcony to watch a bit of the movie, and I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around and saw a man dressed in early 1900's style and he asked something like “How’s it going Keith?" :eek: (but he did use my name)
I'm quite FREAKED OUT by now so I get up to RUN out of the theater and get someone and I see the figure head to the projection room.
I later old the manager that relieved about the incident. He said that the Projection booth was the room that the Actor had killed himself in, and that that night was the anniversary of his death. That's why he wanted that night off.
I never returned to that theater again. :supp: :jawdrop:

09-10-2004, 08:02 AM
I'm quite FREAKED OUT by now so I get up to RUN out of the theater and get someone and I see the figure head to the projection room.
I later old the manager that relieved about the incident. He said that the Projection booth was the room that the Actor had killed himself in, and that that night was the anniversary of his death. That's why he wanted that night off.
I never returned to that theater again. :supp: :jawdrop:
Damn, I would have torched the place!!! I'm not hanging out with any of you when the sun goes down. :skull:

09-10-2004, 09:05 AM
Damn, I would have torched the place!!! I'm not hanging out with any of you when the sun goes down. :skull:
That was back in Topeka, Kansas in 1986-87 ...
I think that the old Theater is still there, but I'm not sure.. I have not been back to Topeka since 93 or so...

09-10-2004, 09:13 AM
I saw a chick with man junk once.......

09-10-2004, 09:19 AM
I saw a chick with man junk once.......
...was it "too late" by the time you noticed? :jawdrop: :D

09-10-2004, 09:30 AM
For the past two years the number 1111 is everywhere. Out of nowhere I look at the clock and it says 11:11. I'll get a receipt and look at it and notice 1111. This happens to me at least 4 times a week. There has to be some signifigance with this number. I don't look for it, it's just there.

09-10-2004, 09:32 AM
For the past two years the number 1111 is everywhere. Out of nowhere I look at the clock and it says 11:11. I'll get a receipt and look at it and notice 1111. This happens to me at least 4 times a week. There has to be some signifigance with this number. I don't look for it, it's just there.
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: ...and I always come up with the same thing when I measure myself... :D

09-10-2004, 09:34 AM
You are taking four measurements right? 1,1,1,1. You need to make sure you put the comma in there...LOL :D

09-10-2004, 09:34 AM
You are taking four measurements right? 1,1,1,1. You need to make sure you put the comma in there...LOL :D
LMAO!!!!! :D

09-10-2004, 10:06 AM
...was it "too late" by the time you noticed? :jawdrop: :D
no, it was on TV

09-10-2004, 10:28 AM
OK here’s mine, not sure if I believe in UFO’s or other shiznit like that but here’s my story of a whole series of interesting coincidences…make whatever conclusions you’d like.
Cruising my 74 dart back from the GF’s house at about 2AM on a back road in the hills of east Ventura and I had NOT been drinking. It was November and it was chilly but I always rode with the windows down since the windshield would fog up otherwise. I was wearing a jacket but still freezing my ass off (I’m a pussy when it comes to temp changes). Had the radio on but not really tuned to a specific station, just background. All of a sudden it started bouncing between stations and the volume went up and down regardless of my focking with the controls….keep in mind that this car was wired in 19and74 so issues like this weren’t necessarily out of the ordinary.
OK so the radio is trippin but everything else seems OK until the motor starts missing. Hmmmm, this sucks but whatever I’ll figure it out later. Again, I’m not overly worried since my house is only 5 min away. But now is where it starts to get a little weird…
I go another ½ mile or so and it gets real warm. I mean it must have jumped 20-30 degrees from 50-something to at least 75! OK, stuff like that happens in the hills…probably just had a little Santa Ana wind blow through. By this time I’m getting a little wierded out and this big ass shadow comes out from behind a hill. I could only see the outline but it looked like a huge bird with outstretched wings. Only one problem, it just hung there and didn’t flap its ”wings”….so that’s a NO on the bird theory. As I got within 100ft or so I could see that it was about the size of a small car 10-15ft. No sooner had I gotten a little look at it, the focker took off into the hills. As soon as it vanished from view the radio returned to normal, the motor stopped missing, and the temperature dropped back down.
Pretty trippy huh? Maybe it was the chupacabra :D
I had a very similar experience.
My friend(Steve) and I had gone to the HighSchool prom with our girlfriends in his old restored 1960 Ford Sunliner(a huge old convertible).....afterwards we decided to get some Boones Farm and get them drunk out in Questhaven(a place where all kinda of weird things can happen...alot more to that story in itself)....so we are heading out the dark roads(I'm driving) and we get to a spot where the headlights first flickered a few times and the girls started to flip out. Steve in the mean time was just cracking up cause he thought I was F'ing around. Not a minute later the car just simply quits running and it is pitch black out there. Again Steve is cracking up and the girls are freaking. I say to Steve, it ain't me, it just quit. He's still laughing until he hears some noises next to the road and notices I am frantically trying to get the car restarted...no juicy to the strarter, no lights, nada, nothin'..........now the noise was getting closer(like a buzzing sound) and feels like it passed right over our heads and quickly vanishes. AS soon as the noise disapeared the car started right back up and everything worked just fine again.....
More things happened to us during this venture but those were more self-induced panick and not weird unexplained things.

09-10-2004, 10:30 AM
For the past two years the number 1111 is everywhere. Out of nowhere I look at the clock and it says 11:11. I'll get a receipt and look at it and notice 1111. This happens to me at least 4 times a week. There has to be some signifigance with this number. I don't look for it, it's just there.
Thought I was the only one that this happens to, for me it's 1028, and has been for as long as I can remember, almost daily. Funny thing is I have three daughters and one is born on the 10th and one on the 28th and this has been happening since before they were born. :idea: :confused: :jawdrop:

09-10-2004, 10:46 AM
Thought I was the only one that this happens to, for me it's 1028, and has been for as long as I can remember, almost daily. Funny thing is I have three daughters and one is born on the 10th and one on the 28th and this has been happening since before they were born. :idea: :confused: :jawdrop:
I am still trying to piece mine together.

09-10-2004, 11:25 AM
For me, it is the number 23...
My wife did some geneology stuff awhile back and it hit me when I saw it on paper.
Paternal grandfather..born 12-23. Died 11-23.
Father ....................born 5-23 Died 12-23.
Self .................... born 10-23.
Our oldest son was due on dad's birthday, was induced 5 days early due to complications. His birth certificate states time of birth 10:23 am.
She also found a great-great uncle on my dads side that died in 1923 on my birthday 10-23. Fell off a chair while standing on it and broke his neck.
Now it is switching families on us. My brother and law and his wife have a daughter.
She was born on my birthday. 10-23.
Ghost story..
In 1978, I drove to Tehachapi, Ca. and met my girlfriened, (now wife) for a weekend at her best friend's family's weekend ranch. Back then, this place was the white-rail fence 15 acre showplace of a sleepy little town.
We went to bed at about 10;30pm, stone cold sober. I woke up about 0333, and was on my left side. I knew there was somebody standing at the foot of the bed looking at us. I waited for what seemed like hours, but was less than 2 minutes by the clock on the nightstand. Finally, I just rolled over and sat up, fisted clenched, ready to do battle.
There was a man standing there. He looked to be about 62, with grey hair and a well trimmed grey beard. He was wearing a blue coat with brass butoons and a Turtleneck. When I sat up , he took a step back and disappeared.
I woke my girlfriend up. We had to sleep on the floor the rest of the night. The sheets were drenched with sweat.
The next am, I reluctantly told my story to the girl who's famly owned the home. She listened, and said, "Oh, you saw the captain."
She then told me that the house had been built in the early forties by a captain in the merchant marine who was lost at sea. He died mysteriously at sea, and his young wife died in the house not long after. The apparition was seen every few years, always in that room, and always by a guest, not one of the famliy.
The girl then took me outside, and showed me where a previous owner had stuccoed over a door that used lead directly outside from the bedroom. It was right where the man had vanished the night before.
I slept in my car the next night.
I still get goose bumps thinking about this 25 years later.

Mrs. Restless22
09-10-2004, 11:33 AM
This thread is creeping me out!
Im sleeping with the lights on too :cry: :(

09-10-2004, 11:38 AM
For the past two years the number 1111 is everywhere. Out of nowhere I look at the clock and it says 11:11. I'll get a receipt and look at it and notice 1111. This happens to me at least 4 times a week. There has to be some signifigance with this number. I don't look for it, it's just there.
Me too! Same number 1111! It happens mostly with time (clocks, phones, etc). I can't remember who told me back like 10 years ago but they said that 1111 is lucky and to make a wish each time I see it. Ever since then it doesn't freak me out anymore and when I see it I say it out loud "1111, make a wish." All my friends are used to it by now. :)

09-10-2004, 11:40 AM
The house............I mean trailer I live in is haunted. When I first moved in, I always made sure I locked and bolted all the doors. Every morning, at least one door is unlocked. This happens all the time. As long as I leave one unlocked, nothing happens. About a year after I moved there, A neighbor told me it was haunted too. I told them I already knew that. It scared me at first but now I'm used to it.

09-10-2004, 11:55 AM
Yep. It's funny what we get used to. My parent's house where i grew up is also haunted. Mostly guests would hear things or swear they heard people walking around in the kitchen at night, pacing back and forth. There were a few times I was home alone and I would clearly hear someone or something run across the living room. I could hear the heaviness of their feet! My aunt, grandma and grandpa, all on separate occasions, swore to seeing an old lady in the master bedroom.
We always joked that it must have been the previous owner of the house (who was a really old lady and didn't want to sell it but her family made her because she couldn't take care of herself anymore). Some people in the neighborhood also said that the homes were built on a burial ground. Who knows.
But there's a funny story that still cracks me up. Miguel (Kilrtoy) and Yvonne came over one night and we were hanging out in the living room watching TV. No one else was home so it was pretty quiet. All of a sudden there was a heavy clawing sound at the front (metal) door. It was a scary sound, sounded like a wild animal or something. I got up right away and went to check it out but there was no one there. As for Miguel and Yvonne...damn, I never saw 2 people high-tail it out of a place so fast. :D They were like "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!" :D I think that was the last time they went over to that house at night. :shift:

09-10-2004, 12:04 PM
..... As for Miguel and Yvonne...damn, I never saw 2 people high-tail it out of a place so fast. :D They were like "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!" :D I think that was the last time they went over to that house at night. :shift:
The Not so KILR toy :D

09-10-2004, 12:21 PM
Screw making speaker covers and selling them to you guys, I'm going to start a GHOSTBUSTERS franchise......Who you gunna call?????? :lightsabe

09-10-2004, 02:13 PM
Ok this just happened to the Phuggits like two weeks ago. They live in Riverside and go out th Havasu through 29 palms/Amboy. It's a long desolate road through the middle of nowhere. Anyway I'm at home getting ready to leave and I get a call from Mrs. Phuggit......she says they're freaked out cause they're on that road and there's some sort of light folowing them. She explains that at first Curtis (Phuggit) thought it was a car that was following them a litle ways back but every time he sped up, it sped, no big deal ...someone's just sticking behind him....well there are dips in the road for water crossing and they're pretty deep...so Phuggits go through one of the dips and looks back expecting to the the light/car dip down through the dip but it doesn't....it just stays back there. So he's thinking maybe it's a train on the tracks next to the road but he's doing like 80mph.....and he's speading up and slowing down and the light is matching his speed exactly......now he's a little freaked out and so is Mrs. Phuggit because he's asking what it is and she can't get a good look at it....all she see's is a light.....So they're still trying to convince themselves its a train when the road turns and crosses the tracks and heads a different direction.....well the light follows the tracks until it crosses the road and the jumps on the road and follows right behind the truck.....that's when I got the call from them....they were totally freaked !!!! As I'm talking to them he tells me the light keeps swithing back and forth from one side of the truck to the other and then all of the sudden it went away....while they were talking to me. Oh yeah forgot and important piece this all happened the first weekend of the thunderstorms and everytime the lighting would flash the light would disappear for a secong then re-appear.....I don't know what it was but the Phuggits are still freaked out by it.

09-10-2004, 02:24 PM
Years ago when I lived in Houston, I was on my way to the airport with a girlfriend of mine. It was really foggy that night so it was hard to see. As we were approaching an overpass, we saw a very low, round object in the sky with lights all the way around. We both were freaking out and pulled over almost underneath it. Thats when we saw the pole holding up the street light. LMAO Felt a little stupid at the time.

09-10-2004, 02:40 PM
Years ago when I lived in Houston, I was on my way to the airport with a girlfriend of mine. It was really foggy that night so it was hard to see. As we were approaching an overpass, we saw a very low, round object in the sky with lights all the way around. We both were freaking out and pulled over almost underneath it. Thats when we saw the pole holding up the street light. LMAO Felt a little stupid at the time.
OMG I ALMOST FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR........................Thats too f'ng funny.
:D :D :D

BowTie Rick
09-10-2004, 02:43 PM
A lot of these UFO stories sound like this Ball lightning (http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/tesla/ballgtn.html)

09-10-2004, 03:22 PM
Me too! Same number 1111! It happens mostly with time (clocks, phones, etc). I can't remember who told me back like 10 years ago but they said that 1111 is lucky and to make a wish each time I see it. Ever since then it doesn't freak me out anymore and when I see it I say it out loud "1111, make a wish." All my friends are used to it by now. :)
Uh oh, now I'm scared :2purples: . That is some crazy shit! I am going to have to give that a shot and see what happens. At least you don't scare people and yell out Bingo or anyghing like that :)

09-10-2004, 03:33 PM
Me too! Same number 1111! It happens mostly with time (clocks, phones, etc). I can't remember who told me back like 10 years ago but they said that 1111 is lucky and to make a wish each time I see it. Ever since then it doesn't freak me out anymore and when I see it I say it out loud "1111, make a wish." All my friends are used to it by now. :)
Me too, Weird stuff :confused:

09-10-2004, 03:58 PM
I see 11:11 on my clock quite often too....whats up with dat chit :confused:

09-10-2004, 04:08 PM
when i was a kid 8-12 years old, quite a few years ago, I had this reoccuring dream of an old woman in front her house watering her yard, she was dressed in yellow and her house was green. I know it doesnt sound too weird, but i had this dream 100's of times. anyway one day, many years later im driving down this street and I see the same damn thing, exactly, the old lady standing in front of her green house watering her yard, dressed in the same yellow clothes. this is 30+ years later and i still remember that damn dream and the lady watering her yard :devil:

09-10-2004, 04:14 PM
I see 11:11 on my clock quite often too....whats up with dat chit :confused:
It must be in that damn river water LMAO!

09-10-2004, 04:19 PM
Uh oh, now I'm scared :2purples: . That is some crazy shit! I am going to have to give that a shot and see what happens. At least you don't scare people and yell out Bingo or anyghing like that :)
One time, I went to the river, and there were some black guys there...Freaky shit, man. :messedup:

09-10-2004, 04:28 PM
That's some crazy shit, that happens to me too. Every time I go :confused:

09-10-2004, 04:32 PM
I was kidnapped by aliens, they brought me to Earth.

09-10-2004, 04:49 PM
After being probed repeatedly.
Not by all of them at once, one at a time.

Krazy K
09-10-2004, 05:17 PM
When I was about 5-6 years old, we lived in Tustin on Woodland Dr. I was out after dark at my friends house which was out by Bryan Ave. I start walking home and I hear something above me. It's a UFO, it couldn't be anything else. It wasn't round, square, triangular, nothing. It was just"something". It was just yellowish light. It follows me home and as I'm walking up the driveway, it takes off. Many years later, my mom gets a plastic thingamabob that hold scented powder. I look on the lid of this thing and I swear to God himself, that UFO was on this lid as a design!! I think I dropped some wolfbait when I saw that!!
Another time when I was a teenager, I was riding this BMX bike down the middle of an alley when something told me to get over to the right as a car was coming. Of course, you couldn't see around the corner but I start moving anyway. As I do that, this car comes around the corner and clips the rear tire and sends me flying. I go about 10 feet through the air and land on a patch of grass that is only about 2 feet wide with a curb on 1 side and the sidewalk on the other!. Talk about luck!!

09-10-2004, 06:42 PM
when i was a kid 8-12 years old, quite a few years ago, I had this reoccuring dream of an old woman in front her house watering her yard, she was dressed in yellow and her house was green. I know it doesnt sound too weird, but i had this dream 100's of times. anyway one day, many years later im driving down this street and I see the same damn thing, exactly, the old lady standing in front of her green house watering her yard, dressed in the same yellow clothes. this is 30+ years later and i still remember that damn dream and the lady watering her yard :devil:
Did you go on to marry her? Maybe it was just a wet dream. :eek:

09-10-2004, 08:14 PM
Did you go on to marry her? Maybe it was just a wet dream. :eek:
naw, just stopped in for a qickie :sqeyes:

09-10-2004, 08:21 PM
One time, I went to the river, and there were some black guys there...Freaky shit, man. :messedup:
Mandy I just spilled my beer LMAO focker :D :D :D