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09-24-2004, 11:14 AM
Or any other HB members that might be Fire fighters!

Mrs. Bordsmnj
09-24-2004, 11:17 AM
Is there a fire????? :2purples:

09-24-2004, 11:20 AM
No silly!!!! I am just very curious about the job. I have always been interested in becoming a Fireman and I need a new career.

09-24-2004, 11:47 AM
I can't speak firsthand about "being" a fireman, but I can tell you a little about the job and hiring process as a son of a fireman and friend to many more. I went pretty far into the process before deciding it wasn't for me.
The first thing you should realize is that you're pretty much not gonna walk in off the street with no experience and get a job on a good department. You'll be competing with guys who have degrees in fire science and/or years of experience in explorer or wildland camps. Also, many larger departments have set up their process so that theoretically the most qualified person can be passed over repeatedly. It's called "banding", and it came about to help departments meet diversity quotas. Basically, if you want to get the job, you better be able to deal with rejection and like to take a lot of tests. There are 2,000-10,000 applicants for each open job with L.A. County on average.
As far as the job, it ain't like the firemen on TV. Sure, you fight fires like those guys, but the part you don't see is when the guys have to go into a burned out house afterwards and overhaul it. Then you hump all the wet hose back onto your rig and go back to the house. If your department doesn't have synthetic hose, you'll be hanging the wet stuff up when you get back. That, of course, means loading new hose onto the engine. Did I mention this will probably be in the middle of the night? And just as you get back to sleep the bell will go off and you'll be on your way to a traffic fatality, possibly to clean someone off the road. I'm not trying to be melodramatic, but some of the things my Dad has seen are beyond belief. This is not to mention living 12-24 hours at a time in the station with people you may or may not like.
On the positive side, you will probably make friends that you'll have forever. All of the people closest to our family when I was young were firemen. I grew up with their kids and it was like a big family. Firemen take care of their own, and the bond they share cannot be described with words. It's a tremendously demanding job. It's also tremendously rewarding in many ways. If you have any questions or want to talk to someone on the job, PM me. I can hook you up.

09-24-2004, 11:53 AM
Just wanted to say that living in Fire country we appreciate ALL THE EFFORTS the Firefighters put forth. I wish I had some pics right now of around my house and the signs on the pasture fences that say
THANK YOU FIREFIGHTERS, WE LOVE YOU". We recently had a terrible fire in our county and a female firefighter lost her life protecting our homes. 16 homes were lost, along with her life.
The day after the fire there was a long line of trucks with very tired firefighters headed back home and people were pulling over on the highway and getting out of their cars and waving and saluting as they passed on by.
Very touching moment to witness.

09-24-2004, 12:05 PM
I have to share a funny story related to that.....
My Dad spent a few years as Captain at a station in Malibu in the 70's. As a matter of fact the station was sandwiched in between the homes of people like Johnny Carson and Farah Fawcett etc....So they had the usual big Malibu fire (like they do about every 10 years) and everyone pulled a lot of overtime. Well, after the fire was over the star studded residents of Malibu threw a huge party for the firemen and their families. Being the youngster I was, I asked my Dad if any stars were gonna be there and if he knew any of them. He told me that he knew Larry Hagman (Dallas) pretty well. Well, I blew him off because Dallas was the shizzle at the time and my Dad couldn't be that cool.
So we were all at this BBQ and every once in a while a celebrity would walk around and gladhand the crowds. I saw Larry Hagman, which was enough of a shock, but what happened next shocked me more. He walked over, shook my Dad's hand, said "Hey John, how's it going?" and they proceeded to make smalltalk like old buddies about the fire and the damage to the houses. About the time I thought it couldn't get any better Hagman turns towards me and my sister and asks to be introduced. I thought my sister was gonna faint right there!! I got to hang out with "J.R." because my Dad was the Fire Captain....That was pretty cool.

little rowe boat
09-24-2004, 12:07 PM
No silly!!!! I am just very curious about the job. I have always been interested in becoming a Fireman and I need a new career.
Whats up gman? What would you like to know?

09-24-2004, 05:59 PM
I PM'd you on RRL. If you have more questions just post em up. Lots of FF's here on the boards.

09-24-2004, 06:49 PM
Why is it firemen get all the credit and glory? police officers have a much harder job imo and dont get nearly as much appreastion. My brother-n-law got hired two years ago for LA county fd never had a class of fire science or any training what so ever, he spent the last 15 yrs working for budwieser and just took the written test and scored high enough to get picked up( five years later) I should mention he is half hispanic. if that matter's, he loves his job and it has gone straight to his head, I keep telling him if it wasent for us meaning the (WATER DEPT) you couldn't fight your fires( hose drager) Any how I guess it's a good gig if yoou can get it I tried for five years and gave up. IMO cops deserve as much praise if not more, it's just nobody like's em until they need one my 02 keep up the good worl LE

09-24-2004, 08:15 PM
Good point CC. Both police and fireman are under appreciated. The TV makes it look like Firefighting is a glamorous job, but if you've seen what is involved you know that's not true. As far as getting the job without experience, there are a lot of other factors when race is involved. LA County hasn't tested on a regular schedule, causing them to draw deeper into the applicant pool. That's not a slam on your Bro-in-Law, just saying that if he waited five years and they hired him from his original test they were still using that group. In that case, a lot more less experienced people get hired. I tried for a couple years as well, and couldn't get past being a white male.

little rowe boat
09-24-2004, 09:21 PM
Why is it firemen get all the credit and glory? police officers have a much harder job imo and dont get nearly as much appreastion. My brother-n-law got hired two years ago for LA county fd never had a class of fire science or any training what so ever, he spent the last 15 yrs working for budwieser and just took the written test and scored high enough to get picked up( five years later) I should mention he is half hispanic. if that matter's, he loves his job and it has gone straight to his head, I keep telling him if it wasent for us meaning the (WATER DEPT) you couldn't fight your fires( hose drager) Any how I guess it's a good gig if yoou can get it I tried for five years and gave up. IMO cops deserve as much praise if not more, it's just nobody like's em until they need one my 02 keep up the good worl LE
Then why don't you become a cop.

09-26-2004, 09:37 PM
All the info everyone has said is true. I worked for Los Angeles County for 7 years in positions other than a firefighter(Utility Driver and Camps) trying to build my resume and get hired. I was finally hired, but for another agency. The position of firefighter has evolved to a jack of many trades. Agencies other than large cities(LA County & City, etc.) hire based on scores and how you are "banded" like someone else mentioned. Smaller agencies are tougher to get hired with. 3 1/2 years ago after being hired, my department has not hired anyone that was not already a paramedic, I was the last hired a firefighter. Being sent to paramedic school while being paid is a blessing, especially with a wife and children. My advice-and I hope everyone here agrees-take every test you can. If you are still not getting hired, find out who is and what their resume looks like. The guys with time on can probably tell you better, but the days of having a high school diploma and drivers license only are gone. Fire Academy and EMT are just the base with many agencies looking for certified paramedics as a prequalification. If you need any help, let me know. I remember when I jumped in. Just remember, as all the guys will tell you-the end result is far better than you could ever imagine.
Good luck.
If anyone ever sees us-the ice chest is always full!