View Full Version : Old school but cool!

09-26-2004, 07:04 PM
Old school because I can't afford new things plus I know how to work on the older motors.
It's a 1980's "Centurion" picklefork (sp?) 10 foot boat. It's a very stout hull that has a disclaimer as being a "Race Boat" from the factory on it. It came with a 30 hp Johnson which was fun for a while but now I've stepped up the plate. We now have a 1974 (I think) 85 HP Inline 4 Merc sittin on the back. We took her out yesterday and gave it a test run, we slowly let it off the trailor and she sits respectively in the water. We don't have the tilt and trim setup on it yet so we are dealing with the pin for our tilt and had it set at 1 notch away from the bottom. First launch and the boat came up more than 45 degrees no joke. Put the pin all the way down so the motor is tucked up as far as it can to the boat. Tried it again and she jumps out of the hole. So once on plain it starts hopping perty good. NOTE we have the battery on the front left with the gas tank basically in the center of the boat. Up to this point everythings seems as though it could be ironed out. My problem is this
Once on plain and basically just cruising I hit the gas boat accelerates like a raped ape BUT it has TOO much torque. The boat rolls over to the left side and the left sponson digs in. to correct this I plan on mounting the gas tank as far to the front as I can along with moving the battery to the right side of the boat. Now my only other ideas to correct this would be to put weight on the right side (possibly like a sand bag in the far front right) and possibly those trim tabs on the back. Would this help? Anybody got ANY suggestions? I need help. I would like to hit a respectible 60 mph and think I would be able to w\this hull design and power. Any ideas?????

09-26-2004, 07:41 PM
When a sponson digs in on a v-drive hydro, the prop is too shallow.
Should be an easy try to put the engine a little deeper on your deal.

09-27-2004, 07:03 PM
I hate to got against you Infomaniac Infomaniac but someone told me that I was supposed to raise the motor because of the torque. Not saying this person was correct I would just like some more input.
Does anybody know of the type of boat I'm talking about? thanks

09-27-2004, 09:21 PM
sounds like it has to much prop and the engine it tilted in to much to me. When we ran those little class C mod hydros and the class B runabouts they would burn the prop for ever to get on plane. You would lean way up over the dash and kinda get in and out of it until it hooked up. Well more in it then out. lol, it took awhile that's for sure. Those props didn't have any diameter (maybe 6-8", I donno for sure was a youngster) and mega pitch. Are you running a stock thru hub type of deal?
I think with less diameter and getting the engine off the bottom pin you will do better.
Inline 4 on a 10' boat, I like it! Must see some pics.

10-09-2004, 09:08 PM
Worked on the boat all yesterday and finally got her put back together. Put in a new steering cable along with the shifter, and throttle cables, because last time i took it out the motor decided to go for a swim and broke the plate it was bolted to right off. Can't complain to much since the cables actually held the motor suspended under the boat. After fishing it out of the water and trying to go back together though the cables were a bit "longer" :( But once the cables were in we placed the battery and a 35 lbs sand bag in the front right of the boat.
As for today took it out and ran her but the damn thing woulndn't stop bouncing (or "porpoising" ? ) that's with the motor trimed all the way under so we pulled it out and had an extra "whale tail" lying around so we bolted it on and tried it out again.
This time she ran good no more bounce, torque problem is much better, but our mount for the motor was draggin in the water and causing ALOT of resistance and was throwing about a 12' rooster. so we temporarily stuck a fitted piece of plywood under the mount. with that it greatly increased the speed
Finally we kicked the motor out a notch and she ran like a spotted ass ape! We took a few pic's of it launching and a few video clips and I'll try to post them on here. Here's a rundown of what's going on
: We're in a Taylor Jet boat that supposedly runs about 65 and we have a quick drag race down the creek. The Jet has top end no doubt on the lil 10' but the 10 rapes him out of the hole and is runnin out of prop at higher speeds, plans are to run a 23 Pitch next time
I'll have to work on getting the video clip on here.

Forkin' Crazy
10-09-2004, 09:52 PM
Cool boat!
Man, you ain't shittin' about 10' long!!!! :jawdrop:
I guess that you have a 20" mid? How tall is the transom?
You need to make damn sure you have the transom/bracket very secure. Gas pedal is best (both hands on the wheel). You have a kill switch, right? Good life jacket? Looks like it could be dangerous..... be careful!
From what I have experienced, motor too low will make it torque over.

10-26-2004, 08:18 PM
Looks like fun, but man 10' long doesn't leave much room for error at speed.