View Full Version : Give up the goods River Racers

09-26-2004, 08:15 PM
You guys know who you are. Let's hear your numbers from today, and how many runs were you able to get in? Yesterday was a cluster **** but Stark Naked layed it down hard for one pass.

09-26-2004, 08:23 PM
I saw ol' Stark lay down 3 passed today. He might have gotten 4 in but I only saw the 3. All looked good. He was very smooth and was very professional looking out there.
Man, there was a shit load of R.R. out there this weekend.
There was a red jet running in the 9.50's too.

Nucking futs
09-26-2004, 08:28 PM
They all looked real good.i think some should step into the 950 bracket......

09-26-2004, 08:28 PM
All the River Racers got in 3 runs today. Due to the unexpected high number of boats that showed for this race, RR class got cut saturday so they could get all of the classes 2 rounds to qualify. All of the boats ran strong. DJD finally got to lay down 2 hard passes as well. CS19 and Cyclone both running hard. It was a great weekend, a little hot, but very fun. Glad to see everyone who stopped by and everyone who helped out.
Thanks MudPumper for driving the truck for us Saturday so I could watch Cyclone run. And Thanks MikeF for driving the truck today for the last pass.

09-26-2004, 08:31 PM
i got some video and some pics of most of em ....PLEASE download the video clips by right clicking and save as ...to conserve my bandwith so you can watch em over and over ..please dont watch them throught the website thanks...
good showing you all made
video and pics (http://www.southwindjetboats.com/race%20videos%20and%20pics.htm)
not for dialup big videos and pics

09-26-2004, 08:31 PM
No prob Randy, I was happy to be a part of team "Captain Chaos" :cool:

Squirtin Thunder
09-26-2004, 11:42 PM
I just want to thank Jack of MPD,
That guy worked his ass of all weekend. He was helping everyone that needed it plus lending things out to try. Jack Mac is the man. I just wish I could somehow download a 1/4 of the info he has stored on these jets.
Thank you Jack

09-27-2004, 07:19 AM
another great weekend. it was great seeing all the new faces out there, meeting some new folks, and seeing all the guys taking advantage of the river racer deal. it started off kinda herky jerky, since we had no tech available on friday (hopefully, that will be rectified by the october race). even with that, all the rr's got 4 passes in, and educational activities were occurring. i think jeanyus picked up 10mph from his first run to his last, and there's probably a few more there. djd had a few problems, but fought through them to get a couple solid passes in. the list goes on.
it was really great seeing jetboatguru finally come into the light, piloting that 18' cp gullwing several times down the course. he must have been surprised by the acceleration of a jet though, as he kept redlighting all weekend long :D
hope to see y'all out there at the next race :D .

09-27-2004, 07:41 AM
What a awsome experience that was!A huge learning experience.It took till the fourth pass till i didnt think i was going to throw up in the helmet while sitting on the rope.I am definatly going to try and be there again next month.The list of people i have to thank is a long list so here we go Jack at MPD,BP,CS19,HB and cyclone,Steelcomp,Jeanyus,BK,Squirtin Thunder,Bear 454 thanks for the wire and some others that i dont know names,it was a great time.And all my buddies that helped me that read the forums but never sighn on thanks a bunch.I almost forgot Alan 565 thanks for the loan of the jacket and helmet.

billet racing
09-27-2004, 07:48 AM
Hey BP, how did you do. I had to leave Sat eve. drove the truck for Butch so missed most of the racing. Don't know how everyone faired.

09-27-2004, 07:50 AM
Sorry I couldn't make it Danny something came up....How did you run?

09-27-2004, 07:54 AM
Those of you with river race boats have to drag your asses out to Bakersfield, It is way too much fun.
I have gotta say thanks to all the guys down at the MPD/DNE pit. You guys are a great group and helped me sooo much. Big thanks to Jack Mc and KT for the tuning tips, loaned parts, etc. Thank you!! Also Chris Braun and his guys for helping me on my first run and for the loaned generator.Black Bear racing, thanks for dealing with the new guys being pitted next to you, and for all the advice..Most importantly Shannon, my mom, Jordan and Bob. Thanks for all your hard work all weekend.
The only tuning we did on the boat was in very small hardware adjustments. We were working to get the attitude better (first pass was a little high in the nose) the boat responded to what KT and Jack did in the set up.The engine stayed untouched, just filled er' up with 91 octane. :D
Best et was a 9.510 (at the hottest part of the day) best mph on their clocks was a 114.5 , the boat ran in the 9.50s all 4 passes.9.50 bracket is calling my name. :D
It was cool seeing all the people from the boards coming by the pits, and we met lots of new people as well. Sorry I couldnt chat much. I had to focus on too many things like keeping my head on straight. Next time I will feel much better about it now that Ive got one round under my belt..
One thing that I cant stop thinking about is the feeling you get in your stomach when your hear the guys say "watch the lights" and you fire your boat up. I dont know about you guys, but I got this feeling in my gut that I cannot explain but man it was a cool feeling.
Thanks again to all the people who helped me.Cs19

hack job
09-27-2004, 08:09 AM
Chris sounds like you guys had a hell of a time out there. glad to hear she is running strong! i was messing wiht the boat most of the weekend and iam almost ready to drop it in. lol
any how i mihgt be swinging by mpd later this week to have jack take a look at my pump and boat set up . i should see you then :cool: congrats to mike, chris , tom and all the others that ran it this weekend.

09-27-2004, 08:13 AM
the highlight for me was hearing MPD on the sponser card for a cole flatbottom!! :D
Oh, and meeting CS19 for the first time was cool too. BITCHEN boat Chris!

09-27-2004, 08:17 AM
What a blast! I'm still at lake Ming. Leaving for home shortly.
As far as my numbers go. I knocked over a 1/2 second off my ET for a 13.22
and a top speed of 78.02. I got in 4 full runs total. I almost didn't get my 4th run, there was one boat ahead of us at the launch ramp,when when Jim (Squirtin Thunder) noticed that one of my plugs was missing. I was bummed out then the oakie, Jim pulls a screwdriver out wraps it with tape, and pounds it into the hole. The plug held and that was my best run. Sometimes it pays to have an oakie around. Thanks oakie. I have a lot of other people to thank,
I'll do that when I get home. I also have a lot of pictures to post when I get home, I could sum up the racing with 1 word, YAHOO!

09-27-2004, 08:23 AM
Fourq good job on the pictures. I guess I don't need a new camera I will just download your pictures. :cool:
Nice see you guys along with Ugly Customer, Cyclone, 0440 and HBjet.

09-27-2004, 10:19 AM
where to start??? It was a real treat to see my friends old and new out on the rope with me. It really relaxed me while waiting for my 3 new favorite words, "watch the lights!"
And chris I can totally relate to the gut feeling when you hear it. I've watched the videos from the weekend over and over and still get that same feeling when sitting on the couch. Jessa has a great video that Randy shot on her camera from the rope of you laying down a pass. That's one clean launching boat! Not a single bounce.
Steelcomp- Ive also got some vid of you and the other guy in the white/orange bahner although I cant remember his name at the moment.
DJD-danny i got vid of you running too. Its the pass where the fuel pump died and then you refired and ran it out.
As most of you know, I've been ironing out the kinks in my new motor since CBBB and this race the was the first time for me to really lay into the throttle. My first pass was 10.01 at 107 mph and I red lite -2.07 seconds. lol
The motor ran awesome but I played it conservative, not giving the boat much up nozzle on the way down the track. The holeshot sucked ass too because i launched the boat with the diverter pointed straight instead of down so the boat bounced 3 times out of the hole.
AFter checking the plugs and seeing that the motor was running fat and happy, I swapped pulleys, adding 1 more psi boost and also ran C-12 fuel to keep things safe.
Run-2 was 9.59 at 110 mph and I was late 1.1 seconds at the light. This time i launched with the diverter down and gave the boat alot more throttle at the start.
The plugs looked a bit lean so we jetted up on the primary's.
Run-3 The holeshot was real good, I aired the boat out the most all weekend and she flew! I went 9.57 at 108 mph with a .76 RT. The lights were messed up all weekend and I finally figured them out for a halfway decent start.
Jetted up 1 more time in between rounds
Run-4 was my favorite. I tried to line up againsta CS19 but a mixup on the rope had me against an orange hydro on N02. The wind came up before the start so i did't run the nose up as high as the last pass. I got the holeshot on the hydro as I went through the traps he blew right past me! I ran 9.56 at 110 mph in the afternoon heat with a .59 RT. I talked to the driver of the hydro "Chronic Relief" at the outramp and he said he was on the juice during the entire run. He ran 9.08 at 120 mph! man that thing was fast.
Anyways, I had an awesome weekend. Thanks to Steve Brule and his crew, Tom Papp racing, Ray Field of Dougan's Racing Engines, HB Jet, Mike F, Superdave, Mudpumper, My girl Jessa and everyone else who came by to help out and say hi!

09-27-2004, 10:34 AM
Hey BP, how did you do. I had to leave Sat eve. drove the truck for Butch so missed most of the racing. Don't know how everyone faired.
hey jerry, good to see ya this weekend. after fighting a few gremlins this weekend, things went well and we picked up the trophy. butch did really well, but kinda napped in the first round, so i didn't get to face him in second round. i ran off with mike frye in his hydro second round, then shaun forrest in the final. guys seemed to be having a few problems with the lights this weekend, but it seemed ok to me :cool: Butch seems to have it real close in the 10s, so i'm lookin' forward to pairin' up one of these times.
chris, i can tell ya that alan tunes up his voice all winter so he can say those magic words just right. once ya get used to it, that phrase will just make ya smile, 'cuz ya know what it means :wink: .

09-27-2004, 10:41 AM
Hey BP, how did you do. I had to leave Sat eve. drove the truck for Butch so missed most of the racing. Don't know how everyone faired.
thanks again for the loaner helmet!

09-27-2004, 10:45 AM
Just reading this and thinking about all of the stuff this weekend makes the butterflies start again.My knew favorite phrase is "watch the lights".

Squirtin Thunder
09-27-2004, 10:52 AM
and MASH IT!!!!

DRUNK FRIEND "O" Bense with NO boat
09-27-2004, 12:04 PM
So..............who Won The 500 Bucks Between Djd And Cs19?

09-27-2004, 12:15 PM
There was no bet.Thank god or else i would have had to call you and barrow some cash.Chris ran extremely hard.

09-27-2004, 01:25 PM
Anyone know what JBG....I mean, GMkillers boat ran? I didn't pay enough attention. :notam: It looked pretty good out there! :D

Squirtin Thunder
09-27-2004, 01:27 PM
Hell I missed a FORD, damm !!!!

09-27-2004, 01:31 PM
Don't want it to get lost on the 1st page. :hammer2:
Anyone know what JBG....I mean, GMkillers boat ran? I didn't pay enough attention. :notam: It looked pretty good out there! :D

09-27-2004, 01:31 PM
Anyone know what JBG....I mean, GMkillers boat ran? I didn't pay enough attention. :notam: It looked pretty good out there! :D
i think it went 9.22 on one of the passes. probably would of gone quicker if a vdrive guy wasn't behind the wheel. :D

09-27-2004, 01:45 PM
GM Killers boat made 4 passes. The first one was a little sketchy. Not knowing what to expect I rolled into the gas on the start line and it wanted to steer left and right. I felt like a goob turning the wheel to chase it but then it staightened up with power and ran 10.58 @104.
I told Gm Killer dont sweat it and that the boat would go much quicker if I just mashed the gas. I just wasn't ready to get after it. Second pass ran 9.28 @109.
Third pass ran 9.17 @114
Fourth pass ran 9.22 @ 110 in the heat.
Not to be an ass but, I honestly don't see what you guys see in these jets.
looks like everybody had a good time out there. I like the headers on the placecraft.
GM Killers boat ran well considering it was it's maiden voyage after being put together for 2 years. Even my wife commented that "there is not much boat that rides in the water."
What the hell do you guys do with your left foot while you are driving? :hammerhea

09-27-2004, 01:58 PM
GM Killers boat made 4 passes. The first one was a little sketchy. Not knowing what to expect I rolled into the gas on the start line and it wanted to steer left and right. I felt like a goob turning the wheel to chase it but then it staightened up with power and ran 10.58 @104.
I told Gm Killer dont sweat it and that the boat would go much quicker if I just mashed the gas. I just wasn't ready to get after it. Second pass ran 9.28 @109.
Third pass ran 9.17 @114
Fourth pass ran 9.22 @ 110 in the heat.
Not to be an ass but, I honestly don't see what you guys see in these jets.
looks like everybody had a good time out there. I like the headers on the placecraft.
GM Killers boat ran well considering it was it's maiden voyage after being put together for 2 years. Even my wife commented that "there is not much boat that rides in the water."
What the hell do you guys do with your left foot while you are driving? :hammerhea
I was just kidding because I knew you'd read this. I give you a ton of credit for climbing behind the wheel of a boat you've never been in before and runnin hard. As for the left foot, it just hangs out on the carpet. I dont do a thing with it. Most of the center steer race boats have a dead pedal for the driver's left foot.

09-27-2004, 02:01 PM
Mike that boat of yours hauls ass. It leaves hard.
I was constantly looking for a pedal to push with my left foot. Looks like you and CS19 would have had a great race. All good looking boats

Squirtin Thunder
09-27-2004, 02:34 PM
More pics please

09-27-2004, 02:40 PM
GM Killers boat made 4 passes. The first one was a little sketchy. Not knowing what to expect I rolled into the gas on the start line and it wanted to steer left and right. I felt like a goob turning the wheel to chase it but then it staightened up with power and ran 10.58 @104.
I told Gm Killer dont sweat it and that the boat would go much quicker if I just mashed the gas. I just wasn't ready to get after it. Second pass ran 9.28 @109.
Third pass ran 9.17 @114
Fourth pass ran 9.22 @ 110 in the heat.
Not to be an ass but, I honestly don't see what you guys see in these jets.
looks like everybody had a good time out there. I like the headers on the placecraft.
GM Killers boat ran well considering it was it's maiden voyage after being put together for 2 years. Even my wife commented that "there is not much boat that rides in the water."
What the hell do you guys do with your left foot while you are driving? :hammerhea
BOAT SLUT :lightsabe :lightsabe :lightsabe :lightsabe :lightsabe

09-27-2004, 02:46 PM
Not to be an ass but, I honestly don't see what you guys see in these jets.
:p :p :p

09-27-2004, 02:48 PM
Mike that boat of yours hauls ass. It leaves hard.
I was constantly looking for a pedal to push with my left foot. Looks like you and CS19 would have had a great race. All good looking boats
So what are YOU bringing to FC2 to play with?

09-27-2004, 02:54 PM
Not to be an ass but, I honestly don't see what you guys see in these jets.
:p :p :p
i'm partial to jets but I do see the attraction of the vdrive. Guru made a pass where at 1/2 track the nose of the bling bling boat (correct me if i'm wrong about which boat it was) lifted pretty high and you could tell that he quickly used the down pedal to get the boat righted and then continued to power on down the track. I thought it was a great show of skill and coordination. That right there is my attraction to vdrives. I like the coordinately it takes to really drive one correctly.
My love of jets boats is that they simply fun to drive. it's like riding a dirt bike or quad where you can use the throttle to steer.

09-27-2004, 03:03 PM
i'm partial to jets but I do see the attraction of the vdrive. Guru made a pass where at 1/2 track the nose of the bling bling boat (correct me if i'm wrong about which boat it was) lifted pretty high and you could tell that he quickly used the down pedal to get the boat righted and then continued to power on down the track. I thought it was a great show of skill and coordination. That right there is my attraction to vdrives. I like the coordinately it takes to really drive one correctly.
My love of jets boats is that they simply fun to drive. it's like riding a dirt bike or quad where you can use the throttle to steer.
Not to mention .....Barney sez...chicks dig jetboats..... :D
Tony....did the Blower belt stay on..... :rollside:
lol....I am sure the .."Belt Helpers"..were nearby.... :D

09-27-2004, 03:08 PM
that's probably the one thing barney and I can agree on. Indeed, chicks dig jet boats.

Squirtin Thunder
09-27-2004, 03:09 PM
I think its the big units we have sticking out the back.

09-27-2004, 03:17 PM
I think it's because we can "Squirt" it so far.

09-27-2004, 03:30 PM
Guru ran that CP good all weekend. we all were saying no matter what boat you put him in, he will run that thing like he's been running it for years. Great Job Tony!

flat broke
09-27-2004, 03:48 PM
So what are YOU bringing to FC2 to play with?
D'cucci? It would be cool if he brought the roundy round rig.

09-27-2004, 04:02 PM
cs and cyclone good numbers.I hope you guys go to the brackets next year just work on the lights.CS 19 your mph sounds about right last year when i ran the 9.50 bracket chris was running around 110-113 and in the upper.50s you guys are probably very close on the set ups.
JBG driving jet????? :idea: guess you are now a jetboatguru ;)

GM Killer
09-27-2004, 04:15 PM
GM Killers boat made 4 passes. The first one was a little sketchy. Not knowing what to expect I rolled into the gas on the start line and it wanted to steer left and right. I felt like a goob turning the wheel to chase it but then it staightened up with power and ran 10.58 @104.
I told Gm Killer dont sweat it and that the boat would go much quicker if I just mashed the gas. I just wasn't ready to get after it. Second pass ran 9.28 @109.
Third pass ran 9.17 @114
Fourth pass ran 9.22 @ 110 in the heat.
Not to be an ass but, I honestly don't see what you guys see in these jets.
looks like everybody had a good time out there. I like the headers on the placecraft.
GM Killers boat ran well considering it was it's maiden voyage after being put together for 2 years. Even my wife commented that "there is not much boat that rides in the water."
What the hell do you guys do with your left foot while you are driving? :hammerhea
Thanks for driving Tony!!! The only thing you left out is that we made no adjustments to the boat. Jim Guthrie did a good job rigging the boat. Once we get to analyze the film and see what the boat is doing, Jim is confident we will be in the 8's in no time. Not bad for a Ferd. So a few tweaks and it will be ready for the FBC. Maybe now Ferds gained a little respect. A note to you Cheby guys, I didnt even dyno this thing, so Im sure there is more to be had.

Squirtin Thunder
09-27-2004, 04:34 PM
I will have my little Ford out there at FBC2 too. Have no idea if th Sanger will hold up to the critics but it will be there.

09-27-2004, 04:49 PM
Thanks for driving Tony!!! The only thing you left out is that we made no adjustments to the boat. Jim Guthrie did a good job rigging the boat. Once we get to analyze the film and see what the boat is doing, Jim is confident we will be in the 8's in no time. Not bad for a Ferd. So a few tweaks and it will be ready for the FBC. Maybe now Ferds gained a little respect. A note to you Cheby guys, I didnt even dyno this thing, so Im sure there is more to be had.
Gm killer,
Not trying to start anything but why didnt you drive the boat?Dont you run it at the river?Did you guys change the setup since you last drove the boat or was there health issues im just curious cause i wouldnt give up that rush for anything.

09-27-2004, 05:03 PM
Chris those are some impressive numbers. You already know what I think about the boat. I wish I could of been there but something came up. Will be there for sure next time.
Danny any numbers. You can hit me up if you want. Will be in garage all night.

09-27-2004, 05:19 PM
My first first run was like 80 mph with a 10.65 et i had ignition trouble then the second run was 90 mph at 22.40 had fuel trouble then the third pass was 100.70 mph at10.35 and my last pass was 101.90 at 10.10 et.I cut a .07 light on my third pass and a .05 on my forth pass.I left the boat set up the way i run it on the river.As far as tune up goes i fattened up the carbs a little and set the timimg at 28 deg.so it ran real soft i didnt want to break anything i want to go to fbc2.I am going to run it again in october though then we will make some setup changes.

09-27-2004, 05:30 PM
Good looking boat DJDplacecraft. That thing was getting better each pass. MAybe the next time the lights will be fixed, but it sounded like you had a handle on them. I was going on the second number that came up. It would go solid yellow, the 1 would flash, then blank, then 5. I would leave as the five lit (to push the light) or I would see a 5 and leave for a conservative light. This was in the Flatbottom. In GM killers boat I was leaving on a solid yellow and cutting 2 1/2 second red lights to insure that I wouldn't get beat :p :p

09-27-2004, 05:37 PM
Guru i waited till i saw the first flashing # opened the gate and left.We will make some changes in october and let it run out a bit but i wanted to insure that we make it to the river with that thing a couple more times this year.So how did ya like running the jet?how did it pull in comparison?That thing runns hard thats for sure Ford or no ford.

GM Killer
09-27-2004, 05:42 PM
Gm killer,
Not trying to start anything but why didnt you drive the boat?Dont you run it at the river?Did you guys change the setup since you last drove the boat or was there health issues im just curious cause i wouldnt give up that rush for anything.
I didnt drive for a few reasons. First is that the boat hasnt been run for 14 years. Even though it was professionally done, you never know what might happen, so I wanted someone in there that knows what they are doing, and who is better then Tony!!!

09-27-2004, 05:46 PM
In all honesty, it scared the hell out of me. I felt at the mercy of the boat. It seemed to run good. I can see how a 110 mph jet would kill a 110 mph flatty or hydro. They do accelerate hard and the gullwing felt like it was aired up. I give lots of credit to Jim Guthrie on the setup of the boat. He was not there and basically set it up and home and told GM Killer give her a whirl. I told Keith to leave the boat setup alone and just tweak on the motor a bit. He put some timing in it and it seemed to like it. It was basically just me stepping on the gas. I had not driven a jet in a few years. The motor felt like it had some beans. I wouldnt say it was dripping with power but it was solid. :jawdrop:
Who did those headers for you?

09-27-2004, 06:06 PM
Rewarder built them for me they are called the place style header he custom makes them.I like them there are some things i didnt like about them for the $$$$ but what do ya do.
Gm i wasnt trying to start any problems it may have sounded a little off i was just curious.Are you bringing it back out in october and are you going to drive it then?

09-27-2004, 06:12 PM
Just want to chime in and say what a great (and humbling) experience this weekend was!
Guru, thanks for the pointers on the rope...worked it out finally. Best part was meetin all you great racers on the board that showed up! CS, Danny, Jeanyus, Jim, bp, Jack, Tom, Brant, all you guys were great to hang with for the weekend.
Hey Guru, next time maybe you can put on some dark sunglasses or something and come hang with the homies down in the projects for a spell. Tell us some good stories. We wouldn't rat you out!! 'Course, maybe now you got the JB bug, and just might feel at home!!!
Thunder, thanks for covering for me this weekend. Someone had to! :rolleyes:
Special thanks to Ron Z and his wife for feeding me. That was sure generous and kind. You're good people, and I hope it's not a whole year 'till we meet again.
My little hot rod didn't fair too poorly, AFAIC. Best of 11.31, 92.13.mph at 5500! Full interior, alternator, everything as is, on the lake.
There were some impressive numbers coming out of jet boat row, and you guys should all be real proud of a very safe and uneventful weekend!!!
What a blast. :D :coffeycup
Hey CS...
"watch the lights!" :D
bp...great to see you again and congrats on a hard fought victory, and well deserved win. You da man!!! Thanks to you and Jack Mac for all your input and advice. I know you guys had bigger fish to fry, but I appreciate the time and attention.

GM Killer
09-27-2004, 06:20 PM
Gm i wasnt trying to start any problems it may have sounded a little off i was just curious.Are you bringing it back out in october and are you going to drive it then?
I didnt think you were trying to start anything, I thought it was a good question. I will be in it at the next race as long as it doesnt conflict with my schedule, I have a wedding to go to on the 23rd. When is the next race?

09-27-2004, 06:24 PM
I think it is on the 15th and 16th of october.Are you bringing that bad boy to fbc2?

09-27-2004, 06:28 PM
Who drove the white blown hydro that did a 6.90 at 156 on the first day? His tow vehicle was a late 80s bronco......

GM Killer
09-27-2004, 06:36 PM
I think it is on the 15th and 16th of october.Are you bringing that bad boy to fbc2?
I wouldnt leave home without it!!! j/k And my "family" ride doesnt have a motor in it right now.

09-27-2004, 06:41 PM
We will see ya there then GM.
78 i was behind that guy during tech he was pretty cool.He was saying that thatmotor is on its third year now and it is all cast chevy parts.

09-27-2004, 06:41 PM
Here are some picks of the fun.http://www.hotboatpics.com/pics/data/500/5859mendjd.jpg
Jack and some jet boat students, looks like the wheels are turning in everyones head, a big thank you to Jack for helping me with my boat. And pointing me in the right direction. The amount of help that people are willing to give out there is overwhelming.
Djd Placecraft,Jeanyus Bahner, Steelcomp Bahner
I would like to thank Bear racing for loaning a jacket, Bk for loaning a droopsnoot, Steelcomp for the wedge. Jim for being the pit man. and everyone else that helped out.
Its hard to get action shots of racing, but I managed to get this one of bp.

09-27-2004, 06:43 PM
So it's finally on the water. Good to hear its what you expected. Good luck with it.
Topless ;)

Squirtin Thunder
09-27-2004, 06:54 PM
4hrs from Ming to Bulhead. I think I would have made beter time but the last half tank the CHP were leapfroggin me thank god for the CB and radar detector. Once in Needles very nice and smooth all the way back in to town.

09-27-2004, 07:08 PM
We will see ya there then GM.
78 i was behind that guy during tech he was pretty cool.He was saying that thatmotor is on its third year now and it is all cast chevy parts.
It was a good setup, and no bullshit trick parts on it. Amazing what simple engine theory will get you....

09-27-2004, 07:12 PM
CHP? What's that? On the drive home, I keep it below 75 to Mountain Springs, then crank 'er up for the ride to 29 Palms. Not that I exceed the legally posted towing limit of 55 in California (even though it IS the biggest crock o"shit law I've heard of!!!!!!!! The only Goddamn state in the union where they automatically ASSUME nobody can tow a goddamn TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!)
Oh yeah, 55 mph... drive safely.
Glad you made it back safe.

09-27-2004, 07:41 PM
CHP? What's that? On the drive home, I keep it below 75 to Mountain Springs, then crank 'er up for the ride to 29 Palms. Not that I exceed the legally posted towing limit of 55 in California (even though it IS the biggest crock o"shit law I've heard of!!!!!!!! The only Goddamn state in the union where they automatically ASSUME nobody can tow a goddamn TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!)
Oh yeah, 55 mph... drive safely.
Glad you made it back safe.
Roost, you're just going to have to learn to express yourself!!!
65+ all the way home. Just a walk in the park. 2hrs 20 min.
Thunder, glad you 'n that little cutie you were with made it home safe.

09-27-2004, 07:46 PM
Man reading all this makes me wish I was still there. I kinda miss having those butterflies now, at the time i couldnt wait to get rid of them!
I can honestly say i had more fun running down the track then SOME of my river trips this summer.
The October race is up in the air for me, my family has a river trip planned to Blythe that weekend and I really dont get to go to the river that much with the fam, so I may just wait for the final race and run in the good air.
Cyclone, from what i am told, the 9.50 bracket is non existant right now, not enough boats for that class..Maybe just stick with River Racer for a few more times since its only $75..Ya I dont know what happened on that final round, we were supposed to line up, and Don said no problem, but there was just a mix up or something, and he was so cool about lining me up with Danny those couple times, I didnt try to push it anymore.. There is always next time. On our last run, I think you would have got me, the wind was on it, and just that small ripple creates some problems for me, its just soething that needs to be sorted out.
Better call Jegs and get a smaller "Cs19 pulley" cause im in the market for some new go fast parts :rollside: J/K congrats on everything to all the river racers, lets do it again..

Squirtin Thunder
09-27-2004, 08:22 PM
I have forgot to thank Willis, if he didn't invite us, give us the opertunity to run no one would have got the chance to experiance the thrill, butterflies, that warm fuzzy feeling.
Again thank you sir

Squirtin Thunder
09-27-2004, 08:53 PM
Just a pic of the tool that saved the day for the Jeanyus.

09-27-2004, 09:10 PM
You guys just wait. :devil: :coffeycup
Man reading all this makes me wish I was still there. I kinda miss having those butterflies now, at the time i couldnt wait to get rid of them!
I can honestly say i had more fun running down the track then SOME of my river trips this summer.
The October race is up in the air for me, my family has a river trip planned to Blythe that weekend and I really dont get to go to the river that much with the fam, so I may just wait for the final race and run in the good air.
Cyclone, from what i am told, the 9.50 bracket is non existant right now, not enough boats for that class..Maybe just stick with River Racer for a few more times since its only $75..Ya I dont know what happened on that final round, we were supposed to line up, and Don said no problem, but there was just a mix up or something, and he was so cool about lining me up with Danny those couple times, I didnt try to push it anymore.. There is always next time. On our last run, I think you would have got me, the wind was on it, and just that small ripple creates some problems for me, its just soething that needs to be sorted out.
Better call Jegs and get a smaller "Cs19 pulley" cause im in the market for some new go fast parts :rollside: J/K congrats on everything to all the river racers, lets do it again..

09-28-2004, 12:23 AM
This boat sure has been around
Thats my Dad and John Swanson the first time John ever ran at the NJBA. The hull was then owned by a friend of there's named Tony, and that motor was out of Johns CP which he used at the river. He ran Blown Gas that weekend. I think this was taken in 1992.

09-28-2004, 06:58 AM
Hello every one
Looks like we have a lot of RR boats who have it dialed in for the 9.5
Look at the results from the Ming Fling in the 9.5 - 9.99.
There were 3 boats who competed. The brackets are wide open all of those who want to take over.
RR Boats, All of you looked GOOD
Willis :2purples:

09-28-2004, 08:01 AM
My bad, I thought there was no 9.50 bracket this last race. Looks like its wide open Cyclone.

Performance 19
09-28-2004, 08:15 AM
Great numbers you posted, especially for your first time out. We expected nothing less. See you at FC2...where are you staying? Jim and Jill

09-28-2004, 08:46 AM
Not to be an ass but, I honestly don't see what you guys see in these jets.
What the hell do you guys do with your left foot while you are driving?
not to be an ass, but the first two things i see are; 1)acceleration, 2) trophys. :D
i use my left foot to dial cellphone numbers for dinner engagements :jawdrop: j/k.
cyclone, i think it takes a little bit more than just left foot coordination to do what jbg does. he's one of the best in the nation at driving those things to the edge and bringing it back in, no bs.
next race oct 16/17. the 9.50 class is available for any of you fellas that want to jump in. but, whatever you do, get as much seat time as possible. the more you hear those words, the better you'll get.
and, of course if someone want's to play in the 10.0s, by all means please join in :D

09-28-2004, 10:43 AM
BP and Willis- I'd like more seat time which is why i thought about running the RR class and the 9.50 bracket at the next race. Am I allowed to do that? I paid the $100 membership and $75 RR cost at this race. Will i have to increase my membership in order to run the 9.50 bracket at the next race? How much would it cost to run the 9.50 bracket in addition to the RR class at the October race? Sorry for all the questions, I was just hoping to get in a bunch of passes next time.
If I can't run a bracket and the RR class then I'm just going to keep on tweaking the boat and shoot for low 9's.

09-28-2004, 10:44 AM
Man reading all this makes me wish I was still there. I kinda miss having those butterflies now, at the time i couldnt wait to get rid of them!
I can honestly say i had more fun running down the track then SOME of my river trips this summer.
The October race is up in the air for me, my family has a river trip planned to Blythe that weekend and I really dont get to go to the river that much with the fam, so I may just wait for the final race and run in the good air.
Cyclone, from what i am told, the 9.50 bracket is non existant right now, not enough boats for that class..Maybe just stick with River Racer for a few more times since its only $75..Ya I dont know what happened on that final round, we were supposed to line up, and Don said no problem, but there was just a mix up or something, and he was so cool about lining me up with Danny those couple times, I didnt try to push it anymore.. There is always next time. On our last run, I think you would have got me, the wind was on it, and just that small ripple creates some problems for me, its just soething that needs to be sorted out.
Better call Jegs and get a smaller "Cs19 pulley" cause im in the market for some new go fast parts :rollside: J/K congrats on everything to all the river racers, lets do it again..
lol. I didnt have the "Cs19 pulley" on the boat this time.

GM Killer
09-28-2004, 11:21 AM
Great numbers you posted, especially for your first time out. We expected nothing less. See you at FC2...where are you staying? Jim and Jill
Thanks guys. I have a place at Riverland on the Parker strip.

09-28-2004, 11:37 AM
9.50 class is available for any of you fellas that want to jump in. but, whatever you do, get as much seat time as possible. the more you hear those words, the better you'll get.
and, of course if someone want's to play in the 10.0s, by all means please join in :D
I just might leave the boat set up pretty soft and go play with ya next time Bp.What other class can i run besides bracket?

09-28-2004, 12:03 PM
well, you can run blown gas jet. you'd have to play with willis and ron though, and they're a little ahead of ya, but it's all good. with blower guys, ya never know what might happen :) There is also the red southwind that might be running in that class, as well as that blown nordic. could be a fun class, all good guys!

09-28-2004, 12:11 PM
Congratulations to all of you :cool: You guys have made me excited, and I dont even have a Drag Boat. :jawdrop:
Cs 19 I thought you were all talk, and no action :hammer2: Now I guess I have to eat :eat: a liitle crow(Medium Rare would be nice)
Cyclone I saw your boat run at elsinore, and it doesnt supprise me how fast that thing is :2purples: :2purples:
Guru in a Jet boat :eek: :eek: After watching him in his K-boat and how good he did :cool: It doesnt supprise me that he stepped right into a jet, and did good( will have to discuss later weather hes a trader or not :hammerhea )

Squirtin Thunder
09-28-2004, 12:31 PM
By no means is he a trader he just wanted to try the greener side of the street. Like he said it scared the shit out of him, the accelleration that is. And he did say that is why a 110mph jet could walk a 110 Vdrive. I think it is pritty cool that he had the opertunity to try another type of boat. This way people will understand better what we (jetboaters) are talking about. I really think it would have been better if the O/B guys would have shown up. Now that would have surprise a few.

09-28-2004, 12:42 PM
Congratulations to all of you :cool: You guys have made me excited, and I dont even have a Drag Boat. :jawdrop:
Cs 19 I thought you were all talk, and no action :hammer2: Now I guess I have to eat :eat: a liitle crow(Medium Rare would be nice)
Cyclone I saw your boat run at elsinore, and it doesnt supprise me how fast that thing is :2purples: :2purples:
Guru in a Jet boat :eek: :eek: After watching him in his K-boat and how good he did :cool: It doesnt supprise me that he stepped right into a jet, and did good( will have to discuss later weather hes a trader or not :hammerhea )
Thanks man!

09-28-2004, 05:35 PM
lol. I didnt have the "Cs19 pulley" on the boat this time.
Uh oh. :supp:

09-28-2004, 06:48 PM
Is that kinda like saying I don't have the 250 jet in?

09-28-2004, 07:50 PM
DJD PC runnin hard. If someone can resize it or zoom it in, that would be great, its a much better pic when zoomed in or cropped.
I didnt have much of any time to take pics, next time Ill get more.

09-28-2004, 09:44 PM
Somebody please inform Victor that our boat is a "PLEASURE" boat not a race boat. It says so right on the registration :D He'll just have to find another boat if he wants to start racing now :yuk:

Squirtin Thunder
09-28-2004, 09:47 PM
I thought Racing is PLEASURE !!!!

09-29-2004, 08:55 AM
but, but, but, but, ahh geeeze, rif raff and friggin fraggin grumble grumble, *($%##*)&*^$@!%*)&^#!@! :argue:

09-29-2004, 12:15 PM
Ahh-Haa! vic just got the verbal SMACK DOWN!

09-29-2004, 10:12 PM
Zoomed and cropped

09-30-2004, 08:56 AM
Heres a link to some pics. My computer will not let me enlarge the pics. Maybe someone can enlarge the photos of both Cyclone and I and post them for us.
Also if anyone knows where there are more pics, Id like to see those too.

09-30-2004, 09:11 AM
Let's see how these come out.....

09-30-2004, 09:30 AM
Thanks Roost. Thats exactly what I was looking for. :cool:

09-30-2004, 12:19 PM
THE run down!

09-30-2004, 01:14 PM
close but no cigar. I'd like to pair up with that boat again at the next race and see what happens.

Squirtin Thunder
09-30-2004, 01:59 PM
What would be cool is if they could set us up as to our dail in. Handy cap !!!

09-30-2004, 06:02 PM
too much fun!!!

09-30-2004, 06:55 PM
close but no cigar. I'd like to pair up with that boat again at the next race and see what happens.
I think that can be arranged.....Remember, Cyclone....Our mid track ET was lower than yours by about a 10th....And our RT was about 4 tenths slower.... Which means we left 4 tenths later than you and still had ya' by a tenth at Half Track....And around 4 tenths going thru the lights.. Better think about Pumpin' up the Boost...It will be a good race for sure........ :cool: :cool: :cool:

09-30-2004, 07:16 PM
Mike you did a hell of a job against the hydro.I saw the run from the best seat in the house. :D
Considering you have a lake boat that gets used as a lake boat, you did really well against a hydro on nitrous.
Cool pics, where are you guys getting those from? Or are those from your personal cameras?

09-30-2004, 07:35 PM
Mike you did a hell of a job against the hydro.I saw the run from the best seat in the house. :D
Considering you have a lake boat that gets used as a lake boat, you did really well against a hydro on nitrous.
Cool pics, where are you guys getting those from? Or are those from your personal cameras?
Cyclone's boat runs well.. Our Inboard Ski-Hydro is what's known as a lake boat in Nor-Cal...It's ran on all the local lakes...Oh..We did remove the passenger seat for the weekend at the drags, we can leave it in next time .. :D :D :D

09-30-2004, 07:43 PM
I hear a grudge match 'a brewin'!!! :D :D

09-30-2004, 08:16 PM
That race between Cyclone and the Hydro was very entertaining to watch no matter who won. I think Cyclone and I are going to lighten up that "Lake" boat a little by the next race. :lightsabe

09-30-2004, 08:40 PM

09-30-2004, 09:03 PM
Cyclone's boat runs well.. Our Inboard Ski-Hydro is what's known as a lake boat in Nor-Cal...It's ran on all the local lakes...Oh..We did remove the passenger seat for the weekend at the drags, we can leave it in next time .. :D :D :D
Theres no doubt you guys ran well.Especially for a lake boat.Congrats !!
Are you bringin it to FB2?
If you can launch in the morning, drive around all day,make it to the cove and back and pull it out at dusk, then its a lake boat. :smile:

09-30-2004, 10:46 PM
Let's see how these come out.....
here's a race trick for you kids.
on your first run Sat, put a 3 inch long piece of black electrical tape on a light colored part of hull or air scoop - left side. on yur 2nd run, add another 3 inch piece. 3rd run add another. later when you git all these random pix from diff sources, you'll know which run it was by counting the black stripes. it kinda helps if your trying to relate the ride you see in a pic to the setup you ran.
driver of the grey daytona above is kinda ballsy with the nose up that high.

UBFJ #454
10-01-2004, 04:12 AM
"driver of the grey daytona above is kinda ballsy with the nose up that high."
jw -
I believe that was Chris's very 1st pass in the boat (on Saturday) and the guys helping him with his hardware setup (Kevin & Jack Mc) agreed the nose was a bit Too High and Immediately Lowered the Angle of the Ride Plate for subsequent runs (thereby lowering the nose down to a safer height). Neither Kevin or Jack believe in going "The Cheep Speed Route" of "Flying The Nose" ... Unlike a lot of people, Both Understand all too well the disaster that can result from trying to get speed that way.

10-01-2004, 09:20 AM
I think that can be arranged.....Remember, Cyclone....Our mid track ET was lower than yours by about a 10th....And our RT was about 4 tenths slower.... Which means we left 4 tenths later than you and still had ya' by a tenth at Half Track....And around 4 tenths going thru the lights.. Better think about Pumpin' up the Boost...It will be a good race for sure........ :cool: :cool: :cool:
Oh i'm not saying I'll beat ya next time. It's just that you were the only boat I lined up against where it was actually a close race. That was the fun part. I'll just have to keep on getting the holeshot to make it look close! :D

10-01-2004, 09:22 AM
here's a race trick for you kids.
on your first run Sat, put a 3 inch long piece of black electrical tape on a light colored part of hull or air scoop - left side. on yur 2nd run, add another 3 inch piece. 3rd run add another. later when you git all these random pix from diff sources, you'll know which run it was by counting the black stripes. it kinda helps if your trying to relate the ride you see in a pic to the setup you ran.
driver of the grey daytona above is kinda ballsy with the nose up that high.
that's a great idea.

10-01-2004, 09:50 AM
here's a race trick for you kids.
driver of the grey daytona above is kinda ballsy with the nose up that high.
Thats a good idea, I was thinking of doing something along those same lines.
I think thats my first run like Jak mentioned, although theres a chance its my second run. We made changes after each run, only hoping to see a safer attitude, the boat responded to what they told me to do to the boat.I learned alot,and Im very lucky to have those guys helping me..
Whats a scary thought is, Ive ran quite a bit more up in the nozzle out at the river than what you see in the pic. :supp: Goes to show that taking your boat to the track is something to consider, even if your just a hotrod river guy. The majority of the people out at the river dont know what to look for and cant give you knowledagable feedback.Most of the time, they will tell you "its perfect, go make another pass" as they power another cold one.

10-01-2004, 10:12 AM
If you think Chris's attitude is scary, you should see how high I have to keep the bow! Alot of people on the river haven't put the time and $$$ into their setup so that it rides safer as well as faster.
If I had a G bowl with a droop, I could tune my setup ALOT more, and bring the bow down. There have been a couple times (on the river, not a controlled condition like Ming) that I have wondered if I would blow over. Obviously it wouldn't happen at the 70 mph I do, but it sure gets your attention when the bow lifts and it feels like it sucked air! :2purples:

Squirtin Thunder
10-01-2004, 03:35 PM
Chances of blowing over with a V-bottom are a lot less. But with in the big top you always have a safety net.
ie; Circus Boat

10-03-2004, 10:17 AM
DJD getting his ass handed to him.

10-03-2004, 10:54 AM
Chris where did ya find the pics at those are pretty cool.It figures you would put the one of yours and my run HOMO.Thats like kickin a guy when hes down.Call me i may be in the area tomarrow in the am.

10-03-2004, 11:02 AM
LOL, Sorry bro.
I posted every pic there was of you,myself and Finnegan on that guys site.
You might want to contact that guy through an Email, he may have more of your boat. Hes at another race right now, but he will be back late tonight.
2 different gallerys below..