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View Full Version : Question for Liberals

09-28-2004, 07:52 AM
What is it that you want? What is your goal?
I was standing in line at the tech check, at lake Ming boat races. When this hippie,on a bicycle, rides down the whole line of boats, screaming "No blood for oil" after the urge to pick something up and throw it at him subsided, I started thinking, does this guy actully think that 1 of the racers are going to pack things up and go home, because of him screaming at us. I don't think that the hippie is even that stupid. So why did he do it ? It made me angry, and that is why he did it. Liberals if you want to have even a shred of credibility, get over your childish anger and yelling, and maybe people will hear you, of course as long as you keep saying stupid stuff, you will be ignored.
I'm trying to get all this political stuff straightened out in my head so
I'll know how to vote come November. Right now, we have one guy saying one
thing. Then the other guy says something else. Who to believe?
Lemme see; have I got this straight?
First President Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia -
Then President Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - bad...
President Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good...
President Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - bad...
President Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good...
President Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...
President Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian
terrorists - good...
President Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad...
President Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good...
President Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad...
President Clinton commits felonies while in office - good...
President Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - bad...
No mass graves found in Serbia - good...
No WMD found Iraq - bad...
Stock market crashes in 2000 under President Clinton - good.
Economy on upswing under President Bush - bad...
President Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - good...
World Trade Centers fall under President Bush - bad...
President Clinton says Saddam has nukes - good...
President Bush says Saddam has nukes - bad...
President Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq - good...
President Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...
Terrorist training in Afghanistan under President Clinton - good...
President Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan - bad...
Milosevic not yet convicted - good...
Saddam turned over for trial - bad...
Ahh, it's so confusing! I thought you would find this interesting. Every
year an independent tax watchdog group analyzes the average tax burden on
Americans, and then calculates the "Tax Freedom Day." This is the day after
which the money you earn goes to you, not the government.
This year, tax freedom day was April 11th. That's the earliest it has been
since 1991. It's latest day ever was May 2nd, which occurred in 2000.
Notice anything special about those dates?
Recently, John Kerry gave a speech in which he claimed Americans are
actually paying more taxes
under Bush, despite the tax cuts. He gave no explanation and provided no
data for this claim. Another interesting fact: Both President George Bush
and John Kerry are wealthy men. Bush owns only one home, his ranch in
Kerry owns four mansions, all worth several million dollars. (His ski
home in Idaho is an old barn brought over from Europe in pieces. Not your
average A-frame).
President Bush paid $250,000 in taxes this year; Kerry paid $90,000. Does
that sound right? The man who wants to raise your taxes obviously has
figured out a way to avoid paying his own.
I'm so confused. I was hoping the October surprise was going to be, that blown bumped his head, and started thinking rational thoughts.

09-28-2004, 08:33 AM
The above has no chance of convincing liberals of anything. To them it is just a bunch of worthless facts. Remeber what Donna Brazil said (although not the first leftie to say it) "you have to convince my heart, not my head". Today's liberals (left wingers) don't think, they emote. They will believe anything if it is what their hearts want to hear. Some on the far right do this as well, but for those on the left it is the rule rather than the exception.

1978 Rogers
09-28-2004, 11:21 AM
You just can't lead stubborn people to intelligence. :D

09-28-2004, 12:01 PM
Liberals don't actually "want" anything. Other than to complain, lay around and demand someone else take care of them.
Liberals are scum!