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View Full Version : Blown, what will the Dems desperation surprise be?

09-28-2004, 08:10 PM
With Bush stomping Kerry a new mudhole and walking it dry, the Dems need a long bomb last minute depseration tactic. The forged documents blew up in their face, so what will it be? A photoshopped picture of Saddam and GW torturing prisoners? Dan Rather presenting documents that claim GW Bush is a space alien who works for the tobacco companies selling cigs to your kids? What's next from the "Desperatecrats?"

09-28-2004, 08:17 PM
I saw this weekend there was a 4 point difference. I guess that is stomping Kerry into a mud hole. Damn another landslide like the last election.
I think it sucks for both party's knowing that half the population voted for the other guy.

09-29-2004, 05:29 AM
I saw this weekend there was a 4 point difference. I guess that is stomping Kerry into a mud hole. Damn another landslide like the last election.
I think it sucks for both party's knowing that half the population voted for the other guy.
Just wait and see. I think there's gonna be some blue states go red that will turn this election into a big win for the President. It won't be nearly as close as the last election.
And no, it doesn't suck that "half the population voted for the other guy." What really sucks is that more than half the population probably won't even vote!

09-29-2004, 05:53 AM
And no, it doesn't suck that "half the population voted for the other guy." What really sucks is that more than half the population probably won't even vote!
I could not agree more. Too bad there is not someone running worth voting for.
Just my .02

09-29-2004, 07:43 AM
Sorry guys I have to disagree. I thank god half of the population dosn't vote. Those who don't even vote are surely the least informed of us. The last thing we need is more uninformed voters, who will vote on image or feelings etc...

09-29-2004, 08:15 AM
I think polls are pretty much a waste of time and only the end results are the real deal. Polls can be skewed any direction you choose which is why I here poll results and then forget them.
I really get furious when I get my sample ballot for our general election and it is also in spanish. You can't read our F"ING language I don't want your foreign ass to vote because you are very likely to be uninformed and highly likely to be misinformed with what may have been interpreted for your sorry non-english speaking a$$.
Ok off my soapbox. :smile:

09-29-2004, 10:01 AM
I just read a piece in the WSJ that says that there is something going on ......on the ground that no body is talking about in the regular main stream media. That is that the demorats were so angry at losing the last election and that they vowed never to have it happen this time that they actually have done a pretty good job of good ol' fashion politicing.
The Demorats realized that they cant sell there message of bullshit victimhood to enough Americans to ever win an election again. And also that they lacked a dynamic candidate/personality such as Clinton...........so they have been very successful on the ground going house to house signing up new voter registration. They have really done a great job recruiting new young voters. This unknown group could be the Demorats ace in (up their) whole! The pollsters don't know who these people are and right now they are below the radar.
However the new voters for the most part are in states the Demorats already have in their corner. Such as California and New York. Which makes sense as the dems are strongest in those areas. the millions that the 527 groups like Geo Soros and company have been put to good work according to the numbers. In fact the dems new voter registration efforts are up 165 percent compared to 4 years ago and although the Right Thinking Republicans are also doing a good job at new voter registration this year compared to 4 years ago their new voter registration is up only 26%.
Also now we know why the lefties are so pushing in California to allow illegals to get drivers lic.'s its the first step in a massive voter fraud issue. What the lap dogs of the left won't admitt is if we can't convince the existing electoral base to vote our bullshit lets CREATE some new voters!
So who knows that this might work for the dems or not...................but it will be interesting. I belive there are really only tow scenarios this year to consider. 1) Bush Cheney by an electoral college landslide or 2) Kerry by a squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeker!
What is scary is that of all the people in this country eligible to vote only 1/2 are registered and of that group only 1/2 of them vote! How terrible is that!
Shame shame shame on those Americans that don't vote. For what ever bullshit reasons they have they are whats wrong with America. Not the politicians! But all the lazy asses that don't do any thing to improve the government by being an interested informed voter and then don't vote and bitch and say stupid things like both parties are the same! Or should I vote it doesn't matter! Or my vote does not count!
What they are really doing is spitting on the lives and blood spilled by great brave American soldiers that sacraficed everything so that those of us at home have the right and privilge to vote in the greatest country on GOD's green earth!

09-29-2004, 10:26 AM
The liberals are also paving the way for a bunch of legal challenges in many states similar to what they did in Florida should the election not go their way. In my opinion the Fla debacle and the subsequent legal challenges was what started the stock slide and the recession going into 2000. The market is finally starting to recover from that and 9/11.
Maybe I'm being too cynical, but I'm thinking that if dems lose this year they are going to mount a bunch of BS legal challenges to cast doubt in the eyes of the world that we have a true democracy and to tank the stock markets again. If they can drag it out long enough, they are sure to blame the problems on Bush so that they can use that against the Republicans in 2008. It's pretty sad when you have to rely on bringing down the economics and international standing of your own country in order to get your candidate elected.

09-29-2004, 11:02 AM
Whats even sader, is that the democrats claim they can do better in Iraq, and that less American lives would have been lost. Yet they jump up and down with glee, everytime Americans are attacked, resulting in casulties. And they are using Americans who have sacraficed all, to promote thier political, agenda. Insted of saying how they are goining to make things better, or what they would do differently, they just try to use the American casulties for political gain. It makes me sick. The one thing that I do know is, that if Kerry is elected, Iraq will turn to s*it overnight.

Havasu Cig
09-29-2004, 11:36 AM
I think the answer to this post is the draft. The liberal Democrat Charlie Rangal, along with other Democrats, introduced a bill to bring back the draft. Now the liberals (CBS and Dan Rather is heading the charge) are spinning the issue and accusing the republicans of being the ones that will bring it back. They are trying to sway the moms out there. :rolleyes:

09-29-2004, 12:25 PM
In the 1860's when we had our first Republician pres the Democrats in the south were willing to throw our nation into war with it'self to get their way and save slavery with their "state's rights spin".
In the late 1920s we had the 3rd Republician president in a row and the democrats were desperate to make him look bad, so they allied themselves with the nutty isolationist wing of the Republician party (who were pissed at Hoover over his free trade views) and did everything possible to resist the administrations attempts to lessen the impact of the depression. Thus making it worse on us than it should have been. Then they, of course, blamed it all on Hoover, because he "was in charge".
In the 1960's southern Democrats ounce again attempted to tear our nation apart to save their "Jim Crow" system and stop the civil rights movement.
My point is, when democrats are out of power they are dangerous. They are perfectly willing to hurt our country to get back in power (remember what Ca's progressive caucus was caught on tape discussing in their meeting when they thought the mic was off).
They are surely stiring up a movement to re-instate the draft to frighten people and blame Bush. I also think they may use this as their october dirty trick. But this year they may take a shotgun approach and try several dirty tricks and see if any of them can hit.

09-29-2004, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE=Jeanyus] Yet they jump up and down with glee, everytime Americans are attacked, resulting in casulties. [QUOTE]
Jeany, do you really believe anyone is jumping for joy when anyone gets killed regardless of their party affiliation?

09-29-2004, 12:38 PM
Jeany, do you really believe anyone is jumping for joy when anyone gets killed regardless of their party affiliation?
I think there are fanatics on both sides.
I think when things go bad in Iraq, there are some in Kerry's camp that exploit the negatives and are MORE than happy to do so. There are some who would jump for joy if L.A. got nuked before Bush gets re-elected so they can blame his policies.

09-29-2004, 12:51 PM
I think there are fanatics on both sides.
I think when things go bad in Iraq, there are some in Kerry's camp that exploit the negatives and are MORE than happy to do so. There are some who would jump for joy if L.A. got nuked before Bush gets re-elected so they can blame his policies.
I have personally seen Maxine Waters lead a crowd in the chant of "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY".....
The people who lead todays left came of age while chanting that mantra and they have taken it to heart. They don't care how they win, only that they do.

09-29-2004, 12:56 PM
I have been present at and personally seen Maxine Waters lead a crowd
I saw that crazy b*tch shake a restaurant owner down for CASH money on Olvera Street one day. I ask the guy if he was OK, he looked at me a said "what am I supposed to do"? He shook his head and walked away. That b*tch is NuTz!

1978 Rogers
09-29-2004, 01:01 PM
I saw this weekend there was a 4 point difference. I guess that is stomping Kerry into a mud hole. Damn another landslide like the last election.
I think it sucks for both party's knowing that half the population voted for the other guy.
I woner if it will be up to Florida again. :rollside:

09-29-2004, 01:10 PM
I think there are fanatics on both sides.
I think when things go bad in Iraq, there are some in Kerry's camp that exploit the negatives and are MORE than happy to do so. There are some who would jump for joy if L.A. got nuked before Bush gets re-elected so they can blame his policies.
I would have to agree, there are FANATICS on both sides. But I still believe, the main group of Dem's are not chanting in the streets when someone gets killed.
I would also have to believe that the same could be said on the other side. If Kerry did win, and LA get's bombed a month after he is in office, there are FANATIC's on the right that would be happy about that. Would you agree?

09-29-2004, 01:31 PM
[QUOTE=Jeanyus] Yet they jump up and down with glee, everytime Americans are attacked, resulting in casulties. [QUOTE]
Jeany, do you really believe anyone is jumping for joy when anyone gets killed regardless of their party affiliation?
I see a John kerry add for president, on tv almost daily, they don't act unhappy about the casulities in Iraq.

09-29-2004, 02:50 PM
I saw that crazy b*tch shake a restaurant owner down for CASH money on Olvera Street one day. I ask the guy if he was OK, he looked at me a said "what am I supposed to do"? He shook his head and walked away. That b*tch is NuTz!
She pulled my chair out for me when I sat down for dinner once at a Juneteenth celibration at prince hall. :D I guess she figured since I was the only white person there, I must have had money. If she only knew... ;) I guess that just serves to show you how wrong it is to steriotype. :D

Blown 472
09-29-2004, 05:05 PM
With Bush stomping Kerry a new mudhole and walking it dry, the Dems need a long bomb last minute depseration tactic. The forged documents blew up in their face, so what will it be? A photoshopped picture of Saddam and GW torturing prisoners? Dan Rather presenting documents that claim GW Bush is a space alien who works for the tobacco companies selling cigs to your kids? What's next from the "Desperatecrats?"
It wont be you jumping out of a cake dressed like party boy? :idea:

09-29-2004, 07:51 PM
Here's another thing the dems are cheering on, blown up oil pipelines and higher oil prices :mad:
Kerry, speaking to supporters at the airport in Madison, Wisconsin, said the $50 per barrel price of oil reflects a broken promise by Bush that will hurt average Americans.
Bush said that Iraqi oil "would pay for the war, but we know that those oil pipes are being blown up," Kerry said. "We know that $50 a barrel isn't as bad as it might get because analysts are now telling us that the price may go up to $60."

09-30-2004, 09:33 AM
Of course they are chearing higher gas prices. Most of their main leaders ie Gore and Kerry have proposed raising the price of gas (through higer taxes) as a way of forcing us to drive less and thus reducing air polution and reducing traffic for their limo's....