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01-17-2002, 02:35 PM
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From :
"Martin Williams" <n2boatin@msn.com>
To :
Subject :
Guess What?
Date :
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 22:51:21 -0500
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Your are jealous, now are'nt you it's just you and me here now, deep down
everyone of you would trade places with me, maybe do things differently, but
what the hell it was fun for me to watch you guys jumping from wire to wire
,make all the topics on me that you can fact is it cut you to the bone or
the responce would not have been so great so really who won !!!!!!!! I'll go
on having all the fun this world has to offer and you? what does tomorrow
have to offer you, to be totally honest I've never seen those kinds of boats
inperson, I based my opinion from the postings in the forum.Where I'm from
boats like that don't exist I like nice boats ,nice cars,trucks and suv's I
dropped in on your forum due to the increase of knoweldge the internet has
to offer and you, hell you guy's live on that forum pretty simple life,
huh???LIVE WHAT YOU PREACH and die by the sword (if you play fast you die

01-17-2002, 02:42 PM
He sent it to my Hotmail account that I get my messages from the board sent to. This guy is a real nusance.

01-17-2002, 02:46 PM
http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif Well he's right, He played fast here, and he died fast here.. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

not guilty
01-17-2002, 04:59 PM
Who the hell would want to be this guy?Stuck in his world of high price toys & friend he dosnt know shit about or give a shit about !
I've played a lot on this board about FORDS vs CHEV,EAST vs WEST etc....,but I really believe its a mutual thing with everybody.Where else can you go where so many different cultures can get together like this?Wouldnt it be awesome if we all actually met at one time at some huge beach oneday?(we'de probably be to busy chasing ass's like this off to meet anyone)
Anyway,in respect to some of the respectable members of this board who I never had the honor to know,why dont we just ignore this type and let them post without replys if they really feel the need!

01-17-2002, 05:37 PM
I agree NotGuilty, it would be cool if we could all meet up at some cove or beach.. Has to be smooth water though becuase we don't want all the "***boats" sinkin.. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif
I'm sorry guys I can't get off the what is and what isn't ***boat topic... Ok I'll stop.. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

01-17-2002, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by not guilty:
Wouldnt it be awesome if we all actually met at one time at some huge beach oneday
Hmmm, could this be the beginning of OP6CIII?
The sooner it is planned, the more out of state people could make arrangements.

Dimarco Kid
01-17-2002, 06:44 PM
If I knew ahead of time, I'd fly out and borrow a back seat in someones boat. Your on to sumpin!
D Kid

Stupid Fast
01-17-2002, 06:53 PM
Depending on the date it might just be worth the road trip.

Racing Ray
01-17-2002, 08:19 PM
Looking up Williams Energy and having a look at their Corporate Management funny but no where do I see the name of Martin Williams. In fact no where in the Officers list are any Williams listed.
I guess his family was a bunch of losers and perhaps this is where all his animosity comes from. Perhaps some e mails to the company headquarters will get them investigating just who is trying to smear their name.
Internet Service Providers hate nothing more than a block of numbers being banned from a site. When that happens they generally will trace who was assigned that particular IP address and will discontinue that persons service.
A simple "ping" of that IP and looking it up on "Who is" will lead you directly to the particular office that serves that account.
[This message has been edited by Racing Ray (edited January 17, 2002).]

01-17-2002, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by HBjet:
Hmmm, could this be the beginning of OP6CIII?
The sooner it is planned, the more out of state people could make arrangements.
I like the way you think HB. Let's get this thing rolling!

flat broke
01-18-2002, 07:49 AM
I have news for you guys, there is already a plan in the works. If you're free the weekend of 8/10 and feel like heading down to Laughlin, we've got a room at the Avi with your name on it. What the hell am I talking about? THE CLASSIC BOAT BEACH BASH. I hope Jason doesn't mind that I spilled more of the beans but since we have the rooms reserved, why not let you guys know. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif An official announcement will be made shortly, but if you are interested check out the thread on the rivertoys message board, or email myself or Jason directly.
Thanks and we hope to see you there,
Chris www.liquidaddiction.net (http://www.liquidaddiction.net)

01-18-2002, 09:47 AM
I also recieved an e-mail from Martin Willams. Mine was a lot nicer than yours though. He felt that there was a misunderstanding. On another point Williams Energy merged with APCO and Globex which took John H. Williams (CEO), who is now on the board of directors for APCO, that is why it doesn't show a Wlliams on the board at Williams Energy, but John Williams is in no way related to Martin Williams and has never heard of him.

01-18-2002, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by HBjet:
Hmmm, could this be the beginning of OP6CIII?
The sooner it is planned, the more out of state people could make arrangements.
I think it very well could be.. I know there was a massive following rooting for HavasDude last year so perhaps we can make it happen this year. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif I'll start rackin the noodle. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by RiverDave2 (edited January 18, 2002).]

01-18-2002, 01:14 PM
I'm down. forward the details when you can. Can't wait to meet everyone and see their boats.

02-05-2002, 04:24 PM
I think OP6C III needs to get rollin...I missed out on I and II, but there is no way in hell that i will miss III.. hey if there is anything that i can do to help feel free to contact me.

Jungle Boy
02-05-2002, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by ULTRA28:
I also recieved an e-mail from Martin Willams. Mine was a lot nicer than yours though. He felt that there was a misunderstanding. On another point Williams Energy merged with APCO and Globex which took John H. Williams (CEO), who is now on the board of directors for APCO, that is why it doesn't show a Wlliams on the board at Williams Energy, but John Williams is in no way related to Martin Williams and has never heard of him.
This guy is a complete loser. Anyone with money, whether it be family or self made would not lower themselves to this guys level. He has no boat, SUV, truck or anything else he talks about. He probably borrowed the computer and is 15 years old.

02-05-2002, 09:28 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by not guilty:
Wouldnt it be awesome if we all actually met at one time at some huge beach oneday?
I know if and when the time comes, hopefully my bud HB can put me up at his house! Right HB? http://free.***boat.net/ubb/smile.gif

02-05-2002, 10:05 PM
Chet, you know it but on one condition. We do not talk about jet pumps. haha!
BTW, if you can, get out to Parker for OP6CIII, really, that would be bitchin.

02-07-2002, 04:16 PM
Damn, I missed this guy? Where did he go, I wanna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
Someone shoulda told me. I bet I coulda pissed him off.

Wet Dream
02-09-2002, 11:39 AM
Whats that??? Oh just his email address posted in there. CGSteve, don't you hate it when you can't delete certain things from a post? hehehe

02-09-2002, 03:13 PM
I hear ya' knockin'!

02-12-2002, 06:38 AM
CoastGuardSteve, are you still active duty?
If so, where stationed?

02-12-2002, 06:45 AM
I am indeed active duty! I am stationed in Alameda, CA at the Naval Engineering Support Unit.

02-12-2002, 06:57 AM
We have 2 more consoles due for the 52` CPBs. Another company got the contract with Bollinger to do the rest. A friend of mine just made CID here in New Orleans. He`s an air marshal. He said its boring as hell. Can`t tell you his name. You understand why. Ever stationed close to Louisiana?