View Full Version : Berkeley Intake Loader For Sale

10-05-2004, 07:36 PM
Click on Intake Loader (http://www.banderlog.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=1601) to see part

Squirtin Thunder
10-05-2004, 07:52 PM
Up date on your project please !!!! :D
Jim :rolleyes:

10-05-2004, 09:32 PM
Mach 1 Project update:
I have been doing some TNT at Modesto the last couple of weekends. I have been trying different combiniations of nozzle inserts, nozzle angles, droop snoots, rooster boosters, wing angles, ride plate angles, tunnel extension angles and loader grates. Our half track speeds with the different setups have ranged on a Garmin GPS from 92 up to 125 MPH. I still have not made a true full pass with the best setup, so I don't really know what the top MPH might be yet.
Depending upon Jack's schedule, I am planning on taking the boat to MPD for an overall evaluation.
I have been working on putting a new motor together, I am trying to step things up. This project is getting real expensive, real fast.

Squirtin Thunder
10-05-2004, 10:20 PM
It sounds like you are geting very close. Are you going to make it to Ming and run in the river racer class ??? You know you might be able to make 8 total passes. I think that will help you get things set up a bit better. I know that you are very couseas in bringing it out but I think it would be a bit safer for evaluations. I have a real good feeling that you will be hitting your goal. You might be very surprized with your results. I am thrashing trying to make it with my Sanger. My goal is mid to high 80s. I have been told that the boat won't run that but I think it will. This hull was the 7th one out of the mold in '76 and sold as a '77. No hull defects that I can see other than a few small dings and scraches from trailering and beaching.
thanks for the info I have been wandering how the project was coming.

10-06-2004, 05:39 AM
The setup on this boat is no where near ready for Ming, doing full passes would be a total waste of the engine at this time. I need to get a few issues squared away before I turn this thing loose on a full pass. Number one issue is intake pressure, at this time we are only at 50% of our desired goal. It doesn't make much sense going beyond a half track pass at this time with very low intake pressure. The next issue is the boat's riding attitude, the boat is riding almost flat and not flying the nose to the desired height which could be a direct result from the first issue. I can utilize my time, equipment and money better by getting these issues resolved before heading out to lake Ming.
Sounds like your boat is coming along great, good luck at lake Ming. Never loose sight of your goal, you will get there.

Squirtin Thunder
10-06-2004, 08:37 PM
I am not trying to ruush you, but damm man is that thing ever going to make a full pace before 2005. You might be surprised. You have been doing so much set-up work its time to let it run. Like I said I am not rushing you but hurry up dammit. Go in get out, Right??? I know the 16 months of training before, right? Please post pics and keep us up dated.

UBFJ #454
10-07-2004, 04:02 AM
William - How are you measuring your intake pressure ... Do you have a digital data system installed so that you have a record of the pressure over time or are you relying solely on a max reading pressure guage?

10-07-2004, 12:16 PM
I am progessing with the project at a moderate pace, no need to rush things. Believe me, I am just as anxious as you to get to the end result. What would be the purpose of making a full pass with low intake pressure? Aluminum rods as you know have a life cycle. You would have to agree that it doesn't make sense to put more time on the rods and other components when you are not getting valuable information in return. When I get the intake pressure to a desirable level, I will make a full pass, not before. Tell me about your deal, what do you expect to run at Ming, I am curious.
I have a tell tale intake pressure gauge at the pump as well as a real time gauge in the dash