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10-07-2004, 03:32 PM
Does this mean for Closed Bow Boats and/or for Open Bow Boats that have Seats that are made to be seated in????

Mrs. Restless22
10-07-2004, 03:36 PM
How can you not be allowed to ride in the bow of an open bow boat?
Maybe I am misunderstanding your question? :confused:

10-07-2004, 03:37 PM
Does this mean for Closed Bow Boats and/or for Open Bow Boats that have Seats that are made to be seated in????
You cannot ride on a closed bow boat on the bow...on an open bow boat, you can ride in the open bow seats but not on the open bow gunnel area....there is a specific rule somewhere, but I cannot find it..

10-07-2004, 03:40 PM
AW HAH! I was going to say, if you can ride in the seats of an Open Bow boat then why and the heck do they sell them.
I get it now, it was what i expected.
Thanks for the clarification...

10-07-2004, 03:41 PM
How can you not be allowed to ride in the bow of an open bow boat?
Maybe I am misunderstanding your question? :confused:
See Mbrown2's answer. I was trying to ask can you ride in the bow of an open bow boat or not?

10-07-2004, 04:12 PM
thats one of those trick questions.........I think :hammerhea

10-07-2004, 11:39 PM
I also believe the no bow riding deal is only on plane...
I have no reservations to having someone stand on the deck, so I can nose the boat upto the dock and send them to get the truck. I dont belive this is illegal (maybe @ castaic) because i've done it infront of the ranger w/o even a funny look.
BJH :idea:

10-08-2004, 04:52 AM
I was told by a sheriff at Shasta this year that it is while underway no matter the speed. My kids were riding on the bow in a 5 zone and he waved and told me about the law. He was real cool. Said it was $500 fine if he was in a bad mood. :cool:

10-08-2004, 08:12 AM
I was informed once, at havasu, the only time you can ride on the bow of a closed bow boat is when you are inside a no wake, or 5 mph, zone with a boat where the bow has a perimeter railing.
Maybe this has changed, that was a few years back.

10-08-2004, 08:15 AM
I think it's wise, the life you save, may be of one you love

10-08-2004, 08:17 AM
I talked with an aqua-cop in the Channel at Havasu this summer about it. I had noticed some people were doing it and he did nothing about it. Apparently they are OK with it at a no wake speed.
We are talking about people sitting on the bow and dangling their feet in the water.
I know that Summerlove doesn't mind.... :skull:
Someone was killed or injured in the lake, doing this earlier this year...in Thompson Bay I believe. :confused: A sharp prop at any speed can maim you....just ask Scream! :skull:

10-08-2004, 08:31 AM
i was at havasu leaving the channel as i was getting close to an advantage partycat with 3 couples with there kids 2 boys 1 girls hanging there feet of the bow parents were talking driver turned his head for just a second the little girl had her life vest on but fell off the front between the pontoons,driver looks up no girl shuts off the motor to late the girl pops up with a chunk out of her arm and head she was screaming i dove in to her, the white foam from her vest was floating all around. the fire dept. met them at rotary park and took her away. thats one thing i will never forget. all i can say is no bow riding even at idle it only takes a second seen it first hand.

10-08-2004, 09:07 AM
what about these nut jobs? Not only is the fool letting another fool ride on the bow of his boat. But fool #1 lets fool # 2 toss a beer can in the river!!
Some people really do need beat!
[photo by HBjet]

10-08-2004, 09:19 AM
Waterboy --
Thank you for your testimonial. We get a few of these cases each year, on average. I have also seen the result of accidents (and death) attributed to 'bow riding' and it's heartbreaking. Adding to the tragedy is the fact that many, if not most of the victims are children that were innocently enjoying their day on the water with family. It tears your heart out to see the anguish parents go through when something like this happens to their child. If every boater were to witness it just once, I guarantee it would never happen again.

10-08-2004, 09:19 AM
what about these nut jobs? Not only is the fool letting another fool ride on the bow of his boat. But fool #1 lets fool # 2 toss a beer can in the river!!
Some people really do need beat!
[photo by HBjet]
I'm a fan of darwins theory. If the guy is stupid enough to sit there, he deserves what he gets. :boxingguy :lightsabe
He also seems to be somewhat of an adult, and should know better. I used to sit on the front of the boat in no wake zones and drag my feet, but dad was always watching. Used to do it w/o a vest on too, and i'm still here.
BJ(still will have people stand on the deck to drop them off @ the dock)H

10-08-2004, 11:04 AM
I have heard of some places that cite people for riding in the bow seats of a bowrider. I have heard of some that will call the patrol on people that let their kids ride in front. Sometimes you have wacko enforcement of regs. I know of a Cobalt owner who has been hassled several times on an area lake for standing while in motion. It would be one thing if he was in a hot boat or bass boat, but a big a** Cobalt?

10-08-2004, 11:25 AM
First trip with my girlfriend to the riverI yell oh shit watch this. A guy pullin a kid SLOW in a tube turned around watching the tuber and a kid in the bow looking frontwards. Tuber falls, Dad chops the throttle, kid rolls over the bow, Girl friend scrreams, Dad sees kid come out from under the boat, dives in after kid, mom takes the helm screamin at dad, gets the kid in and everything was basically OK. But I bet they made some changes. Since then whenever I say "oh shit watch this she hides her eyes"!

Krazy K
10-08-2004, 02:08 PM
When I was younger, I would sit up on the bow and pretend I was barefootin' when we would drive through Movalya (sp?) Keys. The water was always so smooth through there. God, I miss the good ole days!!!