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View Full Version : Why I Want Anti-war Hippies And Liberal Media Out Of My Country

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 01:22 PM
by Jeff "Mario" Smith, Guerilla Reporter October 8, 2004
Gene Kuentzler, Vietnam Veteran, 19th Combat Engineer Battalion, S-3 Operations 1966-1967, tells it like it is in this following internet rant. This factual description of what really happened during TET of '68, when my 173rd Airborne Infantry brother was fighting Communists in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, proves, beyond any shadow of doubt, that our beloved liberal mainstream media are Communist sympathizers. CBS stands for Communist Broadcast System.
Hanoi John Fonda Kerry, Tom Hayden, Hanoi Jane, and all the rest of the spoiled naive hippies who assisted the Communists in defeating America on the streets of the good old U S of A, when we actually had them already defeated in the jungles and rice paddies of Vietnam, should hang their heads in shame. They are no better than Benedict Arnold, and should all be shunned at least, and hung at best, in my most humble opinion. They are too stupid to understand the errors of their ways, however, and we are stuck with them because our spineless public officials won’t do the right thing and prosecute them for treason. Kerry should not even have the privilege of running for President.
We would not be where we are today, in this divided nation, without the lies and deception from "trusted" people like Walter Cronkite who go above and beyond the call to assist our enemies. These fools who live well in this greatest of nations on earth, due to the sacrifice of others, are not to be understood by those of us who appreciate the God-endowed Liberty we are so lucky to have.
The simple fact that the Cronkites, Rathers, Jennings, Brokaws, Clintons, Fondas, Kerrys, Haydens, and all the rest of these traitors who cannot see the forest for the trees, are allowed to run free, knowing that they have committed treason, and used lies and deception to do it, is a testament to just how free we as a nation are. This American draws the line at treason, however, and doesn't consider it freedom of speech or any other positive spin the liberals want to put on it.
We have allowed our media to spin us into losing wars (Vietnam and Korea), electing traitors (the Klintonistas), persecuting heroes (Senator Eugene McCarthy), stepping on our Constitution (anti-gun laws, McCain-Feingold, socialist taxation, etc.), and basically dividing us through class warfare to the point where we are so divided, we cannot move forward. Why we are listening to these liars who are working from the same playbook they used during the Vietnam War is beyond me!
The liberal media even control presidential debates. In the debates of the 1992 election, there were three candidates involved, G. H. W. Bush, Ross Perot, and Klinton. In the debates of 2000, there were only two, G. W. Bush and Al Bore. Even though he fought the decision in court, candidate Ralph Nader was not allowed to debate. Ask yourself why the media permitted Perot into the '92 electoral debates but would not allow Nader into the 2000 debates.
The answer is simple; Perot removed conservative voters off of G. H. W. Bush thus assisting Bill Klinton to get elected with a non-majority of electoral votes. We are still paying for this media-perpetrated assault, remember September 11th? In 2000, Nader would have taken many of the liberal votes from the Sore-Loserman ticket, so he was kept out of the debates.
My friends, the liberal media have way too much power and we need to stop paying any attention to them. Just look at all the time spent deciphering their lies so we can get to the truth. Thank God for talk radio, internet bloggers, and websites for truth. Pray that the mainstream media become insignificant soon. When that happens, we can actually start educating people with truth instead of spin, and get on with the business of being a free Constitutional Republic, one nation under God.
By Gene Kuentzler: The question raised by Gary Beaver, "Do you have any data on actual U.S. troops, by name who were killed as a direct result of Fonda's actions?" can be answered by reading the book written by General Giap, Commander of NVA forces. Giap clearly indicated that NVA troops were without sufficient supplies, and had been continually defeated time and again.
By 1968, NVA morale was at it's lowest point ever. The plans for "Tet" '68 was their last desperate attempt to achieve a success, in an effort to boost the NVA morale. When it was over, General Giap and the NVA viewed the Tet '68 offensive as a failure, they were on their knees and had prepared to negotiate a surrender.
At that time, there were fewer than 10,000 U.S. casualties; the Vietnam War was about to end, as the NVA was prepared to accept their defeat. Then, they heard Walter Cronkite (former CBS News anchor and correspondent) on TV proclaiming the success of the Tet '68 offensive by the communist NVA. They were completely and totally amazed at hearing that the US Embassy had been overrun. In reality, The NVA had not gained access to the Embassy--there were some VC who had been killed on the grassy lawn, but they hadn't gained access. Further reports indicated the riots and protesting on the streets of America.
According to Giap, these distorted reports were inspirational to the NVA. They changed their plans from a negotiated surrender and decided instead, they only needed to persevere for one more hour, day, week, month, eventually the protesters in American would help them to achieve a victory they knew they could not win on the battlefield. Remember, this decision was made at a time when the U.S. casualties were fewer than 10,000, at the end of 1967, beginning of 1968.
Today, there are 58,229 names on the Vietnam Wall Memorial that was built with the donations made by the American public. Although Giap did not mention each and every protester's name in his book, many of us will never forget the 58,229 names on the Wall. We will also never forget the names of those who helped in placing those additional 48,000 names there: Bill, Jane, Tom, Cronkite, and others.
Those of us who rotated prior to Walter Cronkite's report on "Tet-68" can clearly state, "We were still winning when I left!"
Gene Kuentzler, '66-67 S-3 Operations, 19th Combat Engineer Battalion

10-08-2004, 01:40 PM
We would not be where we are today, in this divided nation, without the lies and deception from "trusted" people like Walter Cronkite who go above and beyond the call to assist our enemies. These fools who live well in this greatest of nations on earth, due to the sacrifice of others, are not to be understood by those of us who appreciate the God-endowed Liberty we are so lucky to have.
What the hell does god have to do with war? If there is a god, do you really believes that any person dying of killing another is acceptable for freedom or anything else?
The simple fact that the Cronkites, Rathers, Jennings, Brokaws, Clintons, Fondas, Kerrys, Haydens, and all the rest of these traitors who cannot see the forest for the trees, are allowed to run free, knowing that they have committed treason, and used lies and deception to do it, is a testament to just how free we as a nation are. This American draws the line at treason, however, and doesn't consider it freedom of speech or any other positive spin the liberals want to put on it.
If the guy had a decent balanced view it would be easier to agree with him on some points, but sh*t this guy is so far to the right its incredible.
We have allowed our media to spin us into losing wars (Vietnam and Korea), electing traitors (the Klintonistas), persecuting heroes (Senator Eugene McCarthy), stepping on our Constitution (anti-gun laws, McCain-Feingold, socialist taxation, etc.), and basically dividing us through class warfare to the point where we are so divided, we cannot move forward. Why we are listening to these liars who are working from the same playbook they used during the Vietnam War is beyond me!
Strongest Military in the world and we are defeated by the pen? BS!
My friends, the liberal media have way too much power and we need to stop paying any attention to them. Just look at all the time spent deciphering their lies so we can get to the truth. Thank God for talk radio, internet bloggers, and websites for truth. Pray that the mainstream media become insignificant soon. When that happens, we can actually start educating people with truth instead of spin, and get on with the business of being a free Constitutional Republic, one nation under God.
Oh thank god is right!
thank god Howard Stern is being censored by that liberal media goup clear channel, oh wait, not liberal. thank god fox news isnt doing the same thing.
By Gene Kuentzler: The question raised by Gary Beaver, "Do you have any data on actual U.S. troops, by name who were killed as a direct result of Fonda's actions?" can be answered by reading the book written by General Giap, Commander of NVA forces. Giap clearly indicated that NVA troops were without sufficient supplies, and had been continually defeated time and again.
By 1968, NVA morale was at it's lowest point ever. The plans for "Tet" '68 was their last desperate attempt to achieve a success, in an effort to boost the NVA morale. When it was over, General Giap and the NVA viewed the Tet '68 offensive as a failure, they were on their knees and had prepared to negotiate a surrender.
I already called BS on this. If the military planners had there stuff together just like they should be doing in Iraq, or Mogadeshu with having the troops properly equip, then we wouldnt have had such casualties.

10-08-2004, 02:15 PM
Isn't using the name God and Howard Stern in the same sentence, considered blasphemy, or an oxy moron, or something like that.

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 03:35 PM
Maybe you have a reading Dysfunction... a Little night school will help that...
One Point is that 48.000 additional American lives were lost due to these Medias Marxist actions giving hope to a defeated enemy...
Now run along and Munch on your Feces Sandwich and let us defend the free world.

10-08-2004, 05:07 PM
Maybe you have a reading Dysfunction... a Little night school will help that...
MayBe....it......Would......errrr........maybe I Would learn when letters should be lower Case and be as smart as you.........
One Point is that 48.000 additional American lives were lost due to these Medias Marxist actions giving hope to a defeated enemy...
One point is that as the war continued and Vietnam became a cluster f*ck of a place to be. Troop moral was low, and drug use was at an all time high. Haven't you ever seen a documentary? According to a documentary which I saw on the History Channel there are over 100 documented cases of officers being "fragged" by lower ranking troops. Doesnt sound exactly like things were going smoothe there. I will read more into this one document that you found on the net which claims all of this happend, because unlike you I dont believe everything I read, except that Al Gore invented the internet. That has to be true.
Now run along and Munch on your Feces Sandwich and let us defend the free world.
Free world huh......thats why you insult anyone who disagree's with you.
Ironically, I dont even like Jane Fonda because what she did.

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 05:26 PM
Typical of a loudmouth you missed the point; Try Again!

10-08-2004, 06:46 PM
Typical of a loudmouth you missed the point; Try Again!
Explain to me again then. Try using small words.

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 06:49 PM
Explain to me again then. Try using small words.
You are kidding right??

10-08-2004, 07:12 PM
You are kidding right??
No, not at all. But you cant cut and paste and get in a hoo-rah. I want your own words and explain how 48,000 people died because of 1 reporter.

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 07:19 PM
No, not at all. But you cant cut and paste and get in a hoo-rah. I want your own words and explain how 48,000 people died because of 1 reporter.
It is written in a 6th grade level..Work it out.

10-08-2004, 07:22 PM
It is written in a 6th grade level..Work it out.
Well I keep trying to, but I cant get you to tell me how "the pen is mightier than the sword". How the strongest military in the world was defeated, when it already had an army defeated. How did this happen? How How How?

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 07:34 PM
Houston we have a problem!! Dam Man let's see you took the time to half ass paragraph the article with comments ; But have a problem reading it am I right Ace? HOW??

10-08-2004, 08:00 PM
Houston we have a problem!! Dam Man let's see you took the time to half ass paragraph the article with comments ; But have a problem reading it am I right Ace? HOW??
I read it from begining to end but refuse to believe that Ho Chi Minh was sitting in a cave watching 60 minutes and eating rice, when a news story came on that said they won a battle and that lead to an uprising and the resulting loss of 48,000 American deaths.

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 08:05 PM
I read it from begining to end but refuse to believe that Ho Chi Minh was sitting in a cave watching 60 minutes and eating rice, when a news story came on that said they won a battle and that lead to an uprising and the resulting loss of 48,000 American deaths.

10-08-2004, 08:13 PM
I'll take that you dont know how to answer the question and only know how to throw insults and cut and paste.

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 08:25 PM
I'll take that you dont know how to answer the question and only know how to throw insults and cut and paste.
No!! BUT I would say that of you, judging from your comments and perception...

10-08-2004, 08:27 PM
No!! BUT I would say that of you, judging from your comments and perception...
LOL. You would say I am throwing insults and cutting and pasting?

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 08:31 PM
LOL. You would say I am throwing insults and cutting and pasting?
No what I am saying :Check your #13 is the game will not work.Now run along and Play.

10-08-2004, 08:42 PM
Check your #13 is the game will not work.
I need a little night school?

Steve 1
10-08-2004, 08:44 PM
I need a little night school?
Thats better one day we can talk.

10-08-2004, 08:46 PM
Thats better one day we can talk.
Damn dude, you are smoothe. See how you turned that around on me? That's gold jerry, gold!