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View Full Version : Disgusting rhetoric from John Edwards (this guy thinks he should be VP!)

10-12-2004, 03:55 PM
Yesterday John Edwards leaped on the Christopher Reeve bandwagon before the poor guy's body was even cold. At a rally he said that Christopher Reeve would be walking if John Kerry was President!
Now these a-holes are going to try and make an issue out of stem cell research. By the way, the Federal Government (and George Bush) has NOT outlawed stem cell research. They support it with our tax dollars. What is not supported with Federal money is embryonic stem cell research which requires the harvesting of stem cells from aborted (or other sources) fetuses. Private funding can be spent on embryonic stem cell research (which I understand is NOT something that Christopher Reeve supported) and there's no limit on the private funding of any stem cell research.
This means that the Ketchup witch Teresa Heinz Kerry, who is worth close to a billion dollars could sell one of their many (9 I think) homes and donate a million or more dollars to embryonic stem cell research or any other stem cell research they want.
And the Democrats could use some of their anti-Bush advertising dollars to support stem cell research too. They won't of course. They'd rather make people think that President Bush is against every form of stem cell research when in fact he's not.
By the way, the Federal Government does not pay for abortions with our tax dollars but abortions are still legal and about 40 million of them have been performed since Roe vs. Wade passed in the Supreme Court.
Hey liberals, do you really think our tax dolllars should pay for abortions and embryonic stem cell research? If you do, how about paying for research into how we can determine which babies will grow up as liberals so we can abort them after they're born? (I am furious!) :mad: :mad: :mad:

10-12-2004, 04:54 PM
This ambulance chasing POS has sunk to a new low. I thought they had reach new lows before this but once again they proved me wrong. Just goes to show they will say and do ANYTHING to get elected. :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:I'm all for abortion if its a liberal thats getting aborted. :hammerhea

10-12-2004, 11:32 PM
How about research into why this guy can't make an argument that makes any actual sense?

10-13-2004, 07:37 AM
I see that kahanamoko's mother has lifted the restrictions on his computer use, and at 12:30 am he is back to making senseless comments and surfing porn. Good night Cat In The Hat.

10-13-2004, 10:18 AM
Don't you find it a little too coincidental that during the Debate Kerry brought up his "Friend" Chris Reeve and the stem cell debate. I'm sorry but that has got to be the most Chicken s**t thing i have ever seen or heard a candidate do. Absolutely F in pandering to the lowest common denominator!!!
He knew his friend was sick and possibly close to dying and used the situation to further his political aspirations?!!! WTF
Mike VG

10-13-2004, 11:20 AM
How about research into why this guy can't make an argument that makes any actual sense?
You are refering to that nitwit Edwards aren't you? Watch the Russert interview and see how this POS PI attorney tries to talk his way around simple questions.
On the stem cell front you have to work your way around the lying liberal scum bags to even approch the truth.
FACT: Embryonic stem cell reserach does NOTHING for spinal injuries. Although ADULT stem cell research does.
Apparently liberal scum will loook for any excuse to kill babies even....now this is a shocker, lie. :rolleyes:
liberals are scum

10-13-2004, 12:28 PM
The simple fact is we have no idea what kind of curing potential stem cell research has. It is only in it's infancy. However, there can be no doubt that Edwards claim re:SCI pts getting out of chairs and walking is way over the top, and cheezy at best. It is just as stupid as Za Za Hienz Kerry's claim that if elected her husband will "reverse global warming". If George Bush was to come out and clam that toppling Saddam was going to bring democracy and freedom to the entire world I would be just as critical, because that is how far out he would have to go to get as goofy as those statements are....

10-14-2004, 06:57 AM
It is my conclusion that those supporting Kerry have never listened to him or his entourage. If they do, it is "Blah, blah blah blah blah not Bush blah blah blah not blah blah Bush". They cannot nor will not hear any of the other garbage the Kerry campaign puts out.

10-14-2004, 07:22 AM
It is my conclusion that those supporting Kerry have never listened to him or his entourage. If they do, it is "Blah, blah blah blah blah not Bush blah blah blah not blah blah Bush". They cannot nor will not hear any of the other garbage the Kerry campaign puts out.
I really have to agree with you with this. I've spoken with a couple of my wife's friends that are pro Kerry, talk about ignorant! I asked them to give me a couple of reasons why they want him in office. All they say is because he's a Dem and they want GW out of office. I ask what bothers them most about what GW has done..
"Well, I hate his beady eyes and his voice"
WTF!!!! are these people that stupid!!!

10-14-2004, 12:02 PM
FACT: Embryonic stem cell reserach does NOTHING for spinal injuries. Although ADULT stem cell research does.
liberals are scum
I wonder why the Bush administration is making such a big point of the fact that they are not blocking embryonic stem cell research?
I guess since you are a scumsucker you would know where to find it.

Steve 1
10-14-2004, 02:55 PM
Would you expect anything less from the Rats??They are in a losing frenzy practically eating each other...

10-14-2004, 04:17 PM
Would you expect anything less from the Rats??They are in a losing frenzy practically eating each other...
I suppose that's why every legitimate polling source has Kerry ahead. Why don't you leave politics to those that are old enough to vote little boy (girl)?

10-14-2004, 07:37 PM
I suppose that's why every legitimate polling source has Kerry ahead. Why don't you leave politics to those that are old enough to vote little boy (girl)?
Legitimate polling source...that's a laugh. That's like saying an HONEST lawyer!!!LMAO!!! Kaka you're too funny!!! :hammerhea

10-14-2004, 07:45 PM
Legitimate polling source...that's a laugh. That's like saying an HONEST lawyer!!!LMAO!!! Kaka you're too funny!!! :hammerhea
Funny, whenever the same polling sources put Bush ahead I always hear his sources quoting them. If they were putting him ahead today you'd be quoting them too. But since he's behind, they're no good. Right. Just deal with it. The general public is tiring of his stupidity.

Steve 1
10-14-2004, 07:49 PM
I suppose that's why every legitimate polling source has Kerry ahead. Why don't you leave politics to those that are old enough to vote little boy (girl)?
That's funny!!