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10-18-2004, 06:30 PM
Here is the concept. I would like to see at least one thread in this section that contains referenced statements and does not turn into a name calling contest. If this turns out to be a bad idea I am going to delete this so donÂ’t anyone get attached to it. (Bad idea is defined by me spending all my time moderating this thread). PM me if you have questions about this, do not post them in the thread.
EDIT!!! Actually I will be taking suggestions for a topic to discuss. Please post below. As I am sure some of you can't resist posting something stupid don't get your feelings hurt when I delete your post.
Here are the rules for this thread.
1. All allegations must be backed up with references / sources.
2. All rebuttals must be backed up with references / sources.
3. No name calling, keep it intelligent.
4. I will temporarily ban you if you cause problems on this thread.

10-21-2004, 09:59 AM
Topic: River Phoenix. He is neither a river, nor is he in Phoenix.... Discuss.

10-21-2004, 10:06 AM
Topic: River Phoenix. He is neither a river, nor is he in Phoenix.... Discuss.
I think he was named after the movie The Bridge over the River Kwai that his parents saw while in Phoenix.
just a guess though. and this thread seems a little slow.

10-21-2004, 01:22 PM
Topic: River Phoenix. He is neither a river, nor is he in Phoenix.... Discuss.
Well not precisely what I was looking for, but that is the closest any one has come yet so I guess that is the topic. Now remember we need referenced sources for this.

10-21-2004, 01:38 PM
Perhaps he is a Phoenix? :eek:

1978 Rogers
10-21-2004, 01:45 PM
I believe he is deceased. So his is neither a River or a Pheonix.

10-21-2004, 02:02 PM
The Phoenix arises from it's own ashes every 500 years. :D

10-21-2004, 02:49 PM
Maybe his parents were on the way to the river and had to pull over for a quickie in Phoenix on the way. They could have saved us the trouble of seeing bad acting if he just got roadhead without stopping. :hammerhea

10-21-2004, 11:25 PM
His parents named him River after the river of life in Hermann Hesse's classic spiritual novel 'Siddhartha', and Jude (his middle name) after the Beatles song 'Hey Jude'
Source: http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0000203/bio

10-22-2004, 07:09 AM
Bush and Kerry are related
Candidates have same Essex ancestor
Julian Borger in Washington
Tuesday September 21, 2004
The Guardian
It is perhaps not surprising that the battle between George Bush and John Kerry has turned so nasty - it is, after all, a family affair. Both men are descendants of the same Essex man.
Their common ancestor was a member of the minor Essex gentry called Edmund Reade who was born and died in Wickford without ever seeing the New World his offspring would fight over 400 years later.
However, Reade's daughters, Elizabeth and Margaret, both sailed to New England with their mother, probably in the 1630s. Both had married into powerful families, Winthrop and Lake, who ultimately begot the two presidential candidates.
The common heritage makes the president and Senator Kerry ninth cousins, twice removed, according to Gary Boyd Roberts, a Massachusetts genealogist who has researched their family backgrounds.
"They were part of the upper classes in the 1560s and they are still part of the upper classes," Mr Roberts said, but pointed out that Mr Kerry has more "cosmopolitan" elements in his family tree.
His father's side of the family were Jews from the Austro-Hungarian empire who converted to Catholicism and changed their name from Köhn to Kerry before emigrating to America in 1904.
Mr Bush, the son of a former president and grandson of a senator, can trace his lineage to the Mayflower immigrants, and to some of the oldest families in the country. The only exotic element is a "sliver of Swiss and German on his mother's side", Mr Roberts said.
The Essex connection is the closest bloodline linking the candidates, but they have seven other common ancestors

10-22-2004, 07:25 AM
The sky is blue because blue light gets scattered (spread) around much more than all the other colors from the sun, causing the sky to appear blue.
More (http://www.why-is-the-sky-blue.org/why-is-the-sky-blue.html)

10-22-2004, 07:26 AM
Clouds are white because water and ice in clouds scatter all color wavelengths by the same amount. All colors are represented in this scattered light and clouds therefore appears white. (White light is made up of all colors, red, blue, violet, etc.). All wavelengths of light get scattered equally by drops of water and small clumps of ice.
More (http://www.why-is-the-sky-blue.org/why-are-clouds-white.html)