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1978 Rogers
10-28-2004, 02:40 PM
Who think terrorists were at war with the USA before 9/11. Every article I read or see on the news says Bush started the war. I say BS. I feel we just started defending ourselves by taking an offensive postion.

Steve 1
10-28-2004, 04:06 PM
The first WTC attack.
Oklahoma bombing
The Atlanta Bomb that Bent kept quiet about.
The Kobar towers.
The USS Cole .
The Two Embassies in Africa.

10-28-2004, 04:08 PM
I'd say leave the oklahoma city bombing out of it.. that was a fairly lone crazy white guy.. dont think it's ever been linked to organized terrorists
BJH :rollside:

Steve 1
10-28-2004, 04:09 PM
I'd say leave the oklahoma city bombing out of it.. that was a fairly lone crazy white guy.. dont think it's ever been linked to organized terrorists
BJH :rollside:
Hippy there are some story's going around of a second person in the truck.

10-28-2004, 07:47 PM
June 5, 1968, Presidential candidate Robert "Bobby" Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan, a Jordanian Arab-Palestinian. RFK was shot at point-blank range from behind by three shots from Sirhan's .22 caliber pistol ... two shots entered his back and a third shot entered directly behind RFK’s right ear.
Because of talks with "the Jews" :idea:

Boy Named Sue
10-28-2004, 09:08 PM
June 5, 1968, Presidential candidate Robert "Bobby" Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan, a Jordanian Arab-Palestinian. RFK was shot at point-blank range from behind by three shots from Sirhan's .22 caliber pistol ... two shots entered his back and a third shot entered directly behind RFK’s right ear.
Because of talks with "the Jews" :idea:
Oh my Allah! Bigq says something I agree with! This started in 1948 with the independence of Israel. If I'm wrong state your case.
Suuuuueeeeey. Right on Bigq.

10-29-2004, 05:58 AM
Nothing starts with a big item. WWII and the attack on Pearl Harbor was the accumulation of many things. WWII and the Nazis attempted genocide of the jews was a primary factor in the Israeli factor. After the war, there was nothing left for most jews in Europe and they started to flock to Jeruseleum which was a British colony. If it wasn't for the collective guilt about how the jews were treated, the British might have done more to stop the exodus and subsequent take over by the jews.
It is not a new story. A persecuted group migrates to another country. Eventually they get rid of the indigenous nomadic tribes through force. Eventually the newcomers battle to become a sovereign nation. And if you think this is just the USA and Israel, think again. This has happened in numerous countries. Sometimes the takeover was successful, sometimes not.
The point is, we have been battling terrorists for a long time. It is just the past few decades that we have been against a foe that has a global grasp. If you study the growth of terrorism, you would find that there has been a network building that started with the IRA and the Red Brigade joining a loose coalition with other groups to share resources and information. What we have now is the accumulation of these groups into a shadow force that desires destruction rather than the control of any specific nation. They have one advantage over us, in that they do not have to win in any country. If we succeed in eliminating their threat in one location, they have several other cities and countries that they have influence. They simply move in to one of these areas and begin anew the overthrow of the government at hand.

1978 Rogers
10-29-2004, 06:24 AM
I like what you've all said. I fully agree with you. It just bugs me the way they say Bush started the war and Kerry's our savior. It's nice to know others think this started a little earilier than the US going to Afganistan & Iraq.

10-29-2004, 07:00 AM
Our troubles in the Middle East hit a turning point when a Syrian sponsored attack on the U.S. military camps in Beirut in October 1983, killed 241 marines. Ronald W. Reagan (one of my heroes) pulled out after pressure on the home front was applied. This showed the Islamic fascists a weak side, confirming what the world thought of us in a post Vietnam light. Then we lived though Iran, Libya, our support of Israel, The gulf war and unheard of conflicts in undisclosed places around the world. The attacks on 09-11-2001 were an attempt to bring the United States of American down. Down economically, down spiritually and force us to react in an uncivilized manner. I THANK GOD everyday for a President like George W. Bush. His courage in making the hard choices in hard times saved this Nation from those who would tear her down.
I believe if we wished to project our might, we could stand down the world. This Nation has NEVER fought a war for profit. We free nations we do not smother them. We fight for the freedom of others that they might have the benefits of a representative form of democratic government. I do not want us to be the world’s police department; however, we can not and should not ignore the suffering of others. That would surely be our downfall.

1978 Rogers
10-29-2004, 07:17 AM
How did we shut up Cadaffey (I have no idea how to spell his name) in Libya. I remember we bombed his house or compound killing his son and strong sactions were impliemented. I think this was in the mid 80's. Now he seems to be coming around.

10-29-2004, 07:25 AM
Reagan declared war against international terrorism, sending American bombers against Libya after evidence came out that Libya was involved in an attack on American soldiers in a West Berlin nightclub.
We hit his house and the FRENCH Embassy :D

1978 Rogers
10-29-2004, 07:34 AM
How come Terrorism & French or France come up together in stories. :idea:

10-29-2004, 09:26 AM
How come Terrorism & French or France come up together in stories. :idea:
Certain French citizens have a history of collaboration with groups deemed unsavory.