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11-02-2004, 01:01 PM
How do you folks get rid of them. Have an hour to go and have a bad migraine headache,,,help :(

11-02-2004, 01:03 PM
How do you folks get rid of them. Have an hour to go and have a bad migraine headache,,,help :( drink till you pass out :eek:

Tom Brown
11-02-2004, 01:03 PM
Drink some water. Take small sips and make sure you drink a tall glass.
Dehydration can cause a nasty headache. It may not be caused by that but the water won't hurt you.

11-02-2004, 01:04 PM
How do you folks get rid of them. Have an hour to go and have a bad migraine headache,,,help :(
Only thing that helps me with Migrains is a dark room and rest....... and Jello Shots........:)

11-02-2004, 01:04 PM
SEX!!!!How do you folks get rid of them. Have an hour to go and have a bad migraine headache,,,help :(

11-02-2004, 01:05 PM
Go home and go to bed. I don't get them often enough for the medication that is out there. Oh yeah, those pills are verry spendy (a girlfriend I had paid neraly 20.00 a pill :2purples: ) I also take a handfull of excedrine (not tylenol or motrin) get the room as dark as I can and go to sleep. The asprin is more to keep my hair from hurting so I can get to sleep, it does nothing for the pain of the headache. :hammerhea

11-02-2004, 01:05 PM
How do you folks get rid of them. Have an hour to go and have a bad migraine headache,,,help :(

11-02-2004, 01:07 PM
Have someone rub it... Slowly at first.. and kiss the head.. then as it starts to intenisfy....
Oh you said Migraine......
Sorry :D

11-02-2004, 01:07 PM
take 4 Excedrin wait an hr and if it doesn’t get better.. Take 4 more.. I have had clusters for years.. I had to stop taking the Excedrin because of all the caffeine.. Now I take Imatrex and Ibuprofen.. Sometimes I'll take the Excedrin if I have nothing else.. if all else fails.. I take a Vicodine and get in bed and turn off the lights...The only reason I say take 4 is because if you have headaches like mine.. 4 is the only amount that will put a dent in it.
Good luck

11-02-2004, 01:08 PM
and as much water as you can

Mrs. Restless22
11-02-2004, 01:09 PM
I drink coffee to get rid of my migrains :rollside:

11-02-2004, 01:09 PM
Have someone rub it... Slowly at first.. and kiss the head.. then as it starts to intenisfy....
Oh you said Migraine......
Sorry :D
Your bad Keith..........but I like it.

11-02-2004, 01:10 PM
Your bad Keith..........but I like it.
LOL.. Just trying to help :cool:

11-02-2004, 01:13 PM
How do you folks get rid of them. Have an hour to go and have a bad migraine headache,,,help :(
I usually stop sniffing glue when I get one. :squiggle:

11-02-2004, 01:14 PM
doesnt caffeine actually constrict the blood vessels?

11-02-2004, 01:14 PM
I usually stop sniffing glue when I get one. :squiggle:
I thought you just tried seX????

Tom Brown
11-02-2004, 01:17 PM
doesnt caffeine actually constrict the blood vessels?
Yes. :D
Headaches are a classic symptom of caffeine withdrawl though, so drinking coffee might work, depending on what is causing the headache.

11-02-2004, 01:38 PM
Maybe I have it backwards but the caffeine is what does the trick
It usually works for me,,not for the last three days though, can't shake this damn thing, tried caffeine, sex, asprin, jacuzzi, and still have it

11-02-2004, 01:39 PM
It usually works for me,,not for the last three days though, can't shake this damn thing, tried caffeine, sex, asprin, jacuzzi, and still have it
Who'd you have sex with? :jawdrop:

11-02-2004, 01:43 PM
If you drink a cup of coffee and the headache goes away, it ain't a migrain. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't speak when I get mine, and literally my hair hurts. The new meds work pretty well, but you need to have some on hand for them to do any good.
Sounds like Jackpunx knows what I'm talking about.
Mrsdrmr, go see a doctor. He can give you some stuff that'll knock the headach out.

11-02-2004, 01:45 PM
Who'd you have sex with? :jawdrop:
well lets see, theres luvmyboat and bob,,,let your imagination roam

11-02-2004, 01:46 PM
well lets see, theres luvmyboat and bob,,,let your imagination roam
uhhhhhhhhhhh BOB?

11-02-2004, 01:48 PM
That is not a true statement. Mine actually have put me in the hospital and they gave me a pill that was called Caffergot...It was 50% caffeine and the rest was something for your stomach. This was years ago and I assume they have other types of medications now but caffeine CAN help but not always.
She in fact may not have a migrane but there are a lot of variables involved...
She might have a hangover knowing her. :rollside:

11-02-2004, 01:51 PM
That is not a true statement. Mine actually have put me in the hospital and they gave me a pill that was called Caffergot...It was 50% caffeine and the rest was something for your stomach. This was years ago and I assume they have other types of medications now but caffeine CAN help but not always.
She in fact may not have a migrane but there are a lot of variables involved...
I have been prone to migranes since I was in jr high. I don't get them as frequely now as I did up to the age of 24. I used to be on meds but I did'nt want to keep taking them. Now when I get them, like I have now, I put a warm cloth on my head, turn out the lights and sleep as much as possible. My stomache gets yucky and my eyeballs hurt, (and i agree with the hair statement)
AS FOR YOU TOPLESS..........the ans is BOTH :crossx:

11-02-2004, 01:53 PM
AS FOR YOU TOPLESS..........the ans is BOTH :crossx:
You had sex with BOB and you have a hangover???????? Rough night last night I guess. :squiggle:

11-02-2004, 01:56 PM
True, but a cup of coffee won't make it go away if it's a migrain. What you received was another medication along with a pretty imrpessive amount of caffein. Here's what I found on it
Ergotamine tartrate
Available in US as 2 mg tab for sub lingual administration (Ergostat, Ergomar), 1 mg with 100 mg caffeine (Caffergot) and 2 mg with 100 mg caffeine (Caffergot supp).
For cluster headaches with nocturnal occurrence.
1 mg hs until occurrence cycle ends...this may be tested by stopping medication q 2-3 wks. No more than 10 mg/wk. Caffergot tab may be used if caffeine can be tolerated or sub lingual tab, although not scored, can be split.

11-02-2004, 01:59 PM
You had sex with BOB and you have a hangover???????? Rough night last night I guess. :squiggle:
rough night indeed.. and I did'nt mean sex with the headache and bob, I meant luvmyboat and bob....it was a fun night

11-02-2004, 02:00 PM
True, but a cup of coffee won't make it go away if it's a migrain. What you received was another medication along with a pretty imrpessive amount of caffein. I believe the caffein speeds up the effectiveness of the meds.
Here's what I found on it
Ergotamine tartrate
Available in US as 2 mg tab for sub lingual administration (Ergostat, Ergomar), 1 mg with 100 mg caffeine (Caffergot) and 2 mg with 100 mg caffeine (Caffergot supp).
For cluster headaches with nocturnal occurrence.
1 mg hs until occurrence cycle ends...this may be tested by stopping medication q 2-3 wks. No more than 10 mg/wk. Caffergot tab may be used if caffeine can be tolerated or sub lingual tab, although not scored, can be split.
Shit next time I get sick I'm calling you! :)

11-02-2004, 02:06 PM
LOL, my mother is a nurse, so I got to learn about all this stuff when I got sick. I've had migrains since I was 12 years old, but the have decreased in occurance with age. I had one so bad once I couldn't talk real well for a week or so afterwords.
And ya know, the internet is good for more than posting on ***boat. :D
After a little more research, caffein does the same thing that Egrotomine does, just not as effective, so you have to have more of it.

11-02-2004, 02:17 PM
I get them a lot. Get a perscription for a pill called (never checked the spelling, so I am spelling it how it sounds) Firacet.
I normally take 2 excederine migrane pills and 1 of the perscription pills and it usually gets rid of the migrane (about 90% of the time).
Good luck

11-02-2004, 02:40 PM
That is not a true statement. Mine actually have put me in the hospital and they gave me a pill that was called Caffergot...It was 50% caffeine and the rest was something for your stomach. This was years ago and I assume they have other types of medications now but caffeine CAN help but not always.
She in fact may not have a migrane but there are a lot of variables involved...
I have taken Cafergot.. it didn’t work for me.. The caffeine thins the blood and pushes it through your system faster..
it doesn’t really matter what you take.. Its only going to work 80% of the time at best.. at least in my case.. If I cant get rid of it in one day.. Its going to stick around for 3 days.. I usually get them 2 times a week for a few weeks.. Then they go away for a couple weeks.. I get them when I sleep to long for sure..
I have had good luck with Imatrex.. I have not tried furicet.. Excedrine would work .. but I would have had to take 4 of them at least 5 times in one day.. You can imagine.. its worth the trade off.. but I was jibbed out of my mind and would not be able to sleep.. and would get a terrible stomach ache.
I can feel them coming.. so as soon as I see a wigly line or feel them behind my eye.. I start taking pills.. LOL..

11-02-2004, 03:02 PM
How do you folks get rid of them. Have an hour to go and have a bad migraine headache,,,help :(
I'm very lucky about the Migraines, I don't get them. Wifey says "you have to have a brain to get a migraine" :D

11-02-2004, 03:09 PM
I'm very lucky about the Migraines, I don't get them. Wifey says "you have to have a brain to get a migraine" :D
oh, shes mean :p

11-02-2004, 03:22 PM
Wife gets them ALL the time.
Imitrex Is one of the pills she will take, there is allso a shot of imitrex and a nasel spary. There are also some meds out there that you put in your mouth and the dissovle NoNe of these are inexpensive
A common mineral found in the diet, magnesium maintains the tone of blood vessels, reduces nerve excitability and promotes muscle relaxation. Low levels of magnesium have been found in some patients with migraines. It is in this group of people that supplemental magnesium has been effectively used.
Conditions associated with low magnesium include tiredness, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, spasm and trembling, depression, loss of appetite, painful menstrual periods, high blood pressure and constipation. People with a high intake of calcium, protein, and alcohol all have an increased magnesium requirement.
Magnesium deficiency is more common in people taking potassium-depleting prescription drugs or excess laxatives or diuretics.
People with diabetes, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and problems absorbing food are also susceptible. Good tests to measure magnesium in the body examine the level in red blood cells or the level of ionized magnesium in serum, which is the most active form. Standard serum levels are a poor reflection of levels in the tissues.
Precautions - People with kidney or heart disease must consult a health practitioner before taking magnesium supplements. In addition, calcium competes with magnesium for absorption, so magnesium supplements may cause a calcium deficiency if calcium levels are already low.
Side effects - High amounts of magnesium may cause diarrhea.
Also known as vitamin B2, riboflavin has potential for use in the prevention of migraines. People with migraines may have decreased energy reserves in the energy factories of the body called mitochondria; riboflavin may help to increase mitochondrial energy efficiency. Although more clinical research is needed to examine the effectiveness of riboflavin, one study found riboflavin to be more effective than placebo in reducing the frequency of attacks and the number of headache days.
Another study compared supplementing with riboflavin alone to riboflavin plus 75 mg of aspirin and found that the group receiving aspirin did not fare better, in fact, they were more likely to have digestive disturbances from the aspirin.
Conditions associated with low riboflavin include red, greasy and scaly skin beside the nose or on the genitals, pale and cracked lips, itchy eyes and sensitivity to light. Low riboflavin is associated with inadequate consumption of milk and meat, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, alcoholism and long-term use of oral contraceptives.
In addition to supplement form, riboflavin is found in dairy, meat and eggs. Adequate stomach acid is needed to absorb riboflavin.
Side Effects - There is no know toxicity with riboflavin, although theoretically, it may increase photosensitivity. Riboflavin can cause urine to turn a bright yellow color. In addition, large amounts of riboflavin may cause diarrhea and increased urination.
read up......................

11-02-2004, 03:22 PM
oh, shes mean :p
See, it's just not me!! lol

Kim Hanson
11-02-2004, 04:17 PM
How do you folks get rid of them. Have an hour to go and have a bad migraine headache,,,help :(
I use to get the bad one, cluster headache's...They gave me Space Tabs, really expensive and they don't refill it after its gone, 20 little pills and it was gone for another year! Came back 3 years later and those little pills work.....( . )( . )........Go to your doctor and ask for them :cool: I feel bad for you,I know how bad it hurts. :cry:

11-02-2004, 04:25 PM
I have taken Cafergot.. it didn’t work for me.. The caffeine thins the blood and pushes it through your system faster..
it doesn’t really matter what you take.. Its only going to work 80% of the time at best.. at least in my case.. If I cant get rid of it in one day.. Its going to stick around for 3 days.. I usually get them 2 times a week for a few weeks.. Then they go away for a couple weeks.. I get them when I sleep to long for sure..
I have had good luck with Imatrex.. I have not tried furicet.. Excedrine would work .. but I would have had to take 4 of them at least 5 times in one day.. You can imagine.. its worth the trade off.. but I was jibbed out of my mind and would not be able to sleep.. and would get a terrible stomach ache.
I can feel them coming.. so as soon as I see a wigly line or feel them behind my eye.. I start taking pills.. LOL..
Imitrex works great. Furicet is ok but is full of caffeine.
Go to the Dr. is the best advice if over the counter meds do not work.