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11-05-2004, 12:37 PM
It's a beautiful fall friday here in Georgia.
4 more years for W and pre-Clintonian tax brackets.
For the first time in over 130 years, Georgia has a republican gov, and a majority in both the state house and senate.
The stock market is rebounding after throwing off the albatross of a potential Kerry victory.
Over 300,000 new jobs were added last month according to the BLS.
I just filled up the suburban for $1.78 a gallon.
Even the cats think it is great to to relax and enjoy :)

Steve 1
11-05-2004, 05:25 PM
It is good !!

Back Forty
11-05-2004, 05:39 PM
Very good!

11-06-2004, 12:14 AM
I certainly hope for the sake of this great country that Bush does, in fact, adequately represent our interests. One thing to note, with a clear majority in both the House and Senate, and four years since the last Democratic president, the republicans will find it impossible to blame anybody for failures in the economy, education, international affairs, domestic affairs, etc. Let's take a look at the state of the union four years from now and decide whether we are all better off at that point.

11-06-2004, 12:21 AM
I certainly hope for the sake of this great country that Bush does, in fact, adequately represent our interests. One thing to note, with a clear majority in both the House and Senate, and four years since the last Democratic president, the republicans will find it impossible to blame anybody for failures in the economy, education, international affairs, domestic affairs, etc. Let's take a look at the state of the union four years from now and decide whether we are all better off at that point.
You'd just love to see it fail, wouldn't you. :yuk:

11-06-2004, 12:23 AM
You'd just love to see it fail, wouldn't you. :yuk:
In a word, NO. But I would expect you to think so. You've obviously been brainwashed by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Rantel, etc. that constantly teach you that drivel.

11-06-2004, 12:27 AM
Life is good right now!

11-06-2004, 12:49 AM
In a word, NO. But I would expect you to think so. You've obviously been brainwashed by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Rantel, etc. that constantly teach you that drivel.
Hell, all I have to do is listen to you...you haven't said a positive word in your entire posting history here.
Looozer! :D

11-06-2004, 01:01 AM
Hell, all I have to do is listen to you...you haven't said a positive word in your entire posting history here.
Looozer! :D
Then I guess you haven't read ALL of my posts. Or perhaps you simply look at all of my posts through your shit stained right-wing spectacles. Or both.

11-06-2004, 03:59 AM
Then I guess you haven't read ALL of my posts. Or perhaps you simply look at all of my posts through your shit stained right-wing spectacles. Or both.
How fast is your boat?

Steve 1
11-06-2004, 06:09 AM
In a word, NO. But I would expect you to think so. You've obviously been brainwashed by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Rantel, etc. that constantly teach you that drivel.
Wrong wrong ole Nut-Case But what we do believe in though is the FACT; this is NOT or EVER will be a FAG Socialist Country...
That is contrary to what you and the Covert Communist Party the worthless dnc believe and those Jackasses in the mass media, you pinkos better look in the mirror and see what WE see:
That is a bunch of pathetic Anti American loons, perverts and outright Traitors is all the reflection you can muster go away leave this to the Men...
BTW What kind of Boat do you own Besides one that floats your soap??

11-06-2004, 01:11 PM
How fast is your boat?
Cmon tell me how fast is your boat?

Back Forty
11-06-2004, 03:08 PM
Kaknpoof doesn't post in boating threads. What are you trying to do run him out of here..? :jawdrop:

11-06-2004, 04:14 PM
Then I guess you haven't read ALL of my posts. Or perhaps you simply look at all of my posts through your shit stained right-wing spectacles. Or both.
Why, what a nice thing to say! You honor me by your reaction!!! :yuk:
Kakamoto dosen't own a boat...he can't even afford his own place...still lives at home with mommy, fat little turd. Watches too many movies and plays with dolls...thinks he's a lawyer and want's to play real guy GI Joe! :) :rolleyes: :rollside: :cry:

11-06-2004, 04:19 PM
Wrong wrong ole Nut-Case But what we do believe in though is the FACT; this is NOT or EVER will be a FAG Socialist Country...
That is contrary to what you and the Covert Communist Party the worthless dnc believe and those Jackasses in the mass media, you pinkos better look in the mirror and see what WE see:
That is a bunch of pathetic Anti American loons, perverts and outright Traitors is all the reflection you can muster go away leave this to the Men...
BTW What kind of Boat do you own Besides one that floats your soap??
I think one of the greatest things that came out of this election is that the lib main stream media has finally and unequivocaly been exposed for the biased liars they really are. Stripped to their underwera, and still, in all their arrogance, (like Kakamouth) go on as if no one knows! Hey emporer...you aint got no clothes on, stupid! It's a perfect representation of the libs at their best!

11-06-2004, 04:25 PM
Cmon tell me how fast is your boat?
Kakakook's boyfriend made him sell the boat after the "incident". :supp:

Steve 1
11-06-2004, 05:10 PM
I think one of the greatest things that came out of this election is that the lib main stream media has finally and unequivocaly been exposed for the biased liars they really are. Stripped to their underwera, and still, in all their arrogance, (like Kakamouth) go on as if no one knows! Hey emporer...you aint got no clothes on, stupid! It's a perfect representation of the libs at their best!
Amen !!

11-08-2004, 12:53 AM
Wrong wrong ole Nut-Case But what we do believe in though is the FACT; this is NOT or EVER will be a FAG Socialist Country...
That is contrary to what you and the Covert Communist Party the worthless dnc believe and those Jackasses in the mass media, you pinkos better look in the mirror and see what WE see:
That is a bunch of pathetic Anti American loons, perverts and outright Traitors is all the reflection you can muster go away leave this to the Men...
BTW What kind of Boat do you own Besides one that floats your soap??
I pity you for your lack of intellect. You are proof that brothers and sisters should not breed. I could give a shit less about the "dnc". I don't particularly like the "rnc" either. Some of us out here don't fall lock-step behind either of the two major American political parties. We are called "free-thinkers." You ought to try it some time. Oh wait, not enough brain cells on your end. Sorry.

Steve 1
11-08-2004, 03:10 AM
Nothing here just a Troll let's move on.

11-08-2004, 10:43 AM
I think the pussy on your avatar is fitting Stevo since you apparently like to run from any kind of a fight.

11-08-2004, 01:03 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I think the pussy on your avatar is fitting Stevo since you apparently like to run from any kind of a fight. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Back Forty
11-08-2004, 01:50 PM
Kakfoul apparently has investigated Steve1's background about as far as everything else he has taken time to comment on.
Hey Kaknclap, talking sh*t about Steve1 on a boating forum or anywhere else is like talking about the Old man of the sea. You don't know your a*s from a hole in the ground or Steve1 and it shows you f*cking MORON.
Kakndrip, make your bed in that Shockwave tonight and see if the boat Gods tell you anything by morning. If you were a lawyer I can see why you have to volunteer your time... Nobody would pay for your time the way you go around speaking of Facts... :rolleyes:
I'm begining to think that any kind of dialog with Kakburns is impossible. He continues to look for reasons to insult people and talk total sh*t. As far as anybody knows, he lives in Canada and works at a gas station. He spends his time on a boating board to leave steaming piles of doo. He jerks off to old dried up Melvin Purvice posters. He has never once contributed to this community in a positive light. So on and so on.
It's funny that most of the fokes around here that aren't to the "right" can recover from the usual abuse. They also seem to be here for the boating as well. Not the kid from Vancouver...
Stupid kids...

11-08-2004, 05:05 PM
Melvin Purvice posters? What in the hell are you on? Since I wanted to check "facts" before responding to this half-unintelligible post I looked to see who Melvin Purvice could possibly be. Did a Google and a Yahoo search. Nada. Perhaps that's not enough "fact checking" for you BF (Hey! Now I know why you chose that. Spent a few days in a jail cell as someone's bitch, huh?) but it's all I'm gonna do on that issue for now.
It nice to see that you've come to the defense of Steve1. I would expect no less from his apparent boyfriend. The fact you simply cannot deny (if you did any f**king fact checking yourself) is that from the very nexus of my posts on this site it was I that was attacked, insulted, etc. What has kept me coming back again and again is the pure entertainment I get from seeing just how ignorant some people can be. The alleged insults you folks throw my way (gas pumper, troll, etc.) make me laugh. The "fact" is that Bush is an idiot. Based on the posts from his supporters here on this site I have to say that I'm concerned about the education and intelligence level of the "majority" of the voting populace. I console myself with the knowledge that (unfortunately) the vast majority of Americans simply do not vote. I will allow myself the illusion that most Americans are at least slightly more intelligent and capable of engaging in a debate, throwing a few jabs here and there, and supporting their positions with something other than testosterone.
I don't care to know Steve1. Based on his posts I'm certain that the experience would be unfulfilling to say the least. I'm sure that with the many, many other members here on this site he doesn't represent everyone. What you cannot accept, apparently, is the concept of free speech. Perhaps you would feel better in "Back Forty Land". But that place doesn't exist.

Back Forty
11-08-2004, 05:28 PM
Nothing here just a Troll let's move on. :hammerhea :hammerhea :hammerhea :hammerhea

11-08-2004, 05:44 PM
:supp: :supp: :supp: :supp:

11-08-2004, 07:16 PM
I pity you for your lack of intellect. You are proof that brothers and sisters should not breed. I could give a shit less about the "dnc". I don't particularly like the "rnc" either. Some of us out here don't fall lock-step behind either of the two major American political parties. We are called "free-thinkers." You ought to try it some time. Oh wait, not enough brain cells on your end. Sorry.
Uh huh huh...huh huh...dat was funny. Good one!!
You need to find some new material, dipshit. You've pretty much used that one up.
You are without a doubt, the most miserable son of a bitch I've ever known. You're not a free thinker, by any means of the term. You haven't got an original thought in your head, nor have you voiced one here. You're a typical nay sayer...the only thing you have done is criticise and insult, criticise and insult. Free thinker...give me a break. You haven't got the intellect to be a free thinker, althoiugh we know you believe yourself to be equal to the Ben Franklins of or history. Piss ant.
There's an old expression that I learned a long time ago. Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit. I've raised the issue with you time and time before, and talk about "pussing out"...you never address it or answered the question, you just just slimed your way around it. You started the insulting in your very first post, and you damn well know it. I even posted it to prove it but you ignored that as well. You attacked and insulted in your now well known childish manner right off the bat, setting the stage that you now own, so you can quit with the "poor me...I was insulted and attacked." In the history of this board I can guess there has never been a more disliked piece of shit like you, and I bet that makes you proud. You came here to start shit, you like the shit, and you keep coming back for the shit. You are one clinically sick and troubled person, who hasn't got the balls of a piss ant, but who does have the pesonality and significance of one.
You're a piss ant, man. A piss ant. Mr high and mighty, telling us we're not worthy of your time, and that you'd get no satisfaction from knowing us, yet you spend a whole lot of time here with us, don't you. Probably the last bastion of attention you can muster. I would imagine that anyone who knnows you has grown quite weary of your arrogance by now, and probably tell you to get lost. Actually, they probably make up polite excuses to avoid you, thinking what an ass you are, and how sorry they are to have invested ANY time in or with you.
You're a liar and a hypocrite. You are the textbook definition of an arrogant ass and you're the perfect poster child for a "stinking lawyer". You sit up on your perch high above us cocking and crowing all the while proving yourself to be lower than the very least of us, which may very well be myself.
But I gotta tell ya. The entertainment factor is priceless. I really appreciate your presence as I sit here doing my "paper work"...it really makes the time go by! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard as I do at your stupid arrogant ass!

Back Forty
11-08-2004, 07:22 PM
http://images.snapfish.com/33%3B%3C%3B9%3B523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3244%3E%3B66%3E %3B54%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3A5%3A%3B%3A23nu0mrj
Kaknfarmer, if your barn animals are sending this crap to me you must be a real tyrant around the house. KNOCK IT OFF. :)

Steve 1
11-08-2004, 07:46 PM
I pity you for your lack of intellect. You are proof that brothers and sisters should not breed. I could give a shit less about the "dnc". I don't particularly like the "rnc" either. Some of us out here don't fall lock-step behind either of the two major American political parties. We are called "free-thinkers." You ought to try it some time. Oh wait, not enough brain cells on your end. Sorry.
Kookass you still sleep with your mother?? You know I do not give a crap what a Worthless Twit like yourself cares about! Christ just another Insect passing thru life and when you are gone; you know what??
Everybody will say GOOD RIDDENCE...
Anyway time to move on nothing here...

Back Forty
11-08-2004, 08:34 PM
Look KaknpedAL here is a picture to make it easy kid.
Here is a picture of you on your tricycle with your friends on your visit to the CASTRO district.
http://images.snapfish.com/33%3B%3C%3B%3A4%3B23232%7Ffp64%3Dot%3E2335%3D%3C57 %3D%3C45%3DXROQDF%3E232367975%3C575ot1lsi
OOOPS... THATS CATMANDO... WRONG FILE... :) :hammerhea :rolleyes:
Here is a picture of your stained poster.
. :coffeycup

11-11-2004, 12:34 AM
Uh huh huh...huh huh...dat was funny. Good one!!
You need to find some new material, dipshit. You've pretty much used that one up.
You are without a doubt, the most miserable son of a bitch I've ever known. You're not a free thinker, by any means of the term. You haven't got an original thought in your head, nor have you voiced one here. You're a typical nay sayer...the only thing you have done is criticise and insult, criticise and insult. Free thinker...give me a break. You haven't got the intellect to be a free thinker, althoiugh we know you believe yourself to be equal to the Ben Franklins of or history. Piss ant.
There's an old expression that I learned a long time ago. Don't start no shit, there won't be no shit. I've raised the issue with you time and time before, and talk about "pussing out"...you never address it or answered the question, you just just slimed your way around it. You started the insulting in your very first post, and you damn well know it. I even posted it to prove it but you ignored that as well. You attacked and insulted in your now well known childish manner right off the bat, setting the stage that you now own, so you can quit with the "poor me...I was insulted and attacked." In the history of this board I can guess there has never been a more disliked piece of shit like you, and I bet that makes you proud. You came here to start shit, you like the shit, and you keep coming back for the shit. You are one clinically sick and troubled person, who hasn't got the balls of a piss ant, but who does have the pesonality and significance of one.
You're a piss ant, man. A piss ant. Mr high and mighty, telling us we're not worthy of your time, and that you'd get no satisfaction from knowing us, yet you spend a whole lot of time here with us, don't you. Probably the last bastion of attention you can muster. I would imagine that anyone who knnows you has grown quite weary of your arrogance by now, and probably tell you to get lost. Actually, they probably make up polite excuses to avoid you, thinking what an ass you are, and how sorry they are to have invested ANY time in or with you.
You're a liar and a hypocrite. You are the textbook definition of an arrogant ass and you're the perfect poster child for a "stinking lawyer". You sit up on your perch high above us cocking and crowing all the while proving yourself to be lower than the very least of us, which may very well be myself.
But I gotta tell ya. The entertainment factor is priceless. I really appreciate your presence as I sit here doing my "paper work"...it really makes the time go by! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard as I do at your stupid arrogant ass!
Let's see if I can respond to this rant.
First, why don't you provide the direct quote from me, in my own words, where I compared myself to Ben Franklin. Didn't happen.
Next, I've never seen your direct quote from my "very first post" where you allegedly showed everyone how I insulted from the beginning. Never happened, therefore you couldn't have done it then and you most certainly can't do it now. The proof of that fact will be in your reply to this post. Find the quote and post it pussy.
Finally, stop trying to glamorize what your doing by calling it "paper work". We all know your taking a shit. The fact that so much of your shit has to overflow onto this site is the only thing that's disturbing.

Steve 1
11-11-2004, 05:51 AM
Who gives a crap about you Troll go away.

11-11-2004, 07:51 PM
Let's see if I can respond to this rant.
First, why don't you provide the direct quote from me, in my own words, where I compared myself to Ben Franklin. Didn't happen.
Next, I've never seen your direct quote from my "very first post" where you allegedly showed everyone how I insulted from the beginning. Never happened, therefore you couldn't have done it then and you most certainly can't do it now. The proof of that fact will be in your reply to this post. Find the quote and post it pussy.
Finally, stop trying to glamorize what your doing by calling it "paper work". We all know your taking a shit. The fact that so much of your shit has to overflow onto this site is the only thing that's disturbing.
Actually I did post it. Sorry if you have the retention of a four year old. Pussy? WOW!!! That hurts!!! I'm so hurt I just don't know what to do!!! What a smack! Right off the elementary school playground.
What a dolt. What an inane drone. You're common, man. Just common.
I'll find your reference to Ben Franklin and your first post attacking GB like the child you are and then you can and will eat your own shit. Actually, you're a f uckin stinkin lying lawyer, so you'll probably slime your way around it, but at least everyone else will see it, and the truth behind it.

11-13-2004, 08:34 AM
OK...here's your first two posts, Kakamouth. The title of the first one says it all. Childish, namecalling, attacking. You, in a nutshell. You knew damn well what you were saying and where you were saying it. Just looking for a fight. Just trying to start shit. Your content is irrelevant. Your analogies are childish and emotional, certainly not accurate or to the point. You just came in here swinging, and then you whine and cry that "we are attacking you" so that's why you started the name calling. You're a liar. I'm calling a spaid a spaid, and you're the spaid here. You're a no class, childish, foul mouth, immature little boy who needs to come on a site like this, safe behind your little computer screen, and attack people you don't even know just to make yourself feel better. You get off on it, and you need help.
What an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iraq a necessary war? Please. I am in the military now and will likely be there in the near future. Were they oppressed by a brutal dictator? Absolutely. The same could be said for the Sudan, North Korea, Iran, Indonesia, Brunei, Libya, and half of the other freakin' countries in the world. Let alone the people of our alleged "allies" Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc. where women are treated as second class citizens. I'd might be able to respect Bush if he spoke truthfully about his real desire to be in Iraq. Oil. It's in our national interest and I understand that. This bullshit about terrorists in Iraq? Please. The only reason Zaraqawi and the rest are there now is because of the fact that our soldiers present an easy target for them. They hate us anyway and here we are in the middle east trying to assert our sense of right and wrong, democracy, economics, etc. on them. Any reasonable historian will tell you that despite the best efforts of our great troops in Iraq in attempting to establish order out of the chaos that currently exists, no prior attempt to establish western democracy and especially western economics has ever succeeded in the middle east. Of course, nobody would expect "GW" to understand a single ****ing thing about history because that would make his puny little brain hurt too much. My god, didn't everyone watching that debate realize how much he's over his head with his job. The Peter Principle has it's poster child. GW Bush. Oh, I forgot, last night he told us, "I KNOW how the world works." What an ego. I doubt any reasonable person would have made that stupid statement. How about, "I can assure you that with the advice of many of the most educated people in the world, I believe I can say that this administration has a deep understanding of what is needed by this country to secure the peace in Iraq and to make this world and especially the American people a safer place"? No, it's "I KNOW how the world works." I feel so much better.
Apparently, you geniuses know more than all of the credible political analysts and most of the general public that watched the debate. I'm not a Kerry supporter but voting for Bush is clearly not an option. What a dunce! I hate to attack those on this site or anywhere else and I certainly don't think of myself as "superior" to others on an intellectual basis but as a voter I have to trust that the people I vote for have some ability to comprehend rudimentary historical facts, military capabilities, economic functions, etc. Anybody who doesn't see that Bush is dumb is either voting Republican because that's just how they vote (dumb) or they are themselves too stupid to see how stupid the current president really is. Bush Senior was smart. Didn't agree with his politics but he wasn't dumb. Reagan was way, way, way out of his element but at least you can credit him with being able to motivate people (I mean, he was the "Gipper" in a movie and all). Who cares if he presided over the biggest increase in the national debt in history? I mean, he did single-handedly topple the Soviets, right? I mean, it couldn't have possibly been the prior 70 years of fighting against the Soviets, right? It couldn't have been (as Reagan himself pointed out) that the communist system will always eventually fail and implode, right? It was Ronnie Ray Gun, our hero!
If the Republicans could just talk straight and stop trying to tell us what they think we want to hear while they continue their big ripoff of the american economy for the benefit of their rich friends I would truly appreciate it.
And that part about not thinking of yourself as "superior" to others on an intellectual basis...another one of your BIGGEST lies. You've "I'd" us and "Me'd" us to death with all your arrogance and insults regarding our "intellect or intelligence". You're clearly a legend in your own mind, and none of us is worthy of you or your superiority.
And finally, the height of all your arrogance, where you compare yourself, through your profession, to the likes of "those who came before you"...
Not sure why Jeanyus declined to put his/her occupation in his/her profile. Perhaps he/she is embarrassed by his profession. I am not. I could spend an hour listing the true Americans who have gone before me in my profession. A few? Abraham Lincoln. Thomas Jefferson. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. John Adams. John Quincy Adams. Francis Bacon. John C. Calhoun. Henry Clay. J. William Fulbright. Alexander Hamilton. William Harrison. Patrick Henry. Andrew Jackson. Robert Kennedy. I wonder if your profession boasts so many great American Patriots Jeanyus?
Oh, and I guess you could claim vindication...Ben Franklin's name isn't in this list, but I think the point is made.

11-16-2004, 12:28 PM
Got a bit off topic but life is still good here in Georgia. Filled up the Suburban again for the first time since the 5th (42 gallon gas tanks are great) and gas is down another 10 cents to $1.68 a gallon. I hope that all those speculators that drove up the price of oil, fueled by media trying to do anything they could to hurt Bush, lose their shirts as the price keeps dropping.

sorry dog
11-23-2004, 09:17 PM
I can't complain too bad about my life either. I filled at 1.82 but we got 10 cents more taxes than you guys.
I can't say life is good because of Bush, republicans, or any other politician, but maybe it's the lesser of two evils.
As long as the Dems emphasize stupid crap like gun control they will never win the south or rural America. It's not what the majority of us want.
At least the police state loving ass Ashcroft is gone...