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11-07-2004, 01:47 AM
Since we seem to have an influx of illegal's crossing into our great United States lured to us with opportunities for jobs and the quote better life, lets really put them to work, i'm sick and f'n tired of hearing how much it costs to round them up send em "home" only for them to return days or weeks later.
So why not when we catch them we put them to good use in our military!!!
Recruit them because they want the freedoms, the health care and the benefits, well have i got a plan for you my friend from south or north of our borders, you get your ass caught you do a tour, get the boot camp outfitted with fatigues and do some time for the country you seem so encouraged to come to. Do your tour, and you're reserve duty and you get a visa, don't let the little skirmishes we have going on in Iraq or Afghany land, you'll be getting on the job training, we know by you crossing our deserts and our coastlines that you'd be freakin perfect for infiltrating our enemies positions and giving us back the info we need to send in the bombers or light attack aircraft, hey you want from us , now i want from you,DEAL!!!??, also due to the fact you entered the country illegally, you get 1/3 the pay as the soldiers around you, but your golden ticket is just around the corner, do your tour, do your reserve duties and a visa and or Citizenship could be yours!!!! If this does not appeal to you, please please do not waste my govt's time and money that can and should be better spent on allowing me , my family and others to get in and out of an Emergency room in a decent amount of time, Emergency room not your god darn HMO.
Think long and hard my illegal friends , beats going thru the desert with little if any water, ooops forgot about those rest stations the ACLU put out there for ya , hate to see you die trying to enter a country illegally, cruel punishment on our account, how unfeeling of me to not give you water whilst you do your thing.
Now this is just an idea, one i hope catches on.
End of rant/Idea, Mike VG

11-07-2004, 05:09 AM
Since we seem to have an influx of illegal's crossing into our great United States lured to us with opportunities for jobs and the quote better life, lets really put them to work, i'm sick and f'n tired of hearing how much it costs to round them up send em "home" only for them to return days or weeks later.
So why not when we catch them we put them to good use in our military!!!
Recruit them because they want the freedoms, the health care and the benefits, well have i got a plan for you my friend from south or north of our borders, you get your ass caught you do a tour, get the boot camp outfitted with fatigues and do some time for the country you seem so encouraged to come to. Do your tour, and you're reserve duty and you get a visa, don't let the little skirmishes we have going on in Iraq or Afghany land, you'll be getting on the job training, we know by you crossing our deserts and our coastlines that you'd be freakin perfect for infiltrating our enemies positions and giving us back the info we need to send in the bombers or light attack aircraft, hey you want from us , now i want from you,DEAL!!!??, also due to the fact you entered the country illegally, you get 1/3 the pay as the soldiers around you, but your golden ticket is just around the corner, do your tour, do your reserve duties and a visa and or Citizenship could be yours!!!! If this does not appeal to you, please please do not waste my govt's time and money that can and should be better spent on allowing me , my family and others to get in and out of an Emergency room in a decent amount of time, Emergency room not your god darn HMO.
Think long and hard my illegal friends , beats going thru the desert with little if any water, ooops forgot about those rest stations the ACLU put out there for ya , hate to see you die trying to enter a country illegally, cruel punishment on our account, how unfeeling of me to not give you water whilst you do your thing.
Now this is just an idea, one i hope catches on.
End of rant/Idea, Mike VG
Now that's a great idea and i'll second it......... :coffeycup :coffeycup v-drive

11-07-2004, 06:42 AM
Are ya sure ya want to give them guns? :jawdrop: ;)

11-07-2004, 10:08 AM
once they're trained and in country, why not , we give them Machete's and other implements while "working" here, and most who have gang affiliations already have some kind of arsenal.... MVG

11-07-2004, 10:19 AM
I think we should just pay the border patrol agents an extra $50/ week in ammo, and let them shoot to kill. It'll be worth it in the long run, as we wont have to print DMV forms in spanish in 20 years :hammerhea
BJH :mad: :crossx:

11-07-2004, 10:39 AM
How about making border jumpers into game? Tags, limits, [20 or 30 would be ok] and a hunting season, say Jan 1st thru Dec 31st.

11-07-2004, 04:35 PM
Anything is better than the Catch and Release program we already have in place, maybe put one of those tags they can put in your pet, scan em to see if they've been caught before.... MVG

11-07-2004, 09:09 PM
While we're at it, let's put Michael Lard-ass Moore through boot camp! That'd make a great movie!

11-07-2004, 11:35 PM
I am surpriised he's not on that "The Biggest Loser program, guess he thought the title was referring to him and not losing weight... too bad i'd love for W to be his coach.......

11-08-2004, 12:38 AM
So much anger. Do you honestly think that Republican governors and presidents actually attempt to completely stop the influx of illegals or would if they could. If they tried they would immediately be assaulted by the owners of U.S. farms who rely on this source of cheap labor. It's happened before. Take a look at Pete Wilson.

Steve 1
11-08-2004, 03:10 AM
Nothing here just a Troll let's move on.

11-08-2004, 10:41 AM
Found another one of my posts that you love to search out there, huh Stevo.

11-08-2004, 12:09 PM
So much anger. Do you honestly think that Republican governors and presidents actually attempt to completely stop the influx of illegals or would if they could. If they tried they would immediately be assaulted by the owners of U.S. farms who rely on this source of cheap labor. It's happened before. Take a look at Pete Wilson.
Hey K welcome back, didja get a chance to check out the morning papers on Sunday? The Mexican pres. or whatever he is wants the sitting President, uh just to let you know it's George W. Bush, to sit and talk about loosening the rules to allow more of his people to come here to do the Migrant thing. Now as i see it, numrous Emergency Rooms have been closed mostly due to the fact that illegal "immigrants" use ER's as a primary care physician, straining and draining our health care systems financial flow. My idea is you wanna come , be here enjoy what you and i, and our familes before us, have earned, basically freeloading off of the taxes and work of Americans,sure they are doing jobs noone else would do , but that was the farmers and others, who said screwit if the GVT, doesn't care neither do i. Well if the illegals were not there yes there would be American citizens doing the job, would the prices be higher for those same goods, most likely, but thats really an unknown, since we have had and tolerated the Migrants for so long, but now its draining the economies of all the border states, Ca, AZ and TX. Been to and Emergency room yet , No? good for you hope you never have to wait for 12hrs, so that all the illegals and homeless can get in before you , just so that you can eat it in the shorts because YOU have INSURANCE and they do not.

11-08-2004, 12:59 PM
Are ya sure ya want to give them guns? :jawdrop: ;)
Sure, I would limit the bullets. :D

11-08-2004, 05:35 PM
Hey K welcome back, didja get a chance to check out the morning papers on Sunday? The Mexican pres. or whatever he is wants the sitting President, uh just to let you know it's George W. Bush, to sit and talk about loosening the rules to allow more of his people to come here to do the Migrant thing. Now as i see it, numrous Emergency Rooms have been closed mostly due to the fact that illegal "immigrants" use ER's as a primary care physician, straining and draining our health care systems financial flow. My idea is you wanna come , be here enjoy what you and i, and our familes before us, have earned, basically freeloading off of the taxes and work of Americans,sure they are doing jobs noone else would do , but that was the farmers and others, who said screwit if the GVT, doesn't care neither do i. Well if the illegals were not there yes there would be American citizens doing the job, would the prices be higher for those same goods, most likely, but thats really an unknown, since we have had and tolerated the Migrants for so long, but now its draining the economies of all the border states, Ca, AZ and TX. Been to and Emergency room yet , No? good for you hope you never have to wait for 12hrs, so that all the illegals and homeless can get in before you , just so that you can eat it in the shorts because YOU have INSURANCE and they do not.
I have been to the Emergency Room. Twice in the last year as a matter of fact. Once in Needles while boating. Got in and out in less than two hours both times. Although I'm sure there is a significant problem with illegals in the hospitals, I don't know that you've quoted any legitimate source for your "speculation" that it's attributable to the illegal alien problem (note that I called it a problem). Although I'm against "illegal" immigration, my point (which you completely missed) is that neither Democrat NOR republican politicians or administrations have any real plan on stopping all illegal immigration. Bush's current "plan" to allow Mexicans to come here on some sort of a work program has been called ludicrous and destined for failure by people from both sides of the aisle and from every legitimate source on the illegal immigrant problem. Those that would love to see something like that work have said that it is simply not workable. But then, we can expect nothing more from someone who knows how to tell the people what they want to hear without having any real clue on the implementation of that plan.
Personally, I believe that any discussions with Mexican President Fox should not occur until Fox agrees to first discuss a real solution to the many Mexican citizens that have committed unspeakable crimes here in the U.S., like the murder of a police officer, and then have ducked into Mexico with their countries support in thwarting our attempts to extradite.

11-08-2004, 07:13 PM
K i finally agree with you on the last part of your response, yes Presidente' Fox does need to address that problem, as to backing up what i was saying , research any of the local, and this is the Los Angeles and San Bernardino news services or listen to any of the workers at any of the County facilities, here's an example, my 15 yr old daughter is suffering terribly from a migraine headache , throwing up, and in agonizing pain, the nurse behind the counter explains over the loudspeaker system, and has to explain that due to the many closings of other emergency rooms, and that this is the closest County emergency unit for a 300 mile radius, San Bernardino is the largest county in the USA, even the prestigious Loma Linda hospital which is less than 2 miles from Arrowhead Regional, the county facility i'm speaking of,sends patients because they have no more room, that there will be a wait in, in our case it was over 8 hrs with nothing being done for MY Daughter, illegals have over taxed the system plain and simple, they 9 times out of ten HAVE NO INSURANCE, and who the heck ends up on the losing end of all that YOU and I.... Mike

11-08-2004, 07:22 PM
K ever watch the news!!! take the time to listen to the local stuff, it's a travesty to me that in a great country like ours, our own people have to wait for hours to get serviced or even seen by a doctor, the health care system in LA and San Berdoo are over burdened by the influx of patients with no health care insurance, as to backing my stuff up, one of my friends is a noted heart surgeon, another the Chief for the LA county Helicopter Squad. I know of what i speak. Please don't ever doubt me, i don't prance around telling the wprld who my famous friends are , in all reality who shivs a git, but they are my friends, these folks in the right places tell me allllllll the time what a problem they are having, paramedics now have to travel farther to get a patient to a facility, LA TIMES this oast weekend, do your homework too.
Sorry to rant but this is a subject that may not affect you now but when the time comes, and heaven forbid it does, you're going to want the quickest and best possible medical care for yourself your family etc. Mike VG

11-11-2004, 12:49 AM
K ever watch the news!!! take the time to listen to the local stuff, it's a travesty to me that in a great country like ours, our own people have to wait for hours to get serviced or even seen by a doctor, the health care system in LA and San Berdoo are over burdened by the influx of patients with no health care insurance, as to backing my stuff up, one of my friends is a noted heart surgeon, another the Chief for the LA county Helicopter Squad. I know of what i speak. Please don't ever doubt me, i don't prance around telling the wprld who my famous friends are , in all reality who shivs a git, but they are my friends, these folks in the right places tell me allllllll the time what a problem they are having, paramedics now have to travel farther to get a patient to a facility, LA TIMES this oast weekend, do your homework too.
Sorry to rant but this is a subject that may not affect you now but when the time comes, and heaven forbid it does, you're going to want the quickest and best possible medical care for yourself your family etc. Mike VG
I certainly, and sincerely, sympathize with the problems you have had recently in obtaining decent medical care for your daughter. I do not doubt for a second that the innundation of non-insured individuals in our hospitals has in a large way decreased the ability of the system to provide quick and adequate service. Whether these individuals are illegal or not is irrelevant. If they are illegal, then it does, in fact, support your argument to either keeping them out entirely or perhaps depriving them of the right to such service even in an emergency. The other problem is people going to the emergency room for a non-emergency situation. Why don't you ask your friends in the medical community about that. On a similar note, I doubt that a simple "migraine" headache counts as a true "emergency", unless there is more to the situation than that alone.
Also, I know alot of people in the medical community. Both as a result of my civilian occupation (attorney) and my military job. In both cases, I don't think I know a single doctor, nurse, nurse practioner or physician's assistant that isn't living the good life and making a shitload of money. As they should. But I find it hard to cry for them on one hand and then observe how they live with my own two eyes.

Steve 1
11-11-2004, 05:56 AM
Go away troll you have nothing to offer!

11-11-2004, 06:34 AM
:D Go away troll you have nothing to offer! :D

11-11-2004, 07:01 AM
I think the border would be a great training ground for our anti-terror programs. After all, we are now concentrating on weeding out individuals who try to come into our country illegally to do us harm in the war against terror so what better way to practice than on these cockroaches? A few Cobra gunships with flir, 50 Cal sniper rifles with night vision, Pave Lows with cluster bombs and roving attack dog patrols might slow down the flood of illegals. Too bad if they don't like their country. Maybe they should fix the problem like we did with the British a couple hundred years ago.

11-11-2004, 07:54 AM
I was just about to say something nice about the troll because the troll actually posted something I could agree with.
But then I reminded myself that this scumbag troll has trashed a lot of people around here, insulted mothers and most everyone else, and I decided not to say anything positive about the troll's post.
I like that there are a wide range of viewpoints and perspectives posted here. And I like the dialogue and debates/disagreements. But I really don't like having an insulting, inconsiderate prick on this forum. And I think it's time he was dealt with properly. Allowing him to continue tossing bombs on this forum is NOT entertaining. Ban him (no, I'm not worried about "free speech" - this forum is, as we are often reminded, NOT a democracy).

11-11-2004, 08:40 AM
I think it's a great idea. If they want to live in this country then they need to fight for it also.
Write your congressman, start a petition. I wrote to our congressman about using death row inmates for stem cell research, kills 2 birds with one stone so to speak.

11-11-2004, 09:59 AM
Do you honestly think that Republican governors and presidents actually attempt to completely stop the influx of illegals or would if they could. If they tried they would immediately be assaulted by the owners of U.S. farms who rely on this source of cheap labor. It's happened before. Take a look at Pete Wilson.
Although I'm against "illegal" immigration, my point (which you completely missed) is that neither Democrat NOR republican politicians or administrations have any real plan on stopping all illegal immigration.
You contradicted yourself there Kokopuff. But at least we both agree that illegal immigration is a problem. I just wish someone would catch that whole illegal part of that phrase. It is a huge problem and something does need to be done. Especially to get our border states healthcare back on track. It is even a problem here in Northern Nevada. My sister in law works as an ER nurse and they always have these little bastards in there with a cough but they have to treat them by law. :mad: meanwhile I go in there after I "bloomin' onioned" the end of my finger and even with my sister in law working I still had to wait for her to get an empty room and yes it was because they had a runny nose. :burningm: