View Full Version : Boat flipping and showing hook 1/4" measured

11-07-2004, 06:28 PM
It was too much stuff to try putting the pictures up here so I did a little writeup and put the pictures on a webpage.
It went really smooth and might help someone else who's thinking about doing it.
boat flipping and hook measuring. (http://jetboat.homestead.com/Kidsriding.html)

11-07-2004, 06:39 PM
Just goes to show you that we don't really know what we can do until we try.. Nice, informative site, and quite an accomplishment as well.........MP
PS: I liked the "DON'T DROP IT" part!!!

11-07-2004, 06:45 PM
So does this mean no water skiing this week?
Great write up, can't wait to see the progress. Your projects help get me motivated. My project is dragging along at a snails pace.
Doug McCoy

11-07-2004, 08:03 PM
Thanks guys. Now it's time for some real work.
Doug (soggyjet),
Good to hear from ya buddy. No ski trips this next weekend, but maybe the one after that. Why, you coming out? LOL. If you do, bring your wetsuit. It's probably getting a little chilly about now. Although it was like 78 degrees today...............

11-07-2004, 08:26 PM
Your amazing Squirtcha, I cant believe you did all that and a web site in 2 DAYS!!! :coffeycup :coffeycup :coffeycup :coffeycup :coffeycup
Probably should oughta get a life eh?

11-07-2004, 08:34 PM
After you have straightened out the bottom, put an 12" long by 1 1/2" wide, by 3/4" tall "teardrop" just in front of the intake. The small point goes in the front, and the back end should 'guide' the water right into the intake. Leave the 'hook' in the bottom from the outer strakes and the (trip) chine. This will keep the keel in the water when you do 'hard' turns. Very happy to see some guys go the extra distance to "make it right"!

hack job
11-07-2004, 08:50 PM
looking good dan

11-08-2004, 11:01 AM
That was really cool. No manhandling and very smooth .. can't waite to see the rest .

11-09-2004, 07:06 AM
Thanks underfunded.
Couple quick updates on the page. Mapping the work area and some measurements. Anxious for the weekend so I can get started on it.
mapping (http://jetboat.homestead.com/Kidsriding.html)

Nucking futs
11-09-2004, 07:53 AM
Hey Dan, Who did your pump set back?

11-09-2004, 08:49 AM
Dan Nelson Jett Performance Marine here in Phoenix.
I think I see where this is going.......... The hook was already there before the setback. I knew I had it at least a couple years before the setback work was done. Although, that would've been the time to do all this. The motor was out, the boat was inverted already etc.
I always knew I had a hook, but flipping it over this time revealed how bad it actually is. It's kinda hard to tell when you're rolling around on the ground trying to measure it. Bunks on the trailer are in the way n stuff.

Nucking futs
11-09-2004, 09:07 AM
That hook is huge,might be worth the time to pull the intake and reset it after its all said and done.Looks to me that the intake will be a little low once the hook is removed.Use glass to fill the low spots,and if your going to use bondo or witches hair or dyno glass make sure to gelcoat over it so it wont fall out.If you use only glass then the speed coat will work great.Looking good so far,but now the real work begins.Im sure you will enjoy the fruits of your labor when all said and done..........Tim

11-09-2004, 11:36 AM
Thanks guys. Now it's time for some real work.
Doug (soggyjet),
....Why, you coming out? LOL.
Wish I was, would love to help with your project. I have been traveling constantly lately, but no trips to Pheonix scheduled.
By the way, I thought you said you were working and wouldn't have time to work on the boat this week!! Glad to see you have your priorities straightened out now. Keep up the great work - and the pictures.
Doug McCoy

11-09-2004, 02:18 PM
That hook is huge,might be worth the time to pull the intake and reset it after its all said and done.Looks to me that the intake will be a little low once the hook is removed.
I hear what you're saying Tim. Let me put up a couple quick pictures though. To me it almost looks like the intake needs to be built up around. If you view it from the front in the first picture, it has that sorta rounded edge exposed where it meets the hull. Seems to me that should be covered, and it will be if I glass in the 1/4" of hook......
You know more about this stuff than I do. What are your thoughts on the pic. Here's a couple more. One of the opposite side showing the same thing (also a 1/4" of hook over there) and a tape measure showing where the new glass would end up on the intake.
It looks to me like he set it where it needed to be irregardless of whether or not the hull had a hook in it. I'm just guessing though. Do you think those rounded parts of the fin should be exposed like that?

Nucking futs
11-09-2004, 02:34 PM
The most important thing is that you ramp the intake correct.You can build the sides up , but i think if you were ever to try and take out the intake you would destroy the bottom trying to get it out.It will work either way,but if intake angles are wrong after you build up the sides you will kick your self for not doing it right.Call Jeff and get his input.i will look at the pictures again and come back to this.....Tim

11-09-2004, 03:14 PM
You've lost me with the intake ramp thing. Here's a couple more pictures. It looks o.k. to me but I don't know what it is that I'm looking at/for. I don't plan on ever having to remove the intake again so hopefully that part of it won't matter too much.
I feel funny about asking Jeff any questions. I'm not a paying customer after all.............. I could think of at least a half dozen things I'd like to ask, but I won't.