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View Full Version : Hot Boat jet tec page

10-28-2001, 02:51 PM
I was messing around on this site about a year ago and somehow got into a "jet tech" arkive. It appeared to have every jet tech QandA that had been published in HB mag. Is that something we can get into now? Do "members" have access?
I copied a couple of the q&a that day and the address on the top of the page is....
I've tried it and it wont let me in.
Hot Boat; if this arkive is not for public, would you consider printing it in a tec Q&A book for sale?

10-28-2001, 06:28 PM
This topic was discussed on an older thread. I spoke with Greg and he mentioned he may start writing more in-depth tech articles, but I don't know about a book. It sounds as if many people would be interested according to the response on the thread. Personally, I think it would be great to have Greg, Jack, or Harold make a book available on pumpboat set-up and other FAQ's.

10-28-2001, 08:04 PM
This wouldnt have to be a how-to book that someone has to write. The stuff is already arkived, all they would have to do is print it and publish it as a jet tec Question and answer handbook, or better yet just make it where we can access it from here. It is a shame to have all that information ratholed like that when you have all us jet boaters out here starving for information about our sport. And, I bet it is safe to say that the jet tech coloum is the only reason most of us jetters still subscribe to HB. Besides the girlie pics,(which u can get anywhere) what is the first thing you turn to when you get your mag?

10-29-2001, 01:20 PM
As I stated in a thread several months ago, I used to enjoy reading the old tech letters that were available on this site. I still would like access, and I would be willing to pay a small fee to get those either in printed or electronic form.

10-29-2001, 06:09 PM
Our thinking at the time was that the old tech-question archives would be superceeded by the Hot Boat Forums. However, your comments convince me that they have more value than we realized.
Although I can't promise that they'll be updated, your desire to see them back online is easy enough to fulfill. Here's the new link:
Enjoy! And thanks for the feedback.

10-30-2001, 05:29 AM
Thank you,

11-03-2001, 06:22 PM
Ummm, the first thing that I turn to in my new magazine is the girlie pics. I am kind of shallow like that. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/smile.gif

11-03-2001, 07:04 PM
yeah, me to. About as shallow as a parking lot puddle.