View Full Version : Gel Coat Q

Jet Boat John
12-14-2004, 04:45 PM
Hi all,
I don't know if this is the right forum for this but here goes anyway.
This is my first time at trying a re-gel. And yesterday I bought 5 Gallons of gel from a color chart thinking it was a cool hell raising yellow. ;)
Once home I cracked her open and found it to be a very non-hell raising bucket of mustard. It's nonreturnable now $$$. :cry:
So if any one has any ideas, like adding more pigment, or adding white to maybe give it a simi-cool butternut hue please respond. If you think it rocks as is talk me into spraying it.
It's Sunset Yellow (Y-466) otherwise PM me, it's for sale (cheap).

12-14-2004, 06:31 PM
did you stir it up sometimes some of the pigment settles to the bottom. than if thats not the case try spraying a test on something else and look at it in the sun not under floresent lights. color charts usually are pretty good.

12-14-2004, 07:11 PM
To get a quick idea of how it would look paint a piece of glass and then flip it and look through the glass at it. This gives a pretty good idea of what it will look like after drying.

12-14-2004, 07:18 PM
What exactly is "a hell raising yellow"?
It looks to be a pretty close match to the yellow in mine.

Jet Boat John
12-14-2004, 08:14 PM
Thank for the input guys.
Being this is to be my first time doing gel I wanted to keep it simple and do a solid color like yellow. Hell raising may be an Okie term, but this boat fits that color catagory dont'cha think?
I haven't stirred the gel, and they may be a very good point. That was the kind of info I was hoping to get, like after adding all the styrene, duratec, MEKP, etc. would it change the color any?
Squirtcha I love your boat, and its another reason I wanted yellow, but the color I have I don't think will stand alone buy itself, it needs an accent color to look good. The red on your boat really sets it off. Hell Raising is more Lemon, my yellow is more egg yoke.
Anyway now I'm thinking something like this design would work well with my mustard gel, even better if I mellow it with some white, but if I do that I am still going to have enough of it left over to do another boat.

12-14-2004, 08:49 PM
Duratec will change the color slightly -- so make sure it's what you want. It is pretty easy to mix up a small amount -- when I was testing different colors I used leftover medicine cups from the kid's cough sryup -- mixed a teaspoon or two at time and used a brush on a piece of scrap. Add a drop or two of MEKP -- for your test samples ratio is not as critical (you just want to cure in a reasonable amount of time).
Good Luck!

12-14-2004, 08:59 PM
O.K. I get it now...........you're saying that the actual color of the gelcoat doesn't match the color swatch?
I think it'll dry a couple shades darker than it is when wet. Go with the guys suggestions, giving it a good stir/shake and play with some test pieces. It may be closer than you think.
I've seen a few boats done in a solid yellow and they looked great.
Keep us posted. I'd like to see how it turns out.
If after all is said n done, it seems to me that if the color doesn't match the swatch that you ordered from, they'd about have to take it back, or retint so it's right.

12-14-2004, 09:09 PM
PM todnjuzz on here. He is the go to guy on gell and paint on boats as far as I have seen on here. Like they all said, stir it and do a test on something. It looks ok to me on the chart but no gloss on my screen. But this is coming from someone who only buys black boats.

12-15-2004, 07:05 AM
Where in Oklahoma are you?
If you end up not using the yellow, let me know. maybe I'll build a yellow Cheyenne or TX.

Jet Boat John
01-01-2005, 04:41 PM
Well... a solid week of working on the boat and it is still a long way from yellow. However, its 5 qt's of polyester primer closer to being straight. I hope the rest of the second gallon tomorrow it will be ready for some color. The bottom is yet untouched, man I thought I would be a lot farther along!
Pic with all the clear sanded off and 30 yrs worth of shrinkage and ripples smoothed out.
Pic after priming and much blocking.