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12-29-2004, 09:42 AM
You knew they would start coming sooner or later...

Phat Matt
12-29-2004, 10:30 AM
Damn! Mother nature is a bitch. You can't stop that. And it came through so quick. Screw the beach, I'll stay in the mountains!

Havasu Hangin'
12-29-2004, 10:42 AM

12-29-2004, 10:44 AM
Death toll reaches 100,000
By Andrew Gilligan In Colombo And Valentine Low In London, Evening Standard
29 December 2004

12-29-2004, 10:55 AM
The sad thing is most people that died drowned. They were sucked back out to sea when the tide went back out, what a way to go...most on vacation.

12-29-2004, 11:06 AM
Holy cow!

12-29-2004, 11:13 AM
This is terrible. They expect the death toll to reach over 100,000-. Goes to show how quickly Mother Nature can humble us.

12-29-2004, 11:14 AM
I'm certain the video doesn't do it justice. god, I don't want to even imagine the horror of being there.

12-29-2004, 11:14 AM
Death toll reaches 100,000
By Andrew Gilligan In Colombo And Valentine Low In London, Evening Standard
29 December 2004
Pretty Ironic that a guy with the last name Gilligan reported this story

12-29-2004, 11:18 AM
Unreal.....you know we see movies like the day after and Armegeddon and it's so "hollywood" that when you see something like this and you briefly think how did this kill 75,000+ people...... then you start imagining being on the beach and getting washed up against a building, head hitting a pillar..... it's really that simple, and sad :frown: :frown: :frown:

12-29-2004, 11:46 AM
Last night on the 10 oclock news here on a local channel they showed satilite pictures of just before shot of a beach, then when the water went way out and a final shot of the wave hitting the beach. Real incredible what Ma Nature can do.

12-29-2004, 12:37 PM
Whats really freaky is these are the videos from people who made it. What about the people that didn't? Imagine what they were looking at in there final seconds. This is just sad all the way around....

12-29-2004, 12:48 PM
I keep thinking of being on the beach and that thing hitting you....or being on a jet ski or boat when the the level of the water kicked up...at least they perished or got knocked out pretty quick....
Now all of us want to survive, but could you imagine watching it, filming it, or better yet lose your grip on a loved one trying to flee from it....would not want to live with those images...I cannot fathom that...absolutely tragic anyway you look at...

12-29-2004, 12:57 PM
there is a killer article in the oc register of an oc girl that was on her firsat scuba dive and was in the water when the tsunami rolled through... she was tossed down like 45 feet instantly and then the water became all murky and sandy.. she was picked up by a fishing boat some time later, and made it back to shore with no clothes, money, or passport... she eventually got in touch with her mother and is going to meet her at the airport... crazy.... and terribly sad for all those that didnt make it...

Havasu Hangin'
12-29-2004, 01:03 PM
I keep thinking of being on the beach and that thing hitting you....or being on a jet ski or boat when the the level of the water kicked up...at least they perished or got knocked out pretty quick....
According to the news, the face of the wave was only 30' high...it's the water behind it that does the damage.

12-29-2004, 01:22 PM
I just heard a story of SHARKS laying in the roadways...........its terribly terribly sad the devastation and the children left behind with missing parents.

12-29-2004, 01:46 PM
I should have some more videos, my buddy said he has one of a guy surfing the wave as it came in and he got sucked up.

12-29-2004, 03:12 PM
Here are some more, sorry if dupicated. The first one is amazing, the water came up so fast!

12-29-2004, 03:35 PM
Here are some more, sorry if dupicated. The first one is amazing, the water came up so fast!
Hey Mandy. You might wanna check that bottom one. It didnt seem to have any tsunami related content.

12-29-2004, 03:41 PM
Ah,,,now I wouldn`t say that. BOINGGGGGGGGG!

12-29-2004, 04:51 PM
Hey Mandy. You might wanna check that bottom one. It didnt seem to have any tsunami related content.
Oh, I don't know Boozer, seemed to make waves over here :D

12-29-2004, 07:06 PM
You know, other than that last video...
What really gets me is these peoples LACK OF URGENCY.
Every video I've seen shows people walking around with water coming in/rising/floating shit away. Homeboy taking the first video just keeps standing on more stuff, yet he is in the 1st floor of the building with water RISING. Another shows people walking out to the beach to watch, and people taking off their shoes to walk in the building.
I'm no rocket scientist, but when the water recedes a couple hundred yards, I'm making my way to higher ground. That water is gonna come back. I don't need a warning system to tell me that.
My wife thinks I over react to things, however, once in a while, I'm right on.
Flame away.

12-29-2004, 09:18 PM
Your an idiot.

12-29-2004, 11:09 PM
You know, other than that last video...
What really gets me is these peoples LACK OF URGENCY.
Every video I've seen shows people walking around with water coming in/rising/floating shit away. Homeboy taking the first video just keeps standing on more stuff, yet he is in the 1st floor of the building with water RISING. Another shows people walking out to the beach to watch, and people taking off their shoes to walk in the building.
I'm no rocket scientist, but when the water recedes a couple hundred yards, I'm making my way to higher ground. That water is gonna come back. I don't need a warning system to tell me that.
My wife thinks I over react to things, however, once in a while, I'm right on.
Flame away.
I agree completely. When we head to Vegas, I carry blankets, water, some non perishable food, and a handgun. You never know what is going to happen.
Better to be aware and prepared for shit to happen.

12-30-2004, 08:21 AM
oops. It said something about the beach. Sorry.

12-30-2004, 09:57 AM
the death toll is now at 115,000+....unbelievable :frown: :frown:

12-30-2004, 10:20 AM
According to the news, the face of the wave was only 30' high...it's the water behind it that does the damage.
It depends on how close you where to the the epicenter.
The speed of the the water surge was over 500 MPH!
The highest waves were estimated at over 60 feet high, closest to the epicenter.
Another danger was when the wave hit the shallow bottom, it sucked out the tide 100's of yards to create the tidal wave before it washed ashore. The people in the water or on the beach got sucked out to sea.
Just amazing the power and force of the wave. Can you imagine having this wave all hit at the same time for miles long.

01-04-2005, 12:24 AM
Like 100 to 300 yards. Lets see if this work. Cnn video (http://premium.cnn.com/pr/video/meta/world/2005/01/03/Irvine.Aceh.Terrain.itn.np.smil)

01-04-2005, 12:35 AM
Like 100 to 300 yards. Lets see if this work. Cnn video (http://premium.cnn.com/pr/video/meta/world/2005/01/03/Irvine.Aceh.Terrain.itn.np.smil)
No workie :hammer2: need cnn password :cry: