View Full Version : Is MSSHBJET Sexxy or What

05-23-2002, 10:35 AM
Just wanted to see who else thinks she is Sexxy Wish I was in HavaSu area heres some of her Vids well not Really But Close
Her with Blond Hair
Nice Ass as well
Ok Not her its my Maid but she is Hot

05-23-2002, 10:56 AM
Be careful bro, remember you are talking about someones girl, and she is a part of these boards. It's easy to make comments about someone you don't know, but she's one of us. You should probably make these kinds of topics about people we don't know.
[This message has been edited by picklefork1 (edited May 23, 2002).]

05-23-2002, 11:16 AM
That's right, and were gang related.
No switchblades, we shoot, that's how it is on the West Coast when your true to your roots!
I also got to add Big Duddy, for attempting to come off like some sort of player, you are sounding like a very goofy bozo.
Remember Duddy, you are in the presence of real Playa's and we've been holding back while you strut rhinestones, enough is enough there Hoss. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/smile.gif

05-23-2002, 11:31 AM
My neeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh

05-23-2002, 11:45 AM
I was going to post something more along the lines of Picklefork1 but he beat me to it. I'm not trying to start any issues or anything but it's kinda wierd that there's posts like this when everyone knows they're a couple.
BD, if you didn't know, then now you do.
LMAO when Barney starts to FFFLLLEEEEEXXXX

05-23-2002, 11:53 AM
you are offensive,everyone of your posts porn porn and more porn,your maid? yeah ok ....now your pullin it.. to a board member,**** man,give it a rest,everyone on here has seen her,we know! HB'S lucky ..we know!,good lookin ...we know! your a pervert...we know!
my opinion

05-23-2002, 11:56 AM
I gotta agree with the others.
BD, you should take those vids down. They're not her and are nothing like her if you were to actually know her.
She is a down to earth person and HBjet is a real cool guy too. You might want to show just a slight bit of class and not make her uncomfortable.
Barney flexing, that's funny

05-23-2002, 12:15 PM
[This message has been edited by PipesClean (edited May 23, 2002).]

05-23-2002, 12:53 PM
Steel toe boots.......jumping in to rat pack!!!! http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif Chill out there Big Fella with the insults. The little pencil and eraser above your posts is giving you an opportunity to redeem yourself from the foolishness.

05-23-2002, 01:36 PM
while Im sure she appreciates the effort of a compliment, I'd be ready to give her an apology or delete the topic entirely - no need to make her feel uncomfortable.

05-23-2002, 02:05 PM
I was kinda feeling uncomfortable as I read the first one he posted and I just wrote it off. But now there are some envelopes being pushed. I think Barney showed the "most muscular" and Big Daddy got the idea.
Oh, She is rather dreamy

05-23-2002, 02:44 PM
SHUT THE HELL UP. It's obvious you're just kissing butt so she'll keep bringing that 7-layer dip to the next party.

05-23-2002, 03:04 PM
ok, kept my mouth shut way to long...i thought the other topic was kinda funny, because we all know missHBJ has it going on....we all know that...period.....but to come on here and post false pitchers of her, is bullshit....no reason for that....and to say the least the pitchers dident even compare to mhbj.....the end......let it go...all this is BS, and we are all sick of it....please grow up.

05-23-2002, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by missboatnam1:
ok, kept my mouth shut way to long...i thought the other topic was kinda funny, because we all know missHBJ has it going on....we all know that...period.....but to come on here and post false pitchers of her, is bullshit....no reason for that....and to say the least the pitchers dident even compare to mhbj.....the end......let it go...all this is BS, and we are all sick of it....please grow up.
I agree with you on that one missboatnam1!!

05-23-2002, 03:37 PM
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E

05-23-2002, 04:14 PM
Slick, if you blew my 7 layer dip action, there is gonna be some serious hell to pay!

05-23-2002, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Her454:
while Im sure she appreciates the effort of a compliment, I'd be ready to give her an apology or delete the topic entirely - no need to make her feel uncomfortable.
I find Myself all embarrased and Red I am so sorry if any one is Offended or Insulted it was ment as a Compliment ToTally and By the way none of those Pics are Her as I stated I think Just wanted to Give My compliments to her and HBjet and I think they Know this so if you were Not mentioned then it doesnt pertain to you and I do believe this is open forum if you close it I wont Post it here thats a Fact But for the Respect I deserve for not Flaming most of you for Stomping on each other and for Bashing others Becouse of there appearance or Gravity or whatever then this just shows the amount of Respect you deserve I like every one here and read post that you post and find allot of crap in them so I will tone it down some for the respect of the Thumpers and Youngsters but I intend to post when ever and whatever I want if you dont like it dont read it I have given notice that every one has seen.
I just wanted to voice my choice on the whos better Poll Thanks Yall.
Keep it wet
[This message has been edited by BigDaddy (edited May 23, 2002).]

05-23-2002, 06:32 PM
You are gay. By the way that was a long sentence. I am sure your english teacher is proud.
I find Myself all embarrased and Red I am so sorry if any one is Offended or Insulted it was ment as a Compliment ToTally and By the way none of those Pics are Her as I stated I think Just wanted to Give My compliments to her and HBjet and I think they Know this so if you were Not mentioned then it doesnt pertain to you and I do believe this is open forum if you close it I wont Post it here thats a Fact But for the Respect I deserve for not Flaming most of you for Stomping on each other and for Bashing others Becouse of there appearance or Gravity or whatever then this just shows the amount of Respect you deserve I like every one here and read post that you post and find allot of crap in them so I will tone it down some for the respect of the Thumpers and Youngsters but I intend to post when ever and whatever I want if you dont like it dont read it I have given notice that every one has seen.
I just wanted to voice my choice on the whos better Poll Thanks Yall.
Keep it wet

05-23-2002, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Bense468:
You are gay. By the way that was a long sentence. I am sure your english teacher is proud.
No Not Gay Bense468
and I didnt have a English Teacher I was Born here and speak it fine.
I am Just a Dumb ass RedNeck who gives a SHit about My fellow American.
Thanks for your Imput Have a Nice day

05-23-2002, 06:59 PM
and I didnt have a English Teacher
Maybe that is the problem.
I am Just a Dumb ass RedNeck who gives a SHit about My fellow American.
I never said anything about you not caring. I was just joking with you. Take it easy you are starting to make me feel bad. Starting, not quite there yet.

05-23-2002, 07:03 PM
I think alot of us might have been a little quick to judge on this matter. If it was meant as a compliment so be it. But with all the bashing, name calling and so forth I think you could understand why everyone jumped to the conclusion that we did. Also these guys know her and HBjet and from what I have seen they are very protective. Which is awesome! Just shows you that they are good people and very well liked.

05-23-2002, 07:57 PM
If mrs hbjet did not like comment about her T&A she probably shouldnt have all of her pics posted.What do you think all of us guys are looking at?Her swim suit?Dont think so.My wife lookin pretty good herself but im not sharing!!!!!!

05-23-2002, 08:23 PM
Ok, I took pictures for ***boat.net, and hope to take more in the future. Erik who is the photographer for Hot Boat is awesome and very professional. I am proud of my pics that he took. I am here to take the good and bad. I am also here to learn about jet boats, gain information, and meet new people with the same intrests. Everyone I met on here I consider my true friends. All the guys are always there to protect me when a shark comes around. I greatly appreciate that. I know BigDaddy meant no harm, so no hard feelings here.
With this in mind lets get back to talken about jetboats and let this whole thing rest.

05-23-2002, 08:30 PM
I can't imagine what kind of guy would let Hot Boat take pictures of their wives/girlfriends to put on the internet... Don't you guys have any sense of decency???

05-23-2002, 08:35 PM
Froggy dont play Mr.Innocent...you boat wrangler.

05-23-2002, 08:40 PM
Who comes here to talk about boats? I think I saw one boat post, but the guy was most certainly lost... http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

05-23-2002, 08:45 PM
My wife would NEVER go for that, you know, letting Hot Boat put semi nude pics of me on the internet.

05-23-2002, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by ratso:
My wife would NEVER go for that, you know, letting Hot Boat put semi nude pics of me on the internet.
I don't think we would go for that either!
Originally posted by blownschiada:
If mrs hbjet did not like comment about her T&A she probably shouldnt have all of her pics posted....My wife lookin pretty good herself but im not sharing!!!!!!
That's great, but lets say someone comes up to you and your friends, and you know they are aware you are married, and they tell you..."Man, your wife is so damn hot, her ass looks so good, and her tits are amazing" How would you feel? Or would your wife be wearing long shorts and a baggy t-shirt at the river so no one can see anything?
Posting photo's of my woman is me appreciating my woman and security in our relationship. If you can't enjoy what your woman has to offer without worring about other people looking at her, or thinking what they wish, then I would say you might have some insecurity there. I'm also not saying drop your guard, I'm saying enjoy her for what she is, the more you show women your not a jealous freak, the more they only want to be with you. Don't get me wrong, I do get jealous, but I don't worry about other guys stealing her away from me because she looks so good. Whats the point of having a hot looking woman if no one knows it?
Big Daddy, so he thinks MY woman is a hotty...It's not like I haven't heard it before. Yes, it's weird because he's voicing his opinion to our friends on here, verses telling his buddy at work about this hot girl on ***boat. I know he didn't mean any harm, just Big Daddy being Big Daddy.....I guess he likes horses....haha!
Just Kidding Babe!

05-23-2002, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by HBjet:
I know he didn't mean any harm, just Big Daddy being Big Daddy.....I guess he likes horses....haha!
Oh Wilbur...

triple x tx
05-23-2002, 10:59 PM
hbjet...i think you handled that like a true man.....(no flaming).............by the way misshbjet is a hottie http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

05-23-2002, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by HBjet:
That's great, but lets say someone comes up to you and your friends, and you know they are aware you are married, and they tell you..."Man, your wife is so damn hot, her ass looks so good, and her tits are amazing" How would you feel? Or would your wife be wearing long shorts and a baggy t-shirt at the river so no one can see anything?
Posting photo's of my woman is me appreciating my woman and security in our relationship. If you can't enjoy what your woman has to offer without worring about other people looking at her, or thinking what they wish, then I would say you might have some insecurity there. I'm also not saying drop your guard, I'm saying enjoy her for what she is, the more you show women your not a jealous freak, the more they only want to be with you. Don't get me wrong, I do get jealous, but I don't worry about other guys stealing her away from me because she looks so good. Whats the point of having a hot looking woman if no one knows it?
Big Daddy, so he thinks MY woman is a hotty...It's not like I haven't heard it before. Yes, it's weird because he's voicing his opinion to our friends on here, verses telling his buddy at work about this hot girl on ***boat. I know he didn't mean any harm, just Big Daddy being Big Daddy.....I guess he likes horses....haha!
Just Kidding Babe!
HBjetHBJet; well said my man! You and MissHBJet seem to be comfortable with the situation and that is what matters here. You two have always been cool to this ol' fart and I value yours and everyone elses' friendship that I've met on these boards. Besides, I think MissHBJet walks, talks, dresses, and did the ***boat pics for you and we are just fortunate that you allow us to share them with you and you two are comfortable with it. I remember when I first came on here and saw MissHBJet. Holy cow! I saw her and felt compelled to compliment her and tried to do so tastefully and tactfully. Don't know if I succeeded in that; but she was gracious in her reactions and you were very cool and didn't come in, guns blazin'! You, like me, have no problem with people lookin' at the little lady as long as they don't make a**es of themselves or make her uncomfortable. It's all about taste! We all have it to some degree. It's just makin' the choice to use it! Peace, I'm outta here! http://free.***boat.net/ubb/smile.gif
What? What do you mean I'm in the wrong forum again? Jet Talk? S**t! Where is that damn Outboard forum?
[This message has been edited by gigamurph (edited May 24, 2002).]

05-24-2002, 02:13 AM
......and relax, ahhh. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/smile.gif

05-24-2002, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by mrsbaracuda:
Just shows you that they are good people and very well liked.
I even like these folks....donuts and all! http://free.***boat.net/ubb/smile.gif BTW, i went to the moped section and could find these pics you mention here?? J/K http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by ChetCapoli (edited May 24, 2002).]

05-24-2002, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by MissHBjet:
Froggy dont play Mr.Innocent...you boat wrangler.
OH! OHHHHHHH ! ME THE BOAT WRANGLER!!!!!! Who was holding a beer in one hand and a rope in the other all day? hehe Me, the boat wrangler... At least I wasn't an anchor!
You two rock. Too bad you are not going to be there this weekend. Audrey has a prize for you.
Squirts up!

05-24-2002, 08:58 AM
right on hbj,.......you guys do have a awsome relationship, with true trust, so many people lack that, i admire you guys....lets get back to boating, and good times...
big daddy, sorry if i dident understand what you were doing and saying, hope you can look back and understand whay i got upset....no hard feeling's http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

05-24-2002, 09:16 AM
I feel the http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/ups/layla_phoenix/hearthrob.gif in here.
Nuff said...

05-24-2002, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by MissHBjet:
I feel the http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/ups/layla_phoenix/hearthrob.gif in here.
Nuff said...
... You might want to see if that "love" is just a bananna in the pocket. hehe

05-24-2002, 12:21 PM
Just a thought, MissHBjet has another quality most guys find attractive...a woman who takes an interest in their hobby.

05-24-2002, 03:30 PM
Jesus H. Christ

05-24-2002, 03:39 PM
you called?

05-25-2002, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by hoolign:
you called?So that's what the "H" stands for! That's bugged me forever!
Jesus hoolign Christ
Kinda rolls right off the tongue; don't it?

05-25-2002, 03:32 PM
In the beginning,back in 1955..man did'nt know bout a rock"n"roll show...and all that jive......... http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

05-25-2002, 05:48 PM
My friends call me "god" for short...

05-25-2002, 08:39 PM
You know though right..( . )( . )...no offence to you or MrHB.jet...you are a very "COOL-LADY"...later...KIM.....

05-26-2002, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by jordanpaulk:
My friends call me "god" for short...
But why do they always follow it it with "damn it"...... http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif

05-26-2002, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by BBTAHITI:
Originally posted by jordanpaulk:
My friends call me "god" for short...
But why do they always follow it it with "damn it"...... http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif
Middle and last names! Think before you ask these questions! Sheesh! http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif

05-26-2002, 07:52 PM
H stands for Harry.