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View Full Version : I'm pissed. Nuke the tabloids!

02-02-2005, 06:18 PM
Stooping to more all time lows, I am 'personally' offended by the latest tabloid thoughtless move.
The 'Weekly World News' did an article on the 10 ugliest people, one of which is a local Phoenix Police officer Jason Schechterle. He was severly burned in a motor vehicle collision on duty in his Crown Victoria while responding to a call. He was hit at 115 mph in the rear by a taxi driven by an illegal and exploded into flames. Lucky for him, the exploding car slid 250 feet right up in front of a firetruck, and came to a stop only 75 feet from the firetruck.
The personal part is this, I was a fireman on E5 and not only witnessed the accident but immediatly got to work. Within 1 minute I had the hose off the truck and was putting the fire (him) out. 8 minutes from the time the accident happened he was extricated by us and in the doors of the county burn unit. 3 months in a coma and more surgeries than anyone I've ever heard of since. His wife stood by his side when some others would have turn and walked away. He was determined to live and raise his children, and even fathered another child after the accident. He has carried the olympic torch, been awarded numerous prestigious metals and honors, and has done more community service work around the country than anyone else I know of, and isnt even a politician. He has been determined to live life to its fullest, since it is a miracle that he still has it. No one has ever recieved the 3rd and 4th degree burns that he did and lived. He is a one of a kind, a true friend of mine, a hero, MY HERO (though he keeps calling me his hero), a father, a son, police homocide detective, and a living testament to the human will to survive.
And now, thanks to the 'Weekly World News' with a photo of him and his dedicated loving wife, has just been labeled one of the ten most UGLY people alive. I cant believe the disrespect to a public servant who was victimized and made to suffer. I'm just sick, and pissed.
I know the tabloids are to be ignored, but DAMNIT, have some respect.
Darren Boyce
(Wish I could type more, but my right arm is in a full arm cast from an injury at work.)

02-02-2005, 06:22 PM
That's BS. I don't even know what to say. :frown:

02-02-2005, 06:25 PM
Thats as low as it goes :mad: ---more than likely the Tabloid doesn't even know the poor fellows story. Damn tabloid leaches.

bunny 166
02-02-2005, 06:25 PM
How cruel and heartless can they be??? :burningm: :burningm: Got an address where a letter can be sent to an editor??(Or lack thereof!) :mad: :mad:

02-02-2005, 06:28 PM
That sounds like the guy who was on a Discovery Heath TV program - he's an amazing story and one helluva human being. So is his wife who stuck by him every step of the way.
Any form of media bashing a guy like that has gone way, way to far. Laughing at Lyle Lovette is one thing, but this is straight up f**cked up!!!

02-02-2005, 06:37 PM
Any adress or phone # where we can call and give a piece of our mind??

02-02-2005, 06:41 PM
Thanks guys. It's good to know that others find this soo offensive.
Ecceptor, yes that was him on the TV show getting one of many surgeries.
One of my proudest moments in life was to be one of the couple people involved with his rescue. To see the careless disrespect is pathetic. As a fireman, I dont get excited about much, but the editor of this story would regret running into me in a dark alley right now.

02-02-2005, 06:41 PM
Any adress or phone # where we can call and give a piece of our mind??
That's what I'm sayin!!!

02-02-2005, 06:46 PM
That is absolutely awful! :yuk: What is wrong with those idiots?

02-02-2005, 06:52 PM
How cruel and heartless can they be??? :burningm: :burningm: Got an address where a letter can be sent to an editor??(Or lack thereof!) :mad: :mad:
I agree...... we should all get together on this one and mail letters or call them on it!! This is total B.S. !!!!!

Kindsvater Flat
02-02-2005, 06:56 PM
Thats fugged up..

Phat Matt
02-02-2005, 06:56 PM
Maybe if you post your story here they will read it.
WWN Forums (http://boards.weeklyworldnews.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/ikonboard.cgi?;act=SC;c=1)

02-02-2005, 06:56 PM
Post an address or number on that rag mag. That is ****ed up

02-02-2005, 06:59 PM
That is so wrong..............so many people have their priorities mixed up.....Thanks for letting us know about this, I never bought the rag before, and now I never will :lightsabe

02-02-2005, 07:00 PM
The sad part is the article probably says he was born like that. I recall this case and it led to ford addig plates to the crown victoria. THIS SUCKS

02-02-2005, 07:01 PM
Ecceptor, yes that was him on the TV show getting one of many surgeries.
He's an amazing guy. The show on him had both me and my gf a little misty eyed. The one thing about this man that stood out to us was his determination to be there for his family. To not be burden on them, to not abandon them by giving up, but to fight through all the rehap, all the surguries, all the pain for the simple purpose of giving everything he could to his wife and kids.
Tell you what Kurtis, you get the writer in an alley and we'll all take our turns on him!!!

02-02-2005, 07:01 PM
HERE'S (http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/) the website for the asswipes. I searched around but couldn't find the story. Anyone else have any luck finding it?

little rowe boat
02-02-2005, 07:25 PM
He is a true hero and should be an inspiration to all of us.The press doesn't care about peoples personal feelings or families all that they care about is whats going to sell,screw them they are scum bags.

Bad Baja
02-02-2005, 07:46 PM
I just watched his story on TV, One of those shows that covers miracle surgeries and recoveries. Truely inspirational, I know I would not be able to go through what he went through. You should use that article to set that bastard journalist on fire.

02-02-2005, 08:28 PM
I don't personally know Jason, but as a Brother Arizona Officer, he's still family.
Don't worry about getting the address, writing letters, of any of that BS. Shock value is what they strive for. Writing letters will just tell them that they're fulfilling their mission statement.
Just get me the make, model, color and plate number of the cars they drive.
I guarantee their lives will become instantly miserable. I have a lot of cop friends across the country. :D

02-02-2005, 08:41 PM
I don't personally know Jason, but as a Brother Arizona Officer, he's still family.
Don't worry about getting the address, writing letters, of any of that BS. Shock value is what they strive for. Writing letters will just tell them that they're fulfilling their mission statement.
Just get me the make, model, color and plate number of the cars they drive.
I guarantee their lives will become instantly miserable. I have a lot of cop friends across the country. :D
Good those people deserve constant harrasment. That is just plain wrong about the article.

02-02-2005, 08:42 PM
Alan, you are partly right.
One thing I would like to do is get a whole group of people to pitch in for a one page ad in the Sunday Miami Times (or closest big paper to him) and post a picture of him with a synopsis of what he did and then call him the ugliest person in the world.
Whatcha think?

sam pioske
02-02-2005, 08:48 PM
Get UM............

02-02-2005, 09:21 PM
editor@weeklyworldnews.com is their email, I'm sending one out as we speak....

02-02-2005, 09:28 PM
Alan, you are partly right.
One thing I would like to do is get a whole group of people to pitch in for a one page ad in the Sunday Miami Times (or closest big paper to him) and post a picture of him with a synopsis of what he did and then call him the ugliest person in the world.
Whatcha think?
That's a fantastic idea. Show that f'n "journalist" for what he is, UGLY.
Jason is a hero, an inspiration, and one of the 10 most BEAUTIFUL people in the world. We've heard a lot about him throughout his ordeal and recovery here in Phoenix. His strength is nothing short of a miracle.

02-02-2005, 09:37 PM
If that is the defination of ugly, I would proudly be one of the ugliest people in America... :confused:

Tom Brown
02-02-2005, 09:48 PM
Personally, I think the article is no big deal. In fact, it doesn't amount to anything when compared to a heroic struggle such as was described. The joke is on the WWN. :cool:

02-02-2005, 10:06 PM
That's purely tasteless.

02-03-2005, 02:37 AM
Darren- That's as completely tasteless and disgusting as anything I've heard lately. The guy barely fits the media definition of a "public figure", except for the story of the accident that disfigured him! I don't know how WWN intends to win the coming lawsuit. Finding a judge or jury that favors their defense will be next to impossible!

02-03-2005, 12:26 PM
You guys are fantastic!! I am going to the Phoenix City Hall tonight were he was already scheduled to speak weeks ago. I plan to show up as a surprise for additional support. I will tell him personally how you guys feel!!!
Just 2 months ago i was with him at an awards ceremony for burn victims. I know he has come a long ways in the recovery, but he is still a bit shy in public when getting stared at(people cant help it) and doesnt want to make people feel uncomfortable with his presence. This shamless attack I'm sure didnt help. Fortunatly, this has been covered continuosly by the news channels over the last 24 hours and there have been many public voices of outrage, and many public displays of his support. All the local businesses and some nation wide immediatly pulled the publication when they discovered this. This whole event may make him even feel better with the community, local and abroad (some of you guys ;) ) showing its support again.
Ntwotrance, thanks for the link. If you guys can, click the link and type a one liner to the editor about thier poor decision.
Thanks again!

02-03-2005, 05:09 PM
Phoenix FOX10 news is reporting that the rag issued awritten apology to Jason and his family, and discounted his inclusion in that article as an "Editorial Error".
They have pulled the issue from store shelves across the Country, and offered a $5,000 donation to a charity of Jason's choosing.
So far, they said, they haven't heard anything back.
But they will..............

02-03-2005, 05:17 PM
I hope his lawyer rips them a new one. And I hope he walks away with a LARGE chunk of cash from the F'ers. One punch to the editors forehead, I bet I would put him down that F'ing punk. :mad: :crossx: :mad: :crossx:

02-03-2005, 05:24 PM
Stooping to more all time lows, I am 'personally' offended by the latest tabloid thoughtless move.
The 'Weekly World News' did an article on the 10 ugliest people, one of which is a local Phoenix Police officer Jason Schechterle. He was severly burned in a motor vehicle collision on duty in his Crown Victoria while responding to a call. He was hit at 115 mph in the rear by a taxi driven by an illegal and exploded into flames. Lucky for him, the exploding car slid 250 feet right up in front of a firetruck, and came to a stop only 75 feet from the firetruck.
The personal part is this, I was a fireman on E5 and not only witnessed the accident but immediatly got to work. Within 1 minute I had the hose off the truck and was putting the fire (him) out. 8 minutes from the time the accident happened he was extricated by us and in the doors of the county burn unit. 3 months in a coma and more surgeries than anyone I've ever heard of since. His wife stood by his side when some others would have turn and walked away. He was determined to live and raise his children, and even fathered another child after the accident. He has carried the olympic torch, been awarded numerous prestigious metals and honors, and has done more community service work around the country than anyone else I know of, and isnt even a politician. He has been determined to live life to its fullest, since it is a miracle that he still has it. No one has ever recieved the 3rd and 4th degree burns that he did and lived. He is a one of a kind, a true friend of mine, a hero, MY HERO (though he keeps calling me his hero), a father, a son, police homocide detective, and a living testament to the human will to survive.
And now, thanks to the 'Weekly World News' with a photo of him and his dedicated loving wife, has just been labeled one of the ten most UGLY people alive. I cant believe the disrespect to a public servant who was victimized and made to suffer. I'm just sick, and pissed.
I know the tabloids are to be ignored, but DAMNIT, have some respect.
Darren Boyce
(Wish I could type more, but my right arm is in a full arm cast from an injury at work.)
Hey Darren , I agree with you, I was wondering what your screen name was. This is Charlie Brown, Call me at 39 b when you get a chance!

02-03-2005, 05:27 PM
If that is the defination of ugly, I would proudly be one of the ugliest people in America... :confused:
perfectly stated...

all charged up
02-03-2005, 05:36 PM
I don't personally know Jason, but as a Brother Arizona Officer, he's still family.
Don't worry about getting the address, writing letters, of any of that BS. Shock value is what they strive for. Writing letters will just tell them that they're fulfilling their mission statement.
Just get me the make, model, color and plate number of the cars they drive.
I guarantee their lives will become instantly miserable. I have a lot of cop friends across the country. :D
Here here. I gotta itchy ticket book and I get paid to ride. If I get this reject in my sights it's going to be his worst nightmare.
I have met Jason and I work in the valley. He is the ultimate champion of fighting for ones life. He is a great guy and still a damn good cop. It's an honor to be one of his peers.

02-03-2005, 05:44 PM
That sounds like the guy who was on a Discovery Heath TV program - he's an amazing story and one helluva human being. So is his wife who stuck by him every step of the way.
This is the same fellow. That show was great, it focused on the efforts of a pioneering doctor and a disguise artist retired from the CIA. these two gentlemen have devoted their lives to helping people who have been badly disfigured by illness, accidents and the like.
This poor dude lost his entire face as well as most of the skin on his body, and the doc has been working with him to help relieve his pain, while the disguise artist gave him new ears, and a nose..... He commented that his greatest loss were his ears. :frown:
He is an incredible person, and his wife is is the truest definition of a spouse.

02-03-2005, 07:38 PM
Phoenix FOX10 news is reporting that the rag issued awritten apology to Jason and his family, and discounted his inclusion in that article as an "Editorial Error".
They have pulled the issue from store shelves across the Country, and offered a $5,000 donation to a charity of Jason's choosing.
So far, they said, they haven't heard anything back.
But they will..............
I sent them an email right away after finding their link, and expressed my outrage at them, and then linked them to this forum to read what others had to say. I'm glad they pulled the edition, but that still doesn't make it right. To the others that wrote in, kudos.

Mrs Scuba
02-03-2005, 07:49 PM
I was listening to the radio this morning and they had people calling in to talk about the outrage. They basically told everyone that if they found a newstand or store that had the magazine, to ask the manager to take them down, if not they would have the 40,000 listeners call that store and persuade them that way.
Just listening to it made me so upset, on my way to work this morning. There was a guy that called in that said that he had been in an injury and Jason was his hero. Only because of how strong he was to indure so much after the injury. It touched my heart. People just don't think about who they're hurting.
Although, they did say that they had to thank the magazine, because if it wasn't for this issue, they wouldn't have been talking about it and alot of people were giving donations to the burn victims because of it.
So in a way Thanks, but this was not the way to make it happen. These people are heartless........... :(
Another thing Jason said, since they had him on to talk about it is that he's been visiting alot of burn centers and all the kids are taught to look at the inside of people that it shouldn't matter what they look like on the outside, and then some idiot goes and does this. They're just making things worse for people that know and love others with disabilities or diformities (spell?).
I haven't had a chance to come online, but somehow I knew someone out there would post something about it. THANKS :smile:

Havasu Doug
02-03-2005, 08:44 PM
I'm a manager at Albertson's. Today our chain pulled that issue off the shelves. My store didn't have any, so I never saw it, but I knew what the article was about. I just assumed that they were talking about celebrities though. I had no idea who they were really targeting until reading this thread. :mad: