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View Full Version : Reverse Spam swim steps(sort of)?

02-07-2005, 10:17 AM
Does anyone know of any swim step manufacutures, billet, teak, composite plastic, one piece hinged or a pair in the Phoenix or SoCal area besides Rexmar? Nothing against Rexmar, I (really) like there products. Just would like some comparisons to feel comfortable.
thanks for any assistance. Even if it's just a possible name and city.

02-07-2005, 10:28 AM
Wayne Earl makes them in plastic. Never used them but they were easy to deal with when I was pricing out windshields.
Wayne Earl (www.wayneearl.com)

02-07-2005, 11:45 AM
Does anyone know of any swim step manufacutures, billet, teak, composite plastic, one piece hinged or a pair in the Phoenix or SoCal area besides Rexmar? Nothing against Rexmar, I (really) like there products. Just would like some comparisons to feel comfortable.
thanks for any assistance. Even if it's just a possible name and city.
Personally I'd buy them from RexMarine, but if your looking at other options.. Both Dana Marine, and Eddie Marine offer swim steps as well.
What kind of boat is it?

flat broke
02-07-2005, 12:12 PM
Does Cutting Edge Marine offer swimsteps Dave? Definitely somethin you should probably have a program for, if you're lookin to grab a slice of the OEM pie!
Cutting Edge makes some nice stuff, so if they were to offer up a swimstep, I'd have a look at it.

02-07-2005, 12:34 PM
thanks, the people over at Wayne Earl were helpful and very willing to talk. I liked that they would customize the step with any name or logo you wished added.
It's an 81 Glassmate(Omega splash) our second boat. Nothing special, a decent little boat with some character.
I'm 96% sure I will buy from RexMarine. I just wanted to make sure for the sake of comparison, the price and such are all average for the market and I'm not missing a good deal. As I wasn't able to really find many makers.

02-07-2005, 12:34 PM
Does Cutting Edge Marine offer swimsteps Dave? Definitely somethin you should probably have a program for, if you're lookin to grab a slice of the OEM pie!
Cutting Edge makes some nice stuff, so if they were to offer up a swimstep, I'd have a look at it.
Yeah I'm working on a set of swim steps.. but they are a little "above and beyond" if ya know what I'm saying. ;) Plus they are a ways out while I"m getting some other stuff sorted. (Only so much money for R & D and production) For an immediate need, like I said I'd hit up Rex.. :)