View Full Version : USS Jimmy Carter

Forkin' Crazy
02-20-2005, 03:03 PM
What a joke!!! They named a good ship out of one the worst presidents! :squiggle:
The reponses to this article are interesting....

02-20-2005, 03:26 PM
Totally agree!!! Carter was one of the worst if the THE worst president in history.

Steve 1
02-20-2005, 03:27 PM
Attack Sub???? It should have lips to kiss the enemies a$$ Carter left the navy because he did not get promoted...Then on to the worlds worst president/traitor and friend to the people who hate this country.
His policies are traceable right to the twin towers!!

02-20-2005, 03:27 PM
Gonna have to keep an eye on this thread. Gotta think blown,bent or whatever the hell his moniker is will come on and tell us what a great president he was.

Blown 472
02-20-2005, 06:58 PM
Attack Sub???? It should have lips to kiss the enemies a$$ Carter left the navy because he did not get promoted...Then on to the worlds worst president/traitor and friend to the people who hate this country.
His policies are traceable right to the twin towers!!
And the bush crowd isn't???

Blown 472
02-20-2005, 06:59 PM
Gonna have to keep an eye on this thread. Gotta think blown,bent or whatever the hell his moniker is will come on and tell us what a great president he was.
Na, just some ****ing redneck from the south. :D

02-20-2005, 07:44 PM
Na, just some ****ing redneck from the south. :D
I resent that statement!! I am proud to consider myself a redneck and don't like being compared to him.......
I knew you wouldn't be able to leave this one alone

Steve 1
02-20-2005, 07:49 PM
Bent 472 listen save your X rays as the DNC could use them as a blueprint for that new improved idiot they are looking for..

02-20-2005, 10:25 PM
wonder if it runs on peanut oil..... :sqeyes: :sqeyes: :sqeyes: :sqeyes: :mix: :mix: :messedup: :messedup: :messedup:

Forkin' Crazy
02-20-2005, 11:25 PM
Na, just some ****ing redneck from the south. :D
He is a very bad example of a southerner. :squiggle:

02-21-2005, 06:23 AM
Carter was a naive nice guy in an office that requires a person to be an SOB at times. He did not get promoted in the navy because he didn't have the balls to make the hard decisions or the instinct to know when to someone was using him. That same trait carried over into his presidency. He is fine when building houses, but a bust as a diplomat.

sorry dog
02-22-2005, 09:27 PM
I wonder what the interest rate on that sub is? 20%?

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-22-2005, 10:06 PM
Ya know, Carter is a wonderful man and I'm glad they named a boat after him. His presidential policy sucked, but I still like him and he should get a boat if for no other reason than the Habitat 4 Humanity work. My .02
p.s. there were worse presidents, just not in your lifetime. Grant, Harding, Hoover, Fillmore, etc.

02-23-2005, 06:56 AM
I was in the Navy during Carter and Reagan, Carter cut our budgets to the point we were a joke (and changed our uniforms so we looked like fools), when Reagan came in everything changed for the better (back to our old uniforms too) Carter is a friend of Fidel Castro, he is always visiting and praising him and using Cuba as an example of how he thinks the U.S. should be, Carter was not qualified to run anything more complicated than a peanut farm, I don't consider him a redneck, rednecks are hardworking honest and LOYAL to the country, Carter is a socialist anti American.
61% of habitat homes are sold or turned over to HUD within 5 years, (Atlanta Journal Constitution) it's a joke !, people don't take care of property that's given and not earned, it's just a "feel good" thing for the people swinging the hammers, Manuel (SSBN 641 USS Simon Bolivar, decomisioned 1994)

02-23-2005, 07:22 AM
I find it interesting that Carter is considered a better president than Grant, who was voted into office twice by the public and was almost given a third term that he did not seek, by a popular write-in vote. Yes there was scandal while in office, but none of the scandal touched Grant. His only sin was a trust in people that were thrust upon him by the party.
Harding was not alive in office long enough to judge his presidency, but that was mostly middle-of-the-road. His only major failing was a long-term affair with a friend's wife. That is hardly a scandal in presidential politics after Clinton.
Hoover made several mistakes after the crash, but many of the problems he suffered were caused by the Democrats trying to ruin him as a presidential candidate. In fact, it is now known by experts that the policies of Roosevelt actually made the Great Depression last longer than if Hoover had stayed in office.
Fillmore was a moderate Whig that was caught in the middle of the battle between the radical anti-slavery Whigs and Republicans, and the slavery endorsing Democrats. His administration was spent trying to keep a war from erupting. The main fault tht history finds with his presidency is that California was admitted to the union during his tenure.
Of course, after seeing that Washington was voted lower as president than Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton, I have little respect for history as being taught in our schools.

Steve 1
02-23-2005, 08:16 AM
Carter (Scumbag) the Friend of Americas enemies and enemy to Americas friends notably One of the two Americans (Clinton the other) who made 9/11 Possible.

02-23-2005, 03:33 PM
What a disgrace to the navy and the men who have to serve on that vessel......

Blown 472
02-23-2005, 03:34 PM
What a disgrace to the navy and the men who have to serve on that vessel......
Kinda like the crew gdubya balied out on?

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-23-2005, 05:09 PM
I find it interesting that Carter is considered a better president than Grant, who was voted into office twice by the public and was almost given a third term that he did not seek, by a popular write-in vote. Yes there was scandal while in office, but none of the scandal touched Grant. His only sin was a trust in people that were thrust upon him by the party.
Harding was not alive in office long enough to judge his presidency, but that was mostly middle-of-the-road. His only major failing was a long-term affair with a friend's wife. That is hardly a scandal in presidential politics after Clinton.
Hoover made several mistakes after the crash, but many of the problems he suffered were caused by the Democrats trying to ruin him as a presidential candidate. In fact, it is now known by experts that the policies of Roosevelt actually made the Great Depression last longer than if Hoover had stayed in office.
Fillmore was a moderate Whig that was caught in the middle of the battle between the radical anti-slavery Whigs and Republicans, and the slavery endorsing Democrats. His administration was spent trying to keep a war from erupting. The main fault tht history finds with his presidency is that California was admitted to the union during his tenure.
Of course, after seeing that Washington was voted lower as president than Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton, I have little respect for history as being taught in our schools.
Seadog, it's nice to see another history nut in here. Grant was a great general, but a lousy president. He suffered from the same thing Harding did, the Ohio crowd. Harding had many scandals, and most scholars agree his administration was one of the most scandalous ever. Most were not his fault, of course. Here is one:
Hoover had his own. I'm sure you've heard of the "Bonus Army March?" Can't blame that on anyone but the commander in chief himself.
They all have pros and cons during their terms. Carter was a lousy president. Typical democrap. But I still think he is a good man. I can certainly understand you navy guys not feeling he's worthy though.

Forkin' Crazy
02-23-2005, 07:44 PM
Long term history, you do well.... but short term, maybe not. Of course you are not a farmer, and probably didn't even know or remember of it happening. Thanks to him, I damn near lost my ass. :mad:
Using food as a weapon can, and usually does, backfire. Remember the U.S. grain embargo, imposed by President Carter in 1980 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan? The soviets didn't change their policy, they simply switched suppliers and got their wheat from other countries.
In the meantime, U.S. farmers paid the price. Even after the embargo was lifted. American farmers never reclaimed their share of the U.S.S.R's vast market. More than 18 years later, U.S. grain exports to the former Soviet republics still have not rebounded to pre-embargo levels. Food sanctions too often miss their intended target and end up landing closer to home — among America's struggling farmers who have seen exports drop from $59.6 billion in 1996 to a predicted $49 billion for 1999, a decline of nearly 20 percent.
from here: http://www.bens.org/sw_ar032399.html

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-23-2005, 10:31 PM
So when Reagan took office a year later, did he lift the embargo?
No I'm not a farmer, but my grandpa is. He lives in Kansas.

Forkin' Crazy
02-23-2005, 11:34 PM
President Reagan lifted the embargo on April 24, 1981.
Reading my post over, I may have sounded some-what callous. Not my intent. :)
What I ment is you might not have noticed it financially unless you farmed or lived in a farming community.
Ever spend anytime on his farm?

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-24-2005, 12:30 AM
Oh, yeah. In fact we were just there last thanksgiving.
I took no offense from your post. In fact, I was glad to know about that embargo, since I am studying to be a history teacher. One of my goals is to give my students a more balanced view than the left-wing socialist crap that they tried to shove down my throat in high school. I am a very open-minded person and see both sides to most debates. I plan on giving my students both sides of the story so that they can make their own decisions.

02-24-2005, 06:18 AM
I disagree that Grant was a lousy president. It is true there was much scandal, but you had a nation tying to recover from a major war that affected the populace more than any war before or since. Westward expansion was hitting full stride. The KKK was emerging as a major force in the south. Numerous other events were happening while you had a nation switching from a war economy to a normal economy. At the same time, you had the major agricultural portion of our nation trying to recover from loss of lands, structures, supplies and labor. Many of the great farms in the south were broken up for war reprisal.
Into all of this, Grant initiated many reforms which still affect us. Most notable was the Civil Service Commission. if anything, I think Grant tried to do too much and was therefore unable to maintain enough control.

02-24-2005, 06:36 AM
I realize the public does not distinguish between the president and things outside his control, like Congress, but Harding was barely aware of the Teapot Dome scandal before his death. As the the Bonus Army fiasco, Hoover had advisors worried that the communists were behind the march and that it was only a matter of time before violence erupted. Even so, there would be less of a uproar if it wasn't for one out-of-control egotistic general. Amazingly enough, it was not Patton, who was flamboyant as he rode with the Cav unit, but the only ego bigger, McArthur, who exceeded his authority and pushed the vets past the point of reason. This also be the first case where visual media brought down an administration. More than anything else, the news reels showing McArthur's troops attacking the vets is what cost him the election. I think Hoover would have managed re-election if he had another couple years to overcome the bad publicity, but who knows. He would have needed to court martial McArthur instead of shippng him off to the Phillipines.