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View Full Version : What Kind of Allowance do You give Your Kids?:

Flying Tiger
02-25-2005, 10:49 AM
My 15 year old son really doesn't want one.
He says I give him plenty of $$ when he goes to the movie, war Hammer store ect.
Do you require anything in return from your kids for their allowance?
My daughter who works hard in school; I give a multi station gas card, and up to a $1O0 per week re load on her ATM card. It isn't cheap being a chick. I don't like the idea of her not having access to cash. She doesn't draw much off it.
How do you handle it with your kids?

02-25-2005, 10:55 AM
My 15 year old son really doesn't want one.
He says I give him plenty of $$ when he goes to the movie, war Hammer store ect.
Do you require anything in return from your kids for their allowance?
My daughter who works hard in school; I give a multi station gas card, and up to a $1O0 per week re load on her ATM card. It isn't cheap being a chick. I don't like the idea of her not having access to cash.
How do you handle it with your kids?
Equal work gets Equal pay. No free lunches here. School is mandatory. Hard work means good grades, pride and self esteem. Money is an elective coming from trading time and effort. I worked hard mowing lawns when I was 10 so I could got to the movies and buy things. Dad never gave me a free ride and it seems to have paid off.

Excessive Force
02-25-2005, 10:59 AM
My daughter who works hard in school; I give a multi station gas card, and up to a $1O0 per week re load on her ATM card. It isn't cheap being a chick. I don't like the idea of her not having access to cash.
Fock!, thats mighty generous

02-25-2005, 11:00 AM
I give my kid 5 bucks a week for cleaning his room.
He's only 5 years old but it works.

02-25-2005, 12:17 PM
56 Dollars.
What? You flunk math? :rollside: :devil: :rollside:

02-25-2005, 12:20 PM
Allowance, dang...I guess I should make him work for the money. :idea:

02-25-2005, 12:30 PM
Don't know.... But the wife get a sh1t load... Actually my whole check. Sex is never FREE. Damn it :hammer2:

02-25-2005, 12:30 PM
My 15 year old son really doesn't want one.
He says I give him plenty of $$ when he goes to the movie, war Hammer store ect.
Do you require anything in return from your kids for their allowance?
My daughter who works hard in school; I give a multi station gas card, and up to a $1O0 per week re load on her ATM card. It isn't cheap being a chick. I don't like the idea of her not having access to cash. She doesn't draw much off it.
How do you handle it with your kids?
Cut her off and use the 400/month for a new boat ;)

Krazy K
02-25-2005, 12:52 PM
I never really got an allowance. If I needed money for something, I'd just ask for it. Of course, it came with the stipulation that something is to be done in return. It wasn't a weekly or monthly thing...

02-25-2005, 01:25 PM
I have not started giving any $$$ for allowance as of yet. My oldest daughter is only 13 years old and if she doesn't keep her room clean and do her chores, then she is on restriction. We use the same discipline for grades...want to use the phone, internet, TV?...those grades better be at least a "C".
I am sure this will become an issue soon. The scary part is that I have 3 daughters and what we give the first one sets precidence.

02-25-2005, 01:27 PM
i feed em, put a roof over thier head and cloth em thats what I got and thats what they get..

1978 Rogers
02-25-2005, 01:32 PM
I make our 2 year old son do work around the house for his food & lodging. He isn't very good yet at weeding the yard and has a hard time pushing the mower, but he's going to learn this summer. :D

02-25-2005, 02:12 PM
Not hardly you inbred catatonic imbecile. She's 56 and still living with her father. Do you get the point? DUH!!!!! :confused: By the way I met your parents the other day. Couple of really nice guys!!! :hammer2:
Apparently I don't get the point, since I was trying to make a joke.
If you are in need of a serious answer, you should have asked my dads while you were hanging out at the gay bar with them.
Chill. :coffeycup

02-25-2005, 02:15 PM
i feed em, put a roof over thier head and cloth em thats what I got and thats what they get..

Dawn Patrol
02-25-2005, 02:41 PM
I don't give allowances to my Kids (who are 10-8-4) yet. Between all of the vactions (The River, Glamis & Kansas), Disneyland and or Knotts B.F. passes, Gymnastics. I have nothing left to give. :jawdrop:
The best part about it, my older Girls 8 & 10 never ask for anything. That's why I'll always give them the world. :smile:

02-25-2005, 02:49 PM
No allowances. They get $20 for an A, $10 for a B, ZIP for a C, -$50 for a D and -$100 for an F. Basically they get around $80-100 every 6 weeks as they both get almost straight A's. They are 11 and 13...so far so good.
Shoot, now that I think about it thats about $15 a week....might be time to re-negotiate;)

a catered life
02-25-2005, 02:52 PM
I have not started giving any $$$ for allowance as of yet. My oldest daughter is only 13 years old and if she doesn't keep her room clean and do her chores, then she is on restriction. We use the same discipline for grades...want to use the phone, internet, TV?...those grades better be at least a "C".
I am sure this will become an issue soon. The scary part is that I have 3 daughters and what we give the first one sets precidence.
dam we do the same but i have 3 girls and one boy i never got allowance and probably wont give it to them besides i get drained for everything anyway

02-25-2005, 03:16 PM
$5 a week if all her chores are completed properly. School isn't and hasn't ever been an issue with her....
She gets plenty of other beni's besides.
I wanna be TPC's kid, thats more than I give myself :D

02-25-2005, 03:21 PM
I make our 2 year old son do work around the house for his food & lodging. He isn't very good yet at weeding the yard and has a hard time pushing the mower, but he's going to learn this summer. :D

02-25-2005, 03:28 PM
When my son gets older he will get some money but not the generous amounts.Some for good grades and mowing the lawn.Wont exceed 10 bucks a week that includes front and back lawns too :DIf he works harder then maybe more.When he gets older as in job age well get a job if you want more spending money.
Some kids these days get way to much damn flyingtiger free gas and 100 a week.thats more than my my wife lets me spend now will you adopt me?? :D

02-25-2005, 04:01 PM
I don't have kids...and don't give the pets any money.
I never got an allowance when I was a kid. I worked around the house, took out the trash, kept things clean, washed the cars, etc... There was always food in the frig, electricity, and a bicycle in the garage. If I wanted money, I had to get a job. When I was 12, I used to go to my aunts store and mop, clean, take out trash, run deposits to the bank for her etc.. she would give me $5. Life was so simple back then.

My Man's Sportin' Wood
02-25-2005, 04:12 PM
The 12 year old gets $5 and my 8 year old gets $4. The difference is due to the fact that she does more chores than him. They have to do their chores and they have plenty since mom works and goes to school and Jeff works 12-14 hour days. He vacuums and dusts and she takes care of the kitchen. They also help feed the animals.
They put 1/2 of thier money in a savings account and at Christmas, they buy gifts with thier own money ( I usually help a little with this).

02-25-2005, 04:12 PM
My kids get 1/2 their age per week. My daughter earns extra by working and helping me. My son is too lazy. :rolleyes:
They do have chores that they have to do. Sweeping, vacuuming, taking out the trash, etc.

Flying Tiger
02-25-2005, 05:11 PM
I Imagine the 100 bucks seems a lot but she often drives up the coast to Santa Barbara and a flat or ruined tire could easily run that (space saver spares are only good for so long). So it's in mind with that that I keep a $100 tab limit running on her ATM.
Sometimes I'm way outta town and hard to reach and she gets invited someplace. She can draw on her ATM and have the cash to participate.
A sweet, hardworking kid.
My son,, well, like Mandelon said about his,,, dam if I know what to do about it.

02-25-2005, 05:47 PM
My kids 15 yr daughter, 12 & 9 yr old boys get $0.50 for each yr. old. And money for good grades in school, and have the typical chores to do around the house.

Tow Guy
02-27-2005, 07:21 PM
You Mean I'm Not Supposed To Hand Over My Check......The Ex-Wife, Girlfriend, Daughter..... :eek: Theyre All Women!!!!!!! :hammerhea

02-28-2005, 12:24 AM
Hmmm i got nothing up until about 10, then i got 10 dollars a week up until i was 15. Then i got a job and the cash flow stopped flowing. 100 a week is alot, but if it doesn't hurt you financially why not?

02-28-2005, 01:34 AM
Some of you old guys are pretty damn cheap...