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03-07-2005, 03:37 PM
Bzzzzzzzzzzzz..... (http://media2.big-boys.com/3cops.wmv)

Tom Brown
03-07-2005, 03:45 PM
Those pigs were squealing for help like school girls. :D

03-07-2005, 03:46 PM
That kind of explains alot... doesn't it... :220v:

03-07-2005, 03:50 PM
Simply Shocking. :messedup:

03-07-2005, 03:54 PM
I think they oughta make all cops get a "real world" test of some of the shit they do on a regular basis.
I.E. I think all officer friendlies should have to spend the night in a drunk tank.. Atleast do a 4 week (shortened) condensed version of the DUI bullshit we have to go through in cali.. Be tasered atleast once, pepper sprayed atleast once, shot with a bean bag atleast once etc...
Would really make them think twice about doing that shit to somebody if they knew what it was like on the other side of the equation. Agree or disagree I don't care.. just my .02.

03-07-2005, 03:56 PM
Be tasered atleast once, pepper sprayed atleast once, shot with a bean bag atleast once etc...
Cop hater.... :D In Colorado, the officers have to do all of that to carry those tools of the trade. I've seen videos, it's funny. :eek: :D

Tom Brown
03-07-2005, 03:57 PM
...Be tasered atleast once, pepper sprayed atleast once, shot with a bean bag atleast once etc...
How many of those things do you have left to do before you have cleaned up the spare?

03-07-2005, 03:57 PM
I think they oughta make all cops get a "real world" test of some of the shit they do on a regular basis.
I.E. I think all officer friendlies should have to spend the night in a drunk tank.. Atleast do a 4 week (shortened) condensed version of the DUI bullshit we have to go through in cali.. Be tasered atleast once, pepper sprayed atleast once, shot with a bean bag atleast once etc...
Would really make them think twice about doing that shit to somebody if they knew what it was like on the other side of the equation. Agree or disagree I don't care.. just my .02.
And for tonights main course....RD Flambe!!! :)

03-07-2005, 03:58 PM
ooooooof.. that hurts.. :D well at least they will know what it feels like when they have to shoot someone with it. :cool:

Tom Brown
03-07-2005, 03:58 PM
....RD Flambe!!! :)
Tazered to perfection.

03-07-2005, 03:59 PM
How many of those things do you have left to do before you have cleaned up the spare?
Never been shot with a bean bag yet.. LOL I was planning on going up to Low River's camp at some point this year, so I'm sure he'll make sure I hit the trifecta while I'm up there.. LOL :D
Never was hit by a "taser" (atleast a cop taser) either. Used to play around with the home protection ones, and got hit with it once or twice..

03-07-2005, 03:59 PM
Tazered to perfection.
Quick fried...To a crackly crunch.... :D

03-07-2005, 04:32 PM
"I.E. I think all officer friendlies should have to spend the night in a drunk tank.. Atleast do a 4 week (shortened) condensed version of the DUI bullshit we have to go through in cali.. Be tasered atleast once, pepper sprayed atleast once, shot with a bean bag atleast once etc..."
We do............all the above.

03-07-2005, 10:46 PM
"I.E. I think all officer friendlies should have to spend the night in a drunk tank.. Atleast do a 4 week (shortened) condensed version of the DUI bullshit we have to go through in cali.. Be tasered atleast once, pepper sprayed atleast once, shot with a bean bag atleast once etc..."
We do............all the above.
Is that a fact....

03-07-2005, 10:53 PM
Taser International did a demonstration with their new X-26 tazer where they lined up 100 people and attached a probe to the two end people. Everybody linked up and the Tazer dropped all of them. I've personally seen it drop over 30 guys linked up. Definitely bad ass.
RD, if you are getting Tased, bean bagged, OC'd, put in the drunk tank etc....... you are definitely doing something WRONG. :D

03-07-2005, 11:03 PM
I've never been tasered or been bagged.. LOL :D
I got pepper sprayed once when I was a kid.. and god help that cock sucker if I ever see him again, becuase I know he's not a cop anymore. I'd beat that guy senseless if I ever ran into him on the street. I did get zapped a couple times playing around with those personal shockers that people have with friends..

Phat Matt
03-07-2005, 11:23 PM
I did get zapped a couple times playing around with those personal shockers that people have with friends..
You should clarify "person shocker". :sqeyes: :p :D

03-07-2005, 11:24 PM
I have been hit by the Air Taser, and it hurts like hell.........

03-08-2005, 01:49 AM
I've never been tasered or been bagged.. LOL :D
I got pepper sprayed once when I was a kid.. and god help that cock sucker if I ever see him again, becuase I know he's not a cop anymore. I'd beat that guy senseless if I ever ran into him on the street. I did get zapped a couple times playing around with those personal shockers that people have with friends..
Easy there Hondo!......He will probably break both your wrists..... :D

03-11-2005, 06:33 AM
Yes RD,
I've been maced (not a big deal after a few times), Peppered (hurts every time) and tazed. No bean bags yet. Oh, and trust me, the little ASP hurts more for a longer time when hit in the right place.
I was an instructor for the intro. of the modern Taser Intl. to LAPD. I've had the full five second hit. Trust me, it hurts A LOT more than when hooked to three people. Just about every LAPD cop has had a 2-3 second burst and that put them on the ground. I know more than I've ever want to about that damn thing. And yes, I have one in my car. If I can get you to sign a waiver on video and audio tape that you won't sue me, I will let you experience the taser this summer at the river! Let's set the date!/LOL
The modern taser is all about amps. Most folks think it's about the watts. The amps are what lock up the motor nerves (ie: your muscles lock, you can't move.) The older ones with less amps just attacked the sensory nerves hence guys on PCP could be immune or not stop their actions.
The main thing, all pain is gone in five minutes or less, NO permanent damage, lot less recovery than the 45-60 minutes to get the snot/crud from pepper spray out of your mucus membrane.
The ref for UFC: John Mccarthy ("let's get it on") is LAPD officer, works training division. He took a five second hit and is one of very few cops who stood standing. He said later that while being tased, anyone could have pushed him over with one finger. Bottom line, it has a high probability of stopping the actions aggressive/combative suspects with no long term injury to the suspect.
One of my worst "hits" in training. I was in the infamous "RED MAN" training suit (other cops know) and was assigned to resist (not fight) being taken into handcuffs. The cops have run through several backyards in a mock foot pursuit, then they come to me at last backyard. Two females come around the corner, try to get me. Asp comes out, one to the back of unprotected knee Yeaoowwww! I'm now on hands/knees, still can't punch or kick, just resist. They both small (sub 507/140lbs) so they're having trouble. One of them uses common sense, gets behind me, punches the old bull sack. Needless to say, got my attention! As she's doing this second, third time, she looks up at my Sgt. and realizes this is a training session. Sgt., (as he damn well should have) says "hey, get the job done, what you practice here is what you'll live by in the street".
End of the story: they "took me into custody" and I know that small ofcr. can handle her shit in the field.
Yeah RD, what else do you want to know about the taser? How about I let you swab some pepper spray into your own eye like I had to do? That feels like you're slicing your eyeball open with a razor. Now that's fun.
And don't get me started on the gas mask training days, Nothing more funny than watching the recruits run out of the gas house with masks they did'nt get a good seal on, the gas locked into their pathetic faces/LOL!!