View Full Version : Thanks Billy!!!

03-08-2005, 07:14 PM
There is a thread here about the Cold Fire Race boats, it includes pictures of the Last Cold Fire, a boat that is one of the original race boats and ended up in OZ. I happen to like green and have built quite a few green vehicles over the years, Cars, Motorcycles, and hot rods. Well I happen to really like the color of this particular boat.
Billy B is in the process of taking one of the original Pitergil hulls and turning in into a modern Cold Fire for Wayne "Dossangers". I sent Billy an PM and he was kind enough to PM me back to call him. Well I spent some time this afternoon during the blizzard on the phone with Billy and found out what the correct modern color is to match the Cold Fire Boats.
My plan is to use that color or something very very close on the Rayson. ;)
I told Billy that Wayne had nothing to worry about since my boat is a family style ski boat with a hatch over the engine. No one would mistake it for anything close to a Cold Fire. :messedup:
Billy was very helpful and offered some great advice and the offer to call him if I needed help!
Just wanted to say Thank You to Billy B, and say what a great group there is in this sport!!
Wayne I can't wait to see what you and Billy B are working on!!!!!
I would also like to thank all of you that have helped me learn a little about these boats!! :D :D
The next one will have less freeboard and more motor!!!!! :sqeyes: :sqeyes:

03-08-2005, 08:37 PM
Without the help from Billy, my boat never would have come together. His help has been essential.
Believe me I needed a huge amount of help with my deal. There are a handfull of guys that without their help it never could have happend. I just hope I can follow the example of the people that helped me & give back to the sport.
Oh, & by the way. My deal absolutly never would have happend with out the help of Paul (Tunnel Vision) & he's a jet guy.

03-09-2005, 06:41 AM
I am very Boating challenged :( , and Billy has helped with with every fascit of getting my boat done to perfection :boxed: When I've been angry because parts that were supposed to be there weeks ahead of time are holding things up he stays calm and just makes stuff happen :cool:
I've watched him with numerous projects, and he always treats each one like it was his own ,witch is very rare these days. He trys to exceed customer expectations on everything he does, and he did way more than that on mine.
Hes has saved me tons of cash, because of his experience, and contacts. Hes a class act through, and through. he's always complimenting his compititions work(VALE) when most would be putting it down.
So Billy I to would like to thank you for making my boat better than I could have ever imagined :220v: :220v:

Larry Nebb
03-09-2005, 06:47 AM
Billy does alot for our sport and keeping the v drive thing going. We all know he's a good guy and all that. But c'mon, can we stop kissing his ass now! :yuk:
Oh, good morning Bill! :D

03-09-2005, 09:17 AM
He paints a mean helmet too, and not a single taco to be found anywhere on it. :D

Terminal Velocity
03-09-2005, 11:29 AM
you know 126, there's probably a section on the helmet he didn't sand so that when you get up to speed a section of the paint is going to peel off to reveal the true taco! :devil:
And yes Billy IS a true ambassador to all things v-drive, as well as his help towards anyone who will ask and being a true artist when it comes to paintwork.

03-09-2005, 02:57 PM
WOW! Look at all the love in the
air. Finally! And here I thought I was
going to see a boxing match in Needles instead
of some good hot laps. :rolleyes:
Glad to see things are back!
(or have I spoke to soon)

03-09-2005, 03:00 PM
It was the rain that had everybody ****ed up

03-09-2005, 11:54 PM
Cool lookin helmet there Billy.

03-10-2005, 06:44 AM
:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :D

03-10-2005, 07:02 AM
Thanks for all the good words guys but without the work that is sent to me by the motorsport/racing community i'd probably be just another Larry Nebb of the world :D . The biggest problem in my business is taking things further then the customer dreams he's getting which in turn translates in to more TIME, especially the ones who say I don't care what you do just do it like it was yours. I try not to let them know all of what i'm doing so there is some type of shock factor and then you lay awake at night hoping they like it. Helping other guys out is just my way of paying back the guys who helped me when I was that little kid at the races asking stupid questions and they would answer them anyway. People will ask me how I got started (30yrs ago) doing this and my answer is....Back many years ago there was a pretty popular custom painter by the name of Bill Carter who was really a pioneer in the business and did really nice paint work and he was looking for some help. I had just quit Sanger Boats due to the gas crunch in the mid 70's ( boat sales went WAY DOWN) so I went out to see him with a push from Bernie Buck (Bernie's boat works) who was the installation guru for the circle boats back then and knew Carter. So I get there and he's talking to a customer or who ever and i'm looking at a hydro that he'd just finished and he looks my way and says "can I help you", to which I reply, "i'll wait tell your done". He comes back with "then get the HELL out of my shop, insurance doesn't cover lookie lou's. I walked outta there thinking what a DICK, this was a guy who I had admired, who I thought did bitchen work, and who I would of gone to work for, and he knew I was coming for a job interview. So I walked out of there and about a week later I started my own deal, vowing that I would never treat anyone like that, unless your a dick.... then SCREW YOU :D :D :D .

03-10-2005, 07:17 AM
Hi ya Billy! That is an awesome story!
More people should have the same work
ethics as you do.
Sending you a hug for your Birthday.

03-10-2005, 07:46 AM
You have definatly lived up to your vow.
It's the little things that make a huge difference.
Cool story Billy.
Hope you had a great birthday.

03-10-2005, 07:16 PM
Great story Billy. Never met you, but I've admired your work. Now you sound like the cool guy Jerry brags about. I wish you continued success.

03-10-2005, 08:20 PM
That's a great story!!!
I've always felt that it's better help someone out if you can, than to be nasty, you get more out of it, sort of a Karma thing.
And I'd say you've built up lots of good karma over the years. :D
Besides the guys that are nasty sooner or later get what they deserve!! :mad: