View Full Version : To All Drag Boat Racers And Supporters

MR.ED Hydro
03-15-2005, 12:04 AM
From: Joe Hoppe, "After You" #362
The following paragraph was posted by Daryl Murray, crew member of the Madness TFH as his final remarks in closing the web site worldsfastestdragboats.com.
"it has come to my attention that a great injustice is being done to Boat Racing and Ron Braaksma in particular. John Hipwell apparently did not have the foresight to take care of his family in the event of his death. So Joann has taken it upon herself to sue Ron Braaksma for John’s shortcomings. Although I’m not sure of the amount, I am sure this has put an immediate stop to Madness Racing till they recover financially and are able to continue mentally and financially to drag boat racing once again."
"Apparently the money raised already was not enough for Joann. So I have to say JEERS to Joann and John for not preparing for this in advance and making Ron pay for giving John his Dreams. Just goes to show you can sue for anything."
Here are my thoughts on this subject:
When a racing accident occurs, and especially when a fatality is involved, it is a devastating tragedy for everyone. I can't imagine the extent of suffering that Joann Hipwell and her family must now endure. There are no words I can say to take away that pain.
However, it is also true that we all know the dangers of this type of racing. Certainly, no one knows this better that the driver of a top fuel hydroplane.
I contributed to Joann's recovery fund, and I am now left wondering how we--the dragboat racing community--can help Ron Braaksma.
One idea is to setup a legal defense fund for Ron. Another possibility is to establish a list of individuals who would be willing to donate their talents or funds.
If anyone has any other ideas or is willing to help in this endeavor, please post.
Joe Hoppe

Ex PSI Canyon
03-15-2005, 05:23 AM
What a shame. I could'nt imagine going TFH racing be a driver with a family and not being prepared to take care of them in case the above happens. Or better yet why the hell are you driving the most dangerous vehicle on water TFH with a family that can be left behind! I will be happy to donate to Ron. I cant allow this person to disable his racing organization due to their own ignorance. I'm sure there is probably more to the story but still will be happy to donate!
Matt Brown
Quickshot 619 Alky Hydro

UBFJ #454
03-15-2005, 06:34 AM
Braaksma has made it Very Clear that he does not want, nor will he accept money for his defense ... He has requested that if anyone wants to give any money, they should give it to their favorite Children's Charity.

Roman 1
03-15-2005, 08:35 AM
I'm sympathetic to Joanns grief but she's way out of line here. Ron never forced John Hipwell to drive his boat for him. Top fuel Racing is one of the most dangerous sports on the planet and John Hipwell knew that.
R1 :frown:

MR.ED Hydro
03-15-2005, 11:43 AM
Braaksma has made it Very Clear that he does not want, nor will he accept money for his defense ... He has requested that if anyone wants to give any money, they should give it to their favorite Children's Charity.
When I spoke with Ron last night, and I did not get that impression. I hope to speak with Daryl Murray soon and get his thoughts.

03-15-2005, 11:45 AM
Wait until she sues the IHBA and gets that shut down for everyone else. :rolleyes:

03-15-2005, 04:43 PM
do you really think john would aprrove,i think not........................................kevin kraft #561 M/E

03-15-2005, 04:48 PM
i race in theslowest class rr 2 and it has a small chance for a bad wreck but my grilfirend and son will be taken care of ..any racer know this can happen

03-15-2005, 07:52 PM
i race in theslowest class rr 2 and it has a small chance for a bad wreck but my grilfirend and son will be taken care of ..any racer know this can happen
If you are counting on a life insurance policy pay out you better read the fine print. I know mine won't pay out if I get killed in a sanction motor sports event.

03-15-2005, 08:24 PM
:idea: Proving you right
When you win an argument, if indeed such a thing is possible, what have you really won? When you're able to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong, what value have you created?
Proving to someone else that you are right does nothing to help you or to help the other person. Mainly what it does is inject tension into the relationship.
When you can let go of your attachment to being right, you become free to follow more productive, value creating pursuits. Just imagine how much more free you will be when you are no longer distracted by the need to prove that you're right.
Certainly it is great to have the admiration and respect of others. And the surest way to gain that is to stop worrying about having to prove that you're right.
Put your energy and creativity into cooperation and understanding rather than into winning arguments. That's what will truly create the most lasting value for everyone involved.
-- Ralph Marston :idea:

You Te
03-15-2005, 08:41 PM
One thing for sure, the attorney's will win.
You Te

UBFJ #454
03-16-2005, 04:13 AM
Only one lawyer will potentially gain from this nonsense as Don Ermshar is handling Ron's side 'Pro Bono'.