View Full Version : HTP Cast Snoot.

sanger rat
03-27-2005, 08:23 AM
(This is quoted from Duane). I suppose this is the proper time to let everyone know that we are now in the mold building process of building the Snoot in a cast version. Billet material price has gone up so bad in the past year that I can not even build the billet Snoots for what I was selling them for last year. This should make the price of the new Snoots comparable in price to the Droops. We hope at this point, that it won't cost any more to try a Snoot than it will cost to try a Droop. I think the demand for the Snoot has now reached the point that it won't take too long for me to recover the up front expense of all of the engineering and mold building expense. Time will tell. We are producing the short, (same length as a droop + 1/2"), straight Snoot first. If all goes well, we'll be on the long version by late summer. At this time, a close guess for the first ones out should be about 6 to 8 weeks. We'll need to do some pretty extensive testing before we put them on the market.
Duane, You can put me on the list for a cast snoot.

Duane HTP
03-27-2005, 06:07 PM
Sure, and I'll post them on my web site as soon as they are available.

03-27-2005, 06:19 PM
Sure, and I'll post them on my web site as soon as they are available.
I hope your casting control is better that Agressor's is on their bowl. :supp:

Duane HTP
03-27-2005, 06:54 PM
I do too. There are usually some problems to work out when changing or producing a new product. We hope to work them out before ever putting them up for sale. I'm having the same company make the castings that already makes the castings for the rest of my products. I've had good luck with them. Guess we'll see.

03-28-2005, 05:32 AM
This is great news Duane. I've been hoping a cast snoot would be produced for awhile now. Hope everything works out well with the initial production. I know the initial setup is expensive as hell. I'll be one of the first ones in line when they are ready!

Duane HTP
03-31-2005, 06:34 PM
Nick, I just got the computer drawings of the new Snoot. It looks like just what I want. Things are progressing a little faster than expected, so they may be ready sooner than I first predicted.

03-31-2005, 06:57 PM
Nick, I just got the computer drawings of the new Snoot. It looks like just what I want. Things are progressing a little faster than expected, so they may be ready sooner than I first predicted.
I'm looking forward to trying one out :notam: Good luck, and I selfishly hope things go well with the initial run. :D Gonna get a add-on shoe and rideplate as well when you get the kinks out of the cast snoot. It would probably be smart to do one thing at a time, but I've never been accused of being smart. :messedup:

03-31-2005, 09:47 PM
Duane, will they be hard anodized?

Ken F
03-31-2005, 10:15 PM
Glad to hear this! The cast piece will turn out to be a lot stouter also!

04-01-2005, 04:36 AM
We've been getting some CNC mills and lathes around here lately for less than hand crank machines.
We just picked up a Tree CNC Mill that's only 7 years old for less than a Bridgeport.
The table has an enclosure and even a chip conveyor.
We just have to do a few hour repair job on the tool changer.
If you need a CNC machine let me know.

Duane HTP
04-01-2005, 07:40 PM
Cs19, They will go through a heat treating process which makes the metal better all the way through, rather than just the surface like anodizing.

04-01-2005, 07:47 PM

04-01-2005, 08:13 PM
Cs19, They will go through a heat treating process which makes the metal better all the way through, rather than just the surface like anodizing.
So then will they be anodized?

Duane HTP
04-01-2005, 08:52 PM
Steelcomp, I had not really planned on it. Do you think they should be? and Why do you think that they should be?
Thanks for your input. Duane HTP

04-01-2005, 09:24 PM
Duane, Im not sure what the lakes are like in your area, but the lower river out here is VERY VERY sandy.This is where you will find most of the fast jetboats running around since the big boats are not able to run in the shallow water. Anyways,the sandy water wears everything out real fast, including droops, the hard anodized droops are holding up the best so far,everything else goes to sh*t pretty quick.
Thanks for the replys.

Duane HTP
04-01-2005, 09:34 PM
Whose droops are currently hard anodized? Or is that something the customer is doing themselves?

04-01-2005, 09:36 PM
american turbine does, pretty sure legend does as well.
Place,berk and aggsr dont.

04-01-2005, 09:38 PM
Thought you're supposed to be out of town this weekend knuckle head. :D

04-01-2005, 09:44 PM
Leaving in the morning, bags are packed.
Ill be having a cold one at Margaritaville tomorrow afternoon in Key West,Florida. :D

04-01-2005, 11:00 PM
Leaving in the morning, bags are packed.
Ill be having a cold one at Margaritaville tomorrow afternoon in Key West,Florida. :D
Watch out for them Gators, nasty little fockers. Have a good time.

sanger rat
04-02-2005, 08:11 AM
Just so you know you can't powder coat over anodized. Duane you could sell them uncoated. Would be cheaper for everybody. If it comes anodized I'm going to strip it to powder coat it. If you powder coat it the west cost are going to strip it to hard anodize it. Some people are going to want to polish it. My 2 cents. :)

04-02-2005, 08:16 AM
why cant you powdercoat over hard ano?
Most all jetdrives are hard anodized, they all have powdercoat over the hard anodizing.
We are not talking decorative anodizing.

sanger rat
04-02-2005, 08:46 AM
CS19. That is what I was told. I havn't tried to do it yet. Maybe I'm wrong. I'll check with the PC guru's. I was wrong you can powder coat over anodizing. :hammer2:

04-02-2005, 10:06 AM
This is great news Duane. I've been hoping a cast snoot would be produced for awhile now. Hope everything works out well with the initial production. I know the initial setup is expensive as hell. I'll be one of the first ones in line when they are ready!
Yea Yea Yea! I'll take TWO for sure with all this special promotion going on here!:rolleyes: Do yourself a favor there nick and check around with other jetters who actually use it on a boat similiar to yours....might save yourself a shelf piece maybe?? Just a suggestion with no "hype" involved. If they really worked, why are there STILL more droops running around then????
Like this example of someone buying into "the hype"....cost him a bit more money tho... :D Seems he went back to the droop here...hmmmm.....i wonder what happened there??? I'm sure he isnt the first nor the last.....
Aggressor long droop. 7.5 deg pin angle

flat broke
04-02-2005, 11:14 AM
Just so you know you can't powder coat over anodized. Duane you could sell them uncoated. Would be cheaper for everybody. If it comes anodized I'm going to strip it to powder coat it. If you powder coat it the west cost are going to strip it to hard anodize it. Some people are going to want to polish it. My 2 cents. :)
Not jumping your shyte cause I saw where you said it was just what you heard, but I'll tell you for absolute certain that you can PC over the standard hard anno thats on pump parts. My brother and I have both done it and seen good results. Now if you were looking for a finish that required a polished surface, then you'd have an issue, but there are way's around that as well with multi stage coatings.
As for Chet's ramblings... The only way to know is to try, so if I had the choice between trying with an expensive billet piece, or a less expensive cast peice, I think i'd take the later option. But as ususual, if the subject was brought up by a satisfied customer, regardless of who the shop that did the work was, somebody is "cheerleading" or spreading "Hype". Kinda funny since I'm a loyal MPD customer, but I'm waiting for one of the cast snoots to come out so I can try it on my next project. Am I buying into the hype, just being a cheerleader, or even more ludicrous, just a jetter looking for the optimum setup? :rolleyes:

04-03-2005, 06:43 AM
Yea Yea Yea! I'll take TWO for sure with all this special promotion going on here!:rolleyes: Do yourself a favor there nick and check around with other jetters who actually use it on a boat similiar to yours....might save yourself a shelf piece maybe?? Just a suggestion with no "hype" involved. If they really worked, why are there STILL more droops running around then????
Like this example of someone buying into "the hype"....cost him a bit more money tho... :D Seems he went back to the droop here...hmmmm.....i wonder what happened there??? I'm sure he isnt the first nor the last.....
It's no secret that Chet is the resident asshole, but if you can get past his complete lack of tact and/or people skills he does have a point every once and awhile. And Chet, I don't know if it will work better for my particular boat for sure. I know that it worked well for a similar hull to mine but that's about as close as I can get. I don't know if a droop would work well either. But I've been kinda sorta waiting for a cast snoot because I didn't want to drop 5+bills on a billet one. So if it's ok with you Chet I'm gonna buy one and try it. If it's not ok with you, then I'll still buy one and try it. But the only reason why I'm gonna buy one is because all the "hype". I really don't have a mind of my own, so I just have to buy anything and everything that people say I should buy. :D
Thanks for the concern,

04-03-2005, 07:31 AM
It's not "hype" to me.
I've seen R & D express run using the straight snoot several times.
To me it had the best performance per horsepower of any jet boat I've seen run
and it was not even a lightweight race hull.

04-03-2005, 07:32 AM
after pc'ing -everything-, and running a lotta laps at firebird, i wouldn't have it any other way. everything pc'd cleaned up like it was never there.

PC Rat
04-03-2005, 09:00 AM
Do yourself a favor there nick and check around with other jetters who actually use it on a boat similiar to yours....might save yourself a shelf piece maybe??
Of course check it out, that's the great thing about this board.
If they really worked, why are there STILL more droops running around then????
But if they did work for everyone then all the droops would be sitting on the shelf and you'd be ragging on everybody that had a droop.
Some parts work and some don't, if it weren't for trial and error we'd all be driving 60mph boats.

04-03-2005, 09:32 AM
FHI don't be afraid to try the Snoot, if it does not work on your boat, HTP will make it right and exchage it for something else. That's where I got the aggressor droopsnoot from.
I had that Snoot for over a year and powdercoated it and Duane still took it back, can't beat that for customer satisfaction.
A couple things that have not been mentioned is that my boat is a tunnel bottom (which in my opinion benifts more from lift, than other boat hulls).
And my boat is lacking horse power, acording to the Berkely chart, I'm putting out about 425 horse. Kinda hard to get the lift I need with only 425 horse.
Call HTP and ask questions, he wont steer you wrong.
If you are looking for a hobby that does not cost a lot of money, I would suggest, collecting Beanie Babys.

Squirtin Thunder
04-03-2005, 10:18 AM
Some parts work and some don't, if it weren't for trial and error we'd all be driving 60mph boats.
I think Chet has a 58mph lake hot rod !!!

04-03-2005, 10:54 AM
Yea Yea Yea! I'll take TWO for sure with all this special promotion going on here!:rolleyes: Do yourself a favor there nick and check around with other jetters who actually use it on a boat similiar to yours....might save yourself a shelf piece maybe?? Just a suggestion with no "hype" involved. If they really worked, why are there STILL more droops running around then????
Like this example of someone buying into "the hype"....cost him a bit more money tho... :D Seems he went back to the droop here...hmmmm.....i wonder what happened there??? I'm sure he isnt the first nor the last.....
I'll step in it. I'm sure Chet will like this one.
To be honest, I didn't try any other droops, so take this for what it's worth.
After trying all different setups with my PD droop, (wedge up in 2 degree increments, wedge down the same, raise the rideplate, lower the rideplate, raise the shoe, lower the shoe, changed to a backcut shoe and did it all over again etc. etc.)
At this point in time, I was convinced that I had established my max speed baseline with the PD droop. I then Switched to the snoot and picked up a consistent 2.3 mph after similar setup work (more than that on the first outing, but I'll let Chet tell ya about that).
Is this enough to warrant the money????????? That's for the individual boater to figure out. Had the cast unit been available when I did my testing, would I have done that, rather than the billet piece?????? Yeah probably.
It did work on my hull and I'm keeping it!

sanger rat
04-29-2005, 05:12 PM
Sweet! http://www.banderlog.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=9912#9912