View Full Version : Kurtis 500 & Propers-Hope after all

08-02-2002, 08:22 AM
Now First I will Identify myself- I am Dave from Aggressor-OK! No top secrets and my pop up shows
me. OK But some call me pop-and this way I will not discrace my company I work for OK. -Besides I Keep Loosing STARS under the Old Name AGGRESSOR this way I still have 5 Stars before you "BOMB ME" nanananana!
Kurtis 500- I am Sorry!
To the Subject:
I discussed and outlined why props have about come to the end. I know how bad this hurts.
“Well Get Happy” & "Don't Worry"
I was wrong!
Last night I was reading a product development book from “Monsanto”
Low and behold I see a new development application that will replace motors in prop boats.
This new compound Monsanto is working on will be developed in a rubber band format with a very high and increasing memory retention factor. Now the Plan is to put a Hold Hook forward on the hull's underside. A second Hook will be placed
Some 55” forward of the Prop.
The Wind Up will require (2) persons to hold the rear of the Boat, (2) people to wind the rubber band (with a very specific propwinder tool to be provided).
One person (1) Called a Cam Locker will sit in the Drivers seat and set the cam lock to the hold position(which when forward motion is required will be released)thus forward propulsion will occure.
Now (2) additional persons (male or female) will be sent to the parking lot to hold back the trailer from going up hill.
This entire wind up can be completed with only 2+2=4 +1=5+2=7 Persons.
I was so, so wrong about you guy’s having no other way to go! Gee I Am Sorry.

08-02-2002, 09:26 AM

08-02-2002, 11:09 AM
This entire wind up can be completed with only 2+2=4 +1=5+2=7 Persons.
Holy Shit Dave.. That was funny.. LOL I gave ya 5 stars for that one. Dunno if it's gonna put a dent in your rating though. Since ya mention it though I was perusing "Mullet" magazine over at one of my buddies houses (909 of course) and I was reading about this new jet! :)
Seems there working on a kit that has a large Bladder that sits behind the driver and passenger seats. There's two tubes that they blow into to fill it up and once it gets full they simply pull a "ripcord" that releases the gas out the back of the boat.
Initial reports are in and everybody agrees that it's a blast to drive, has great acceleration, but alas like most jetboat owners "No Stamina." wink It would seem that Chix dig em,
RDRiver you are catching on quick-
But as with all engineering feats-Jetters overcome all.
Now Check this out:
Most Jet Boats carry a cig lighter, even if they are faster U still want comfort for the chix's.
Now you carry a on board compressor plugged into the cig lighter and wham-O -you stay up & running. NOW thats Stammina in long term.
But you guys have a problem. When your rubber unwinds, at least 2 of your seven must swim (can Propers Swim)out retrieve the boat, & Pull it in. Next you must again send the two up to hold the trailer, two more to wind with the propwinder tool, two more to hold the rear of the boat and last you need the the cam setter remember.
Now that paints my whole point!
- This is a slow process just like a Propers typical day.
On the otherhand here is the Jetter who overcame his problems looking to hook up and toe back the poor prop guys and feeling so sorry for your woman, he helps toe you so your chix's can still go for there short ride, and I do mean short!
Back to Ya!

08-02-2002, 11:14 AM
Now First I will Identify myself- I am Dave from Aggressor-OK! No top secrets and my pop up shows
me. OK But some call me pop-and this way I will not discrace my company I work for OK. -Besides I Keep Loosing STARS under the Old Name AGGRESSOR this way I still have 5 Stars before you "BOMB ME" nanananana!
Kurtis 500- I am Sorry!
To the Subject:
I discussed and outlined why props have about come to the end. I know how bad this hurts.
“Well Get Happy” & "Don't Worry"
I was wrong!
Last night I was reading a product development book from “Monsanto”
Low and behold I see a new development application that will replace motors in prop boats.
This new compound Monsanto is working on will be developed in a rubber band format with a very high and increasing memory retention factor. Now the Plan is to put a Hold Hook forward on the hull's underside. A second Hook will be placed
Some 55” forward of the Prop.
The Wind Up will require (2) persons to hold the rear of the Boat, (2) people to wind the rubber band (with a very specific propwinder tool to be provided).
One person (1) Called a Cam Locker will sit in the Drivers seat and set the cam lock to the hold position(which when forward motion is required will be released)thus forward propulsion will occure.
Now (2) additional persons (male or female) will be sent to the parking lot to hold back the trailer from going up hill.
This entire wind up can be completed with only 2+2=4 +1=5+2=7 Persons.
I was so, so wrong about you guy’s having no other way to go! Gee I Am Sorry.
DaveInteresting set up! It should run about as fast, maybe a little faster than a pump boat with 1000hp! :p

08-02-2002, 11:55 AM
I sure hope you get to do a lot of you handle-Havasu- Not been able to make it the last 3-years-Man that HURTS!!! Hope to se ya there sometime soon. Dave
I do hope everyone takes this in fun- Some of you guys are intense- and this keeps the board going in humor! I read about ass kicking here all the time. That Hurts- this dont. I do find Propres a little lighter in jest than some Jetters. Take Care :D :D :D :D
[ August 03, 2002, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: pops1 ]