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View Full Version : Neighborly Love! F-cking bastards!!!

04-07-2005, 03:28 PM
To make a long story short- I bought a piece of property in Nor. Cal. and had a house built. Moving truck took all my stuff up two weekends ago. So I went up and while I was up there I bought a new (used) baja bug to bring back for my father since I rolled his during thanksgiving weekend. So I get back home - truck, trailer and all and the only parking is in front of his house which is directly accross the street from my house. The following morning I leave to go to the mojave desert for some easter weekend offroading.
I get home- go drop the trailer off at my fathers house and then pick up my boat from storage and bring it home since this will be my last week in so cal. Well I have it parked accross the street in front of my neighbors house during the hours of 7pm - 10am. The cops show up at my door this morning and were very cool about the situation. They tell me that he complained and wants to file a citizens arrest on me not only for that but for public disturbance that I cause will all my hot rods and loud motors and such.
The cop informs me that he ran the plates on my truck and trailer and since everything is registered and I am on a public street that he can do nothing. But there is a city ordinance that prohibits me from parking on the street between the house of 2am and 6am. So he said that since my neighbor called, someone will be out to enforce the parking between those hours and that I probably will get a ticket. He said if he were working dring those hours he could and would help me out but he isn't. So I am going to get a ticket in the morning. And just for that I am going to park all my shit in front of his house until I leave. Ticket or no Ticket!
What should I do? Besides beating the F@#k out of him?

04-07-2005, 03:35 PM
Go to the city and get a parking permit for the night. Usually about $2.00 and you can get them from a machine in front of your local police station. That way you won't get a ticket.

04-07-2005, 03:35 PM
To make a long story short- I bought a piece of property in Nor. Cal. and had a house built. Moving truck took all my stuff up two weekends ago. So I went up and while I was up there I bought a new (used) baja bug to bring back for my father since I rolled his during thanksgiving weekend. So I get back home - truck, trailer and all and the only parking is in front of his house which is directly accross the street from my house. The following morning I leave to go to the mojave desert for some easter weekend offroading.
I get home- go drop the trailer off at my fathers house and then pick up my boat from storage and bring it home since this will be my last week in so cal. Well I have it parked accross the street in front of my neighbors house during the hours of 7pm - 10am. The cops show up at my door this morning and were very cool about the situation. They tell me that he complained and wants to file a citizens arrest on me not only for that but for public disturbance that I cause will all my hot rods and loud motors and such.
The cop informs me that he ran the plates on my truck and trailer and since everything is registered and I am on a public street that he can do nothing. But there is a city ordinance that prohibits me from parking on the street between the house of 2am and 6am. So he said that since my neighbor called, someone will be out to enforce the parking between those hours and that I probably will get a ticket. He said if he were working dring those hours he could and would help me out but he isn't. So I am going to get a ticket in the morning. And just for that I am going to park all my shit in front of his house until I leave. Ticket or no Ticket!
What should I do? Besides beating the F@#k out of him?
Go to his house and be cool.. Explain the situation and that your moving to Norcal and will be out of his hair ASAP. Then ask him if it's ok if you park it there for the duration until you leave. If he says yes, then your problems are solved. If he says no, then find another place to park it.
Right before you do pack up and leave, you should go over there and tell him exactly what you think of him and his citizens arrest.

04-07-2005, 03:36 PM
This might work but I know in Pasadena if you call the City or Police Dept and let them know you are having car problems they give you a exemption for a couple of days. They also give you a one day exewmption if you call them up and ask for it.
In addition you can go to City Hall and buy an overnight parking permit for the year.

04-07-2005, 03:38 PM
Dude, honestly, this guy has the potential to be a pain in the ass for a long time. Better to just forget about it and make nice with the guy. You might even want to go over and say hi or something....at least make an effort.
I'd rather kiss ass once then have to deal with his bs over and over until you wind up breaking his jaw...... :cool:
Oh wait....is this the old neighbor?? If so, screw him.
mirvin :cool:

04-07-2005, 03:39 PM
To make a long story short- I bought a piece of property in Nor. Cal. and had a house built. Moving truck took all my stuff up two weekends ago. So I went up and while I was up there I bought a new (used) baja bug to bring back for my father since I rolled his during thanksgiving weekend. So I get back home - truck, trailer and all and the only parking is in front of his house which is directly accross the street from my house. The following morning I leave to go to the mojave desert for some easter weekend offroading.
I get home- go drop the trailer off at my fathers house and then pick up my boat from storage and bring it home since this will be my last week in so cal. Well I have it parked accross the street in front of my neighbors house during the hours of 7pm - 10am. The cops show up at my door this morning and were very cool about the situation. They tell me that he complained and wants to file a citizens arrest on me not only for that but for public disturbance that I cause will all my hot rods and loud motors and such.
The cop informs me that he ran the plates on my truck and trailer and since everything is registered and I am on a public street that he can do nothing. But there is a city ordinance that prohibits me from parking on the street between the house of 2am and 6am. So he said that since my neighbor called, someone will be out to enforce the parking between those hours and that I probably will get a ticket. He said if he were working dring those hours he could and would help me out but he isn't. So I am going to get a ticket in the morning. And just for that I am going to park all my shit in front of his house until I leave. Ticket or no Ticket!
What should I do? Besides beating the F@#k out of him?
If he has a nice green lawn, wait until your last night there, get out a spray hopper, fill it with gas and spray asshole across his lawn. Works great. :D

04-07-2005, 03:43 PM
Used to have the gal next door call the cops on me for everything. I found out I could play music from 7am till 10 pm without breaking any laws. set up two big speakers in the back yard and aimed em at her house. played the worst possible stuff i could find,or let the same thing play over and over, she got the idea....lol

04-07-2005, 03:44 PM
I still like option #1 beat the $#%^ out of him.............oh and the lawn thing works well I put Biatch across the lawn of well shal we say a lady friend that was lacking in the lady department :D

04-07-2005, 03:57 PM
Park in his driveway and see what he says about that.
I would love to do that but the cop told me that if I park or block his driveway in any way then he can have it moved(towed).

04-07-2005, 04:00 PM
some people, I just don't get what the your hurting by parking there..I don't get it :mad:

04-07-2005, 04:05 PM
This is really a funny thread! Pisses me off, but in a good way. I say ALL the above sounds GREAT! After you do it, let us know! I want to post the pix! :rollside: :)

04-07-2005, 04:07 PM
Sounds like you need to leave a nice smoke show out front on your last day at the house. :idea:

04-07-2005, 04:09 PM
Oh by the way - I am leaving this next tuesday. Why you might ask? Because of the long beach grand prix. I need monday to walk off all of the drinking I do over the weekend. :eat:

04-07-2005, 04:10 PM
Do what evrybody on these boards does to RD, go over and kick him in the Junk... :D :D :D

04-07-2005, 04:13 PM
Do what evrybody on these boards does to RD, go over and kick him in the Junk... :D :D :D

04-07-2005, 04:18 PM
diesel fuel on the lawn works really good too. :shift:
or roundup. it will appear about a week after you leave :D

04-07-2005, 04:20 PM
2 things come to mind.
1.Lawn broady's late at night,once a month.
2.Fire extinuisher filled with lawn kill twice a week for 1 month,late at night.

04-07-2005, 04:23 PM
Go to the city and get a parking permit for the night. Usually about $2.00 and you can get them from a machine in front of your local police station. That way you won't get a ticket.
I can tell you live in my town :smile: :smile: :smile:

Kindsvater Flat
04-07-2005, 04:36 PM
diesel fuel on the lawn works really good too. :shift:
or roundup. it will appear about a week after you leave :D
Come back later with some direx ( soil sterilant ). Worked good on my principals lawn in HS. :D Nothing will grow for awhile.

Liberator TJ1984
04-07-2005, 04:45 PM
get some Eggs and drain them....fill them back up with paint remover and seal with wax plug, bomb the hell out of everything he has with paint on it the night before you leave :eat:
this will also work with soil steiralizer , get drunk and lob some over into his yard , ( make a game of it , try and hit the expensive plants )

04-07-2005, 04:46 PM
Call every lawn care, roofing, window, vinyl siding business in the book. tell them you need estimates and right now. Don't bother making an appointment that you are home all day and you are ready to buy. Give them your neighbor's address.

04-07-2005, 04:52 PM
Do what evrybody on these boards does to RD, go over and kick him in the Junk... :D :D :D
Now you know that is not nice...then his sperm will look like this :jawdrop: or worse like this... :messedup:

04-07-2005, 04:55 PM
Hi Tornreality,
Here's an idea: :)
How about a having a Monday night "***boat Forum Members Party"
and invite ALL of us. Kinda like a last "blowout" before you leave Tuesday.
I'm sure there's a buncha peeps here that'll be happy to meet your neighbor.:argue:
We can all take 5 min. turns parking in front of his house. Also practice our
parallel parking and such. We'd have till 2AM. (Invite the officers too) :D

Eliminator 4 Life
04-07-2005, 04:58 PM
Damn what city are you moving to does everyone ride bicycles or horse drawn carriages :D

04-07-2005, 05:00 PM
So I am going to get a ticket in the morning. And just for that I am going to park all my shit in front of his house until I leave. Ticket or no Ticket!
What should I do? Besides beating the F@#k out of him?
Hey, you might as well do an oil change while your truck's there. Yeah, I always make a mess too. Hey, now that YOU think about it, isn't your trans fluid kinda dirty too? lol
I had some crack head from the next block dump a stove behind my house in the alley. So I being the nice guy I am gave him four 5 gal buckets full of metal chips in his nice lawn.

04-07-2005, 05:05 PM
I like Info's idea...rather than be destructive to him or his place just make some calls that will annoy the hell out of him. I mean, thats all he's done to you is annoy you with a call to the PoPo. Turn about is fair play.
I can see it now, estimaters for a new roof, paintless stucco, a nice paver driveway, tree trimming coming throughout the day for a week. :D :D

04-07-2005, 05:44 PM
If you do decide to decorate his lawn, save a little cash and do your decorating with salt. Works like a soil sterilizer for the rest of the year. Will burn up anything he plants there. Your last night there take all the lug nuts off of one of his vehicles. If he has two vehicles invest in a piece of chain and chain his vehicles together. Run the chain where it is unlikely that he will see it.

04-07-2005, 06:56 PM
If you really want to have some fun, find out when the guy leaves for work or to do something during the day. Have a buddy go down to the local Home Depot and pick up some day laborers. :cool: Bring them over to his house and tell them that he wants to change out his grass with some new grass. Have them dig out his grass and stack it in his driveway. :eek: Then, have your buddy leave saying that he is going to go get some grass seed or something other than that and the laborers are to keep working while he is gone. Two things will happen 1) the neighbor will come home and find a bunch of workers in his front yard and a big pile of grass stacked in his driveway and 2) the laborers will want to get paid for the work that they did. :mad: Typically they do not take those matters lightly because they have no legal reprocution (?sp) to take against the owner because usually they are illegal. :hammerhea The argument that breaks out is pretty funny stuff. :argue: Just relax out in your garage and watch them do the work and then watch them when the owner comes home. :cool: TRUST ME, IT IS COMICAL! The owner will shit his pants when he sees what is going on. The best thing is that they have no way to come back and point the finger at you. :crossx: :D
P.S. Just make sure that it is a buddy that no one in your nighborhood can identify. :wink:

04-07-2005, 06:57 PM
C'mon people, lets be non destructive. The best of the worst, by far, is grated Limburger, (sp) cheese in the windshield cowling vents, as the sun warms it, it melts and runs all down inside the vent intakes. Everytime the A/C or outside air, or the heater is used, whew!! And it won't go away....can't clean it, how?? It has to "wear off"................MP

04-07-2005, 07:10 PM
I like Froggystyle's idea for installing things in their air conditioning vent. The little freshener at the bottom of the urinal (unused of course). Make your whole car smell like a restroom.

04-07-2005, 07:31 PM
My favorite "if you are brave enough" idea is to buy a locking gas cap for his vehicles. Install it for him and forget to give him the key.

little rowe boat
04-07-2005, 08:32 PM
Don't react to him,then he knows he has gotten under your skin.Just go about your business and leave without saying a word.This will probably bother him more than an angry reaction from you.

Dr. Eagle
04-07-2005, 08:46 PM
If he has a nice green lawn, wait until your last night there, get out a spray hopper, fill it with gas and spray asshole across his lawn. Works great. :D
Roundup works better for that... :D

Midlife Advantage
04-07-2005, 09:17 PM
Hi Tornreality,
Here's an idea: :)
How about a having a Monday night "***boat Forum Members Party"
and invite ALL of us. Kinda like a last "blowout" before you leave Tuesday.
I'm sure there's a buncha peeps here that'll be happy to meet your neighbor.:argue:
We can all take 5 min. turns parking in front of his house. Also practice our
parallel parking and such. We'd have till 2AM. (Invite the officers too) :D
Best Idea Yet! count me in, I'll bring the lawn killer

04-07-2005, 11:16 PM
Leave some oil drippings on his driveway :p

04-07-2005, 11:16 PM
Don't react to him,then he knows he has gotten under your skin.Just go about your business and leave without saying a word.This will probably bother him more than an angry reaction from you.
I agree ith this one.. Give a friendly wave everytime you see him as well... Because you're being so nice, he'll thnk you're up to something and chill for a couple days... Works well for me. Bitch a few doors down complained about my dog. She did get out one day and try to aggressively play with her old beagle. I woke up to her pounding on my door at 8:30am( I just got back from driving from Reno the night before). I quickly opened the door and yelled, "what?". She gave me 5 minuite lecture and moment by moment commentary about what happened. After she vented she looked at me for some sort of kiss ass appology. I said, I'm sorry about the dog, but dogs will be dogs and shit happens. My dog walked into the house and, I slammed the door in her face. Now I wave and smile at her every chance I get. She never looks my way...When it gets hot, I'm going to invite all the neighbors over for a bbq and pool party...everyone but them :D
Oh yea and roundup works well .. so does spraying a little clean motoroil on the garage door... ****ers will never be able to paint over it :D

04-08-2005, 07:29 AM
Thanks for all the ideas guys. I like the home depot workers one.
So I go down to the city last night and they won't issue temp. parking passes. They tell me to write a little note and put it in the window stating what is is I am doing. So I did that, and everything is supposed to be fine. But when I wake up this morning there is a parking ticket in the windshield, not on my trailer but on the truck. $25.00. So now that it cost me 25 it is going to cost him 25. And everynight until I leave! :yuk:
And to top it off - we had confrontation last night at midnight. The daughter who is 22 comes out and yells how my boat is ugly and then kiss her butt and she runs in and closes the door before I could get a word in. Damn it. The ugly boat one hurt the most. :cry:

04-08-2005, 07:40 AM
Take a dump on his porch.

04-08-2005, 07:50 AM
I had a neighbor that I really liked also, one day while he was at work I went over to his drive way with some Armorall. I wrote the word ASSHOLE across his drive way and let it dry. The first time it rained it showed up clear as day. The best part was it was the gift that kept giving because he was out of town at the time. The next time it rained he finally saw it and boy was he pissed. He went out with his own Armorall and sprayed over it. His driveway was jacked for years, every time it rained there was a big spot where he covered up my art work.

Little Wood Boat
04-08-2005, 08:02 AM
You're a ****ing pussy. Go park some where else. All you ****ing destructive ***boaters, you'd have a shit fit if someone ****ed with your property. Grow up and act like a man, MOVE ON! Yeah Rex, someone doesn't like your return policy, should they break your windows at night?

04-08-2005, 08:03 AM
Oh shit this is my favorite!
If you really want to have some fun, find out when the guy leaves for work or to do something during the day. Have a buddy go down to the local Home Depot and pick up some day laborers. :cool: Bring them over to his house and tell them that he wants to change out his grass with some new grass. Have them dig out his grass and stack it in his driveway. :eek: Then, have your buddy leave saying that he is going to go get some grass seed or something other than that and the laborers are to keep working while he is gone. Two things will happen 1) the neighbor will come home and find a bunch of workers in his front yard and a big pile of grass stacked in his driveway and 2) the laborers will want to get paid for the work that they did. :mad: Typically they do not take those matters lightly because they have no legal reprocution (?sp) to take against the owner because usually they are illegal. :hammerhea The argument that breaks out is pretty funny stuff. :argue: Just relax out in your garage and watch them do the work and then watch them when the owner comes home. :cool: TRUST ME, IT IS COMICAL! The owner will shit his pants when he sees what is going on. The best thing is that they have no way to come back and point the finger at you. :crossx: :D
P.S. Just make sure that it is a buddy that no one in your nighborhood can identify. :wink:

04-08-2005, 08:07 AM
If you really want to have some fun, find out when the guy leaves for work or to do something during the day. Have a buddy go down to the local Home Depot and pick up some day laborers. :cool: Bring them over to his house and tell them that he wants to change out his grass with some new grass. Have them dig out his grass and stack it in his driveway. :eek: Then, have your buddy leave saying that he is going to go get some grass seed or something other than that and the laborers are to keep working while he is gone. Two things will happen 1) the neighbor will come home and find a bunch of workers in his front yard and a big pile of grass stacked in his driveway and 2) the laborers will want to get paid for the work that they did. :mad: Typically they do not take those matters lightly because they have no legal reprocution (?sp) to take against the owner because usually they are illegal. :hammerhea The argument that breaks out is pretty funny stuff. :argue: Just relax out in your garage and watch them do the work and then watch them when the owner comes home. :cool: TRUST ME, IT IS COMICAL! The owner will shit his pants when he sees what is going on. The best thing is that they have no way to come back and point the finger at you. :crossx: :D
P.S. Just make sure that it is a buddy that no one in your nighborhood can identify. :wink:
This is freaking awsome.................... :devil:

04-08-2005, 08:10 AM
not to be a dick but I have to ask.
why not park it in front of your house?

04-08-2005, 08:15 AM
You're a ****ing pussy. Go park some where else. All you ****ing destructive ***boaters, you'd have a shit fit if someone ****ed with your property. Grow up and act like a man, MOVE ON! Yeah Rex, someone doesn't like your return policy, should they break your windows at night?
uhhh... okkk.. i think u need some :coffeycup and need to relax a bit...

04-08-2005, 08:21 AM
You're a ****ing pussy. Go park some where else. All you ****ing destructive ***boaters, you'd have a shit fit if someone ****ed with your property. Grow up and act like a man, MOVE ON! Yeah Rex, someone doesn't like your return policy, should they break your windows at night?
Is this RD undercover??

repo man
04-08-2005, 09:44 AM
dude when i was akid i wanted to **** up the neighbors lawn for ratting me out for sneaking a girl into my room at night. all i could find was pool acid, so i poured ass hole in his yard. that shit was smokin before i was even done. pool acid is your one stop get ever tool. :rolleyes:

repo man
04-08-2005, 09:52 AM
same neighbor later on in life pissed me off again so when they went on vacation i went to the dairy in chino at night and grabbed one of the dead calfs that die at birththey just throw them by the road. i took that calf,'' we called him norman '' and put it in the very back of his conversion van in august. they were gone for 10 days. you could smell that focker half a block away. i don't know why but after that he never focked with me again :devil:

04-08-2005, 12:52 PM
RD has a good sugestion but...
Go to his house and be cool.. Explain the situation and that your moving to Norcal and will be out of his hair ASAP. Then ask him if it's ok if you park it there for the duration until you leave. If he says yes, then your problems are solved. If he says no, then find another place to park it.
Right before you do pack up and leave, you should go over there and tell him exactly what you think of him and his citizens arrest.
...This one has me LMAO
If he has a nice green lawn, wait until your last night there, get out a spray hopper, fill it with gas and spray asshole across his lawn. Works great. :D

04-08-2005, 01:14 PM
Collect all those magazine subsciption cards that fall out of magazines and fill them out with his name and address (aslong as they dont have a signautre line its not forgery). Did that to an old land lord of mine, sent her magazines, books on how to lose weight, and even an Elvis plate collection. Just check the box that says bill me later. Not illegal cause they have the option to opt out before the bills come.
For something a little more entertaining try;
Calling 3-4 different taxi cab companys. Tell the first co to come over at 10pm (or what ever time you want) and honk 4 times to let me know they're there. Tell the second company the same thing, and so on and so on. What ends up happening is you get 3-4 cabs showing up at once all honking for the person to come out. Quite funny when you do it!

04-08-2005, 01:20 PM
When you move and you go to shut off your PGE and water just give them his address.

04-08-2005, 01:22 PM
The gas on the grass thing works great. Only put a pentagram on one side and a swastika on the other. The neighbors will love him...

04-08-2005, 01:39 PM
The gas on the grass thing works great. Only put a pentagram on one side and a swastika on the other. The neighbors will love him...
Then it will be a hate crime. Big trouble for that one. Don't get caught.

04-08-2005, 01:43 PM
Collect all those magazine subsciption cards that fall out of magazines and fill them out with his name and address (aslong as they dont have a signautre line its not forgery). Did that to an old land lord of mine, sent her magazines, books on how to lose weight, and even an Elvis plate collection. Just check the box that says bill me later. Not illegal cause they have the option to opt out before the bills come.
Now that would really BITE! :D
I hate Junk mail with a passion! :messedup:

04-08-2005, 01:51 PM
Every neighborhood has at least one a$$hole. The person is usually a coward to boot and won't let you know to your face that what ever your doing is not to his liking. Retaliation is fun to think about but the distructive stuff is, how do you say, illegal at best. Keep it to one a$$hole in your hood and not two. Let the prick know what you think of him now, that way he can keep pestering the city since he's not got the balls to tell it to your face. Don't forget that if they keep getting complaints they can tow your vehicles. Best to rotate them often, not the same one in the same place all the time, etc. This'll make a good case in court should it go that far...and if you retaliate with distructive means, it will go that far...
We had a neighbor in our old neighborhood that called animal control on us because he thought our dogs barked all day and night. Animal control came out twice to check it out, played with our dogs and on the second trip, went to this dicks house and wrote him a citation for harassment. Keep your side of things as clean as possible, this idiot has to live with himself after you leave not to mention all the other neighbors.
BTW, the day laborer idea is a gem, I gotta admit. lol

Krazy K
04-08-2005, 02:59 PM
Collect all those magazine subsciption cards that fall out of magazines and fill them out with his name and address (aslong as they dont have a signautre line its not forgery). Did that to an old land lord of mine, sent her magazines, books on how to lose weight, and even an Elvis plate collection. Just check the box that says bill me later. Not illegal cause they have the option to opt out before the bills come.
For something a little more entertaining try;
Calling 3-4 different taxi cab companys. Tell the first co to come over at 10pm (or what ever time you want) and honk 4 times to let me know they're there. Tell the second company the same thing, and so on and so on. What ends up happening is you get 3-4 cabs showing up at once all honking for the person to come out. Quite funny when you do it!
You want a never-ending stream of junk mail? Sign him up for ALL the courses that Foley-Belsaw has....They will sell his address to everyone and their mother!

Forkin' Crazy
04-08-2005, 04:17 PM
What happened to the link that you could put in his phone number and his phone would call itself? That would be good about 2:00 am!!!
But then so would a flaming bag of dog shit on his door step!! LOL!! :jawdrop:

Forkin' Crazy
04-08-2005, 04:19 PM
same neighbor later on in life pissed me off again so when they went on vacation i went to the dairy in chino at night and grabbed one of the dead calfs that die at birththey just throw them by the road. i took that calf,'' we called him norman '' and put it in the very back of his conversion van in august. they were gone for 10 days. you could smell that focker half a block away. i don't know why but after that he never focked with me again :devil:
I will NEVER piss you off!!!! :D