View Full Version : plumbing american turbine jet?

04-07-2005, 06:13 PM
Building new boat with american turbine jet. The water inlet for the engine is on the left side of the pump. what is the best way to install the water exhaust/dump out of the engine back to the lake? what is the plug on the right side of the pump and can it be plumed out through the pump? Thanks

04-07-2005, 06:54 PM
1)no you cant dump it out the pump, the other plug is a second inlet. 2) what kind of exhaust are you running? if your running a thru transom you can plumb it out the exhaust. or you dump it out the back of the boat with a bulkhead fitting. There are many options but we need a little more info to help you.

04-07-2005, 07:36 PM
Well I am running over the transom headers, the water is now plumbed through the hull with a fitting right beside the dump for the bilge pump, but it is very high on the upper half of the hull and it is at an angle which causes the water to squirt out in an arch like a small rooster tail this is what i dont like and am trying to change. I thought about installing a nother dump to the right of the jet under the water line where it would return under the water level. What do you think? Thanks

04-07-2005, 08:50 PM
Better to SEE it is dumping the water out, than to be underwater where you cant see it and it be too late!