View Full Version : Nucking Futs, your ticket is in the mail.

04-18-2005, 04:54 PM
for the tint...I hope that was you in there??? if not, I honked the horn and waved at your wife or some other relative.

04-18-2005, 05:23 PM
He probably didn't even notice, I hear he gets that all the time, and unless boobs are pressed up against glass, he didn't give it a second glance.
Or he just thought you were gay....... :D or something.
Take it easy Don, have you seen the new boat yet?

04-18-2005, 06:14 PM
He probably didn't even notice, I hear he gets that all the time, and unless boobs are pressed up against glass, he didn't give it a second glance.
Or he just thought you were gay....... :D or something.
Take it easy Don, have you seen the new boat yet?
Just in the pictures, I had a spy drive by your house and he said it is just a bare hull, better get moving...I am a good one to talk...I will have mine at CLM soon.

04-19-2005, 06:32 AM
Tim, you've got PM.
How does one acquire a CLM sticker? :D

Nucking futs
04-19-2005, 07:06 AM
That was me and i did wave back, but with the tint it may have been hard to see.
CLM has to have performed a service on the boat for you to run our sticker !! :D
Oh and by the way im not married. Im living the single life...... :D
Heres jasons dash that was done last weekend..............
Ok here is the dash they built for my boat.
And this is what it looked like when I picked up the boat on Valentines Day of this year, Also reset the pump, rebuilt he floors and building an engine for it.
Alright more pictures to come, but I already started to show you mine, so tag. Some me yours.

04-19-2005, 07:26 AM
I got my CLM sticker ordered. But I dont know where it is. I had some major repair done too. I had a 2 foot crack, stinger commin up, and floor busted loose. Water was commin in the crack too.
Heres Nuckin Futs grinding away. The seasoned side of CLM. :D :D
Thanks Tim for all your hard work. I still owe you dinner and a soak in the new hot tub.

04-19-2005, 08:39 AM
Looks like CLM is pumping some good stuff out of there.
Tim, you are right, I could not see in those windows.

04-19-2005, 08:28 PM
here is another CLM job the boat is unnamed as its a secret....http://www.southwindracing.com/5.JPG http://www.southwindracing.com/7.JPG

04-19-2005, 10:22 PM
looks like a boat i've seen a time or two... i think it even has a name. the secret should be outa the bag in a couple weeks, I HOPE!!!! even if it doesnt go fast, it will look better than most. "BEAT IT" :eat:

04-20-2005, 06:32 AM
That is really impressive, I cant wait to get mine over to CLM, it is going to make me feel alot better when I am on the water, knowing the floor is solid. :sqeyes: