View Full Version : Chet and froggystyle

Eat me & die
07-31-2002, 10:14 PM
http://free.***boat.net/gallery/Forum_Graphic_Depot/froggystyle_and_Chet-1.JPG :D Now you know why they call him froggystyle! He like`s it froggystyle!!!!! eek! Get em Chet :p :D
[ August 01, 2002, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

07-31-2002, 11:36 PM
That's pretty smart,take cheap shots at a guy who used to make a living out of taking other people out.I'll be impressed when you say it to his face...

08-01-2002, 07:29 AM
Looks to me like the Froggy is doing the driving... I think you have the captions mixed up.

Eat me & die
08-01-2002, 05:55 PM
That's pretty smart,take cheap shots at a guy who used to make a living out of taking other people out.I'll be impressed when you say it to his face...So are you saying that he`s going to take me out?
So was he a hit man? http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/fighting/fighting10.gif
or was he a nurse and it was his job to take people out side once a day?
You might want to think about what you say and who you say it too, you just never know http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/confused/confused41.gif
Froggy I think I made the picture the way I wanted it! wink You chumps cant take the heat from Chet and I LMAO every time I see that he`s pissed one of you off.
I give Chet 5 Stars!

08-01-2002, 06:44 PM
Eat me & die:
You might want to think about what you say and who you say it too, you just never know That's right EMAD, with Froggy, you just never know......
Do you know why his name is Froggystyle? In the service, do you know what "Frog Men" are?
Probably not, so shut up! Your little cartoons are stupid. Besides, shouldn't you be wrenching on your boat, so you can at least make a full pass.
BTW, on GPS, with 3 people aboard, a full cooler of drinks, anchor, half tanks of gas, the boat trimmed down because of the rough conditions, the GPS read 72.4mph when at WOT for 6 seconds. No, it's not a drag boat, but at the rate your team is going, I could spank you 90% of the time in the quarter mile, with my crew in the boat.
So get to work!
[ August 01, 2002, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: HBjet ]

08-01-2002, 07:23 PM
HBJet is right EMAD,maybe you should get online and do a keyword search on"NavySeals".I'm 6'3" and about 275 and I wouldn't dare say a sideways word about Froggy to his face because I know he could hurt me even though I probably outsize him about 30%.But you're probably safe hiding behind your keyboard talkin trash...for now.Why don't you email Froggy your address and phone# if your such a badass and I'll call 911 for you while he's on his way over...

Eat me & die
08-01-2002, 07:40 PM
Hb or should I say HBchickenHawk I`m real scared!
I cant work on the boat because it`s at the races dip shit. Why dont you take your 72mph POS to the races and see if you can smoke em! I call him and tell him you are on your way if you want?
"Bock Bock"

Eat me & die
08-01-2002, 07:47 PM
Did you say 72.mph LMAO in 6sec....LMAO "WOW" your big time now ....lol....Bring that POS on big mouth! It`s funny, you still to this day still haven`t showed up just once Mr.90%. I think we should change it to NO Show 100% or the time HBchickenHawk

08-01-2002, 09:25 PM
i got three words eat me and die"i love you",your a funny mo fo,f*%$ these chicken hawkers.

08-01-2002, 10:03 PM
Did you guys here?565 says his boat runs 125@ half throttle.I guess these jets really are fast! eek! :confused:
[ August 01, 2002, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: blownschiada ]

Eat me & die
08-01-2002, 10:09 PM
Oh ya, Well HBchickenHawk can do 72.4 in 6sec. That means he can do the 1/4 in just under 14sec. ....LMAO... boy that`s FAST!!! Look out water bikes....lol...
[ August 01, 2002, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-01-2002, 10:14 PM
Just wait....

Eat me & die
08-01-2002, 10:17 PM
I am and we have been all year!

08-01-2002, 10:22 PM
You guys are always more than welcome to come here. I'll even have a cold one ready for ya.

08-01-2002, 10:22 PM
sorry...double post.
[ August 01, 2002, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: MissHBjet ]

08-01-2002, 11:17 PM
EMAD, can you ****ing read? i had 3 people in the boat, trimmed down, an anchor, a full cooler, and about 12 gallons of gas, and I still beat yout last recorded time of 56mph with my bad ass 450hp motor. So until you put up some big numbers with that sponsered kick ass all serious balls to the wall 56 mph jet hydro drag boat, shut the **** up! Your a ****ing joke, your boat is a joke, and your other two alter ego's are a joke. You may have a lot of spirit towards racing, but your an idiot thinking your going to change the sport of drag boat racing with a boat that has only proven one thing, and that is being a waist of fiberglass and gelcoat.
565edge, Hope your motor lasts for a full pass next time out.
BlownS, I hope you sell your boat for what you want.
Slowboat, EMAD, & RR1/001, I hope you don't kill yourself in that joke of a drag boat. Hell, you gotta compair your all PRO drag team to a lake boat to make yourself feel fast, when a stock out of the box waverunner will wax your ass all day long.
Get your blower motor making those rrrrrrrrrruuuuuummmmmmmmmmpppppppppp sounds, but that's all you got. No numbers worth looking twice at.
I got another race name for you "One Broke Joke"
Welcome to reality bud!

08-02-2002, 07:14 AM
You know EMD you always expect people to go out to you to race, why is that? are you too broke to make it to a race on the west coast? are you affraid of getting your ass handed to by the west coast racers? Honestly the only chiken shit I see around here is you. You sit here and run your mouth about how fast that pile of yours is but never want to put up numbers and can never answer a question with a straight answer. Whats so top secret about it? you were all so proud to show the picture of your new blower motor that from my knowledge ran like shit (as usual) or didnt even make a full pass. where did you get the blower? did a local gardner have a yard sale? If you really think you have a fast boat bring it out here so you can have your ass handed to you by guys like 565edge or blown shiada or hell even my day cruiser could probly slap you silly and it cant even get out of it's own way.

08-02-2002, 09:10 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RiverDave:
[QB][QUOTE] but I'd definately "SQUARE UP" on his ass.. :D LOL
Your not gay are you?not talking no shit here,but when you want to square up on froggys but,thats a little wierd.
HB JET your not the only one that hopes this motor lives longer than a pass.the boat is running,i fired it last weekend and the grounding strap on the plugs were hitting the tops of my pistons,it was bending the strap over and closing the gap,not good,i just indexed plugs and its ready to rock and roll,15:1 comp sounds rude,miss hbjet sais she had a cold one for us, is that a beer or a cold baseball bat across our heads.j/k. :D

08-02-2002, 09:12 AM
I got another race name for you "One Broke Joke"
Welcome to reality bud!
HBjetHB Pi$$ them all off-Have Froggy loan you his new impeller(AGGRESSOR)and it will make your day- Your boat will leap up out of the water take an attitude like a JET ON A MISSION- and you and Ms HB will live in a castle on a hill in peace and love forever. JUST A THOUGHT! Dave or Pops if you will let me.

08-02-2002, 09:23 AM
It was an inside joke. He was referring to Subwoofers, I think! LOL
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RiverDave:
[QB][QUOTE] but I'd definately "SQUARE UP" on his ass.. :D LOL
Your not gay are you?not talking no shit here,but when you want to square up on froggys but,thats a little wierd.
HB JET your not the only one that hopes this motor lives longer than a pass.the boat is running,i fired it last weekend and the grounding strap on the plugs were hitting the tops of my pistons,it was bending the strap over and closing the gap,not good,i just indexed plugs and its ready to rock and roll,15:1 comp sounds rude,miss hbjet sais she had a cold one for us, is that a beer or a cold baseball bat across our heads.j/k. :D

08-02-2002, 09:25 AM
miss hbjet sais she had a cold one for us, is that a beer or a cold baseball bat across our heads.j/k. :D LOL, that's funny, I guess we will have to find out!

08-02-2002, 09:27 AM
Your not gay are you?not talking no shit here,but when you want to square up on froggys but,thats a little wierd.RD was talking about these.

08-02-2002, 09:29 AM
I don't know what it is about dem square subs. They look like a diaper to me. LMAO! The boom pretty good though if you feed em enough beans. Just like Andy! :D :D :D
Your not gay are you?not talking no shit here,but when you want to square up on froggys but,thats a little wierd.RD was talking about these.

08-02-2002, 09:29 AM
HB Pi$$ them all off-Have Froggy loan you his new impeller(AGGRESSOR)and it will make your day- Your boat will leap up out of the water take an attitude like a JET ON A MISSION- and you and Ms HB will live in a castle on a hill in peace and love forever. JUST A THOUGHT! Dave or Pops if you will let me.Pops, I've talked to Froggy, and if he decides not to keep the impeller, I'm sure he would let me buy it from him for a good price, and I will have it turned down to a B (or would that be an Aggressor C?) Then I will see how it does. Fair?

08-02-2002, 09:34 AM
All I can say about Froggy is the boy can arm wrestle.

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 10:37 AM
EMAD, can you ****ing read? i had 3 people in the boat, trimmed down, an anchor, a full cooler, and about 12 gallons of gas, and I still beat yout last recorded time of 56mph with my bad ass 450hp motor. So until you put up some big numbers with that sponsered kick ass all serious balls to the wall 56 mph jet hydro drag boat, shut the **** up! Your a ****ing joke, your boat is a joke, and your other two alter ego's are a joke. You may have a lot of spirit towards racing, but your an idiot thinking your going to change the sport of drag boat racing with a boat that has only proven one thing, and that is being a waist of fiberglass and gelcoat.
HBjetHBchickenHawk Can you ****ing READ? His boat was running to "fast" so he let off at 1/2 track and still kicked ass on a boat that hit the line at 90mph. When your POS can out run a 90mph boat at 56 mph look us up dip shit. Your just so BOSS HB....lol...72.4mph and you really think your fast....lol....Back up what you say and show up just one time!
As far as his new motor "yes" it`s made full passes you dumb ****, if you really wanted to know what it runs you would show up and find out for yourself corn hole but it`s to easy for you to just type about how bad you POS is. Bring it on, I`v got a $1000. on slowy. It`s funny how his "waist of fiberglass and gelcoat" Wins round after round every weekend that he races.
It`s funny how you say he`s always talking shit to you about racing you, but I don't even see where he`s posted to you in a long time and you come in here out of the blue and post about your 72.4 mph POS and how it will blow him a way? Stand up and "back it up" Like I said: I`ll put $1000. on Slowy, and he`ll do it with his boat and his motor.He doesn't need to run out and try to buy a boat that he doesn't have enough money to buy like you tried last time.
[ August 02, 2002, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-02-2002, 11:16 AM
Eat me & die:
HBchickenHawk Can you ****ing READ? His boat was running to "fast" so he let off at 1/2 track and still kicked ass on a boat that hit the line at 90mph. When your POS can out run a 90mph boat at 56 mph look us up dip shit. Your just so BOSS HB....lol...72.4mph and you really think your fast....lol....Back up what you say and show up just one time!
As far as his new motor "yes" it`s made full passes you dumb ****, if you really wanted to know what it runs you would show up and find out for yourself corn hole but it`s to easy for you to just type about how bad you POS is. Bring it on, I`v got a $1000. on slowy. It`s funny how his "waist of fiberglass and gelcoat" Wins round after round every weekend that he races.
It`s funny how you say he`s always talking shit to you about racing you but I don't even see where he`s posted to you in a long time and you come in here out of the blue and post about your 72.4 mph POS and how it will blow him a way? Stand up and "back it up" Like I said I`ll put $1000. on Slowy, and he`ll do it with his boat and his motor.He doesn't need to run out and try to buy a that he doesn't have enough money to buy like you tried last time.Too Fast for the RR1 Class? Or was it for the RR2 class? LOL! Your again comparing a lake boat to a so called drag boat with a blower motor. Oh, did I mention that I was tapped out? Did I say that 72.4 was my top speed? NO, I did not. I had a GPS in my hand, next time (next weekend) I'll take a photo of it for you. But I bet that won't be good enough. For 6 seconds I was at WOT, trimmed down, and I decided to let off because of the water conditions. If you've ever been to parker, you would know it's not the best place to use a jet boat. I had two good looking females in the boat, and I didn't feel like going any faster with them in those conditions. I would say though, not bad for my POS which has only 450HP and 3 people aboard, and trimmed down, and still not at full speed. I went to GPS by myself the next day, but couldn't keep my foot in it because of the wake board boats chopping up the water. Don't worry though, I'll be around plenty of the same jetters from this board next weekend, and they will post if I'm full of shit or not. Again, I have nothing to hide, but for some reason, you do.
RR1/001 = One Broke Joke!
[ August 02, 2002, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: HBjet ]

08-02-2002, 11:31 AM
HBjet[/QB]Is that a cup from a keg party in the corner? :p

08-02-2002, 11:42 AM
Is that a cup from a keg party in the corner? :p Yes! :)

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 11:46 AM
[b] Too Fast for the RR1 Class? Or was it for the RR2 class? LOL! Your again comparing a lake boat to a so called drag boat with a blower motor. Oh, did I mention that I was tapped out? Did I say that 72.4 was my top speed? NO, I did not. I had a GPS in my hand, next time (next weekend) I'll take a photo of it for you. But I bet that won't be good enough. For 6 seconds I was at WOT, trimmed down, and I decided to let off because of the water conditions. If you've ever been to parker, you would know it's not the best place to use a jet boat. I had two good looking females in the boat, and I didn't feel like going any faster with them in those conditions. I would say though, not bad for my POS which has only 450HP and 3 people aboard, and trimmed down, and still not at full speed. I went to GPS by myself the next day, but couldn't keep my foot in it because of the wake board boats chopping up the water. Don't worry though, I'll be around plenty of the same jetters from this board next weekend, and they will post if I'm full of shit or not. Again, I have nothing to hide, but for some reason, you do.
RR1/001 = One Broke Joke!Ok HbChickenHawk lets do this 1 by one here.
#1.Too Fast for the RR1 Class? Or was it for the RR2 class? LOL!
A. RR1 and RR2
#2Your again comparing a lake boat to a so called drag boat with a blower motor.
A. No my friend, your the one posting:"BTW, on GPS, with 3 people aboard, a full cooler of drinks, anchor, half tanks of gas, the boat trimmed down because of the rough conditions, the GPS read 72.4mph when at WOT for 6 seconds. No, it's not a drag boat, but at the rate your team is going, I could spank you 90% of the time in the quarter mile, with my crew in the boat."
That was your first post on this page and I dont see where he posted one thing to you anywhere!
Look`s like you want a race? or do you just want to run you mouth?Look`s like "Your again comparing a lake boat to a so called drag boat"
#3. Did I say that 72.4 was my top speed
A. I dont care, I`ll still put a $1000. on ole slowy. Did he ever say 56mph was his top speed?...lol...
#4. One Broke Joke
A. I would like to see your bank statement and see who is the "Broke Joke" I`ll bet it`s you! I see you couldnt come up with the money for that nice looking boat you posted about the last time :) ...lol...
[ August 02, 2002, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-02-2002, 11:53 AM
Eat me & die:
It`s funny how his "waist of fiberglass and gelcoat" Wins round after round every weekend that he races.BullShit!
"You" didn't even place last race out, and one of your previous races you placed second in the RR2 class.
BTW, why do you have to talk in the third person? Also, are you still shitting your shorts when you hit 80 mph? Maybe you can call up Depends and get a sponsership. That would look real nice next to your Aggressor sticker. "If you want to run with the Big Dogs, you gotta Shit like the Big Dogs" Depends Racing!
Again, you want me to come out there. What about meeting in the middle? Hey, I know, why don't you bring that boat out next year to the party us West Coasters are going to fly out to? I believe you should be pretty close. What do ya say?
Meet half way, or bring that boat out next year when I'm out east.

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 12:04 PM
HbChickenHawk your an ass Clown! Your so damn funny you make my day go by so much faster... You know like 72.4 mph faster...lol...
I called Slowy and he said Your just a punk and you have very little balls if any at all. He also said that you`ll never show up to race him. He said he`s got a $1000. to put on the race also. Come on man, that`s $2000.00 if you think you can win. Sack up HbChickenHawk how much money do you need to show up? I would float you some $$ so you could get back home :)
[ August 02, 2002, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-02-2002, 12:15 PM
EMD and Slowey, Both you do nothing but run your mouths, Like I stated above, why does someone have to go back there just prove to you that you have SLOW boat? why dont you boys sack up bring your shit out here and get your ass handed to you by some real fast people because you know all the fast boats are on the west coast LOL

08-02-2002, 12:16 PM
Eat me & die:
HbChickenHawk your an ass Clown! Your so damn funny you make my day go by so much faster... You know like 72.4 mph faster...lol...
I called Slowy and he said Your just a punk and you have very little balls if any at all. He also said that you`ll never show up to race him. He said he`s got a $1000. to put on the race also. Come on man, that`s $2000.00 if you think you can win. Sack up HbChickenHawk how much money do you need to show up? I would float you some $$ so you could get back home :) 2,000 BUCKS?
ok, where? Like I've said, pick a place between your location and mine. We will meet in the middle.
So what motor are you going to run? The blower motor, or the alke motor with the mis matched carbs?
You on Broke Joke. Name a location in the middle, and bring your cash!

08-02-2002, 12:30 PM
Eat me & die:
HbChickenHawk your an ass Clown! Your so damn funny you make my day go by so much faster... You know like 72.4 mph faster...lol...
I called Slowy and he said Your just a punk and you have very little balls if any at all. He also said that you`ll never show up to race him. He said he`s got a $1000. to put on the race also. Come on man, that`s $2000.00 if you think you can win. Sack up HbChickenHawk how much money do you need to show up? I would float you some $$ so you could get back home :) 2,000 BUCKS?
ok, where? Like I've said, pick a place between your location and mine. We will meet in the middle.
So what motor are you going to run? The blower motor, or the alke motor with the mis matched carbs?
You on Broke Joke. Name a location in the middle, and bring your cash!
HBjetCareful HB, he might show up with a blown 540 on alcohol that a friend lends him.....

08-02-2002, 12:33 PM
Eat me & die:
HbChickenHawk your an ass Clown! Your so damn funny you make my day go by so much faster... You know like 72.4 mph faster...lol...
I called Slowy and he said Your just a punk and you have very little balls if any at all. He also said that you`ll never show up to race him. He said he`s got a $1000. to put on the race also. Come on man, that`s $2000.00 if you think you can win. Sack up HbChickenHawk how much money do you need to show up? I would float you some $$ so you could get back home :) 2,000 BUCKS?
ok, where? Like I've said, pick a place between your location and mine. We will meet in the middle.
So what motor are you going to run? The blower motor, or the alke motor with the mis matched carbs?
You on Broke Joke. Name a location in the middle, and bring your cash!
HBjetCareful HB, he might show up with a blown 540 on alcohol that a friend lends him.....Not to worry, even if he did he still could'nt make it run LOL

08-02-2002, 12:47 PM
Can someone please pass the popcorn?

08-02-2002, 12:54 PM
Can someone please pass the popcorn?One cherry coke and a box of milk duds for me please :)

08-02-2002, 01:00 PM
One cherry coke and a box of milk duds for me please :) Guys who drink Cherry Coke = Gay!

08-02-2002, 01:02 PM
One cherry coke and a box of milk duds for me please :) Guys who drink Cherry Coke = Gay!The cherry coke is for MissHBJet :) LOL

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 01:03 PM
2,000 BUCKS?
ok, where? Like I've said, pick a place between your location and mine. We will meet in the middle.
So what motor are you going to run? The blower motor, or the alke motor with the mis matched carbs?
You on Broke Joke. Name a location in the middle, and bring your cash!
Why does it matter witch motor he runs? You already said your 450hp motor will smoke him! Don't start backing up now big boy, Put your foot in it, deeper. :) !
[ August 02, 2002, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-02-2002, 01:05 PM
The cherry coke is for MissHBJet :) LOLGuys who have to use someones girlfriend to not sound gay = Flamming Gay!

08-02-2002, 01:06 PM
Put your foot in it, deeper.Ya right!! I think someone needs to tell slowey to put his foot in it deeper and stop being such a pussy and drive that thing. by the way EMD what kind of boat do have? Oh shit thats right you and slowey are the same person LOL :D

08-02-2002, 01:08 PM
The cherry coke is for MissHBJet :) LOLGuys who have to use someones girlfriend to not sound gay = Flamming Gay!Guys who get kicked out of bars before throwing punches = GAY

08-02-2002, 01:11 PM
Eat me & die:
Why does it matter witch motor he runs? You already said your 450hp motor will smoke him! Don't start backing up now big boy, Put your foot in it, deeper. :) !With all the shit you talk, I have to stick my foot pretty deep to get to your level.
Speaking of backing out, what ****ing lake/river are we going to meet at? I'm waiting. Your challenging me, will I take that challenge. So Where? I'm waiting.
As for motors, if you want to run the blown motor and I lose by a boat length, no big deal, because the real loser is the guy in the blown boat who barely won a guy with a 450HP motor. Now, your a pretty cocky dirt bag, why not put in the other motor, the one that still makes more power, but will at least be more of a challenge, right? Because your going to win either way, and how cool would that be when you beat me with your slower motor. I'd think pretty cool. What about you?
[ August 02, 2002, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: HBjet ]

08-02-2002, 01:17 PM
Guys who get kicked out of bars before throwing punches = GAYGuys who have to compliment themselves on a public forum = Super Gay
Triple Digit Club
Member # 3109
Member Rated:
posted June 28, 2002 03:07 PM
You're the funniest motherf@#%er I have ever heard. You da man!!!!
HBjet :D
[ August 02, 2002, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: HBjet ]

08-02-2002, 01:20 PM
Guys who get kicked out of bars before throwing punches = GAYGuys who have to compliment themselves on a public forum = Super Gay
Triple Digit Club
Member # 3109
Member Rated:
posted June 28, 2002 03:07 PM
You're the funniest motherf@#%er I have ever heard. You da man!!!!
HBjet:DGuys who try to pull your card by bringing up shit from the past = GAY
HB, I bet you used to work for Hot Dog on a Stick wink

08-02-2002, 01:23 PM
Guys who try to pull your card by bringing up shit from the past = GAYGuys who have shit from the past to pull up = GAY

08-02-2002, 01:47 PM
Guys with parts that are all show and no go = Gay LOL :D :D :p

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 01:53 PM
As for motors, if you want to run the blown motor and I lose by a boat length, no big deal, because the real loser is the guy in the blown boat who barely won a guy with a 450HP motor. Now, your a pretty cocky dirt bag, why not put in the other motor, the one that still makes more power, but will at least be more of a challenge, right? Because your going to win either way, and how cool would that be when you beat me with your slower motor. I'd think pretty cool. What about you?[/QB]I really dont think he has any slow motors? The slow motor you speek of ran 11.80 @ 56mph in the 1/4 mile. 11.80 is pretty fast to only run 56mph in the 1/4 dont you think :)

08-02-2002, 01:54 PM
Guys with parts that are all show and no go = Gay LOL :D :D :p Like you and HB?

08-02-2002, 01:55 PM
Guys with parts that are all show and no go = Gay LOL :D :D :p Veteran list members who team up on newbies = GAY

08-02-2002, 01:56 PM
Like you and HB?Guys who have to wear fire proof suits to go pleasure boating = Flamming Gay!

08-02-2002, 01:58 PM
guys who post shit like this in the wrong thread = Gay :D :D
oops I guess that makes me....

08-02-2002, 02:00 PM
Like you and HB?Guys who have to wear fire proof suits to go pleasure boating = Flamming Gay!Guys with three stars = GAY

08-02-2002, 02:02 PM
Eat me & die:
I really dont think he has any slow motors? The slow motor you speek of ran 11.80 @ 56mph in the 1/4 mile. 11.80 is pretty fast to only run 56mph in the 1/4 dont you think :) You know what I'm thinking? I thinking that I'm tired of waiting for you to choose a place to meet so I can race that clunker you call a drag boat, and the real racers call an anchor. You want to know what the most valuable part on that boat is Slowy? It's the plug! Because when your out there in the water, that should be the only part worth keeping when you pull it.
HB"waiting for the meeting place"jet
Man, if it's going to take this long to figure out a meeting place, I can imagine the stall time you will try to pull when I'm waiting for you to get that waist of cloth and resin on the water. We will see.
[ August 02, 2002, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: HBjet ]

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 02:27 PM
HbChickenHawk I`m sure I`ll hear from him some time tonight and I`ll ask him Where does he want to pick up your $ 2000. Are you sure you just don`t want to use U*S* mail and save your self the trip money?
[ August 02, 2002, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 02:29 PM
72.4 + GAY = HB eek!

08-02-2002, 03:24 PM
Slowboat posting he races a jet hydro, then leaving the boards because we are all dicks, then returning as Eat Me & Die, but saying he is Slow Boats crew member, then RR1/001 shows up saying he is the owner/driver of the jet hydro and Slowboat is a crew member who likes to mess around, and Eat Me & Die is another crew member.
So now we have three guys posting pretending to be all different people, but no one is buying it and we all know it's Steve Worthington = Attention Desperate Gay

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 03:45 PM
Damn you lost me in all you crap.
Ok if I`m him how am I posting from the same IP address as always and at the OK City race at the same time?
Well? kinda hard to do aint it? Dip Shit! :p
P.S. You = GAY eek!
[ August 02, 2002, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-02-2002, 03:49 PM
Eat me & die:
Damn you lost me in all you crap.
Ok if I`m him how am I posting from the same IP address as always and at the OK City race at the same time?
Well? kinda hard to do aint it? Dip Shit! :p
P.S. You = GAY eek! Lame ass shitty response because you don't know what to say = GAY

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 03:59 PM
http://free.***boat.net/gallery/Forum_Graphic_Depot/HB_is_gay.JPG www.HBjet.isgay.com (http://www.HBjet.isgay.com)
[ August 02, 2002, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-02-2002, 05:02 PM
using photos and altering them because you don't have shit to say = GAY

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 05:33 PM

08-02-2002, 06:53 PM
EMAD, have all the fun you want, but don't have my name associated with terrorists and supporting Osama Bin Laden. A lot of Americans died because of that asshole, and I don't want my name in the same sentence as his, especially saying I'm supporting him. That is the most tastless thing you've done here. I don't know about you boys back east (speaking only to EMAD), but I take the terrorists attacks against our country, the man behind them, and the thousands of people that died very seriously. For you to joke about it is just poor taste.
Completely uncalled for.
Here is the website EMAD decided to make for me so everyone else can see how low this person is.
Click Here (http://home.socal.rr.com/boatbutts/emad.jpg)

08-02-2002, 07:03 PM
Very nice. What an asshole. Once upon a time I thought he was rather creative on the barney boards. All that has changed with that web creation. Way to capitalize on American tragedy slimeball. Not even slightly amusing.

Eat me & die
08-02-2002, 07:10 PM
Hb I love how you try to turn things around and make something out of nothing. Why don't you post the other web sit`s too?As HBgayJet already knows, you can type anyname .isgay.com and you come up with the same pages. Nice try GayJet!
[ August 02, 2002, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-02-2002, 07:25 PM
Eat me & die:
Hb I love how you try to turn things around and make something out of nothing. Why don't you post the other web sit`s too?As HBgayJet already knows, you can type anyname .isgay.com and you come up with the same pages. Nice try GayJet!You know what EMAD, I don't know that because I don't need to go that far to out do someone. If you can do that, fine, I just think the terrorist one is tasteless.

08-02-2002, 07:56 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by HBjet:
Pops, I've talked to Froggy, and if he decides not to keep the impeller, I'm sure he would let me buy it from him for a good price, and I will have it turned down to a B (or would that be an Aggressor C?) Then I will see how it does. Fair?
WHOA! HB???? Have you cleared this with jack???? :confused: There just might be some hope for you yet....
P.S. go getum EMAD!!
[ August 02, 2002, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: ChetCapoli ]

08-03-2002, 01:00 AM
miss hbjet sais she had a cold one for us [/QB]That invitation was for Slowy and EatMe&Die. Chet is always welcome to come play to.

08-04-2002, 09:18 AM
Can someone please pass the popcorn?LMAO

08-04-2002, 12:37 PM
:mad: And to think I was once banned for gay bashing!

Steamin' Rice
08-05-2002, 08:20 AM
Can someone please pass the popcorn?Coming up..... :D :D

08-05-2002, 08:46 AM
Eat me & die:
OOOhhh, look at me!!! I have a really faaasssttt boat and it can beat everybody elses boat!! It goes so fast that I have to lift at half track!! I'll race anybody that wants to race cuz I have lots of different kinds of motors for lots of different classes and they are all the best and the fastest!!! I have lots and lots of money and a sponsor and everything!! HaHaHa you dont!! Everyone is afraid to race me cause they all know I will smoke them!! Whatever....

08-05-2002, 09:27 AM
Eat me & die
Everyone is afraid of me cause they all know I will smoke their poles!! Homo
[ August 05, 2002, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: SHUT ]

08-05-2002, 09:54 AM
sounds like there's a turd burglar in here! eek!

Eat me & die
08-05-2002, 10:23 AM
Did I ever tell you all that I`m gay? D
now we know why you call your self 1stepcloser eek!
[ August 05, 2002, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-05-2002, 12:01 PM
Eat me & die:
Did I ever tell you all that I`m gay? D
now we know why you call your self 1stepcloser eek! Hahaha,
Lookey there, the biatch thinks 1stepcloser posted MY comment. Everyone here knows you're a friggn homo...Not that there's anything wrong with that eek!

08-05-2002, 12:06 PM
:mad: And to think I was once banned for gay bashing!Yea, I heard you beat Eat Me and Die down pretty bad.

Eat me & die
08-05-2002, 02:07 PM
Everyone here knows you're a friggn homo...Not that there's anything wrong with that eek! So are you saying that your gay too? eek!
[ August 05, 2002, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Eat me & die ]

08-05-2002, 03:41 PM
Guys with three stars = GAYThats pretty funny, he has three stars.

08-05-2002, 04:29 PM
Eat me & die:
Everyone here knows you're a friggn homo...Not that there's anything wrong with that eek! So are you saying that your gay too? eek! You just proved my point. You're asking whether I am too. Too meaning as well or also. Well, N/A here bud. I just wanted to be politically correct. Matter of fact, I think I may go back and delete the comments questioning your sexuality. After all, true political correctness should be that I shouldn't ask if you're a HOMO or not. You know "don't ask don't tell". BUt you just told. :p
[ August 05, 2002, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: SHUT ]

Eat me & die
08-05-2002, 10:27 PM
So then you are saying "yes" you are gay! That`s to bad...lol... I could turn you on to some of my bitches, but if your gay I`ll just let you be how you are! FAG_GET!

08-05-2002, 11:06 PM
Eat me & die:
So then you are saying "yes" you are gay! That`s to bad...lol... I could turn you on to some of my bitches, but if your gay I`ll just let you be how you are! FAG_GET!Hahaha
You make me laugh. N/A means Not Applicable. You admit in several posts that YOU ARE A POLE SMOKER and you try to turn it around on others?
Eat me & die
Hb I love how you try to turn things around and make something out of nothing You should have quoted yourself here bud.

Eat me & die
08-06-2002, 06:30 PM
You Suck! You really do! :D

08-06-2002, 08:01 PM
:rolleyes: " Homophobia" :rolleyes:

08-10-2002, 11:33 PM
I think I just got stupider from reading this.....

08-11-2002, 10:48 PM
Eat me & die
Registered User
Member # 964
posted August 02, 2002 01:04 PM
Eat me & die:
I called Slowy and he said Your just a punk and you have very little balls if any at all. He also said that you`ll never show up to race him. He said he`s got a $1000. to put on the race also. Come on man, that`s $2000.00 if you think you can win. Sack up HbChickenHawk how much money do you need to show up? I would float you some $$ so you could get back home :) HBjet
Quadruple Digit Club
Member # 588
posted August 02, 2002 01:16 PM
2,000 BUCKS?
ok, where? Like I've said, pick a place between your location and mine. We will meet in the middle.
So what motor are you going to run? The blower motor, or the alke motor with the mis matched carbs?
You on Broke Joke. Name a location in the middle, and bring your cash!
HBjetEat me & die
Registered User
Member # 964
posted August 02, 2002 02:03 PM
Eat me & die:
Why does it matter witch motor he runs? You already said your 450hp motor will smoke him! Don't start backing up now big boy, Put your foot in it, deeper. :) !HBjet
Quadruple Digit Club
Member # 588
posted August 02, 2002 02:11 PM
Speaking of backing out, what ****ing lake/river are we going to meet at? I'm waiting. Your challenging me, will I take that challenge. So Where? I'm waiting.
As for motors, if you want to run the blown motor and I lose by a boat length, no big deal, because the real loser is the guy in the blown boat who barely won a guy with a 450HP motor. Now, your a pretty cocky dirt bag, why not put in the other motor, the one that still makes more power, but will at least be more of a challenge, right? Because your going to win either way, and how cool would that be when you beat me with your slower motor. I'd think pretty cool. What about you?HBjet
Quadruple Digit Club
Member # 588
posted August 02, 2002 03:02 PM
You know what I'm thinking? I thinking that I'm tired of waiting for you to choose a place to meet so I can race that clunker you call a drag boat, and the real racers call an anchor. You want to know what the most valuable part on that boat is Slowy? It's the plug! Because when your out there in the water, that should be the only part worth keeping when you pull it.
HB"waiting for the meeting place"jet
Man, if it's going to take this long to figure out a meeting place, I can imagine the stall time you will try to pull when I'm waiting for you to get that waist of cloth and resin on the water. We will see.RR1/ 001
Triple Digit Club
Member # 1017
posted August 11, 2002 12:09 AM
RR1/ 001:
HBjet, "your a PUSSY!" and I think you know what that`s about?
P.S. I`ll be in Cleburne TX this weekend, Bring lot`s of $$$$$$$$. It`s your last chance this year because I`ll be back on the dirt track after that. Hey maybe Tony will give you the money to show up? after all, you said: "he made the call" in your e mail`s!
No I don`t want to kick your ass but I would like to kick you ass on the track, so dont try to turn this one around, ChickenHawkHBjet.
72.mph....LMAO @ U clown town! and you think you can smoke me....lol.....One again, I'd had to wait forever, and I have to drive out to him! I asked a few simple questions. I said I would only meet somewhere in the middle. I asked what time, and where?
Did I get an answer to any of those? NO. Instead I got P.S. I`ll be in Cleburne TX this weekend, Bring lot`s of $$$$$$$$. It`s your last chance this year
What a Joke!

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 03:41 PM
"HBjet" what a pussy!
See you in Texas you pussy! hey why dont you make that call one more time maybe they will float you the money to come on out and get your ass smoked! PUSSY :D
[ August 12, 2002, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: RR1/ 001 ]

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 03:49 PM
e mail`s from HBjerk off
if your serious, what is the deal you want to prove? Our boat are
way different. You have 1/3 more HP then I do, and your boat is a single
seater. My boat is a 4 seater, weighs about 600-700 pounds, and my best
recorded speed was 71mph on a radar your drag boat is faster then my lake boat, and it's all
because of the Aggressor pump? Lets not forget our motors differ like 250HP. So what do you want to do about that? Anyways, So, where do you want this to happen, you name the place and I`ll be there...TEXAS, THIS WEEKEND Pussy!
[ August 12, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: RR1/ 001 ]

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 03:51 PM
I had to look and you did say for me to name the place and you would be there! so Be there or shut the **** up pussy!

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 03:53 PM
Should I kick up the one where you said that you didnt make the phone call like a little bitch and you said Tony did?

08-12-2002, 03:53 PM
RR1/ 001:
"HBjet" what a pussy!
See you in Texas you pussy! hey why dont you make that call one more time maybe they will float you the money to come on out and get your ass smoked! PUSSY :D Again, I have to go to him when he challenges me. Interesting. Gives me 1 week to get to Texas from California. Hmmm, last I checked, I don't have a race boat, and I do have a job. Sorry bud, looks like your going to win again. Damn, I was so set on going. How about we meet at Bakersfield. 3 weeks from away at the NJBA drag boat races. Be there. If your a no show, then I'll assume you've been blowing mud out of your ass this whole time.

08-12-2002, 03:57 PM
RR1/ 001:
Should I kick up the one where you said that you didnt make the phone call like a little bitch and you said Tony did?Dude, again, I never said Tony did anything. I hardly even talk to the guy. All I know is I have no interest in calling your guy, so ****ing drop it.
Why are you so hung up on me having a "Lake Boat" that is 2 mph slower then your "Race Boat" I don't have to prove shit to you because everyone here that boats with me will tell you themselves. Sorry, you just going to have to race without me.

08-12-2002, 03:58 PM
RR1/ 001:
I had to look and you did say for me to name the place and you would be there! so Be there or shut the **** up pussy!one week notice? haha! Can you be at a drag race over 1000 miles away for one week notice? I don't ****ing think so, that school bus of yours that tows your trailer, that tows your pile of fiberglass wouldn't last the trip.
[ August 12, 2002, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: HBjet ]

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 04:00 PM
Hey pussy, your the one that e mailed me and said "where do you want this to happen, you name the place and I`ll be there..."Well??????? Bock Bock you big shit talking chicken, Put up or shut up.

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 04:03 PM
Does this ring a bell?
ChetandSlowyblowgoats made the call I didnt.
Now lets see who is ChetandSlowyblowgoats TONY so tell me a nother one you jack ass!

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 04:06 PM
RR1/ 001:
I had to look and you did say for me to name the place and you would be there! so Be there or shut the **** up pussy!one week notice? haha! Can you be at a drag race over 1000 miles away for one week notice? I don't ****ing think so, that school bus of yours that tows your trailer, that tows your pile of fiberglass wouldn't last the trip.
HBjetYes, I can and yes I do it all the time . Next dumb ass question

08-12-2002, 04:21 PM
RR1/ 001:
Hey pussy, your the one that e mailed me and said "where do you want this to happen, you name the place and I`ll be there..."Well??????? Bock Bock you big shit talking chicken, Put up or shut up.Again, one weeks notice? Come back to reality and lets make this happen.

08-12-2002, 04:24 PM
RR1/ 001:
Does this ring a bell?
ChetandSlowyblowgoats made the call I didnt.
Now lets see who is ChetandSlowyblowgoats TONY so tell me a nother one you jack ass!ChetandSlowyblowgoats isn't Tony. How the hell do you tie them together. I said ChetandSlowyblowgoats probably made the call, but how in the hell am I to know who that person is. Gees. You are really stretching it here RR1/001.
Nice try though, but way off. Hmm, that could be your team slogan!

08-12-2002, 04:26 PM
RR1/ 001:
RR1/ 001:
I had to look and you did say for me to name the place and you would be there! so Be there or shut the **** up pussy!one week notice? haha! Can you be at a drag race over 1000 miles away for one week notice? I don't ****ing think so, that school bus of yours that tows your trailer, that tows your pile of fiberglass wouldn't last the trip.
HBjetYes, I can and yes I do it all the time . Next dumb ass questionOk, be at the NJBA races at Lake Ming in Bakersfield. You show up, I'll even pay your entry fee. That gives you 3 weeks to get there, and since you do this all the time, it should be a nice relaxing drive.
here is the website for more info.
NJBA (http://www.njbaracing.net)
Be there, I'll be waiting.

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 05:09 PM
RR1/ 001:
Hey pussy, your the one that e mailed me and said "where do you want this to happen, you name the place and I`ll be there..."Well??????? Bock Bock you big shit talking chicken, Put up or shut up.Again, one weeks notice? Come back to reality and lets make this happen.
eek! eek! eek! eek!
HBjetHBjet you had over 2 months notice to show up at Waco Tx this year, What happen to ya? Oh ya you just like to talk shit and not show up! I even told ya to fly in and I would send a car to pick you up at the air port.No Show HBjet...
As far as me coming out there I might some time but I do believe you told me to name the place and the time didn't ya?
[ August 12, 2002, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: RR1/ 001 ]

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 05:13 PM
ChetandSlowyblowgoats isn't Tony Well he`s taking the rap for you pussy because he sent me an e mail where he said he was.

08-12-2002, 05:20 PM
RR1/ 001:
RR1/ 001:
Hey pussy, your the one that e mailed me and said "where do you want this to happen, you name the place and I`ll be there..."Well??????? Bock Bock you big shit talking chicken, Put up or shut up.Again, one weeks notice? Come back to reality and lets make this happen.
eek! eek! eek! eek!
HBjetHBjet you had over 2 months notice to show up at Waco Tx this year, What happen to ya? Oh ya you just like to talk shit and not show up! I even told ya to fly in and I would send a car to pick you up at the air port.No Show HBjet...
As far as me coming out there I might some time but I do believe you told me to name the place and the time didn't ya?You just posted the other day that you are racing in TX this weekend. So how is that 2 months notice?

Truth Be Told
08-12-2002, 05:49 PM
Problem solved:
RR1=Picture of time slip held by IHBA official
HB=Picture of time slip held by NJBA official
Yeah, lights may be hot at one place or another, so:
IHBA Finals Halloween weekend in Phoenix, both in River Racer class
Or: WhoooooooooooooCARES!!!!!!/Enjoy what you both do and ****ING GET ALONG, jets are for men, not braggarts, drop the horseradish, have fun. LOL

08-12-2002, 05:52 PM
RR1 just curious what was your fastest E.T with any motor??? Just curious. :) :)

Kim Hanson
08-12-2002, 05:54 PM
This sure make's for good reading, keep up the good work men.........( . )( . )..... :cool: :D

Truth Be Told
08-12-2002, 06:03 PM
In all truth, the HBjet guy never said his boat was a race boat so he does'nt have anything to prove. He can brag all he wants, he does'nt claim to race, only have fun. If you claim you're a racer, than post a time slip and prove it, simple.
And as a racer, you need to have the WISDOM to not want to talk trash to a young guy who's proud of his boat and boasts a little. Just go out and let your race boat do the talking for you, and argue with other RACERS. That would be "APPLES TO APPLES". Help jet racers look good by acting like a professional and not jumping into trivial banter with non racers about parts and speed. ie: put downs. Be above that The Places and Papps were.

Kim Hanson
08-12-2002, 06:11 PM
This is true "BENCH-RACING", I love this shit.I seen HBJET'S boat and it is a "TIT'S" boat,seen the other one too!Enough said.......( . )( . ).. eek! :D wink :p

08-12-2002, 06:30 PM
Truth Be Told:
In all truth, the HBjet guy never said his boat was a race boat so he does'nt have anything to prove. He can brag all he wants, he does'nt claim to race, only have fun. If you claim you're a racer, than post a time slip and prove it, simple.
And as a racer, you need to have the WISDOM to not want to talk trash to a young guy who's proud of his boat and boasts a little. Just go out and let your race boat do the talking for you, and argue with other RACERS. That would be "APPLES TO APPLES". Help jet racers look good by acting like a professional and not jumping into trivial banter with non racers about parts and speed. ie: put downs. Be above that The Places and Papps were.VERY WELL SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-12-2002, 08:59 PM
Truth Be Told:
In all truth, the HBjet guy never said his boat was a race boat so he does'nt have anything to prove. He can brag all he wants, he does'nt claim to race, only have fun. If you claim you're a racer, than post a time slip and prove it, simple.
And as a racer, you need to have the WISDOM to not want to talk trash to a young guy who's proud of his boat and boasts a little. Just go out and let your race boat do the talking for you, and argue with other RACERS. That would be "APPLES TO APPLES". Help jet racers look good by acting like a professional and not jumping into trivial banter with non racers about parts and speed. ie: put downs. Be above that The Places and Papps were.VERY WELL SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!Dont understand the last sentence,please explain?

08-12-2002, 09:09 PM
[ August 12, 2002, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: MissHBjet ]

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 09:14 PM
LOL, I love you nerd`s here on hot boat ...you all seem to always find a way to turn thing`s around...lol... If you have all year you can go way, way, way and way back and find where HBjet started the crap with me and I`v just played along with him as I have nothing better to do most of the time...lol...
HBjet You are most definitely the most ignorant punk I have ever talked to on the net.I can drum up a bevy of negative posts by you but feel no need to waste my time. You have brought this stuff on yourself and can't handle the heat. So get out of the kitchen.You are pathetic in my book. You are a liar and basket case. You need to lighten up a little dip shit and get a life where these little things don't piss you off so much. I never said my boat was a DRAG BOAT now did I dip shit "NO I HAVEN'T" It`s a god damn lake boat" Did you get it that time dumb ass? Lake Boat! Lake Boat! I think when I get back from Texas I`m going to take it fishing. Do you want a picture of me fishing out of my DAMN LAKE BOAT? Shit you have a thick scull HBjet.
It`s funny that you cant even run as fast as I sandbag...lol...

Kim Hanson
08-12-2002, 09:53 PM
If it float's, you should be able to fish off of it,Shit SLOWEY.Come up with something better than that!...( . )( . )..........

RR1/ 001
08-12-2002, 10:09 PM
Kim you haven't been around long enough to call me slowy, so shut up stupid or I`ll let eat me and die come back and screw wit ya.
Can you spell SCHOOL yet?

Kim Hanson
08-12-2002, 10:16 PM
Got you "ASSHOLE"-"SLOWEY"..HBJET boat would kick your ass 3 way's from Sunday and you know it.So "KISS MY ASS""SLOWEY".......LMAO..are we having fun now?
SKOOL, how is that.Stool you are,"ASSHOLE".Just flush and all gone,School.**** off "Wannabe", what was that again, don't call you "SLOWEY".How do you want me to bend over so you can "KISS" my RED-EYE..LMAO..Your "BUD"..KIMBRELY.. :p :D
[ August 12, 2002, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Kim Hanson ]

08-12-2002, 10:26 PM
RR1/ 001:
LOL, I love you nerd`s here on hot boat ...you all seem to always find a way to turn thing`s around...lol... If you have all year you can go way, way, way and way back and find where HBjet started the crap with me and I`v just played along with him as I have nothing better to do most of the time...lol...
HBjet You are most definitely the most ignorant punk I have ever talked to on the net.I can drum up a bevy of negative posts by you but feel no need to waste my time. You have brought this stuff on yourself and can't handle the heat. So get out of the kitchen.You are pathetic in my book. You are a liar and basket case. You need to lighten up a little dip shit and get a life where these little things don't piss you off so much. I never said my boat was a DRAG BOAT now did I dip shit "NO I HAVEN'T" It`s a god damn lake boat" Did you get it that time dumb ass? Lake Boat! Lake Boat! I think when I get back from Texas I`m going to take it fishing. Do you want a picture of me fishing out of my DAMN LAKE BOAT? Shit you have a thick scull HBjet.
It`s funny that you cant even run as fast as I sandbag...lol...RR1/001, EMAD, or is it SlowBoat? Don't you remember this thread?
RR1/ 001
Well HBjet you just keep running your mouth about Aggressor, "I want a show down!" you and me. I have a boat you say wont fly, I have a pump you say is junk!
Let`s get It On!
I`v heard a enough from you. Your the "Great Jet Pump God" Lets do it! Now don't say I have more HP than you because you`v already said my pump is junk and my boat wont fly! Put the "F" up or Shut the "F" up
In your own words "Jack Ass"!
Your reply can be sent to racing@msinter.net
I still never got a reply on anything else???
You say "all the Fast boats are out west" well I`ll meet you 1/2 way and you can show me how fast you aren't!Well, your not willing to meet me! So that makes you a liar.
RR1/ 001:
In my years of racing I`v learned a few things.
#1 " To only buy the best parts I can"
#2 "to only use the best set-up people I can find"
#3 "to run a CHEVY" Ford and Dodge way to much$$$$$$$
#4 " Bring lots of BEER to keep everyone happy"
#5 never say "well that's good enough"
I believe in my people and the parts they supply us with. I want to be #1 some day so I only look for the best of the best. I have been the man to beat in a lot of racing sports but I`m new to Drag Boat Racing and I`m at the bottom of the list.The first race we did last year I made it to the semi`s and lost by a nats ass. My first full year of Drag Boat racing I placed #3 and that's not good enough for me. I Eat, Sleep and Drink racing. It might be hard for you to under stand but that's been my life and most likely that`s how it will end(RACING).
You are happy with the pump you have and that's fine. I was happy with my Dom. The reason I changed pumps was to get more ET and more SPEED at a lower rpm to help make the motor last longer. My pump guy wanted me to change pumps to so I could ET with out all the Speed. He asked me what Class I was shooting for and I told him I want to make it to the 10.`s and go from there. He said OK how fast do you want to go? I said FAST man, Real FAST . He then told me that Speed does not win races ET does! Then he said that (I) was not ready for the 10`s, I needed to learn a few things first like the lights and how to drive with my head and not my foot. He then told me "wouldn't it be better to do a 10 at 90+ than at 100+?" Well I was lost but after he put the new Aggressor pump on I can see what he was talking about.We have not ran it on the clock yet but we have been testing all winter. We have burned up 110 gal of fuel testing. So as you can see I`v had this thing on the water a lot this winter, I can tell you that on MY Boat this Aggressor pump Kick`s ASS. My hole shot is out of this world.Go look at my web page, I posted a pic of a hole shot.( I will try to post a better one latter) This pump will Jump the hole boat out of the water from a standing start.It had a tail that was about 20+ feet high 50+ft long and we only ran it in the 80`s testing.I used the SAME nozzle set up I had on the dom and it "NEVER did that"! We are going to set up the boat to run 90 for this year.My pump guy is testing a new nozzle on it to try to bring that tail down a little.
I will post what the ET is at 90 and then you can see how good an Aggressor pump is.
I`m not saying you need one but you might want one if you ever gave one a try!
I`m not bashing you so Please don't start bashing me !
I just like to GO FAST!
www.worthingtonmotorsports.nasha.com (http://www.worthingtonmotorsports.nasha.com)And now your saying you have a lake boat, but when you read this post, it clearly sounds like you have a drag boat.
My absolute favorite quote from Slowy-EMAD-RR1/001 is right on his webpage
Well with me being a racer and all, I had to make some changes to the new boat. I just couldnt let anyone see me in a lake boat ."It has to look fast to be fast"I always say.
So is it a lake boat now? Shit, I'm confused!

Kim Hanson
08-12-2002, 10:37 PM
He did "DRUG'S" as a child!Let's give hime some slack-"NOT"....Look at those color's..70ish if more..LMAO.....

Kim Hanson
08-12-2002, 10:37 PM
How did you take that off "HIS" site and them not say they are going to take you to court on a "LAW-SUIT"?
[ August 12, 2002, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: Kim Hanson ]

Truth Be Told
08-13-2002, 04:40 AM
What's RR1 stand for? I would think that's "river racer 1", but who am I? Single seat, center steer "lake boat"? Where ya put the fish and ice chest? Hey, it's your boat though, call it what you like.

Truth Be Told
08-13-2002, 04:46 AM
"I'm a die hard racer" I don't hear too many lake boat owners say that, oh, I missed the back seat, guess you'll put the cape cod or whatever fish you catch back there. You use jigs or plastic worms?

RR1/ 001
08-13-2002, 09:03 AM
Single seat, center steer ??? Open your Eye`s! When did it change? It had the seat on the left hand side the last time I drove it and the wheel was over there too. :rolleyes: and yes I`m a die hard racer as I race every weekend.I have more than just a fast lake boat. eek!
HB can you not read??? It`s has to look fast....lol... It`s just a lake boat dumb ass! See there you go doing that turning thing again.
The point is: you told me to name the place and the time! So I did and have, you pussy and I`v named it about 6 times this year and your still a no show. Mr. 72.4 in 6sec you really wouldn't be much of a race anyway. when you can hit 85.0 in 4sec look me up. Until then it would be a waste of my time.
I think I hear Bill Bass calling me out to go fishing in my lake boat...LMAO.... :D
Oh kimmy, Yes we are :D
[ August 13, 2002, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: RR1/ 001 ]

08-13-2002, 09:36 AM
And RR1/001, can you read? Your saying you can't let anyone see you in a lake boat. Therefore implying the boat is not longer a lake boat, but a race boat since you bought it for racing.
So with all your wisdom tell me again, what is it, a lake boat, or a race boat? From your previous posts, and your webpage, it would appear to be a race boat. I really don't care which it is just as long as you clear up the confusion. Also, how many lake boats do you know that have sponsers? I think yours would be the only one......
About turning things around, well that's funny, because I only use your posts to so you how what you say today, contradicts what you have said before.
So lets stop playing the games, I've never posted under another name, but you however have 3, and you say the other two characters (Slowbot and E.M.A.D.) are your pit crew members...........what a minute, your telling me not only does your lake boat have sponsers, but it also has a pit crew? Shit Slowy, what are you going to tell me next, you have T-Shirts of your lake boat for sale too?

08-13-2002, 09:57 AM
Man one thing about you guys you do keep the threads lively!You guys wait till i get my john boat with the electric trolling motor with 4 cat tractor batteries inline finished then we'll run these bad boys. :D

RR1/ 001
08-13-2002, 10:09 AM
So with all your wisdom tell me again, what is it, a lake boat, or a race boat? From your previous posts, and your webpage, it would appear to be a race boat. I really don't care which it is just as long as you clear up the confusion. Also, how many lake boats do you know that have sponsers? I think yours would be the only one......
About turning things around, well that's funny, because I only use your posts to so you how what you say today, contradicts what you have said before.
So lets stop playing the games, I've never posted under another name, but you however have 3, and you say the other two characters (Slowbot and E.M.A.D.) are your pit crew members...........what a minute, your telling me not only does your lake boat have sponsers, but it also has a pit crew? Shit Slowy, what are you going to tell me next, you have T-Shirts of your lake boat for sale too?
HBjetOK let look for the KEY Word`s here :
it would appear to be a race boat.
appear: Doesn't make it one dose it?
how many lake boats do you know that have sponsers?
About 15 to 20 that I know of why?
contradicts what you have said before.
hummm, You should know all about that one, "Pick the time and place and I`ll be there"...LOL... tell me some more!
You start out as a 70 mph boat on radar then you go to a 72.4 now 80`s what will it be next week 199mph on gps and radar?LMAO @ U dip shit
T-Shirts of your lake boat for sale too?
They are on the way, where do you want me to send your`s? BTW it say`s Aggressor on the back, are you sure you really want one?
HBjet I really don't think you want to talk about the crew, one of them is my ole lady and one of them is a not so nice little black guy that would love to kick the shit out of you . I think I would leave that one alone if I was you!
Just a hint if you want to talk shit to me, lets talk I`v got all day...

08-13-2002, 11:42 AM
[ August 13, 2002, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: HBjet ]

Truth Be Told
08-14-2002, 06:20 PM
NJBA dumped the 12sec. bracket because no one wanted to run that slow. The 99-00 seasons was won by an 18ft. Rogers with a single carb, 9.5/1 ski motor. That motor was then put in a Sanger hydro(#223) with a v drive and now runs 100 with no change to the engine. It ran 82 all day long in the Rogers. Boats both driven by a guy named Chad of Needles, Ca. RR1, should'nt you be going to your next race, is'nt your boating season over in ten days out there? And where does all your jet parts come from? The west coast. I guess that would be similar to me taking up Snow mobile racing in Orange County: Short season, parts in Canada. Bottom line, too much effort, too little rewards. Oh well, enjoy your long drives for BRACKET CLASS WINS (?)

RR1/ 001
08-14-2002, 10:28 PM
Lets see, IHBA had what ??? 2 races out there this year eek! WOW, I think I must move out there and I can race 2 times in one year.
I`ll pass, I like to race a little more than twice a year!

08-14-2002, 10:36 PM
RR1/ 001:
Lets see, IHBA had what ??? 2 races out there this year eek! WOW, I think I must move out there and I can race 2 times in one year.
I`ll pass, I like to race a little more than twice a year!Who was talking about IHBA? Besides, you have a lake boat, so you can run it all year long here.

RR1/ 001
08-14-2002, 10:39 PM
HBjet as I can see your still on the computer so that must mean that you are a "no show" this time also?

08-15-2002, 07:17 AM
RR1/ 001:
HBjet as I can see your still on the computer so that must mean that you are a "no show" this time also?I didn't know I was going to show up! Can you please explain as to when I agreed to tow out to Texas to drag race my lake boat?

08-15-2002, 10:40 AM
Can't you guys take this to another thread... seriously.

08-15-2002, 07:53 PM
HOT TIP......
[ August 15, 2002, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: Hallett19 ]