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04-27-2005, 01:48 PM
I have fun with these ya hoo's regularly - so do tell about the best ball bustin that you have done to them :)
a bout a year ago when my step daughther was living with us - we had one call ( and we where getting alot of volume ) so i got
tired and when i picked up the phone I could tell it was "one of them " so i started talking as if i was severly handicapped ( not so far off :D ) well my step daugher anna picked up on this and we got in an aurgument while on the phone while being severly "handicapped " and we argued for a good minute then hung up the phone - and where laughing - then the phone rings and guess who it was -- they where concerned about "us " and thought that somthing happend and wanted to make sure we where ok -- lmao - my wife said i was immature - i said no im not - :D

04-27-2005, 01:52 PM
Tell them that you're really interested in whatever it is they're schlepping but you have to take a pot off the stove. Then put the phone down and walk away.

04-27-2005, 01:53 PM
I just hang up. I don't even let them finish going through their rant.

04-27-2005, 01:58 PM
I've got caller ID. If it say "Out of Area", I always answer in my best 7-11 attendent voice, "This is Kurpal".
Most will hang up, some will ask for me and I'll tell them that is a new number and to stop calling. It has cut down the number considerably. If they continue to try to get me to send them money, I tell them, "I don't make good English, good bye". Works real good.

04-27-2005, 02:00 PM
Mine was with Credit Card companies, when they would call and offer us a "Free" credit card I would ask them if that means that I can charge it up and not have to pay anything back, they would obviously tell me NO, I would inturn tell them then it's not free is it? And hang up on them...

04-27-2005, 02:01 PM
Me: Hello?
Them: Hello sir, this is so and so from Bla Bla and Bla, can I speak to so and so.
Me: Sure, hold on, can I tell him who is calling?
Them: This is so and so, from Bla bla and bla
Me: ok, one moment.
Minutes pass.................
Me: Hello?
Them: is this Mr. so and so?
Me: No, hold on let me get him.
now is the time I go to the kitchen and make a big bowl of cereal.
Minutes pass........
Me: Hello?
Them: is this Mr. so and so?
Me: Yes it is, what can I do for you (chomping and chewing as loud and annoying as possible on my cereal)
Them: (goes into a five minute sales pitch, while I am still chomping and chewing on my cereal as loud and annoying as possible) Are you interested??
Me: I'm sorry, who were you looking for?
you get the just of it, but this can go on for a good half hour, or more. :D :D

04-27-2005, 02:07 PM
with caller I.D. I don't answer the phone if I don't know the #

04-27-2005, 02:09 PM
I get a lot of fun out of messing with them :notam:

04-27-2005, 02:18 PM
You know, it is real easy to sign up for the do not call list. www.donotcall.gov
They will stop calling you when you get on this list.
Isn't there a CD like the Jerky Boys or something of some crazy stuff they say? The funniest was the one where the guy acted like he was rubbing one out to the sound of the telemarketer.

04-27-2005, 02:21 PM
I always say: hey while I got you on the phone, Let me take a minute and tell you about the book of mormon. :D
They usually hang up then...jackasses

04-27-2005, 02:29 PM
You know, it is real easy to sign up for the do not call list. www.donotcall.gov
They will stop calling you when you get on this list.
Isn't there a CD like the Jerky Boys or something of some crazy stuff they say? The funniest was the one where the guy acted like he was rubbing one out to the sound of the telemarketer.
yea but where's the fun in that :D In my best chineese voise -- you neeevvvaa now -- how muck fun you have ya have

04-27-2005, 02:34 PM
My 13yo son answers all the 800 or no number callers. He can tie up and frustrate them for 15 minutes or better before they hang up. We keep track now to see how long they will last. .....in writing this it makes me think we need a life..... :(

04-27-2005, 02:36 PM
yea but where's the fun in that :D In my best chineese voise -- you neeevvvaa now -- how muck fun you have ya have
I just went online to get a free credit card and a trial of Viagra and gave them this # 707-***-2080. So now, in your best chineese voice you can say "Me so ho nee. Me ruv you rong time. :D

04-27-2005, 02:36 PM
My 13yo son answers all the 800 or no number callers. He can tie up and frustrate them for 15 minutes or better before they hang up. We keep track now to see how long they will last. .....in writing this it makes me think we need a life..... :(
And posting your life away on Hot Boat does not? :confused: :rollside: :rollside: :p

04-27-2005, 02:38 PM
And posting your life away on Hot Boat does not? :confused: :rollside: :rollside: :p
ROTFLMAO...wait...thats not funny. But i think thats the pot calling the kettle black ...if you know what I mean slim. :notam:
(fyi 23 posts per day for you and 2 for me) :p :idea:

04-27-2005, 02:39 PM
ROTFLMAO...wait...thats not funny. But i think thats the pot calling the kettle black ...if you know what I mean slim. :notam:
:yuk: :yuk: :crossx:

04-27-2005, 02:40 PM
This is my all time favorite subject...I used to get like 50 calls a day, so I started answering "Bueno.....No Habla Englis"......so anyway they would then enter me as a Spanish Customer and about a week later I start getting Spanish telemarketers calling....Then I pull the Switch to CRAZY WHITE REDNECK MAN! who is already pissed off enough that people come to this country and no speakka da englis...I ask them if they realize what fockin country this is and how do they have the nerve to call me speaking that shiznit! I don't get nearly as many calls these days :cool:

04-27-2005, 02:41 PM
:yuk: :yuk: :crossx:
I hear you loud and clear. A plus for you is the SMOKIN avatar. What dreams are made of........

04-27-2005, 02:42 PM
I am on the do not call list and still get this call every night between 6 and 8.
Its a recorded messages from a lady with what sounds like a New York accent. goes something like this "Hello, we have an important matter to discuss with you, this is not a sales call, please call blah blah blah..."
I freaking hate that chick now. :mad:
More than likely, that is a credit card company calling to get payment and they have the wrong number. Very common and not subject to the do not call list.
Double check to see if you are on the list, especially if you had an area code change. It is real easy to file a complaint at www.donotcall.gov and the fines are steep.
But really, and I posted this on another thread, the Telemarketers do not want to call people on the do not call list because their response rate has gone through the roof by not calling those people (and the fines are steep) but more importantly, it is much much more profitable to not call the people who don't want to be called.

04-27-2005, 02:46 PM
Has anyone ever bought anything from these lame ass telemarketers? I say shoot em all.

04-27-2005, 02:58 PM
I have a cd called Revenge of the Telemarketer...I heard in KROQ a few years back...it is the funniest shit I have ever heard! This guy calls a potential customer about a carpet cleaning service that is available in his area...
ring ring
Customer: Hello
Sales guy: Hi, I was calling to inform you of a cleaning service that is available in your area.
Customer: Thank God you guys called....do you remove blood
Sales: why yes we can try to remove blood stains
customer: A lot of blood....on the capret..the walls...the drapes
Sales guy: (still being serious) we can definatly do the best we can in removing blood stains
customer: Ok can you come today....right now?
sales guy: Ok let me see if I can get a tech out there
customer: no I only want you to come...no one else
sales guy: well I am not the carpet cleaner...just the sales guy
customer: No deal unless you come....would you help me move a body?
it goes on and on....I dont think I have ever laughed so hard...there are a ton like that on this CD

04-27-2005, 03:12 PM
I just went online to get a free credit card and a trial of Viagra and gave them this # 707-***-2080. So now, in your best chineese voice you can say "Me so ho nee. Me ruv you rong time. :D
dam company phone lol -- so you want my e mail too lol :eek:
sighned - ME sofuc'd lol :D

04-27-2005, 03:47 PM
I am on the do not call list and still get this call every night between 6 and 8.
Its a recorded messages from a lady with what sounds like a New York accent. goes something like this "Hello, we have an important matter to discuss with you, this is not a sales call, please call blah blah blah..."
I freaking hate that chick now. :mad:
Is that Mrs. Burton? She calls me all the time too!!

Krazy K
04-27-2005, 03:59 PM
--Is Debbie there?--
Debbie? Debbie's kinda busy right now, my dick's in her mouth!
Damn, I gotta see that movie again soon!